This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 100 Days

This Gyaru Will Date the Otaku in 13 Days

The Otaku wonders how exactly the Gyaru plans on getting through this situation. Thankfully, it’s not a matter of life-and-death. However she can’t possibly think of continuing this charade any longer, right?

“So, you want to do something after school?” It’s lunchtime now and Himekawa is already bored today, despite it only being Monday. “Oh, maybe we can go shopping for some clothes!” The girl clapped her hands quickly in a display of giddiness.

“Um…” Obviously, now’s not the time for the Gyaru to be spending money for no apparent reason. While she’s always been up for it, things have changed rather quickly for her. “I don’t know, I think I might be busy.”

“Busy?” It comes as a shock to Himekawa. She’s never heard this girl reject a plan like this. “What? That’s crazy.”

“I know, but some things have just come up.” The Gyaru is desperately sweating in trying to come up with excuses.

“Well, are you going to tell me?”

“It’s nothing important.” She can’t come up with anything to save herself from this line of questioning. Himekawa’s a pretty curious girl, so she won’t take no for an answer quite so easily.

“Actually, she has to do something with me.” In a bid to try and keep the secret, the Otaku steps in. “We already planned something for today the other day, so sorry about that.”

“Oh…” That tone from her doesn’t sound to good as she glares at the boy. Unsurprisingly, she isn’t happy that her best friend is going to hang out with someone she has, at best, a neutral opinion of. Not to mention that the idea of them dating is dumb to her, as she’s beautiful and he’s… Not really… “Well, whatever.”

Quickly, the Otaku grabs the Gyaru’s hand and pulls them out of the classroom. It catches her off guard and even gets the girl blushing a bit from his sudden boldness.

“We can’t keep this up.” It’s only been one day and already he’s ready to throw in the towel.

“I can’t just tell anyone.” She’s not willing to budge in keeping her secret. Her pride as a gyaru is just too much to allow anyone else to be aware of her struggle. The only reason he knows, aside from knowing about the job situation, is that he’s not really high in social status. “Look, we just need to deal with this for the rest of high school lives, and that’ll be it.” Since both of them are second years, and it’s still only June, that would be nearly two years of suffering.

He knows he’s not willing to wait that long.

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