The Unseen Angel in MHA


As I show up at the house I enter it and see a family of three very recently killed. The three fought and killed each other, and their hearts were ripped from their chests. I follow the demonic energy that is heavily saturating the house. It leads me outside, as the police finally show up and Cathy runs over to me.

"Akihiko! Where is the demon?" Cathy says running over to me while looking around for any sign of it.

"Follow me, it left and I can try to follow its energy signature," I say to Cathy and run off in the direction the energy signature is leading me. Cathy nods her head and runs after me.

We follow the signature for about an hour until the presence becomes extremely strong. It lead us to an abandoned hunting cabin deep in the woods. Cathy and I share a look, before I walk inside the cabin with her right behind me. Entering the cabin it reeks of fresh and old blood, there is a trail that leads to a hatch in the back. Opening it I hear the chanting of the possessed man. Rushing down the stairs, the possessed man turns to me with a creepy smile. I blast him with my holy fire and kill the demon inside him, but it seems the demon accomplished ripping open a portal to hell.

"Uh…what the fuck is that?!" Cathy says to me seeing the portal of hell that shows a darkness that only the eyes of a demon or angel can see through. Without responding I blast the portal with my angelic fire, which consumes it.

"It was a portal to hell," I say letting out a sigh of relief that I was able to close it.

"What?! A portal to–" Cathy says before we both snap our attention back to the reopened portal.

"Fuck!" I say with deep worry, trying to think about a way to close it.

"Cathy cover me while I pray and see what I need to do. Remember kill anything that comes through, don't let them deceive you, and don't hold anything back," I say then get on my knees and pray to God.

"Listen I know we've never really talked nor have I really gone to church or anything like that, but I could really use your help. What do I do here to stop the portal from releasing hell on Earth?" I say to God, while I hear Cathy mutter under her breath and complain about the situation. After a few seconds of silence that felt like years of time due to the stress of the situation, I hear a voice.

"Hello, my son. I've been watching over you since you've been conceived. You are a very special individual, even in the realm of your brothers and sisters. Though now is not the time for that, to close this rift. You must go inside it and destroy the demon that made it, your fire sent them back to hell. Burning them inside hell, destroys them completely. Just remember I'm behind you my son of justice," God says to me with a voice that is extremely calm and reassuring, washing away all the stress I just felt.

"Cathy I have to go inside. You need to stay here, as a mortal you won't survive inside there. Plus we need someone to watch over this incase more demons come out. I'd suggest calling whoever you can and trust to come and help you. Anything that comes through there will most likely be more than you can handle," I say to Cathy who just gives me a hard look before nodding her head. I turn to my angelic form and walk through the portal as Cathy calls whoever.

As I enter I instinctively know this is the first level of hell. Known as 'Limbo' the place where those who do good things, but do not believe in god go. A discounted version of heaven, so to speak. My presence is immediately felt, as the lady of this place rushes over to me. I can see the once sister of mine, a fallen angel with one pair of black wings, showing she was one of the weakest types of angels. She was once a normal angel, but gained more power at her fall to be a demon lord, though the weakest of the nine.

She appears to be extremely pale, almost to the point that you can see through the skin. Bald head, with a red burning fallen halo above it which matches her deep red eyes. Along with her pair of black wings, she is wearing a black skin-tight dress, with a chain that has a head of a mace at the end attached to her hip. The only other thing that stands out is her pointed ears matching those of demons.

"A seraphim? What is one of the highest angels doing in hell?... You have not fallen I can sense the power of… 'father' inside you still," Zariel the lady of the first layer of hell says to me with extreme hate at the word 'father'.

"I'm here to destroy a demon who has attempted to open a rift to the mortal plane. Stand aside or I make you," I say to her as my holy fire swirls around me extremely agitated since we are in hell itself.

"If I step aside, what is to stop me from going through this portal myself and wreaking havoc once you leave?" Zariel says to me with a smirk and shows no fear of my threat.

"I will hold you personally responsible. Then strip you of our powers, before banishing you to the furthest level of hell where you can suffer for eternity. By my once brother himself," I say to her with a deadly voice at the end. She stares at me for a few seconds before laughing.

"You think brother would care about me? He cares for no one here, he left and is hiding in the mortal planes. His throne is empty and all the lords are fighting over it. Because of that, I'm too busy to go through this portal anyway. I will ensure it remains hidden if you destroy another demon for me by the name of Bel," Zariel says to me after laughing while I'm processing the fact that Lucifer somehow escaped from his prison and is hiding in the mortal plane.

"...Fine. Where is this demon then and where is the one who opened this portal?" I say to Zariel since I'm on a time limit and if what she says is true then she is far too busy to care about a portal as a war is going on in hell.

"Bel is one of the generals of Levistus and the one who opened this portal is one of the generals of Beelzebub known as Zunoth," Zariel says to me as I nod my head, before flying off to the fifth realm of hell where this demon Bel should be. Then on the seventh layer where Zunoth should reside.

As I pass each layer the demons become very restless as my presence is sensed each time I enter a new level. Plus considering my power is above all the demons in this place, rivaling a demon lord's power. Though maybe not at the level of Lucifer. I enter the realm of 'Wrath' the fifth layer of hell where this Bel should be. Once again I enter and the lord of this place rushes over to me with several other demons behind him.

"Seraphim, what brings you here? You have been quickly passing each layer, but stop here? Why?" Levistus says to me with a very raspy voice. He is a human-looking demon as his skin is a pale blue match the ice this realm is made from. Two horns sticking out of his head appeared to be made of ice and bleach-white hair.

The three demons behind him each appeared to be a type of pit fiend, which is the strongest type of demon under demon lords. Usually the generals of a demon lord, these fiends looked like any other except they are each blue like Levistus and their horns like him appear to be made of ice.

"Correct, I'm here for the demon known as Bel. He is to be dealt with, then I will leave you alone," I say to him as my presence makes him and every other demon uncomfortable. Though I can see at the name I said made one of the fiends shuffle nervously.

"...Then you can have him," Levistus says as he grabs the fiend that shifted and throws him at me. The demon cries out in surprise as Levistus and the two others leave without batting an eye.

"Wait! Son of God, we–" Bel the fiend says to me before I blast him with my holy fire. Which he resists for a split second only due to being him being in hell and his original realm. Though my fire easily eats through him and like that his soul is truly destroyed, my fire enjoyed consuming him as all demons are horrible sinners.

As I fly through the sixth layer the demons tense up again, but calm down as I pass through. Reaching the seventh layer, I sense the same presence as I did on Earth. I follow it and find the demon who opened the portal. He is leading a small army, most likely to go through the portal. It appears I stopped him from fully completing the ritual or else the portal would have opened in his realm and even let Beelzebub through if he so desired. Though Beelzebub does not appear to be in his realm at the moment, either waging a war with another demon lord or does not care I am here.

As I fly down to the small army of demons they all look and screech at me. Zunoth the one who opened the portal roars in defiance at me. The demons of this level fear nothing, not even true destruction as they all charge toward me to attempt to kill me. Gathering my fire, I unleash it all in their direction and it washes over this area destroying the small army and Zunoth to nothing. Even the souls that happened to be nearby got consumed and destroyed completely.

'Now let's see if my brother truly left his throne,' I think to myself as the repercussions of that could very well lead to another war between heaven and hell. Which in turn could end the moral realms.

Once Zunoth was destroyed the portal closed, but as an Angel of God and one of the strongest. I can open a portal to Earth once again since I feel God watching me and willing to allow me to open one back to Earth. Before that, I head down to the last layer of hell. Once there I do not sense Lucifer and search around this level, there are no demons here which are normal. Though normal the only two in this realm other than the sinners are my brother and his concubine Lilith. She was the first mortal woman and betrayed God's trust falling into Lucifer's trap and becoming his 'lover'.

I finally sense Lilith's presence which was very well hidden. Seems she heard about me coming and tried to hide from me. Though failed because she is much weaker than me. Ironic that she was abandoned here by my brother after following him under the pretense he would never leave her. I drop down in front of her hiding spot, which was behind a pillar of ice near the outskirts of the throne.

"Do not keep playing this game Lilith, I know you are there. Do not make me burn this place away," I say to her as my fire swirls around me in excitement.

"Hello, what can I do for a son of God?" Lilith says with a heavily flirtatious voice while walking over to me and swaying her hips suggestively. Her attempt to seduce me only infuriates me.

"Quiet whore, speak only when I ask a question of you," I say to her with heavy contempt in my voice.

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