The Unseen Angel in MHA


A few weeks have passed since the dual training with Class 1-A and 1-B. Since then the kids who didn't get their provisional hero licenses the first time got them this time on the make-up exam. Also, two groups of villains seemed to have clashed, one being the 'League of Villains' and the other a smaller corporate-like group of villains. The league won the fight and completely destroyed the corporate group, but the league members are still on the run.

Rumi and I heard some news that Endeavor attacked a truck that the league was driving or delivering the cargo to an unknown location. Seems the truck was carrying a life support tank, but it was empty upon opening the truck. There appears to be a new monster running around, which has all the heroes in the local area on high alert.

Since the villains have become more active, which is suspected that it is because my Uncle retired. Though I have a more sinister feeling as to why they are more active. Either way in late autumn, the Hero Public Safety Commission thought it urgent to train the new generation of Heroes so that they can cope with it and devises the 'Hero Work Recommendation Project'. This means it will allow the students across the country to act in their own 'hero agencies', though really it will be heavily regulated by the government.

Yokumiru Mera, the acting president of the HPSC, asks Nezu, my Uncle, and me to meet him at U.A. to explain the program. A month later Shota informs Class 1-A that they will participate in the U.A.'s safety program sponsored by the Public Safety Commission. They will be sent to Nabu Island, a remote place in southern Japan. The Pro Heroes who protected the island are about to retire, so the students will take care of the place until the arrival of new heroes. Shota warns them that, by regulation, teachers cannot be there to support them. So, if something happens, they are responsible for serving themselves.

Until the replacements arrive, Class 1-A will perform duties as real heroes acting like their own 'Hero Office'. Despite the responsibility that this implies, Nabu Island is a peaceful place with a crime rate that has been non-existent for thirty years, so the work will involve mostly minor deeds, although it is an excellent opportunity for the students to gain experience. Meanwhile, I got a call from Cathy who I haven't seen in almost a year now, as we've both been much busier.

"Hey cuz, I know we haven't seen each other in a while. But I could use your help here in the States. Something weird popped up and I don't think we have anyone capable of dealing with this," Cathy says to me as she knows that I'm a real angel too since I told her a few years back.

"Hey Cathy it sure has been a while, good to hear from you. Though, I assume this has to do with my abilities?" I say to her as I'm relaxing at home since all the hero studies kids are out in the new program made by the government.

"Yeah wouldn't need you otherwise! You saying I'm not capable?!" Cathy says with a teasing voice.

"I mean not that capable, you may be the top hero in the US, but are you really that strong?" I say back to her and hear her laugh at me.

"So when can you come?" Cathy says ignoring my remark.

"Tomorrow at the earliest, gotta tell Rumi and Eri," I say to her, Cathy has yet to meet Eri, but heard Rumi and I adopted her.

"Why don't you bring them?" Cathy says to me.

"I mean I guess I could, but this could be a dangerous mission. Plus they both have work and school to worry about," I say to Cathy since this is most likely demonic otherwise Cathy wouldn't have called me.

"Yeah makes sense, though once this is over, I'm gonna come over I want to see my Neice!" Cathy says to me.

"Technically she would be your cousin," I say to her.

"Nope, she is my little niece, plus you're more like my little brother anyway," Cathy says with a chuckle.

"Really? Last I remember I was the older one," I say back with a chuckle.

"Whatever, see you tomorrow. Come to my place," Cathy says with a snort and hangs up without waiting for my reply.

When Rumi come home after I picked up Eri from her school, I explain to them that Cathy called me and needed my help. They both wanted to come, but I talked them out of it and promised this summer we would go to visit my family from the US. I did say that Cathy would be coming back with me most likely after I help with her problem. The next day I grab my back which has enough things in it to last me a few days, which is how long I hope this takes in the worst-case scenario. After giving a hug and kiss to both Rumi and Eri, I turn to my angelic form and fly to Cathy's home which is an hour's drive from my grandparent's home.

"Cathy open up it's me!" I say knocking on her door and having returned to my normal form. Because of the time difference, I may have left my home in the morning, but it was the middle of the night here in the US.

"Fuck dude, I was trying to sleep!" Cathy says opening her front door and glaring at me.

"Sorry, not sorry," I say walking past her inside her home and placing my bag down.

"So you have anything I can look at to see what we're dealing with?" I ask Cathy who grumbles to herself at being woken up in the middle of the night.

"Yeah, got the files on the table. I'm gonna go back to bed. Don't wake me up again!" Cathy says shooting me one more annoyed glare before walking back to her bedroom upstairs.

I just chuckle at her attitude and read over the files Cathy left on the table. Seems she got me everything she could as even the secret files of the US government were available to read. I read over everything and easily memorized it all within the hour, from the information given seems we are most likely dealing with a demon. As for what kind that remains unknown, since this demon like the last one I deal with years ago is killing for their hearts. Though its victims seem random and show the homes are left in a bloody mess.

The demon has also left behind a message like the last one, with more warnings about the fall of humanity. That the end times are coming and the dark prince shall take his rightful place. These ramblings of the demons seem to be the same, but this time I noticed the demon had only a few hearts left needed, three to be exact. With this in mind, we have to find this possessed person sooner than later.

Once Cathy woke up we ate a quick breakfast and headed out to the last known location of the man. Arriving near the area I can sense the demonic energy all around, unlike the last one this demonic energy seems more sinister. The last one was from an incubus and the energy was calmer like it was trying to cloud your emotions, much like a drug. This one is like it makes your emotions go crazy and more volatile. This explains the crime scenes being so bloody, as the victims went crazy attacking anything in sight, even their own family.

"This is definitely a demon, though from the feeling I'm getting this demon is probably a follower of Beelzebub. The demon lord of the seventh layer, violence," I say to Cathy after entering the last known crime scene, which happened a few days ago.

"Ok and that means…" Cathy says looking at me since she has never looked into the demon side of things.

"Well there are nine layers of hell, and each layer is ruled by a demon lord or lady. They all serve under my brother Lucifer, Satan, the devil, whatever you want to call him. Each layer is meant for a certain type of sinner and each demon residing there represents those layers. The demon we are dealing with seems like one that just enjoys death and violence, hence the seventh layer of hell," I said while gesturing to the crime scene which is still extremely bloody. This one had the death of the family with the dad going crazy it seemed killing his wife and two kids.

"So then what does that mean and how do we deal with this? You said it was close to completing whatever ritual it wants to do, so how do we find it faster?" Cathy says to me while looking around the crime scene with an angry face.

"Not sure how we can find it faster, as this demon has no real pattern just random selection. If I get close enough to where it is, I can sense it but it could be anywhere. We can only hope the demon is there for the next victim. As for dealing with it, leave that to me. It has possessed whoever it is that it did and attacking them would only kill the person, leaving the demon to possess someone else. I need to burn the demon away with my holy fire," I say to Cathy as I'm unsure how to discover this demon easily, but dealing with it should be no problem.

"Fuck…this is getting shitty the more you tell me," Cathy says while rubbing her eyebrows in frustration.

"Sorry wish I could be more help, but the only other way is to fly slowly around the area at low altitude and search for its presence. I don't believe I have to tell you why that is a bad idea," I say to Cathy who just sighs and nods her head in understanding.

"Just means every time there is an emergency call about an assault, we will have to arrive quickly on the scene," Cathy says and I nod my head agreeing with her, as so far that seems our best bet.

We spend the rest of the day quickly making our way to every emergency call for an assault. So far none of them show any demonic energy, which makes me have an even more dreadful feeling. Seems I won't be getting any sleep for the next few days as I have to be there for every call.

"Cathy go home and sleep. I will call you should I find the demon," I say to Cathy who is struggling to stay awake now that we are on day two of answering the last several hundred calls.

"No, I can make it. Plus I want to see what this demon is like that way if this happens again I can know what it is like," Cathy says to me while trying and failing to hold back a yawn.

"I get it and I will call you should I find it," I say to Cathy who gives me a long look, but she nods her head, before heading off to sleep in her hero uniform.

'This fucker better show up soon,' I think to myself as I wait at the police radio for the next assault call.

"Please be advised we have a domestic dispute going on downtown. The neighbors said they hear a lot of screaming and breaking of objects," the radio says an hour after Cathy went to sleep.

With a sigh, I stand up and do a quick stretch before rushing off to the address given over the radio. Once I get a hundred meters away from the location I can sense the demonic energy finally. So I call Cathy to let her know as I rush even faster to the location.


AN: This weekend I will be busy, so no chapters until Monday the 10th. Sorry everyone but try to have a good weekend. Yes I know I left it on a cliffhanger, but have patience, my readers.

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