Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 98

Chapter 98: The Charm of Piano
Translator: Kris_Liu Editor: Vermillion

Natasha’s purple eyes were lit up by the allegro. After listening to the first two bars, she instantly knew that this piece of bagatelle would not let her down.

Subconsciously relaxing her hands, all of Felicia’s concerns disappeared and her eyes started to shine with excitement. That was the most fabulous serenade she had even heard, even though it was just part of the whole work.

Pleasant and cheerful, gentle and elegant, a few guests at the party nodded slightly following the rhythm while beating time to the music. They wanted to dance. Smiles appeared on their faces.

Lucien’s long and beautiful hands were moving on the keyboard in a smooth and free manner. His fingers, wrists, arms and even his body were working cooperatively to present this perfect piece of piano bagatelle.

Besides the melody itself, Lucien’s manner of playing was also a feast for the guests’ eyes.

Many young nobles, while enjoying the music, were longing for learning piano and Lucien’s new fingerings. Many noble ladies were staring at Lucien in great admiration.

“What a decent, elegant and talented gentleman!” The girls were wondering about how much a piano playing could show one’s artistic elegance.

Several minutes later, Lucien pressed down the last key of the piano bagatelle. His right hand was raised in a dégagé way to show the end of his playing.

Then he stood up, bowed to Natasha, then Felicia and the guests present.

Lucien’s listeners paused a bit, as if they needed some time to recover from the great surprise and excitement. A couple of seconds later, Lucien was surrounded by the thunder of applause from the guests.

“Beautiful, graceful and balanced. I’m proud of you, Lucien!” commented Natasha, “Finish the following movements and turn this amazing piece of bagatelle into a serenade masterpiece.”

Felicia’s face flushed with excitement, “Lucien, thank you so much for the gift. I think my coming-of-age ceremony will be recorded in the history of music because of your serenade.”

Lucien gently hugged Felicia, giving her an encouraging pat on the shoulder.

Then he went back and rejoined the musicians.

“Lucien, you’re indeed a genius. This piano bagatelle is the most beautiful serenade I’ve ever heard.” Christopher smiled and his eyes were shining with praise.

“No one can doubt your talent anymore, Lucien.” Silvia nodded. She was very impressed with the movement of Lucien’s fingers, wrists and arms when he was playing, and with the elegance of this new musical instrument, piano. In her mind, the piano was no inferior to the violin, the queen of all the musical instruments.

As Lucien’s teacher, Victor was very proud, “I believe that this piece of serenade will become the most popular music work for parties and feasts, even more popular than Symphony of Fate.” Then, Victor paused a bit before continuing, “What I appreciate the most is that you employed many challenging playing skills in the bagatelle. After all, beautiful as a serenade is, it cannot be the mainstream of music in Aalto.”

Lucien nodded with mixed feelings. He always appreciated all the help that Victor provided him, but he also knew that his future might not have anything to do with music, since the path that he chose was magic. After he got to know where the Continental Congress of Magic was from Rhine, he would leave Aalto very soon. Lucien did not want to let Victor down.

While most of the musicians present were marveling at Lucien’s extraordinary talent, Mekanzi looked very resentful. He took a glance at the very disappointed Julian and then he stepped forward as if something hit him all of a sudden.

Mekanzi pointed at Lucian and said in a loud voice in front of the guests, “There’s no way that a beginner can compose something like this! You, so despicable, you made a pact with the devil!”

All of the guests were shocked. They turned around and looked at Mekanzi as if he was insane. It was a very, very serious accusation against Lucien. In other words, Mekanzi wanted Lucien to die.

“Mind your words, Mekanzi!” Victor looked angry and serious, “Talented as Lucien is, he still works very hard.” He was the first person speaking out for Lucien, while Lott and Herodotus remained silent. Facing an accusation involving a deal with the devil, even nobles didn’t easily dare to defend their classmate.

“You’re Lucien’s teacher. Of course you speak for him.” Mekanzi looked around at the guests, “Ladies and gentlemen, do you really believe that a pauper who just started to learn music several months ago can achieve such a level?”

The guests started to whisper to each other. Indeed, the fact that, within only a few months’ learning of music, a poor, young man was already capable of holding his own concert was definitely very surprising.

“You betrayed the God of truth,” said Mekanzi in a vicious way.

Everyone was looking at Lucien now. When he was about to say something, Natasha said to Mekanzi in a slow but authoritative way,

“I know you want to put Lucien onto burning gallows very much, Mekanzi.” There was a slight of smile on Natasha’s beautiful face, “However, Mekanzi, Lucien’s my personal music consultant. You think I’m that stupid to have someone who made a deal with the devil to serve me?”

“I… No, I’m not saying that, Your Grace.” Mekanzi was flustered by the princess’s words.

“Then what do you mean?” asked Natasha sternly.

“I… I mean… It’s not normal for…” stammered Mekanzi.

Natasha cut him off right away, “That’s why we call him a genius. Lucien received rewards from my family, and that’s also why he made such a progress. You have anything to say about that?”

Mekanzi’s face was as red as a tomato. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but finally he released a long sigh like a deflated ball, “Of course you’re right, Your Grace. I’m… I’m overreacting.”

Then, Mekanzi found an excuse and left the party, followed by the frustrated Baret and Clemen, while Julian cheered himself up and said to Christopher sincerely, “I’m sorry I was being so arrogant. I want to stay in Aalto for several years to learn from the great musicians… Aalto is the paradise for musicians.”

“Welcome, Julian.” Christopher nodded to him, “We need fresh blood for our association, and we learn from each other.”

Julian picked up a glass of wine and turned around to face Lucien, “I gotta admit that your serenade is better than mine. I’ll learn from you, and one day I’ll catch up with you.”

“Then I wish you success.” Lucien slightly raised his glass of water.

The music for the party started again. Instantly, Lucien was surrounded by a bunch of noble ladies.

“Mr. Evans, can I have a dance with you?”

“Mr. Evans, you were so charming when you were playing the piano!”

“Can you take a look at my hands to see if I’m suitable for playing piano?”

The mix of sweet perfumes dizzied Lucien. Luckily, at that moment Felicia came over and saved Lucian by having a minuet with him, after which he went to the patio to stay away from the ladies.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.