This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 100 Days

This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 12 Days

It seems the Otaku is stuck in an impossible situation. There’s no way for either of them to continue to live this facade for nearly another two years. It’s possible, but there’s no way the boy wants that to be the rest of his youth. The only question now is how he’s going to find a way to fix this.

“Yo, Otaku!” Or perhaps that way will find him instead. Himekawa is calling for him. Judging by her face, this isn’t going to be a pleasant conversation. “I want to talk… Now.”

“Y-yes.” He accepts without asking anymore question from her. Delaying this conversation would spell the end of his life considering her tone. “Wh-what do you need?” Once they’re alone on the roof, he’s the one to speak up first.

“Look, we all know about what happened with Kinjyou.” She begins her explanation. She wasn’t a fan of him breaking that girl’s heart, but at least that part was understandable for her. However, things are a bit different given her new suspicions. “But you being so buddy-buddy with her? Now that’s a bit far.”

Since the Gyaru seemed to suddenly prefer hanging out with this boy over her own best friend. Himekawa is now questioning his intentions. “I thought when we watched that movie together. You were actually just some lonely guy wanting some friends. But Kinjyou, and now her? I don’t know anymore.”

“Whoa, I’m not that kind of guy.” He puts up his hands in fear. “Honest, I didn’t think Kinjyou was going to like me. I never wanted to break her heart.”

“Then what’s all this sneaking around with Gyaru for?” She responds, unconvinced. “Even though I didn’t like what happened with Kinjyou, I can forgive you for that. But if you dare try to hurt her feelings-”

“I would never do that!” From a mix of his fear, nerves, and genuine feelings. The Otaku cuts her off a bit louder than he anticipated. It’s enough to get her to back away from him in a bit of shock. “Sorry…” He apologizes quickly for his outburst. “The truth is… We’ve been keeping a secret from everyone.”

As much as he knows the Gyaru would kill him for revealing the truth. The Otaku breaks down in tears and tells Himekawa the whole story. Everything from the beginning, all the way to where they are now. “She didn’t want anyone to know about her situation. And it looks like she doesn’t want anyone to help her out either.”

“Wow…” Despite him not showing any proof. His tears show her that he’s being honest. It’s clear to her that it wasn’t easy to admit the truth to her. “I’m sorry.” Now it’s her turn to apologize for being suspicious of him. “And don’t worry, I know how to solve this.” She gives him a pat on the head, as if congratulating him for being a good boy. “You’ll see tomorrow.”

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