Tides from the Deep - Blood Devourer

Chapter 41 – Rising Waterfall

Fiora followed Kaia through one of the many buildings in the lagoon surrounding the Academy.

Kaia, the girl who had offered her to join Elder Kawena’s School, had told her to meet in the morning.

And so, Fiora had gone out with her when the sun had just started rising.

Now, Kaia was quickly skipping up a curving set of stairs, arriving on a deserted floor in a building that Fiora had absolutely no idea what it could have been used for.

The hallway they entered was long and dimly lit, with ornate sconces spaced evenly along the walls.

The thick carpeting muffled their footsteps.

It was an old building, and, at this point, it was becoming clearer and clearer that it was abandoned.

Greyed and dirty tall windows lined one side, opening to an overgrown garden.

On the opposite wall hung portraits of former professors or administrators, Fiora guessed.

Doors were spaced intermittently down the hall, all closed and with the paint curling off the wood.

At the end of the hallway stood a large set of double doors made of dark, polished wood with several patterns carved into it.

A faint shimmer seemed to dance across the carvings, hinting at some form of magical protection or enchantment.

As they arrived in front of the door, Kaia paused by an ornate faucet protruding from the wall right beside it.

"Just a moment," Kaia said, leaning closer to the fixture. Her lips moved, whispering words too softly for Fiora to hear. The faucet gurgled in response, and a faint echo of voices emanated from its spout.

Fiora raised an eyebrow. "What was that about?"

Kaia straightened, a small smile playing on her lips.

"Just using the Whisper Network.”

She turned to the faucet again.

“Open up. I've got my recruit."

The giant double door, the only piece of furniture that looked maintained in the building, slowly creaked open.

So, this is really happening, Fiora mused. Or maybe not?

Kaia had told her that the selected students from Elder Kawena’s School could bring someone with them to take a series of tests.

If one passed these tests, they would not only be allowed into the School, but those who had sponsored them would get several privileges.

But for some reason, Fiora kept doubting Kaia.

Even though the short-haired girl had been nothing but upfront with answering all her questions, it still smelled fishy to the blonde.

At the same time, Fiora was happy someone was giving her a shot.

She needed to get into a School—she really needed help navigating the Academy if she wanted to blossom into her true strength.

Kaia and Fiora stepped through the double doors and into a dusty hall.

The room was largely empty, save for a few scattered pieces of furniture draped in white sheets.

Cobwebs clung to the corners, and a thick layer of dust covered every surface.

Shafts of the morning light filtered through the grimy windows, illuminating motes of dust dancing in the air.

Kaia strode purposefully across the room, her footsteps echoing in the empty space.

Fiora followed her in a wary silence.

They came to a stop in front of a blank stretch of the wall.

To Fiora's eyes, there was nothing remarkable about it – just some weathered stones like the rest of the room.

But Kaia approached it with confidence, placing her palm flat against the surface.

Closing her eyes, Kaia began to channel her Mana.

A soft glow emanated from her hand, spreading across the wall in intricate, spiraling patterns.

The stone seemed to ripple and shift under her touch as if becoming liquid.

Fiora watched in fascination as Kaia traced a complex series of gestures onto the wall's surface.

With each movement, the stones became more translucent, revealing hints of something beyond.

Finally, with a soft grinding noise, a section of the wall swung inward, revealing a hidden passageway. Kaia turned to Fiora with a triumphant smile on her face.

"Ready?" she asked, gesturing at the dark opening.

"Is this a Siren's Passage?" Fiora breathed, her eyes wide with wonder.

Kaia nodded.

"One of many our School uses. Come on, we don't want to be late."

They stepped through the passageway and somehow magically emerged in a vast cavern.

The air was thick with moisture and the constant roar of falling water was filling the space.

Before them stretched an enormous waterfall, its waters cascading down from a height that Fiora couldn't even see.

At the base of the fall stood a group of students – five in total, a mix of boys and girls.

They turned as Kaia and Fiora approached, curiosity evident in their gazes.

"Everyone," Kaia announced, her voice carrying over the din of the waterfall, "this is Fiora. She's our newest potential recruit for Elder Kawena's School."

Fiora straightened her back, trying to project confidence despite the nervous flutter in her stomach.

The other students nodded in greeting, some offering a small smile.

Fiora assessed the group with a quick glance.

One girl in particular caught her attention.

There was a warmth in her gentle expression that instantly made Fiora feel at ease. She stood a little further away from the group, with her auburn hair rippling down her shoulders and green eyes that seemed to almost shine in the faint light of the Siren’s Passage.

The sheer scale of the place was overwhelming – the ceiling disappearing into darkness high above. The waterfall itself stretched at least a hundred feet upward.

Kaia allowed a moment for Fiora to absorb the scene before speaking again.

When she did, her voice was serious, cutting through the constant background noise of the rushing water.

"This is where you’ll practice," Kaia explained, gesturing at the waterfall. "It's not just for show – it's our test."

She paused, making sure she had Fiora's full attention.

"To prove your worth, you need to send a projectile all the way up the waterfall."

Fiora's eyes widened as she took in the sheer height of the falls.

The top was barely visible, completely lost in the mist and shadows above.

"All the way up?" she asked, unable to keep the disbelief from her voice. "But that's..."

"Difficult?" Kaia finished for her, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. "Of course it is. You're aiming to be a part of one of the most prestigious Schools in the Academy. It should be challenging."

“Ok,” Fiora said, looking at the other students.

“You can still back out,” Kaia smiled, putting a hand on Fiora’s back.

“I’ll do it,” Fiora said, determined.

This was her chance to prove herself and show everyone what she was capable of.

Without hesitation, not afraid of being the first to attempt this, she stepped forward, summoning a globe of Sunwater above her palm.

The golden orb pulsed with energy, reflecting off the mist-slick stones around them.

Fiora took a deep breath, focusing.

With a sharp gesture, she launched the projectile at the falls.

The Sunwater orb shot upwards, its golden light fighting the white foam of the waterfall.

For a moment, Fiora allowed herself to hope.

But barely one-fifth of the way up, the projectile began to falter.

The relentless flow of water overwhelmed it, and the orb dissipated into wisps of steam.

Fiora's shoulders slumped.

She glanced at the other students, expecting to see disdain or mockery.

Instead, she saw understanding in their eyes.

Looking closer, she realized none of them seemed to be faring much better.

"Don't worry," Kaia said, placing a hand on Fiora's shoulder. "It takes practice and, at the very least, a few days of it. We'll leave you all to it. Keep working, and we'll check on your progress later."

With that, Kaia and a few others left, leaving the recruits to their training.

Fiora stared at the waterfall, determination etched on her face.

She would make it, no matter what it took.

Summoning another globe of Sunwater, Fiora took a deep breath.

Her blonde hair, usually perfectly styled, now clung to her forehead with sweat.

She brushed it back impatiently, leaving a smudge of dirt over her brow.

With a sharp flick of her wrist, she sent the golden orb hurtling toward the falls.

It shot upwards, and, for a moment, more hope flickered in Fiora's eyes. But barely a quarter of the way up, the projectile faltered, taken over by the white-foaming torrent.

A frustrated growl escaped Fiora's lips.

How is a first-year student even supposed to do this?

Are they able to do it?

Kaia was strong, but not… this strong!

She clenched her fists, nails digging into her palms.

I have no other choice, anyway.

Taking another deep breath, she squared her shoulders and tried again.

This time, the orb made it slightly higher before dissipating.

Progress but not enough.

Not nearly enough.

As Fiora prepared for her third attempt, some movement in her peripheral vision caught her attention.

The girl with auburn hair was stepping forward, possibly preparing for her shot.

The girl raised her hands, her fingers splayed wide.

A swirl of vibrant, multi-hued water coalesced between her palms.

Coral Water, Fiora realized.

In one smooth movement, the girl released her projectile.

It shot upward in a burst of vibrant colors standing out against the white spray of the falls.

Fiora's eyes widened as she followed its climb.

The shimmering Coral Water construct reached nearly halfway before the force of the waterfall overpowered it.

Where does this girl come from? She wasn’t in Professor Luana’s Class!

Fiora couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy. She glanced down at her own hands, then back at the falls.

This attempt flew even lower than her previous ones. Fiora's shoulders slumped.

She ran a hand through her hair, tugging at the roots in exasperation.

"Excuse me?" a soft voice spoke up next to her. "Do you know about the Overdrive Spiral?"

Fiora turned to see the auburn-haired girl standing close with a gentle smile on her face, catching Fiora off guard.

There was no trace of the superiority or disdain Fiora had come to expect from her peers.

"Never heard of it," Fiora admitted, her voice slightly hoarse from exertion. "What is it?"

“I noticed you were casting without… well—” The girl tripped over her own words. “See, it’s a technique for casters. You recirculate the spell multiple times before releasing it. Oh, I'm Agalei, by the way."

"Fiora," she replied, finding herself smiling back. "I actually have a spell that overcharges my attacks, but I don't think they want us to use anything other than basic projectiles."

Agalei shook her head, her enthusiasm infectious.

"The overdrive spiral doesn't actually overcharge the spell or use more Mana. It's more about refining the projectile, giving it a spin that increases its penetrating power."

As Agalei explained the technique, Fiora found herself captivated. It wasn't just the information – though that was certainly valuable. It was Agalei herself. Her kindness and her willingness to help shone through her every word and gesture.

Fiora realized with a start that Agalei was probably the nicest person she'd dealt with since arriving at the Academy.

The thought of such a nice girl giving her advice without asking anything in return warmed her heart, chasing away some of the loneliness that had been her constant companion.

So, Fiora set about trying the technique.

She gathered her Sunwater in her palm, concentrating on circulating it as Agalei had described.

The first few attempts were clumsy – the projectile barely making it any further than before.

But Fiora persisted, encouraged by Agalei's patient guidance.

[Sunwater Manipulation has reached Level 6!]

The notification flashed in Fiora's mind, spurring her on.

She was improving, even if the results weren't immediately apparent through the white foam of the waterfall.

[Sunwater Manipulation has reached Level 7!]

Hours passed, punctuated only by the constant flow of the waterfall and the sporadic chime of skill improvements.

The other students gradually filtered out. Even Agalei eventually had to leave, offering Fiora a gentle smile and a few words of encouragement before departing.

Fiora barely noticed their absence, her focus entirely on trying to push her magic further up the waterfall.

Her latest attempt had made it halfway up the falls before dissipating – her best yet, but still not good enough.

The more the projectile climbed, the more resistance it met for some reason.

Sinking to the ground, Fiora allowed herself a moment of rest.

Her muscles ached, and her Mana reserves felt dangerously low.

As she sat there, catching her breath, she found her thoughts drifting to Agalei.

The other girl's kindness had been a balm to Fiora's battered spirit.

For the first time since arriving at the Academy, Fiora felt a glimmer of hope.

Maybe, just maybe, she could find a place for herself here after all.

The thought of potentially joining the same School as Agalei brought a smile to Fiora's face.

It would be nice, she mused, to have a friend like that.

Someone genuinely kind, without ulterior motives or hidden agendas.

"Alright," she muttered to herself, summoning another orb of Sunwater. "Let's do this.

As Fiora threw herself back into her training, she remained unaware of the eyes watching her from the shadows.

Hidden behind a veil of invisibility, a woman observed the young student with growing interest.

She noted Fiora's form, the precision of her movements, and the determination that radiated from her very being.

But the most impressive thing about her, the observer thought, was Fiora's control.

Even as fatigue set in, her manipulation of Sunwater remained precise.

It spoke of a deep well of potential – the kind that could be shaped into something truly remarkable.

The woman smiled to herself, pleased with what she saw.

Elder Kawena's School had found a diamond in the rough—but she wouldn’t let them ruin her.

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