The Unseen Angel in MHA


We spent the day walking around U.A. and showing Eri around. We stopped and watched class 1-A's band performance. They weren't terrible, but it is good they decided to become heroes and not performers. Afterward, we finished going around looking at the remaining activities. Eri even got to meet some of the students from class 1-A and thanked them again for helping her.

After another week, Rumi got an invitation to the Hero Billboard event. The Hero Billboard Event shows the top ten heroes live in Kamino Ward. Each of the top ten heroes and their new ranking is revealed one by one in descending order. Each hero is given a chance to speak live at the event. We are going together with Hizashi and Ryuko, as Ryuko got the invite too. Hizashi, Eri, and I walked inside the event building, as Rumi and Ryuko left to go backstage.

"Good luck mom and Aunt Ryuko!" Eri says waving goodbye to Rumi and Ryuko as they both smile back and wave goodbye to her.

"I'm surprised they didn't ask you to be the announcer," I say to Hizahsi with a teasing voice as we walk inside to our table.

"Thank God! I'd rather not take all the attention away from my wife or the other heroes," Hizashi says back with heavy narcissism. I just laugh and shake my head, while Eri giggles at his joke.

We take our seats near the front left side of the stage, where the heroes would come onto and speak. The announcer will call each hero out onto the stage from number ten to number one, then let them speak to the country about what they will do with these new rankings. The last time this event was held was when my Uncle took the number one spot, now that he retired they are holding it again in hopes of giving the country a new symbol of peace. While at the same time showing the villains or would-be villains who will be there to stop them.

Once the top ten heroes are bought onto the stage, in order Hizashi, Eri, and I cheer for both Ryuko and Rumi. Then after everyone stands on the stage a representative of the main hero agency gives a speech about the current issues and how they are fighting against them. I can see that Keigo Takami or 'Hawks' is still the same arrogant prick as he is whispering something to Endeavor, plus he walked up there like he was the shit.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Eri asks me seeing my annoyed face as I glare at Keigo. Hizashi looks over and sees me glaring at him too.

"Nothing, don't worry," I say breaking my glare and patting her head reassuring her. Eri is sitting between Hizashi and me as he just smirks.

"Your dad doesn't like the number two hero called 'Hawks', he was in our class at U.A. when we were younger. They had a rivalry… well more like Hawks didn't like your dad because not only is your dad way stronger, but married your mom too," Hizashi says to Eri explaining the situation, while I just give him a deadpan look.

"Oh, Ok!" Eri says seemingly understanding everything he said.

"I'm not sure I deserve this spot as the number ten hero…I feel I could have done better and saved more people," Ryuko says once the mic is handed to her for her small speech. I just chuckle at the unexpected statement she made.

"I told her to say something more reassuring but…well that didn't pan out," Hizashi says with a defeated sigh, Eri giggles at his exaggerated sigh. The next couple of heroes speak and the mic is handed to Rumi.

"Should've tried to convince her better," I say with a small laugh.

"For those of you planning evil deeds right now… prepare to be sent flying by me!" Rumi says with high confidence and a smile, showing she is ready for a fight. I sigh now too since Rumi told me she prepared a short statement.

"I knew I should have had her tell me her statement," I say after the sigh.

"Ha! Now, who is the idiot?!" Hizashi says smirking at me, while Eri laughs at our bickering. Then during the hero 'Edgeshot' statement, Hawks interrupts it to speak up like the asshole he is.

"Who's gonna be happy listening to that?... Stain?" Hawks says referencing the hero killer who I took down a few months back. Silence overtakes the room while most heroes shoot him glares, myself included. We see Rumi and Edgeshot bicker with Hawks before he takes the mic from the announcer to take over the event it seems.

"This fucking guy," I say with heavy annoyance and slight anger at his attitude.

"Dad! Mom said no cursing!" Eri says to me after hearing me curse. Hizashi lets out a snort and coughs on his drink.

"If we're just talking approval ratings… Best Jeanist is number one with the boost he got from being on hiatus," Hawks says before flying up in the air to show off and bask in the attention.

"Second is me, third is Edgeshot, and fourth is Endeavor. I'll skip the rest. I think the approval rating is the most important number right now, though," Hawks continues to say as he flies above everyone, like he is better than them.

"Is this really the time to be dragging out the past? You don't think we need to change how we do things? The Symbol is gone. At this 'critical juncture', why are those less accomplished than me playing it safe?" Hawks says tempting me to smack him from his height.

"Say something that sounds more hero-like… That's all from me," Hawks says with a smirk on his face at the end.

"He is a jerk. Are we sure he isn't a villain?" Eri says with an annoyed face too now, especially after he called Rumi useless in a way.

"I'd only be so lucky," I say with a grumble agreeing with her. Hizashi just nods his head in agreement.

"Now, go ahead, number one hero with a lower approval rating than me," Hawks says handing over the mic to Endeavor who looks like he wants to burn Hawks to nothing. He then relaxes before speaking into the mic.

"After that young person has fanned the flames, I won't say much… Just watch me," Endeavor says trying to mimic my Uncle's charisma it seems. Hawks just give a slow sarcastic clap while everyone is watching in silence.

"I want to say something else," Rumi says with some annoyance in her voice. Endeavor looks over at Rumi holding the mic still for a few seconds, before handing it back to her. Hawks glares at her as he's come to hate her and me deeply for our past issues.

"Does anyone here know who is the best hero of Japan? Each country picks one hero to represent them, before All Might had that spot maybe not on paper, but he was it. Then the government found another hero to take that spot, so are any of us really in the top ten heroes?" Rumi says shooting both Endeavor and Hawks a glare. She is referencing me, my position isn't a top secret anymore since the public now knows my underground hero identity exists. Just not that I'm the person behind the mask.

"So Hawks does approval rating matter? If the government has someone who has done more than most people know and is stronger than anyone here?" Rumi says throwing it back in his face as Hawks looks like he wants to punch her. Endeavor sees me and shoots me a raised eyebrow in the crowd.

"Yes, it does. Sure the hero may be the strongest and has done a lot, but how come we don't know who is the 'best' hero then?" Hawks says to Rumi challenging her.

"Because the hero seems to not care about fame as you said, yet here you are trying to take the spotlight. Real heroes do what needs to be done without everyone knowing about it. At least someone I know told me that," Rumi says while giving me a sideways look. Hawks remembers I said that too at one point and sees me in the crowd now glaring at me.

"Seems the hero you are talking about is here," Hawks says seeing me, and smirks, as if he is trying to throw me under the bus, so to speak.

The whole crowd beings to murmur now since they've been curious too. As the whole country and world have been talking about the person who helped All Might fight All For One. Not only helped but easily defeated him too, the public figured they were an underground hero, but still everyone wanted to know who it was. I tense up trying to figure out what to do and the hero agency director in the back looks at me too.

Everyone who knows it is me is looking at me waiting for my response. I look at Eri and Hizashi who are both staring at me. With a sigh, I stand up and walk to the stage. As almost the whole crowd begins to murmur even more and the camera pans to me showing me to the world.

'I should have known that my identity would come out after taking the position as the chosen hero for the government,' I think to myself, having apparently been called out by even my wife.

"Sorry babe, but I've been talking with your Uncle and the hero director. They wanted you to become the next symbol," Rumi says to me whispering to me as I walk on the stage. If I didn't love her more than anything else, I'd be more than just annoyed.

She then hands me the mic as everyone goes quiet, with the heroes on the stage giving me mixed looks. Hawks looks at me like he won something making me want to slap him even more, while Endeavor gives me his signature grim look and Ryuko gives me a small smile. Eri is giving me a small wave while sitting next to Hizashi who is recording this on his phone with a shit-eating grin.

"Hello everyone, I was the hero that helped All Might in his time of need. My hero name is…was Rapture. I've stepped down from being a pro hero, as I've done everything I can to help people. Though I will always be there should the people need me, my position with the government will remain until I no longer can do it or they find someone else to take it," I say while looking out at the crowd. The whole place explodes in questions after a few seconds of silence once I finish talking.

"Ok everyone please calm down!" the announcer says taking the mic from me and trying to control the crowd.

"We have a lot to talk about later," I whisper to Rumi who gives me a nervous smile and nods.

"Seems the crowd has many questions, can I ask a few?" the announcer says to me once the place quiets down again. I just sigh and nod my head.

"You say you left being a pro hero, but will remain contracted to the government. How will that work?" the announcer asks me.

"Just as it did before when I was a pro hero. Should the government have something that normal heroes can't handle, they will call for me to step in," I say while looking at Hawks who glares at me.

"I see, is that why you stepped in for All Might when he was fighting that vicious villain?" the announcer asks me.

"Yes," I say with a shrug.

"Your quirk seems to be that of super strength like All Might, is that true? Would you consider yourself stronger than him or the other heroes that stand here?" the announcer asks me.

"My quirk gives me a lot of benefits, super strength is one of them. Am I stronger than All Might and these other heroes? Yes, just ask them if they ever beat me in a one-on-one. I was in Hawks class at U.A. and he could never beat me. Plus I beat the villain that pushed All Might to the limit, so you tell me if I'm stronger," I say to the announcer while side-eyeing Hawks who is pissed off at my statement.

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