The Unseen Angel in MHA


"Wait!" I hear a deep voice say behind me and we all turn to see Amenadiel the first angel of God and a fallen angel. His mortal form is of a large muscular African-American bald man.

"Amenadiel? You said you were watching hell for me," Lucifer says while drinking his whiskey with his hands still up and in his demonic form.

"I was about to head there as promised, but I heard a seraphim was in hell recently killing demons permanently and I assumed he was looking for you," Amenadiel says while eyeing me wearily, as Lucifer just shrugs indifferently.

"His punishment and duty is to reside in hell. That is not up for debate, especially not a fallen angel," I say, staring with contempt toward Amenadiel.

"That may be true, but is it your choice either?" Amenadiel says while Lucifer gives an interested nod thinking about that.

"It was decided before during the first war. It is my duty–" I start to say to them as my anger rises and I prepare to fight, then the voice of Gabriel the messenger of God enters my mind.

'Brother, Father says Lucifer still has a part to play in the mortal realm. While Amenadiel needs to return to ensure hell's war does not break out of hell,' Gabriel says to me as I stop talking and listen to him. Gabriel cannot lie as he is the chosen messenger of God, meaning what he says is true.

'Understood,' I say back before focusing back on Amenadiel and Lucifer who are staring at me with curious looks. Cathy and Lilith have just been watching silently seemingly enjoying the drama.

"Sorry I tried to stop him…what the fuck is going on here? Why is there an angel here?" Mazikeen the bodyguard of Lucifer says having entered the room and seeing everything.

"It's fine Mazikeen, my brothers and I were just talking. You can go back to the bar," Lucifer says with a dismissing smile, while she just gives him a disbelieving look but just shrugs and walks back downstairs.

"You can stay Lucifer, BUT I will be checking in to ensure you do not cross the line. As for you Amenadiel, you must watch over hell in Lucifer's absence," I say after Mazikeen leaves the room. Lucifer gives me an extremely happy smile turning back to his mortal form and once he does I turn back to mine. Amenadiel just nods his head in understanding.

"Good then return," I say while forcing a portal open to the throne room and motioning for Amenadiel to leave. He just gives one last look to Lucifer and me, before walking through as I close the portal behind him.

"This is a cause for celebration! Brother have a drink with me!" Lucifer says to me with a happy chuckle at the supposed freedom I'm letting him have. Though he has no idea that the Father he hates so much is letting him be free for now.

"No. Cathy let's go, Lilith you coming?" I say to Lucifer who gives me a faked hurt look, while Cathy just sighs and follows behind me.

"I still have your mark?" Lilith asks me.

"Yes, I'm not stupid enough to trust you," I say as she gives me an annoyed look but follows after Cathy and me. She runs over taking another expensive bottle of whiskey first though.

"Do come back anytime brother! I will let my staff know you can come and go as you please!" Lucifer shouts back to me as we leave without another word.

As we walk out of the penthouse and back into the club, Mazikeen just watches us with a scrutinizing gaze as we leave. Once outside, I take a deep breath at all the shit I just had to deal with.

"Cathy, Rumi and Eri want you to come back with me. So you coming to visit?" I say to her as she gives me thoughtful look.

"Yeah sure thing. Just let me head home and pack, then I grab the next flight over. I should be able to visit in a couple of days, a week at most," Cathy says to me with a smile.

"What about me?" Lilith says to me as she has no idea what to do now, nor do I know what to do with her.

"She can stay with me for the time being, until you figure out what to do with her," Cathy says to me with a reassuring smile.

"...Fine. Just remember she shouldn't be trusted as she is a several millennia-old demon," I say to Cathy while giving a warning look toward Lilith who just snorts at me with indifference.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I've been working with her the last month and a half, so we'll be fine," Cathy says while I just sigh and nod my head.

After waving Cathy goodbye and shooting one more warning look toward Lilith, I find an abandoned ally turn to my angelic form, and fly home. The whole thing took little more than three hours, so me packing of all these things was unnecessary. Though now I will have to check in on Lucifer at least once a month to ensure he doesn't do anything too drastic. When I got back home it was mid-day, and both Rumi and Eri were home in the living room playing some video games. Like Rumi, Eri is competitive and these games quickly turn heated.

"I'm back!" I say as I toss my bag to the ground and enter the room as the two are playing their game.

"Dad!" Eri says dropping the controller and giving me a hug. Rumi turns to me with a happy smile and runs over giving me a kiss and hug.

"Wait?! Where is Aunt Cathy?" Eri says now noticing I'm by myself and I promised to bring her back with me.

"She is coming, just gonna be a couple of days behind me. She needs to pack and tell her work she won't be around for a bit," I say to Eri while ruffling her hair she pouts but gives me an understanding nod.

"How was the issue?" Rumi asks me with some worry in her eyes.

"Resolved… for now. Though I'm gonna have to make trips once a month starting next month. I'll explain more later," I say to Rumi who gives me a curious look but nods her head.

Like that a few days passed and as I was cooking breakfast expecting Cathy today since she texted me she should be arriving in the morning. I hear a knock at the front door, Rumi is still sleeping while Eri is watching me cook as I try to teach her what I know about cooking.

"I'll get it!" Eri says running to the front door. I hear Cathy enter the house as she picks up Eri who yelped not expecting Cathy to grab her.

"Akihiko, long time no see!" Cathy says to me with a laugh while holding Eri who is giggling from Cathy swinging her around.

"Hey Cathy, breakfast is almost ready," I say turning back to cooking.

"Rumi still the late sleeper as always?" Cathy says while placing Eri down who skips over to me to continue helping me with cooking.

"Yeah more so now than ever," I say to Cathy who gives me a confused look but shrugs it off. As I was waiting to tell her Rumi was pregnant since Rumi wanted to be there too. When we told Rumi's parents they were extremely happy, along with my friends and Uncle.

Just as I finish cooking with Eri's help, Rumi walks into the room with a tired yawn as she is still waking up. She groggily grabs a cup of coffee, as Cathy just stares at her waiting for Rumi to notice her.

"Morning," Rumi says to me with a tired voice while making her coffee.

"Morning, babe Cathy is here," I say to her while sitting down at the table making Rumi turn to see Cathy.

"Hey, Rumi! How've you been? Still the late sleeper as always!" Cathy says with a laugh making Rumi grumble.

"Ha, ha. Yeah been more tired than usual. The villains have been more active recently, though not as much in our city now that they know Akihiko and I are both here," Rumi says while sitting down and grabbing some food.

"Yeah, I heard that couple of villain organizations have been popping up here. The real question is who is leading them," Cathy says with a know-it-all look, while Rumi and I stare at her annoyed.

"No shit," I say to Cathy who laughs at our expressions.

"Mom is pregnant! I'm gonna be a big sister!" Eri says having been holding back the news for as long as she could before her excitement took over. Cathy's eyes go wide as she coughs on her drink not expecting Eri's announcement while Rumi and I laugh.

"Sorry," Eri says with an embarrassed face, while Rumi and I just smile at her understandingly.

"It's fine, Cathy was gonna find out sooner or later," I say while patting Eri's head.

"Wait! It's true?" Cathy says making sure it's real. At the same time, Rumi and I nod our heads in affirmation.

"Congrats you two! And you also Eri!" Cathy says with a happy laugh and grabs us all into a group hug.

For the rest of the week, we all spend time together and have a great week of family fun. After Cathy leaves back to her home and our schedules return to normal, I get a call from Endeavor. He tells me he wants me and Rumi to join in a raid he is leading. The raid is against the League of Villians who have teamed up with the Meta Liberation Army, forming the Paranormal Liberation Front. Several raids will be happening against both groups' locations, the one he is leading is to find and stop Kyudai Garaki and Tomura Shigaraki.

After we dropped Eri off at school and asked Fuyumi Todoroki to pick her up and watch her for us afterward. Rumi and I arrived at the location where the meeting is being held before the raid, the meeting is led by Detective Tsukauchi. Inside we see a handful of policemen, Endeavor, Backdraft, Crust, Ectoplasm, Shota, Hizashi, Ryuko, Gran Torino, Kesagiriman, Kido, Mandalay, Manual, Native, Onima, Pixie-Bob, Rock Lock, Snipe, Takeshita, Thirteen, Tiger, Uwabami, Wash, X-Less, Cementoss, Edgeshot, Fat Gum, Fourth Kind, Gang Orca, Hawks, Kamui Woods, Majestic, Nemuri, Ms. Joke, Mt. Lady, Selkie, Shishido, Yoroi Musha, Suneater, Chargebolt, Mudman, Shemage, Tsukuyomi and Naomasa Tsukauchi. Rumi and I go stand next to our best friends, Shota, Hizashi, Ryuko, Nemuri, and Mt. Lady.

"How do you know it was him?" Endeavor asks why we suspect Kyudai Garaki is the one behind making Nomu's and All For One's right-hand man. Since the man is considered extremely kind and a great doctor.

"After receiving the information from the Safety Commission, I sent someone undercover. The hospital has a restricted area whose purpose is not even known to the staff, a place only accessible through the morgue. Only Garaki is seen coming and going. We continued the infiltration and got evidence. These are pictures from that," Detective Tsukauchi says to us explaining why the doctor is involved. From the pictures, we can see mini Nomu-like creatures.

"It wouldn't be hard to arrest Kyudai Garaki. However, if we act rashly, the Paranormal Liberation Front members will notice. We also have the trauma from Hosu and Camino. There was devastating damage to the cities, and we sacrificed many heroes. Even though we were able to arrest and restrain All For One, thanks to Rapture here. The Number one hero, All Might, was still forced into early retirement. Therefore, we will be facing this situation with all our forces," Detective Tsukauchi continues to explain.

"First, we will split the heroes into two teams. Team Endeavor will secure Kyudai Garaki in Jaku Hospital. Team Edge Shot will storm the Gunga Mountain Villa, which is considered the Paranormal Liberation Front's hideout. These two things will happen at the same time. In addition, hero course students will be deployed as logistical support for both teams. We'll have them help with civilian evacuation in the event that things escalate," Detective Tsukauchi states the plan of attack.

"Once the fighting begins, of course, we expect resistance from the Paranormal Front and the Nomus. Even so, we must do this. Garaki, the Nomus, Shigaraki, and the League… No, the Paranormal Liberation Front! We'll take them out in one sweep!" Detective Tsukauchi says trying to pump everyone up as we all nod and go to leave to our chosen teams.

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