The Wolf With Silver WIngs

Hero’s in Training Pt. 2

            Walking out of Mr. Carver’s office, the receptionist screamed. She looked like she had seen a ghost. As I looked to where she was looking, I noticed that she was starring at Esme.

            “IS THAT A SPIDER? GET THAT THING AWAY FROM ME!” she yelled as she stood on the desk. Instantly Esme began to cry as she covered her face and ran down the hall. Ashley flew after her.

            “THAT IS QUITE ENOUGH MELONY, NOW LOOK WHAT YOU DID. DID I NOT SAY NOT TO DISCRIMINATE AGAINST THESE KIDS?” Mr. Carver roared. There was a fire in his eyes that I had never seen before. Darkness began to loom in the hallway. Everything on either side of the hallway started to fade out of existence.

            “But… she was a spider, sir. How could you want something like that in here?” the receptionist said, trying to defend her reactions.

            “SHE WASN’T BORN THAT WAY. SHE IS STILL A PERSON, JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE HERE.” Mr. Carver continued to yell as everything else around us faded into darkness.

            “Mr. Carver, you need to control yourself,” Mom said, stepping in between him and the receptionist.  In an instant, Mr. Carver blinked and looked at my mom before looking around him.

            “Oh my, I seemed to have gotten carried away,” he said as he started to calm down. As he did, the darkness started to fade away. So he was an emerged as well. I guess that explained why he was so eager to help people see through Trumps’ lies. “I think it is best you take the rest of the day off, Miss. Andrews. “ he said, straightening his glasses. She did not answer, only nodded as she walked towards the elevator.

            “I am sorry that you had to see that terrible display. And before you ask, yes, it happened to me too. That isn’t the only thing I can do, but we cannot discuss my abilities. Now shall we go find that beautiful spider girl and fairy and get back on track. We nodded and followed him.

            Turning the corner, we found both Esme and Ashley. You could still see the tears on Esme’s cheeks. It was sad to see her crying. And on her shoulder was Ashley. She was doing her best to stroke Esme’s hair in an attempt to calm her down.

            “I am very sorry for the things Melony said. everyone in this building was warned against discriminating against people like us.” Mr. Carver said as he reached down and wiped the tears from Esme’s face.

            “I am sorry. I miss my brother. He is still in that mad man's lab. Who knows what that evil man is doing to him. He has always been there for me, even when we were little kids.” Esme said as she got on all eight legs.

            “Someone has your brother in a lab?” Mr. Carver asked. Without saying a word, she nodded and looked at the ground.

            “They were captured when we were hiding in a library back home. I made myself a target so that the mad man's goons would take me to them. He held the doc against a glass wall while we escaped. And then I ended up creating a wormhole that leads us to Angels’ mom’s friends’ house,” Ashley said as she continued stroking Esme's hair.

            “We will figure this all out soon, I promise, but for now, I want you to meet the other. It would be good to know who you are going to be working with,” Mr. Carver said as he ushered us down the hall.

            “As we got to the end of the hall, there was a pair of double doors framed in gold. Etched in the frame were figures of sirens wrapping their arms around the frame as if it were a tree. It was a gorgeous frame, even if the sirens’ breasts were showing.  Mr. carver grabbed the knobs and opened the double doors.

            Inside was a decent sized room with a round table in the center of it. Just on the other side of the table was a set of enormous bay windows. But that was not what caught our attention. What caught our attention was the two individuals that were already sitting at the table.

            The first was a boy about our age with exquisite crimson wings. His facial features were almost in a bird shape. His crimson hair slid back like a cardinal. Sitting next to him was a girl who looked like a demon. Her bat-like wings barely touching the floor. Her horns were at least six inches long. And her thin tail with an arrow-shaped point at the end slowly waved back and forth. Her skin was light pink in color.

            “Ladies, I would like to introduce you to Mandy Blaylock and Joey Tenebrae. I recruited them yesterday when they were saving a preschool from a minotaur. It was a sight to behold,” Mr. Carver said with a little too much enthusiasm.

            “It is nice to meet you two,” I said lightly, bowing. Everyone else greeted the two as well. Mandy and Joey both smiled.

            “Where is the wolf girl that you have been talking about, Mr. Carver?” Mandy asked as she wrapped her wings around herself. I forgot that I had put the necklace on while we were in Mr. Carver's office. Reaching for the necklace, I pulled it off as the familiar change in my bode washed over me. Both of them gasped.

            “Wow, she really is as beautiful as you said, sir,” the boy named joey said, his eyes glued to me. He wasn’t the only one, either. Mandy was now looking at me in a way that both made me uncomfortable and made me blush. She looked as if she had found the most beautiful thing in the world.

            “Yes, she is, and right there beside her is her mom. She works here as the head of a secret project that we have been working on for over a year. However, she will now be in charge of watching over you all.” Mr. Carver said matter-of-factly.

            I wondered how mom was going to take this new information. He said that she would be working together with him with this whole, making us superheroes. However, he did not say that she would be in charge of all of us.

            “Mr. Carver, that is not what I signed up for,” mom said as she looked at him. This was not going to end well. I saw that look in her eye. It was the same look that she used to give dad when he tried to volunteer her for things, like driving us to school events so that he could go hang out with his friends.

            “I assure you, Karen, you will be well paid for your services. But that isn’t all. I have had a few of the rooms on this floor converted to bedrooms. There is even a kitchen and dining area. Meals will, of course, be taken care of by cooks that I have hired. All of this is for the sake of others like us so that we can show people that people who have emerged are not a threat,” Mr. Carver said. Sighing, mom shook her head.

            “You really thought of everything, didn’t you, Mr. Carver, mom said.

            “Yes, I have Karen. Now please, get to know one another, and then you all can start moving your things onto this floor.” Mr. Carver said. He turned around and reached for the doorknob, but then stopped and turned back around. “I am sorry, but I must leave you all for now. But as I said, please get to know one another and make yourself at home. I will be back later to talk with you more about our future together,” then he turned around and walked out the door, leaving all of us alone together.

            “So, where do we begin?” my mom asked, clapping her hands together. This was going to be a long day.

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