The Unseen Angel in MHA


After two weeks Ms.Starlight called me back telling me what she found out about the Public Safety Commission. She informed me that they have a pro hero playing a double agent in the League of Villians, though she was unable to find out who. As apparently, the Commission is treating that information as 'need to know only'. However, her telling me that I was able to piece together something huge was coming. I called Nezu and my friends telling them what I found out.

Another month passed with a lot happening, a terrorist group claiming to have placed bombs around the world just to cause havoc. Though I was not part of any of the teams due to Cathy and Lilith finally calling me saying they have a strong suspicion about where Lucifer is. I left the heroes to deal with the bombs after making sure my city was safe so in turn making sure my family was fine.

"I won't be gone long, maybe a week at worst though probably only a day or two," I say to Rumi and Eri who gave me hugs goodbye. I already explained to Rumi in detail about Lucifer escaping, though Eri just knows I'm heading over to the US to help my cousin.

"Ok Dad, be careful and can Aunt Cathy come to visit this time?" Eri says to me after hugging me goodbye.

"Yeah, I'll drag her back with me if I have to," I say with a smile while patting Eri's head.

"As Eri said, be safe and come home soon," Rumi says giving me a hug and kiss, though I can see the worry in Rumi's eyes since she knows I'm confronting Lucifer himself.

Once outside I turn to my angelic form and fly to where Cathy and Lilith said they were. I arrived in L.A. California, USA. Once there I walked down the street to where Cathy and Lilith were, with my backpack that held a few days' worths of clothes. I eventually see Cathy and Lilith standing in a line that looks like it is to get into a club. This club appears to be the best in the city due to the crazy amount of people waiting outside and the rich people entering without waiting. Even some movie stars are walking inside the club.

"Akihiko! You finally showed up, took you long enough," Cathy says with a chuckle while I just roll my eyes.

"You both can leave, I'll take it from here," I say to them and plan on buying my way in or convincing the bouncers.

"What?! Hell No! I didn't do all this shit not to meet him!" Cathy says running up behind me.

"I agree, I want to see him and ask him why leave me behind," Lilith says following after us.

"Fine, but let me do the talking first, then you two can ask whatever," I say with a sigh as we walk up to the two bouncers who stare at us with neutral looks.

"How much to skip the line and get in?" Cathy says when we walk up. The two bouncers stare at her with a neutral expressions still.

"More than any of you could probably afford," the bouncer says as Cathy scoffs at him, with Lilith becoming angry.

"Do you not know who she is? She is the number one hero of this shit hole," Lilith says defending Cathy who smiles at her.

'Seems these two have gotten close the last several weeks,' I think to myself seeing how Lilith jumped to Cathy's defense genuinely.

"Yeah, good for her," the one bouncer says while dismissing us and motioning for the next in line.

"Listen, just tell your boss one of his brothers is here and Lilth is with him. I'm sure he'll let us up, or I can call him myself and see how he feels about someone stopping his brother from getting inside," I say to the bouncer who stops what he is doing to give me a once over, before grunting and taking out his phone to call Lucifer if I had to guess. Once he tells him what I said there seems to be a few seconds of silence before the bouncer sighs.

"Go on up. The boss is waiting for you inside," the bouncer says while motioning for us to enter. Before Lilith can retort or Cathy says something, I drag them both inside behind me.

"Listen we don't need to create a scene," I say to them once we are inside the elevator to the third floor from the top of this building.

"Whatever, those mortals were just arrogant pricks," Lilith says with annoyance.

"Yeah they were being dicks for no reason," Cathy says while I just sigh.

Once the elevator doors open we see a huge area that is very well-furnished. With a fancy bar and large dance floor with fancy seating areas next to the dance floor. The second floor seems to be the VIP area. We can see many famous faces inside, from movie stars to politicians, and pro heroes. Everyone inside who wasn't famous looked like a model, probably for the enjoyment of the 'regular' patrons. The amount of sin in this place made my fire rage within me, while Lilith smiled to herself enjoying the same feeling I'm getting. Cathy just looked around surprised at everyone she was seeing inside.

"This place reeks of sin, Lucifer definitely runs this place," I say with contempt due to my fire raging to burn this place away.

"Feels like home," Lilith says with a chuckle while I shoot her a glare. Cathy just shrugs at our feelings.

"Brother! And my lover!" I hear a very pompous voice say from behind us, which for some reason holds a fancy British accent.

"Lucifer," I say with extreme venom in my voice due to holding back my fire which rages more than very before as I'm now standing in front of the first sinner.

"Why'd you leave me?!" Lilith says with anger in her voice making some people turn to look at what is happening here.

"Let's talk somewhere more private," Lucifer says with a sly smile while motioning us to follow him. Lilith looks like she wants to jump him and beat the shit out of him, while Cathy looks nervous and I'm forcing my fire to calm down.

We all follow him to a back door that leads us to what I assume is his penthouse on the top floor of this building. Entering the living room area it is just as fancy as the club downstairs, if not fancier. In the living room, the only things inside are a grand piano, two couches with a coffee table between them, and a fancy minibar. Lucifer walks over to the bar and pours himself a glass of very expensive-looking aged whiskey.

"Anyone else?" Lucifer says while swirling his glass and taking a sip.

"Sure," Cathy says with a shrug while Lilith and I stare at Lucifer with different faces. I'm just giving him a judgmental stare and Lilith is still staring in extreme anger.

"Oh calm down please, let us not fight over… well whatever it is you want to fight me over," Lucifer says while handing a glass of whiskey to Cathy who takes a sip.

"Fuck that is some smooth whiskey," Cathy says with surprise.

"Better be, this is one of the few remaining Macallan 1926. Then again I have the remaining bottles," Lucifer says with a chuckle while Cathy's eyes go wide.

"Answer my question!" Lilith says before I speak up.

"Oh, my dear… what we had was temporary, you should have known that. I never believed in marriage. I would have taken you… but when the time came it was a 'now or never' situation," Lucifer says which makes Lilith want to attack him but I grab her holding her back.

"Fucking piece of shit!" Lilith says while holding her back. Lucifer just shrugs uncaringly and gives me a look trying to figure me out it seems.

"I'm fine!" Lilith says while I let her go and she grabs one of the unopened bottles of the Macallan 1926. Lucifer just watches her take the bottle with indifference.

"So… what brings one of my brothers here?" Lucifer says after Lilith goes and sits down next to Cathy on one of the couches.

"Don't play dumb deceiver, you escaped your prison and because of that a war is taking place that could spill into the mortal plane," I say to him with the anger still in my voice from my instincts screaming to burn him. He just smirks while sipping his whiskey making my anger only flair to higher levels.

"Two things brother you got wrong. First, that was never my prison, but more like I was a warden, and I just got bored with my job, so I left. Secondly, the war would never spill over because Dad would send his little playthings to ensure it stays in hell," Lucifer says to me making me very tempted to punch him.

Then I realized that he is trying to get me to strike him, as I feel his presence enhancing my natural rage towards him. With that realization, my emotions become much more controllable, and my fire calms down just waiting for when I need it like normal. Seeing my expression change Lucifer smiles even more.

"Amazing! You aren't like our other siblings, you can look beyond your natural hatred for me!" Lucifer says seeing me now get my emotions completely under control.

"Even Micheal the supposed strongest son of God has trouble controlling himself in front of me," Lucifer says with a laugh and shake of the head at his memories.

"Well unlike our siblings I was born to mortal parents and grew up among them," I say to Lucifer since growing up in a place that held equal amounts of sin and purity helped me to control myself. While my siblings grew up in a pure place where even the smallest amount of sin makes them angry.

"Interesting, yet you still have the light of God inside you… meaning he still has you as one of his pure sons," Lucifer says while looking past my mortal exterior and seeing my angelic soul.

"Enough about me, why did you leave?" I say to Lucifer, who sighs and walks back around the minibar to get himself another drink.

"Well, you should know about Big Brother Amenadiel the first angel of God. He sided with Father in the first war, then later fell to hell due to finally seeing my point. Well after helping him with an issue he had, he agreed to watch over hell for me. If he is not there, that's not my problem, is it? As for why I left like I said I grew bored of staying in the dreadful place. Plus being amongst mortals again and seeing how they have not changed gives me hope, hope that more of our siblings will see the point I tried to show all those millennials ago," Lucifer says with a shrug while drinking his new glass of aged whiskey.

"The throne was empty last I was there, Lilith did you see Amenadiel at all?" I say to Lucifer who shrugs and I turn to Lilith who has almost drunk the whole bottle of whiskey.

"Nope, after the dick left you were the first to show up," Lilith says to me and I sense no lie from her.

"Well seems like Amenadiel can't hold his promises," Lucifer says with a smirk while sipping his whiskey.

"Takes one to know one," Lilith says to Lucifer while glaring at him, making him shrug.

"Doesn't matter you, have to return to your throne," I say to him while stepping towards him threateningly making Lucifer throw his hands up in surrender.

"Just hear me out first. Let me stay on the mortal plane for a bit longer, like a couple of years–" Lucifer says while his hands are still up.

"No, you will return now," I say moving towards him and he shifts to his real form showing his demonic visage.

His skin is a deep red, with long black horns coming from his head and a firey flaming crown between the horns like a mock halo. Plus his skin is all cracked and old looking taking away his once beautiful look of an angel. I turn to my angelic form naturally once he shows his demonic form, his eyes go wide at my appearance.

"A seraphim?! Wait you are more than that, you have been given powers matching Michael and Raphael. That's shouldn't be possible," Lucifer says in surprise, and now sensing his power I realize that I outmatch him in strength. Meaning I might just be the strongest angel.

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