The Unseen Angel in MHA


With a sigh, I block the attack from Bakugo's attack not moving from my spot. Since it seems I need to show him that sometimes there are some people you can not surpass out there. He rushes around me and blasts one explosion after another at me, while I simply stand still and my fire easily blocks each strike against me. I can tell some of the other students have stopped training to see this spectacle Bakugo created.

"Fight me! Why aren't you moving?! Can all you do is block me?!" Bakugo yells at me in anger as his attacks increase in strength and amount.

"Why? You can do nothing against me, you are weak," I say with a neutral tone, which only pisses him off further. Though he needs to realize that he has a good quirk, but it doesn't make him invincible.

"AHHHH!" he screams in anger finally letting his emotions control him as his blasts become more erratic.

I let a few more minutes pass before I decide to call Rumi just to pass some time. Seeing me take him with little regard makes him even angrier, though hopefully, the little psycho will tire himself out soon.

"Hey babe, what's up? Wait what is happening?! Are thoughts explosions?!" Rumi says answering her phone and then hearing Bakugo's attacks.

"Yeah the angry blondie from U.A. is trying to hurt me but he is way too weak," I say loud enough for Bakugo to hear me as his angry screaming becomes louder.

"Wow, ok, taking some training methods from my hand book are you?" Rumi says with a chuckle.

"Well with this walking anger issue, I have to," I say since this kid really could use some mental help.

"Sounds like he has some real problems. Oh! Don't forget tonight is gonna be another long session," Rumi says with a suggestive voice at the end as we've been much more active in our attempts at getting her pregnant. She isn't pregnant yet and my only assumption is that since I'm an angel it is much harder for me to impregnate a mortal.

"I look forward to it, love you," I say with a happy smile and then hang up.

It takes a few more minutes for the crackhead to tire himself out. He can last almost twice as long as Midoriya using his quirk at full strength. He crouches over with his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath as he overworked himself. Though I can still see a very angry looking expression on his face.

"So, do you understand now how much weaker you are compared to me?" I say to him with my arms crossed and he just looks at me with a glare.

"You're letting your emotions cloud your judgment. I know what it is like trying to control your emotions, but the longer you don't learn to control them the harder it will be to control them later," I say as he grunts hearing my statement.

"If you keep thinking you are above everyone else it will lead to the end of your hero career or death. Just like who you got captured by the villains a few months ago," I say to him and he looks back at my face with an angry look, but a nervous one too remembering his capture.

"So then what do you suggest, o great sensei," Bakugo says with heavy sarcasm after having caught his breath, though his attitude has calmed down enough for him at least.

"Either see a professional about your anger problems or learn a way to control them yourself. You could try meditating or exercising, but you seem to do that already and it doesn't appear to be helping you with your issues," I say with a shrug since everyone has their own way of learning to control their anger. Bakugo just snorts at my answer.

"There are a couple of counselors here that I'm going to have you see about this issue. Every day after school you will now be required to see on for atleast an hour before leaving," I say to him as after class I will send an email to one of the councilors about it. Bakugo grits his teeth and seems to want to yell his disapproval to me, but holds back for whatever reason.

"Fine," Bakugo says with a slightly defeated expression. Seems he realizes the vast difference in our strengths.

"So what is your quirk? Just fire? Cause you also seem to have enhanced speed and strength," Bakugo says to me after we stare at each other for a few seconds in silence once he agrees to my demand.

"Something like that," I say to him with a shrug, he just glares at me hearing my lack of an answer.

"Don't worry about my quirk, we aren't here to train me, but you," I say motioning for him to continue the training. He just shoots me one last glare before going back to his training and I motion for Ectoplasm to send another clone over.

I then walk around looking at the other students who went back to training after watching Bakugo get put in his place. I stopped by Shoto to see how he has progressed since Rumi and I have last seen him. I notice his fire has gotten much stronger, hotter, and lasts much longer. Seems my training with him wasn't in vain, though I did hear from Rei that Endeavor seems to be slowly seeing the mistake he made with his obsession with my Uncle after my Uncle retired a few weeks ago now.

"You are getting much better with your fire," I say to Shoto who turns to me hearing me, the clone of Ectoplasm was just watching Shoto use his quirk.

"Thanks Mr. Yagi," Shoto says with a nod, but I can see the amusement in his eyes at calling me Mr. Yagi.

"For you, I'm Uncle Akihiko and I will always be no matter how much older you get," I say to him with a chuckle. He just smirks but nods his head.

"Let me see how much stronger you've gotten," I say motioning for him to blast me. He nods before sending his most powerful wave of fire at me. His fire is getting much closer to his father now, I feel after having blocked it.

"You're getting much stronger, that is good," I say with a smile and he nods back at me with a small smile on his face.

"So what are you doing to try to increase your ability?" I ask him after seeing the change in the strength and heat of his fire.

"I was thinking of trying to use both my fire and ice at the same time. Also if possible combine them," Shoto says with a thoughtful look.

"Well keep up the good work," I say before taking my leave and going around checking in with the last of the students.

The week goes by very quickly as the students do everything in their power to increase their quirk's strength. Bakugo has calmed down significantly around me, though he has his normal outburst once in a while. The counselor he is seeing is slowly working with him on his anger issues. Though at the end of the week, only a handful of students made any real progress with their quirk. While the others did strengthen theirs, they did not come up with an 'Ultimate Move' as we would have wanted them to.

Bakugo came up with a move called 'A.P. Shot' where he concentrates his quirk in one hand for a few seconds to overcharge it, thus making a very precise and powerful explosion. A student with a crow/raven head named Fumikage Tokoyami came up with a move called 'Abyssal Black Body', the dark creature inside him named 'Dark Shadow' covers the upper half of Fumikage's body and protects him like a suit of armor. Seeing this creature my angelic senses tell me it is a type of demon, but after seeing it and spending time with him I can see it is not a demon one hundred percent making me have to research more about him.

Midoriya found a new way to use One For All, by fighting now with his legs instead of his arms. He also improved his hero outfit letting him better use his quirk, by doing what he calls 'Full Cowl' which lets him use more of One For All without being heavily injured. Mina the pink girl made a move called 'Acid Veil' which is just her using her quirk to make a shield of acid as a defense. A girl with earphone jacks on her ears called Kyoka Jiro made a move called 'Distortion' which allows her to plug her earphone jacks into the ground and cause it to rupture.

A kid called Denki Kaminari, whose quirk is electricity which reminds me of the once hero I killed Thunderclap. He made a move called 'Sharpshooting' where much like Bakugo concentrates his quirk into a beam of electricity directing it to one thing in particular. A girl whose quirk is invisibility called Toru Hagakure made a move called 'Light Refraction' which does exactly as it sounds, using her quirk to reflect light for a few seconds blinding anyone who looks.

Lastly, a girl who like Rumi has a quirk that gives her the abilities of an animal called Tsuyu Asui, whose quirk imitates a frog. The move she made is called 'Camouflage' and does what it means, turning her invisible for a short period of time. The other students didn't have enough time to come up with any 'ultimate move' but still were able to better understand and improve their quirks. The day came were I along with Shota and my Uncle took the kids to the exam area where they would test to get their provisional hero licenses.

After we bring the kids to their waiting area, Shota, my Uncle, and I all head to the area where we would wait and watch the kids. The other teachers from other schools were there too, along with some of the proctors for the exam. I sit and talk with Shota while we are waiting for it to begin. We both talk about the kids and if we think they will pass. We hear the one proctor talk to the students that came across the country to take the exam at his location speak.

There are about 1,500 students in attendance for orientation. He tells them the exam used to hold a 50 percent passing rate for participants. Due to recent events like Stain's arrest and All Might's retirement, the exam was modified to be much more exclusive in its vetting processes and now less than 10 percent of students can pass. The exam has a new focus on speed while encouraging teamwork and communication between participants. The new version of the exam hopes to only entitle the best students available in order to fill the gap left behind by All Might.

We can see the students all become restless at this news and all begin to murmur as they take in the news. Then the proctor tells them that the police requested that the exam's focus be on students' ability to cooperate with each other. Both phases of the exam are meant to test the student's ability to work together. The first phase emphasizes teamwork and combat ability. The final phase focuses more on decision making and how students adjust to their role in disaster situations. With that, he tells them to enter the first phase of the exam.

"You think the kids will pass, now that the exam just became that much harder?" Shota asks my Uncle and me who heard what changed now too. I can see my Uncle feels slightly guilty for being one of the reasons the exam became harder.

"Maybe not them all, since some haven't improved their quirk enough I feel," I say to them and they both nod in agreement.

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