The Unseen Angel in MHA


A few weeks after I defeated All For One, I put in my retirement from the Underground hero agency. I was still the contracted hero of the Japanese government, but they barely gave me missions. That's when I showed up at U.A. as the new hero studies teacher, my Uncle gave me all the plans he had for the kids for the rest of the year. It gave me pretty much everything I would need to get through the rest of this year without too much trouble. Meanwhile, my Uncle sold his house and moved into a condo near his protege's house, he said he would come to U.A. still just as an advisor.

"Akihiko! I heard you were becoming a teacher here! Now I finally have someone I can talk to without blowing my brains out!" Hizashi says while giving me a bro hug in the teacher lounge. Shota who was sitting next to me and showing me the ropes sighed at Hizashi's entrance.

"Hey idiot he is trying to learn about his duties before his first day starts in a few hours," Shota says to Hizashi just waves his hands dismissively at Shota.

"Yeah and he is a super genius, just give him the itinerary to memorize and he will be fine," Hizashi says motioning to me.

"Akihiko! It's been too long! Shota told me you got All Might's old position," I hear Nemuri's voice say as I turn to see her enter in her very tight hero uniform that is school appropriate. I'm not wearing my hero uniform since my Underground hero uniform is no longer necessary.

'I might have to come up with something just to wear a uniform,' I think to myself as Nemuri comes over to hug me as Hizashi and Shota argue about my introduction to being a teacher.

"Hey Nemuri, been a while. How've you been?" I ask her as she gives me a friendly hug.

"You know, same old same old. Though I'm glad you are working here now, it's gonna be like old times now that the four of us are all together again," Nemuri says with a smile as Hizashi and Shota stop arguing to agree with what she said.

"Fuck you're right! This is gonna be the best!" Hizashi says realizing that the four of us are going to be working together moving forward.

"True, this is gonna be good," Shota says with a tired smile. Then we hear the bell signaling the start of the school day.

"Sorry Akihiko, we were almost done anyway, but if you have any more questions you can ask me anytime," Shota says as he goes to his classroom, with Hizashi and Nemuri staying waiting for their first class period to show up.

We three catch up as I finish finalizing learning what it means to be a teacher here, plus my duties as the new Hero studies teacher. My co-teacher is the hero known as Snipe who introduced himself and is helping me learn what is required of us here.

"Not gonna lie, Akihiko you might want to consider finding a hero costume to teach in. I get your last job was not on the books so to speak, but you should still think about wearing a hero uniform. Today we have to teach 1-A in order to prepare them for the provisional hero license exam," Snipe says to me after we finish going over my required duties and where we are at in the school year for each class we teach.

They are getting it early since they've been dealing with these villains that have a weird obsession with the class. I contemplated what to do about my uniform, but figured that I don't really care. I just decide that I will wear black suit pants, black dress shoes, and a white suit shirt without a tie. Snipes is going to teach 1-B but gives me a curious look as I make my way to the area where 1-A will be meeting us since I'm just wearing my normal clothes. Midnight, Ectoplasm, and Cementoss would be helping teach the kids alongside me to learn an 'ultimate move' to help them during their provisional hero license exam.

Shota is waiting with his class as I and the three other teachers show up, the class looks over and seeing me becomes intrigued. Some of them recognize me from seeing me in the past, either talking with Shoto during the sports festival or seeing me at I-Expo. They each give different reactions, the ones who don't know me give me curious looks, while Bakugo gives me an angry glare, Midoriya gives me a happy smile, and Shoto gives me a nod of hello. The pink girl Mina gives me a very happy expression remembering that Rumi is my wife it seems.

"Hello everyone, my name is Akihiko Yagi. I'm going to be your new hero studies teacher, you can call me Mr. Yagi," I say to them as they all nod in greeting at me.

"I'm sure you're all aware that All Might is no longer a full-time teacher here. Time seems to have caught up with him and he decided to retire, he will stop in once in a while just to check on your progress," I say to them and they all nod in understanding.

"Good, then we are going to try to get you kids ready for the provisional hero license exam, by making you all come up with an 'Ultimate move'. We only have a week to help you all make a possible 'ultimate move', if you don't come up with one by the end of the week it is not a big deal," I say to them with the teachers nodding behind me as they briefed me on what we are doing today. They wanted me to talk so the kids become more familiar with me.

"I will be using my quirk to help train you each individually, while the other teachers watch you and try to help you come up with a move," Ectoplasm says after I finish talking.

The day starts with the kids going to separate areas with a clone of Ectoplasm to help them train, while the rest of us watch the kids and see if we can give them any advice. I read each of their files and memorized their quirks and current abilities with them. Shoto and Midoriya, I'm already familiar with their quirks and might be able to give the best advice too. As the kids are all training, I see Midoriya standing there with a clone of Ectoplasm talking, so I make my way over.

"Everything ok?" I ask once I arrive.

"Midoriya, is having trouble coming up with a quirk since it usually injures him," the clone says to me and I nod.

"Ectoplasm, I will talk with Midoriya you can leave. I will take it from here," I say to the clone who shrugs and falls apart leaving Midoriya to me.

"Mr.Yagi…..I'm not sure you can help me. I know you know about my quirk—" Midoriya  starts to say nervously.

"Stop. I know more about this quirk than you do probably. Not sure if you didn't notice, but All Might is my Uncle. I learned about his quirk years ago, so I should be able to help you," I say interrupting him and he gives me a surprised look but nods his head.

"You are weak, very weak. No matter how much you train your body physically it appears that the quirk will be too much for you to handle," I say crushing him as his face turns sad at my truthful statement.

"But that doesn't mean you can't properly use the quirk. You look up to All Might and idolize him, that much is obvious. Just because you are to become All Might's successor doesn't mean you must become just like him. You need to find a good way for you to fight, using your arms is not work, so try your legs they are the strongest part of the human body anyway," I say before his hopes get completely crushed and he gives me a very thoughtful look, before smiling happily.

"You're right Mr. Yagi!" Midoriya says with a smile.

"Good then come at me," I say while taking a few steps back and motioning for him to attack me.

Midoriya nods his head, remembering my quirk and seeing that I'm stronger than even All Might. He launches himself off the ground and goes to kick me as I just stand there and bring my arm up easily blocking the attack which does have some power behind it but nowhere near as much as my Uncle in the past. I just raise an eyebrow waiting for him to continue, he then runs around and begins to launch himself at me and landing kicks on me with more power behind each kick each time they land. After a few minutes of fighting Midoriya lands and seems to be slightly out of breath after giving it his all against me it appears.

"You are getting better, but you lack the power behind your strikes. You need to find a safe way of unleashing your quirk to add more power behind your attacks," I say as we take a small break.

"Mr. Yagi is right young Midoriya. Though maybe we should consider updating your costume to help you better use the quirk," my Uncle says while walking over to us as it seems he stopped by to see how the kids are doing.

"I guess..." Midoriya says with a thoughtful look.

"Then I will leave you to it, I'm gonna check on the other kids," I say leaving them to discuss that possibility.

I walk around and see the kids doing all sorts of exercises to find a way to help them. I stop to watch Bakugo the kid with anger issues, he appears to fight very aggressively. This kid reminds me of a more bloodthirsty underground hero in the way he fights, but his quirk is too flashy along with his attitude to become one. I watch him blasting away with his quirk as the clone of Ectoplasm is trying to give him pointers on using it better. Though it seems Bakugo doesn't take advice too well, as he ignores the clone.

"Hey chihuahua, you are letting your emotions overrule you. Making using your quirk better almost impossible," I say to Bakugo as the clone snickers hearing my nickname for the kid.

"Chihuahua?! What's that supposed to mean?! What would you know about my quirk?!" Bakugo yells at me with anger very prevalent in his voice.

"Ectoplasm, I'll take this one from here too. Midoriya is with All Might, you might want to check on them," I say to the clone as he nods and goes to find the two. Me ignoring Bakugo seems to piss him off further, as I can hear him grinding his teeth even a few meters away from him.

"You should see someone about your anger issues. The longer you let your emotions control you, the harder it will become for you to use your quirk properly and become a good hero," I say to him and he grunts in anger at me.

"Like I said what'd you know?!" Bakugo says while glaring at me.

"More than you know. Instead of just releasing your emotions like an explosion, maybe try controlling them and focusing on the fight you find yourself in. There is always a chance you run into someone who is stronger than you," I say to him.

"Really?! Cause All Might would be the only one who could have been stronger than me!" Bakugo growls at me with his overconfident attitude.

I sigh before appearing before him, he jumps in surprise and is about to react, but I move again behind him. Then I grab him by the back of the neck lifting him up, squeezing just hard enough to make him realize that I could have broke his neck before he could react. I then drop him to the ground as he coughs from the neck grip and ribs his neck.

"See your pride dis–" I say before he blasts me with his quirk, but I block it with my fire.

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