The Unseen Angel in MHA


We all walk outside as Yu and Nemuri finished setting up a makeshift press release podium. Yu and Nemuri ask Shoto to be the first to come up for the interview. He gives a long tired sigh before nodding his head and walking onto the stage with a defeated look. I just smirk at him while he gives me a small glare.

"You were amazing out there, Shoto," Yu says to Shoto who gives her a confused look.

"What are you talking about?" Shoto says back to Yu. Yu gives the look of someone who just facepalmed, then whispers to him.

"Shoto, what kind of hero would you like to be?" Yu asks him now back to trying to train him to interview properly.

"A hero that can make everyone feel safe when I arrive," Shoto says with a very monotone voice matching Shota's attitude almost.

"What the fuck Shota, did you teach him to be just as emotionally dead as you?" I say to Shota who is standing next to me watching these interviews.

"First off, no he came like that when I met him. Plus he's your nephew so wouldn't it have been you who taught him that? I remember when we were younger you were just like that too," Shota says to me with a tired yawn and I just nod my head silently because he isn't wrong.

"Fuck, you're right. I'm gonna have to talk with him after this," I say to Shota who just smirks and nods his head at me.

"That's wonderful! If a handsome boy like you came to save me my heart would start racing, though!" Yu says trying to get Shoto flustered since she has many fans due to her appearance.

"Do you… have heart problems?" Shoto says with a surprised face completely missing her flirtatious attitude. Yu seems dead inside at his complete disregard for her flirting, then her face shows a very interesting smile.

"Oh fuck," I say making Shota nod his head with me. As we both can tell that Yu has set her target on a new person, my nephew Shoto.

"What kind of ultimate moves do you have?" Yu asks him with a smile that shows she is targeting him. Then Shoto in front of everyone, which during a real interview would be completely insane, shows his one ultimate move.

"Heaven-piercing Ice wall. It covers a wide area, can stop others, and can create a place to stand. It has a wide range of uses. Also, I have the rougher Flashfreeze Heatwave," Shoto says to her after having demonstrated the move.

"Heaven-piercing? Doesn't that feel like a personal attack against you?" Shota says to me with a small laugh.

"Kinda now that you mention it," I say nodding my head now realizing the name. As some of the other students mention Endeavor's ultimate moves, making Shoto annoyed.

"I'm not here to say anything about your personal issues, but if you want people to feel safe, it might be good to smile. You'll slay the ladies with your smile!" Yu says to Shoto while winking at him at the end.

"If I smile… they'll die…?!" Shoto says like the dense jackass he is. I just shake my head at his stupidity, while Shota snorts holding back a laugh.

"That's enough!" Yu says having been fed up with Shoto's denseness.

"We're supposed to show our moves, too? In the interview?" Fumikage Tokoyami the raven-headed teen asks Yu once she finishes Shoto's failed interview.

"Oh my, U.A. students. It's not like everyone knows who you are! Your ultimate moves are symbols of you! Let people know what you can do through your moves. For real-time teamwork with other heroes, warnings against villainous crimes, and having people trust you with their lives… There's meaning behind why heroes yell the names of their moves out loud," Yu says to everyone who is quietly listening to her speech.

"Until recently, that woman didn't think about anything except how she looked on camera," Minoru Mineta says to himself, though Shota and I hear his statement.

"It's not just Mt. Lady. Right now, all the heroes are being pulled… by the number one hero," Shota says to him while referring to the interview that showed the top ten heroes of Japan. While also outing me to the world and my unofficial position as the best hero of Japan.

"Now, let's keep the interviews coming!" Yu says to the students ushering them all next onto the stage. The rest of the students come onto the stage and give their best for the interviews with only Bakugo having an issue too during it.

Once the interviews for the students were over and we tried to give them pointers, the kids headed out for the day. While there was a teacher meeting requested by Nezu, many of the teachers would be in attendance for it just not all of the staff. Showing up I sit next to Shota on my left and Nemuri on my right. There is a paper left at each seat that we read.

"What is this?" Nemuri asks out loud confused at what we just read. The paper stated that the work studies would be restarted again, with just the first years part taking in it.

"Principal, you have a chair, don't you?" Shota says with a tired sigh since Nezu is sitting on his shoulder.

"This is the best place to warm myself," Nezu says while leaning into Shota's neck, making Nemuri and I share a look of weirded out.

"Originally, we had decided to stop them after discussions with the agencies. We were going to wait and see how things went. But this time, it seems the public safety commission is requesting that all hero course students get on-the-job training," Nezu says explaining why they are bringing back the work studies so soon.

"The fucking public safety commission is a joke," I say out loud with contempt since I have learned a lot about them with my clearance level. Most of the teachers nod their heads with me agreeing.

"Exactly! Requesting?! More like they are ordering us to do the work studies!" Sekijiro Kan known as Vlad King, the homeroom teacher of class 1-B says agreeing with me.

"Is this… them saying we're short-handed?" Nemuri says with some annoyance after reading further into the paper.

"Even though we're saturated with heroes? Especially now that Rapture is here!" Nemuri says while gesturing to me and I nod my head after looking down and reading the rest of the papers.

"'To learn to deal with the recent increase in villain organizations'… It definitely has something to do with what happened at Deika City," Ectoplasm says quoting part of the paper too.

"The League must be involved. It feels like they're being vague on purpose," Snipe my fellow hero studies teacher says while gripping the paper tightly annoyed with the public safety commission.

"The commission must have sniffed out a serious crisis. If they're not making the information they've gotten public and making things sound vague like this, then they must be trying to hide what they're doing… As Kayama said, them telling us to restart the work studies feels like a message from the commission," Nezu says with a sigh at the end.

"Well, it's not like they can say publicly that they want to mobilize the students. This is not normal," Shota says with some anger in his voice to everyone.

"This has never happened before," Cementoss says with a stressed look.

"I can try to ask my connections about this," I say to everyone who goes silent for a few seconds.

"You can try and if you find anything let us know please," Nezu says while everyone nods agreeing with him.

"In any case, being in imminent danger is normal for heroes. Let's try our best to ask heroes with good track records for this next work studies. It'll be winter vacation homework. Please tell your students after this meeting," Nezu says to us all.

"Understood," everyone says while I just shake my head annoyed.

"Aizawa can you stay behind, there is something I need to discuss with you," Nezu says while the rest of us go to leave. Some headed to their homerooms to tell the kids while the rest of us go home. Today is Christmas Eve, so Rumi took off this week to spend time with Eri for her first Christmas.

"Dad! Merry Christmas!" Eri says running up to me and hugging me when I walk inside our home. With Rumi right behind her taking pictures of Eri's first real Christmas.

I then headed to the kitchen to cook a special dinner for Christmas Eve. Once we ate dinner, we all sat in the living room watching every Christmas movie Eri wanted to see. Eri eventually fell asleep around eleven, Rumi and I waited until one in the morning to place all the presents under the tree for Eri to wake up to. We also placed each other's gifts we got for each other under the tree.

Rumi ate the cookies and drank the milk Eri let out for Santa. Then we went to sleep as the whole thing took us an hour. We both woke up at six o'clock from Eri running into our room excited that Santa left all those presents under the tree for her. As Rumi and I say down on the couch drinking our coffee we watched Eri take all the presents out, handing Rumi and me our presents too.

"Go ahead baby girl, just let me grab my phone real quick," Rumi says scrambling to take her phone out and record/take pictures of Eri.

"Wow!" Eri says while opening pretty much each gift seeing everything she could have ever asked for under the tree, even stuff she thought she didn't tell Santa about.

Rumi opens all the gifts I got her first and then she told me there was an order in which I needed to open my gifts. Following her instructions, with Eri sitting in my lap helping me open the gifts and Rumi video-tapping us. I come to the last small wrapped gift, while Rumi has this small smirk on her face like she is super excited for me to open this one. Hesitating a bit, I slowly open the small box to see a pregnancy test inside it, I do a double take seeing a positive test and my eyes go wide seeing it.

"Mom, you got Dad a thermometer?" Eri says confused seeing the pregnancy test but seeing Rumi and my face becomes more confused about what it is.

"Is this for real?" I ask Rumi who is still video-tapping this moment.

"Yeah, I had my suspicions for the last couple of weeks. So I decided to take the test a few days ago," Rumi says while smiling at me with the happiest expression I've ever seen on her face.

Letting out a happy laugh, I pull Rumi into a hug squishing Eri between us who is still confused. Then Rumi and I share a quick but loving kiss over the good news. With Eri trying to figure out what the hell is going on.

"You are going to be a big sister," Rumi says with a happy laugh placing her phone down and hugging Eri. Eri now understands the situation and laughs excited at the news too.

"Really?! Awesome! I always wanted to be a big sister! Is it a boy or girl?" Eri says while looking back down at the pregnancy test like it holds all the answers.

"We won't know for a bit longer, as Mom just found out she is pregnant," I say with a happy chuckle at Eri's curious look at the test.

"Oh ok," Eri says while nodding her head cutely.

"We just want you to know we still love you the same and that won't ever change," Rumi says looking at Eri seriously nervous that Eri might become worried even though she hasn't shown anything like that yet.

"I know! I love you guys too and can't wait for my baby brother or sister to come," Eri says with a happy smile while hugging Rumi and me tightly which we return.

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