The Unseen Angel in MHA


As I arrived with Eri, Rumi seemed to have quickly gotten one of the empty rooms ready for her. I brought her inside and laid her on the bed in the room so she could continue to sleep. Afterward, I got in the shower and changed into my normal clothes.

"So…what exactly happened?" Rumi asks me while I'm in the shower and is very curious for obvious reasons.

"The mission was finding her, as the Yakuza was holding her for her quirk. Seems they found a way to use her ability, to eliminate quirks from people by shooting them with a poisoned bullet," I say to Rumi summarising the basics.

"Shit! You're letting me those bastards would hurt her just to get her ability?" Rumi says with some anger.

"Yeah, the one in charge burned and the rest are gonna get what they deserve," I say to Rumi thinking about the battle.

"Good. Does she really have no family?" Rumi asks as I step out of the shower.

"Apparently the only family she has left is her grandfather. He is the head of the Yakuza family and green-lighted the experiment on her. So yeah she has no family and we can't put her in foster care, so…" I say while drying off and then change, but give Rumi a look suggesting that maybe we could adopt her.

"That piece of shit…though we will have to see how she likes living here," Rumi says with a nod and looks excited about the possibility of us adopting her.

"That's what I thought too. I should also tell you, she appears to have either ancestry involving an angel or somehow her soul has been blessed to be similar to one. When I found her she gave off a lessened feeling that I got from my brother. She also feels it from me, so in a way she may be like me," I say to Rumi as I finish changing into my clothes.

"Really?! Huh, well then maybe you can help her in that regard," Rumi says with a thoughtful expression. I just nod agreeing with her.

Rumi runs out to buy some clothes and other things for Eri, Rumi wants to take Eri out shopping for more things. Rumi came back about ten minutes before Eri woke up and she woke up just in time for lunch. Eri took a decent nap, then walked out to the noise in the kitchen of Rumi showing me what she bought while I cooked.

"Hi…" Eri says nervously entering the kitchen still wearing her ragged outfit.

"Hey, I'm cooking lunch and I'm almost done. This is my wife Rumi and my name is Akihiko, I was the masked hero that took you out of that place," I say to Eri while Rumi smiles at her.

"I know…you feel the same as the hero. Hello Ms.Rumi," Eri says to me with a nervous smile and gives the same nervous smile to Rumi.

"Hello to you too," Rumi says, and looks like she wants to just squeeze her in a tight hug, but is holding back.

"Eri, Rumi bought you some real clothes. How about you go shower or take a bath, then change into the clothes. Lunch will be ready once you're done," I say to her and she nods while Rumi goes to show her the bathroom she can use.

After about twenty minutes Eri comes back out clean and changed into her new clothes. She stands at the entrance of the kitchen awkwardly as I place the food on the table.

"Come sit down and eat," Rumi says patting a chair next to her. Eri nods and sits down to eat.

After we finish eating Rumi asks if Eri wants to go shopping to get more things for her. Eri nods her head in agreement with the same nervous look. We all head out with Eri sticking close to me since the feeling she gets from me makes her attached to me easier. She looks at my hand for a few seconds before I smile down at her and take her hand. Rumi looks me a jealous look at how close Eri has gotten to me in such a short time, even though it has to do with the angelic bond we have. After a few hours of shopping and getting all the things Eri picked out with was very little since she is not used to this. So instead Rumi picked out the rest of the crazy amount we bought and once home we properly set up her room with Eri's little input.

"Mr.Akihiko, why do you feel so different then everyone else?" Eri asks me once we get home and finish setting up her room. Rumi looks at me curiously about how I'm going to respond.

"Well like I said you are like me in a way. I'm not human fully. My body is human, but my soul is one of an angel. So if I focus enough I can bring out my angelic form," I say to Eri who gives me a confused but curious look. So I turn into my angelic form, making Eri's jaw drop at the sight of me in my angelic form while Rumi chuckles at her.

"WOW! You really are an angel! Wait! You said I'm like you?! Am I an angel too?!" Eri says first excited, then curious, and then back to excited again.

"Maybe not exactly like me, though you may have angelic blood. From an ancestor who was an angel or when you were born, your soul could have been blessed by god to have some angelic properties," I say to her while still in my angelic form, she is walking around me while inspecting me. She feels my wings and at their softness begins to hug one wing.

"Oh! How do I know, if I'm an angel like you?" Eri says to me as she hugs my one wing.

"I don't think you are since you can't call out wings, which every angel has. The number of wings differs per type of angel though, so you either have a special soul or ancestor," I say to her and she just nods her head enjoying my feathers.

Two months passed since Eri was brought home and she has gotten much more comfortable now. We also enrolled her into the best private school in the city since Rumi said we have the money and I didn't disagree. Eri is very slowly getting out of her shell since she is seeing a counselor once a week on the weekends for an hour. Eri has gotten completely attached to me and I've grown to see her as my daughter in this short time. This has to do with the kinship bond that angels naturally have with one another, Rumi shoots me many jealous glares because of this.

On my way home from work I stop by Eri's school to pick her up. As I'm waiting outside with the other parents, the moms look at me with lustful gazes. Rumi has gotten annoyed at the gossip about me among the other women, which I ignore. Then finally the kids get let out of the school as Eri is talking with some girls her age. She sees me and smiles running over to me.

"Hey, Eri who was school?" I ask her after she ran up to me with one of her friends.

"Good, this is my new friend Kon Emi," Eri says introducing me to the little girl next to her.

"Nice to meet you Eri's dad," Kon says and Eri gives me a nervous look since she hasn't called me dad yet. Though I know she sees me as a father figure since our bond has made us grow closer.

"Nice to meet you too," I say as Kon's parent shows up. Her mom and I have a short friendly conversation, I agree to have Kon over this weekend to hang out with Eri.

"So Eri–" I say to her as we walk home, but she quickly interrupts me nervously.

"Sorry! She called you my dad and I know I should have told her you're not my dad," Eri says very nervously and with a scared face, it seems she is afraid to lose Rumi and me.

"Relax Eri, I'm in no way anger about that," I say to Eri and give her a hug calming her down. She stiffened up in the hug at first but relaxed after a few seconds of hearing my statement.

"I was gonna tell you, that Rumi and I were discussing officially adopting you. That is if you want us to," I say to Eri after breaking the hug and giving her a curious look. Rumi is gonna be mad that I talked to Eri about this without her, but I felt bad seeing her panicked look.

"Really?" Eri says in an almost too quiet voice while giving me a nervous look.

"Yes," I say to her.

"Thanks!" Eri says jumping back into my arms and crying slightly. I just hug her back and carry her home the rest of the way, as she snuggles into my arms.

Rumi came home an hour later and was upset that I told Eri about it, but after hearing why understood my reason. Then we celebrated the good news that night with a special dinner that I cooked. A week later Rumi and I got all the official papers that stated Eri was our daughter, and Eri's new last name was now mine.

"By Mom and Dad!" Eri says calling us mom and dad for the first time as she runs inside her school. Rumi was on the verge of tears in happiness being called mom, while I smiled and waved Eri goodbye.

"Let's have another," Rumi says with a happy and joking laugh as we walk away from the school. I just laugh with her and pull Rumi close to me as we walk home. Though we are still not taking any measures to ensure she doesn't get pregnant.

Another week passed since we officially adopted Eri and U.A. was having the school festival at the end of this week. Rumi took off for that day and Eri wanted to come to see it, plus see the people who helped save her again was always nice. As a teacher, all I have to do is walk around and make sure nothing crazy happens, so I can walk around with my family. Rumi texted me when she and Eri arrived, so I went to the gates of the school to meet them. I dragged Shota along too since he helped save Eri also and Eri wants to thank him also.

"Hey guys," I say walking over to Rumi and Eri who are looking around that the school festival ahead of them. Shota is walking behind me like a zombie since he is tired and his class has annoyed them with their usual shenanigans. They both wave at us as we approach them.

"This is so cool! How come my school doesn't do this?" Eri says with stars in her eyes as she looks around at everything in excitement.

"They do, just you joined after they held it," Rumi says with an apologetic look and Eri just nods her head in understanding.

"Hey, Uncle Shota!" Eri says to Shota after being adopted by us and calling Rumi and my best friends Uncle or aunt.

"Hey kiddo," Shota says perking up slightly at Eri's contagious happy attitude.

"Why so tired Shota? You realize that you could sleep when you get home instead of staying awake," Rumi says with a chuckle seeing Shota's usual tired state.

"Ha, ha," Shota says with heavy sarcasm in his voice and glares at Rumi.

"Mom! Can you check out all the activities?" Eri says after looking back around at all the stalls and other things set up around the school.

"Sure! Shota and your dad can give us a tour too," Rumi says with a smile at Eri's excited look, while Shota grumbles slightly at having to walk around more.

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