The Wolf With Silver WIngs

The Nasty Truth

            It was silent as we all sat at the table. No one wanted to be the first to talk.  It was so quiet that you could hear the pigeon on the roof. While I sat there in silence, I thought about everything that I had been through. Without saying a word, I walked over to the window. Looking at the reflection in the window, I studied myself. My blue hair stuck out like a single light in a dark room, my grey fur, so soft and warm, my wings, so elegant and shimmering. You’d think I would be happy. As much as I tried to enjoy my new body, it was a constant reminder that I was different and that people out there hated someone like me. As I looked at the others, I thought about what they must be going through.

I walked over to Taylor and, without warning, leaned down and wrapped my arms around her. I may not know much about everyone else’s feelings or pain, but I do know hers. As I hugged her, she jumped with a start.

“Angel, please don’t do that. You scared the hell out of me.,” Taylor said before blushing as everyone was staring. If you could see my flesh right now, I was blushing even worse at the knowledge that we had an audience. Especially when one of them was Ashley.

`Ashley shook her head and looked at us. “I swear you two are acting like teenagers in love,” she said as she began to laugh. Everyone else joined in. It wasn’t like we were dating. I just felt very empathetic to what she had been through.

“You two make a cute couple, even if it goes against nature,” Mandy said, looking at us with a smile. There was something about the way she looked at me that I couldn’t quite put my finger on. We had just met, and yet it was like she was already in love with me. Joey just had a massive grin on his face. It was cute how he looked smiling with his birdish looking face.

“So, we are all going to become superheroes? Seems someone spent a little too much time reading comics.” Mandy said as she looked between us all. Shaking my head, I looked around at everyone here. I wondered just how we were going to pull this off. It didn’t seem reasonable for a bunch of teenagers to be depended on to save everyone.

“That’s what Mr. Carver says.” mom said as she walked over and gave me a hug. It was nice having mom here through all of this. Especially when it seems that she is the only one supportive of her and dad. I just hoped that dad would eventually come around. I hate the thought of him being at odds with everything. Sighing, I looked down at Taylor and felt nothing but admiration for how she was holding it together.

“So, miss wolf, what was it like fighting the ice guy?” Joey asked with a look of excitement. I guess that word traveled fast. My hands began to tremble as I recalled the event. Although I showed bravery during the fight, I was terrified. What if I had died?

After thinking about it for a moment, I turned to him. “It was scary. I just felt the need to save the cop and protect my family at the same time. I didn’t plan on being a hero,” I said as I wrapped my wings around myself. I thought about what that guy said to me during our fight. I knew that this was supposed to be for a more significant cause, but why me. Indeed others were better suited to be heroes.

It was another two hours before Mr. Carver came back. Everyone immediately turned their attention to him.

“Well, I hope you all will forgive me for the lengthy absence. Now I know that you all must be tired, so without further ado, I will show you to your rooms,” Mr. Carver said as he motioned for us to follow him. We all got up and followed him out of the double doors into the hallway. As we walked by the receptionist’s desk, Esme shuddered at the sight of it. I guess the thought of what had happened was still fresh on her mind. I felt terrible for her; not only was her brother locked up, but she got to feel first hand a taste of what was to be expected in our future.

As we came to the first door on the other end of the hall, Mr. Carver stopped. “Mandy, you will be staying here.” He said, opening the door. Mandy walked inside and inspected her room. He then turned to the door on the other side and opened it. “Joey, you will be staying here,” he said. Joey walked into his room.

We continued down the hall as he showed Esme and Ashley their rooms. The next room he brought us to was Moms’. It was a nice room, and I was kind of jealous of it. It was very spacious. We left Mom's room and followed Mr. Carter down the hall until we came to the last room. “I am sorry, girls, but as you can see, this was the only other room we had on this floor. I hope you girls don’t mind sharing the room?” Mr. Carver said apologetically. It wasn’t like we hadn’t already shared a room before.

“No, sir, it’s fine. At this point, I think it would feel weird if we were in separate rooms,” I said, seeing the look of terror on Taylor’s face. The look on her face made me want to scoop her up and hold her in my arms forever. As he opened the door to the room, we were both taken aback. It was a massive room with a bay window overlooking the city below.

“It’s so big. We could fit like three more people in here,” Taylor said excitedly. You could see the amazement in her eyes. And even if you couldn’t see her eyes, her tail was broadcasting her excitement as it swung back and forth. Mischievously I grabbed her tail and was rewarded with a half shock half meow from her. Looking back at me, she blushed.

“Angel, don’t do that….it…. feels strange,” she said, pulling her tail out of my hand. I wanted to do it again, but with the onlooker we had, it felt strange. Mr. Carver just shook his head.

“You girls get acquainted with your rooms, then Karen can arrange for movers to go and retrieve your things. For tonight, we have air mattresses that you all can use.” Mr. Carver said. He really was prepared for this. I guess when you really want something, you will do anything to get it. He nodded to us and then walked away again, leaving Taylor and I standing in the room.

Taylor walked over to the window and looked out. “This is amazing, Angel. We can see all of downtown from here,” she said. Walking over to the window, I came up behind her and wrapped my arms around her while looking out the window as well.

“Yes, you can. It is quite beautiful from up here,” I said as I rested my chin on her shoulder. I could feel her heart racing against my chest. I wondered if it was racing because of how I held her or because of the city's beauty.

As we stood there, I heard her sigh. Curious, I looked at her. “Remember the night of the storm? It was the first time that anyone other than my parents or sisters talked to me. It felt so nice to communicate with someone else for a change. And you were so nice to me. Even when I freaked out in jail, you were so sweet, even comforting me,” Taylor said as tears began to fall down her cheeks, her body trembling. I turned her around and pulled her into me, holding her tightly against me.

“I will always be here for you, Taylor. And why wouldn’t I talk to you? You are so sweet and big-hearted. You are the only thing that made going to that party enjoyable. I am not normally social, but talking to you just felt so easy,” I said as I ran my fingers through her hair. As I did, something happened that I never expected; she began to purr. Oh god, it was sexy. I don’t know how she feels about me, but I am starting to feel like I am falling for her.

As we stood there, there was a knock at the door. Releasing Taylor, I walked to the door and opened it, finding mom on the other side. “Girls, we need to go back to the house. There are some things that we need to get, including everyone’s clothes,” she said. Taylor and I both nodded before leaving the room and following her down the hall.

It was quiet throughout the building as business hours were over. Everyone except us had gone home for the night. Taking the elevator down to the lobby, mom guided us to a side door and then out onto the street. There was a mass of people standing in front of the building, and when they saw us, they began to yell.

            “You freaks don’t belong around here! You all need to die!” Someone in the crowd shouted. Others were raising their fists in agreement. Then people started throwing objects at us. I stood in front of mom and Taylor, using my wings to protect them,  ready to defend us when mom placed a hand on my shoulder.

            “Don’t give in to them, honey. I know that this is upsetting, but if you engage these people, then you will only make things worse.” Mom said as we continued walking. People continued screaming at us as we headed to the van. As we tried to get into the van, people started surrounding the van. One of the people in the crowd hit me with something, but I didn’t know what. We pushed our way into the van and slammed the doors.

            “How are we going to get out of this, mom? There are too many people around, and we can't run them over,” I asked as the mob began beating and kicking the van.

            Sighing, she pulled her phone out of her pocket and scrolled through her contact list until she found the name she was looking for. She selected the name and brought the phone to her ear. I listened to it ring, and then someone picked up. “Mr. Carver, we have a problem, there is an angry mob outside the building, and we can’t get through. They are threatening us and damaging my van,” mom said before hanging up.

“He is on his way,” she said, smiling at me.

            As we sat there, the mob continuing to attack the van, darkness started to spread around us. It began to engulf everyone around. People in the crowd started screaming and running in fear. I recognized this darkness. It was the same thing that happened when Mr. Carver was yelling at his receptionist. The crowd started to shrink as people began running away in fear. Soon there was nobody left, except for Mr. Carver standing outside the van. I quickly rolled down the window.

            “I am sorry that you had to go through that. I didn’t know that anyone was around. I suppose I will need to hire some security to monitor the building.” He said, his face full of regret. I don’t know what he was expecting when people talk. If I had to guess, his receptionist told people that we were in the building.

            “I will stand guard at the door until you all return. I do hope that you return,” Mr. Carter sighed.

            “We will return. After all, the other girls are now my responsibility. I know nothing is legal, but with everything that they have been through, they need someone to care for them,” mom said while looking at Taylor. Taylor blushed and looked at the floor after hearing what mom said. She was so cute.

            Mr. Carver scratched his head as it seemed he was trying to think of something. Then he grinned. “Don’t worry about the legal issue. I have someone who can take care of all that. And once the Missouri Organization for Emergent's Rights gets fully instated, we will take care of any name changes. Now have a safe trip, please,” Mr. Carver said before stepping away from the van. After a quick wave, mom drove off, heading for home.

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