Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 99

Chapter 99: Natasha’s Request
Translator: Kris_Liu Editor: Vermillion

The breeze was gentle and cool. Standing on the patio and bathing the bright moonlight, Lucien felt revitalized.

However, at that time, Lucien realized that he was being rude since he saw that two beautiful ladies were on the patio as well, snuggling and kissing. The arousing scene of the two beauties showing their love toward each other in the moonlight was like a fabulous painting.

Lucien’s face twitched a bit and then blushed. When he was about to leave the patio, one of them stopped him and asked, “Lucien, what’s that look on your face?” It was Natasha.

With a slight redness on her cheeks, Silvia was hiding behind Natasha, slightly gasping from the intense kissing.

“I’m fine… fine.” Lucien smiled in an embarrassed way.

“What’s going on in your mind?” Natasha slightly lifted her eyebrows and questioned Lucien closely.

“Well… I’m thinking that… what I just saw was not good for my eyes,” said Lucien in a playful way.

“Umm…” Natasha pointed at herself and then at Silvia, “Aren’t we beautiful?”

“Sure, both of you are real beauties.” Having never been with any girl before, Lucien made fun of himself, “Let me put it this way. What I just saw hurt my heart.”

Natasha laughed and stretched herself a bit, “I like your personality, Lucien. You’re interesting enough to be my friend.”

Then she said something to Silvia in a low voice, which made Silvia giggle.

“Excuse me, I need to have some water.” Silvia then said to Lucien and left the patio.

After Silvia left, Natasha asked Lucien to follow her back to the party. When they were on the dance floor, Natasha turned around, bowed to Lucien and reached out her right hand, “May I have a dance with you?”

Lucien looked at her hand and paused a bit, “Your Grace, I’m afraid that it’s not a proper invitation.”

“What?” Natasha looked surprised. When she realized what was wrong, she took back her right hand and stood straight, waiting for Lucien’s invitation, “Sorry, my bad. I forgot you’re the gentleman and I’m the lady. I’m used to… you know what I mean.”

Lucien nodded and smiled, “Yes, I know.”

Recalling the dancing manner, Lucien reached out his right hand to the princess, “Your Grace, may I have the honor to dance with you?”

“Sure, you’re my music consultant.” Natasha laid her hand on Lucien’s palm and followed Lucien to the center of the dance floor.

The dance between a decent gentleman and a beautiful young lady should be very pleasant. Unfortunately, their dance wasn’t exactly like that.

“You stepped on my foot, Lucien!” said Natasha.

“I’m sorry, Your Grace,” Lucien apologized. “But have you figured why? You’re dancing in the manner of man.”

“Am I? Um…”

“Your Grace, you just stepped on my foot.”

“Sorry Lucien. Why don’t you dance in the lady’s way, then? That would solve all the problems,” Natasha suggested.

“I’d rather keep letting you step on me.” Lucien shook his head.

It took them a while to become cooperative. Natasha asked, “Lucien? Can I ask you to do me a favor?”

“What is it?” asked Lucien.

“Well…” A rare shy look appeared on Natasha’s face, “Silvia likes your serenade a lot, and she wants me to play a piece of love-themed serenade for her birthday before the new year.”

“That’s sweet.” Lucien did not understand how he would be useful to Natasha yet.

“But you know I’m not really a serenade person…” said Natasha, “I like music which is intense and passionate, not soft and gentle. I just can’t do it.”

“So, Your Grace, you want me to compose the serenade for you?” Lucien asked.

“Umm… sort of…” Natasha looked a bit embarrassed but soon made up her mind, “Yes, can you do me that favor?”

“Well… I don’t think a decent knight like Your Grace would find a ghostwriter for herself.” Lucien blinked in a funny way.

“You’re not my ghostwriter! I just don’t want to present Silvia with a piece of mediocre work on her birthday.” Natasha was trying to justify it, “I’ll tell Silvia that it’s your work…”

“Don’t worry, Your Grace.” Lucien grinned, “I was just joking. I would be honored if I could help you solve that problem, Your Grace.”

Natasha nodded, “Awesome. Thank you, Lucien. I’ll at least try to work on it as well, and your work will be my second plan.”

“The name of the serenade will be ‘For Silvia’, then.” Lucien paused a few seconds and looked a bit worried, “Since I haven’t gone through any love experience yet, I may need some extra help.”

“Such as…?” Natasha leaned forward a bit.

“I noticed that you have lots of books in your study, Your Grace.” Lucien had been coveting the great number of books in Natasha’s study for a long time, and he would not let this precious chance slip away, “I wonder if I can have the chance to read some of them, say, those love stories books and some books that introduce histories, cultures and traditions of other countries, in order to be inspired. The library of the association has only music books.”

“Of course.” Natasha smiled, “It’s not a big deal at all. As many of the old books are actually written in the language used by the ancient Sylvanas Magic Empire, I can ask the scholars to translate them for you.”

“That would be great.” Although Lucien looked pretty calm, his heart was full of excitement. He did not expect that one of his biggest problems could just be solved like that. By copying the many books from the ancient Sylvanas Magic Empire, Lucien could not only better plan his future trip on the continent, but also learn how to read ancient Sylvanas characters.

Although many books of college level were still sealed in Lucien’s spirit library, he was already way more knowledgable than a common sorcerer. Had it not been for the insufficiency of his spiritual power, Lucien should had already become a first circle sorcerer, which was exactly the opposite situation for the other sorcerer apprentices. Most of them were having a hard time moving forward because they did not have enough knowledge to analyze more complicated spells.

“Lucien, you stepped on me again!” complained Natasha.

When the dance ended, Natasha asked Lucien, “Do you have any other plans recently, aside from composing the canon and finishing the bagatelle? I don’t want to interrupt your schedule.”

“Um… Not really. Composing serenade can help me relax. Actually, I’m considering composing a piece of sonata to record the perseverance and the great faith that supported me all along when uncle Joel and his family were held as hostages,” answered Lucien. All he wanted to do now was to come up with new music works and hold his own concert.

“I’m looking forward to that.” Natasha looked at him seriously, “I know you’re good at this theme. And I’ll have the scholars translate the books for you starting from tomorrow.”

After the dance, Lucien was about to get some water when he met Rhine, who was holding a glass of wine in a very elegant way.

“Good work!” Then Rhine whispered to Lucien, “I almost forgot to tell you that I already helped you get rid of your basement. No worries anymore.”

“You…” Lucien was very surprised. He never expected that Rhine knew this much about him. He was also glad that he did not have to worry about his underground lab anymore, which had been a burden on his heart for a long time since he just could not find a proper chance to destroy it.

“I know you want to thank me, and you’re welcome,” Rhine said to Lucien, smiling, “I mean no harm toward you. I hope you can trust me.”

“But why… Mr. Rhine?” asked Lucien. After all, the whole thing had nothing to do with Rhine at all.

“There’s no why.” Rhine shrugged casually, “Maybe I just want to see a great musician making progress without being distracted by something trivial.”

Then, Rhine raised his glass toward Lucien with a meaningful smile and left.

The party tonight was perfect because of Lucien’s serenade. Thus, Felicia exempted the debt that Lucien owned her to show her family’s appreciation.

At a cost of ten Thales, Felicia made a great deal with Lucien!

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