Tides from the Deep - Blood Devourer

Chapter 42 – Mana Board

Talia walked alongside Lilo and Nami, her footsteps echoing off the worn cobblestones of the narrow street running along a canal.

The humid breeze puffed her hair up as they made their way toward the beach for Professor Iakopo's lesson.

"I still can't believe we're having class on the beach," Talia remarked, shaking her head. "It seems so... odd."

"It makes sense, honestly,” Nami shrugged. “We need to learn Mana Board. Where else would we do it?”

"Exactly," Lilo chimed in. "Plus, I've heard he once held an entire lecture underwater in a giant bubble. The students who were unable to dive deep enough using their Primary Mana Channel to descend failed the year!"

Talia raised an eyebrow, unsure if Lilo was exaggerating or not.

Given what she'd seen of the Academy so far, it seemed entirely possible, though.

“Why is he such a weirdo?” Talia said, bothered.

She really didn’t like Professor Iakopo.

Mano, the Secrets Dealer, hadn’t given her any information on the man.

She had almost had a heart attack when they heard a crash during their conversation. But it had turned out to be just a piece of rotting wood tearing itself off of a wreck and falling to the ground.

I wonder if Mom humiliated him while they were students at the Academy—but then why would he have a picture of her in his cabin on the ship.

She was still thinking about the fact that Professor Iakopo not only told her to drop out but basically said that she wouldn’t be able to pass his class.

“He’s very strong,” Nami said with a pensive tone.

“Strong?” Talia frowned.

“I was told not to mess with him but to take his class, nonetheless. There’s a reason the person who ranks first in his class earns so many points for their School.”

“If he’s so strong, why is he still a Professor?” Talia frowned.

“Politics,” Nami shrugged. “The Kāne Family isn’t happy with him.”

Elder Krakatoa had mentioned something like that—both that Professor Iakopo was part of the Kāne Family and that he had had a fallout with them after Talia’s mother, Yalena, had caused the death of his Shield and Retinue.

“Nami, can I ask something that’s going to sound super weird?” Talia said.

“Like usual?” The girl replied. “Shoot your harpoon; come on.”

“What happens to a Chosen, a Promised Slayer, if their entire Retinue and their Shield die?”

Nami darkened immediately at the question.

“I’m not talking about you—I heard stuff about Professor Iakopo…”

“It’s ok,” Nami nodded. “If a Chosen were to lose everyone at once, especially while not facing the Kraken, they would be most likely dismissed by their Family. A Chosen must showcase an incredible aptitude for everything. And while it is true that the Shield and the Retinue must protect the Chosen, it goes both ways. A Chosen needs their Retinue and their Shield in order to grow stronger. It’s one thing if one of them dies, but if they all do, then whatever other faction is in the Family will push to stop providing support, lives, and resources to the current Chosen.”

“I see,” Talia mumbled.

That meant that if her mother had indeed been responsible for Professor Iakopo losing his Shield and Retinue, it would indeed justify his hate toward Talia.

Maybe I should ask Riala? Talia wondered.

But she didn’t feel good about the idea of asking her older sister after what had gone down with Elder Kahua.

I’m sure whatever Mom did was justified anyway.

The trio continued down the street, ducking under low-hanging laundry lines and sidestepping piles of crates outside shop fronts.

As they kept walking toward the beach, Talia's mind wandered to the events of the past few days.

The awakening of her Dark Water Secondary Mana Channel during the confrontation with Elder Kahua still weighed heavily on her thoughts.

She pulled up her Akashic Record to survey it once more.

It had become almost a maniacal obsession to constantly keep checking it to make sure she hadn’t been in a dream – or a nightmare, perhaps.

[Name: Talia]

[Age: 16]

[Class: Lifestealer Lv. 5]

[Rank: Novice]

[Primary Mana Channel (Water): Level 0.92 {Dormant}]

[Secondary Mana Channel (Blood): Level 5 {Flowing}]

[Secondary Mana Channel (Dark Water): Level 1 {Dormant}]

[Core Skill #1: Blood Siphon Lv. 4]

[Core Skill #2: Hemomancy Lv. 6]

[Core Skill #3: Eyes of the Abyss Lv. 4]

[Auxiliary Skill #1: Missile Swimming Lv. 4]

[Auxiliary Skill #2: Crimson Wisdom Lv. 5]

[Auxiliary Skill #3: Blood Confluence Lv. 2]

[Strength: 8]

[Agility: 0.3]

[Constitution: 2.6]

[Intelligence: 1]

[Wisdom: 0]

[Charisma: 0]

[Free Attributes: 2]

[Talent Trees:

Bloodborne Warrior

Carmine Thunder

Sanguine Guardian

Hemomantic Artisan (1)

Crimson Sage (1)

Life Thief


[Free Talent Points: 0]

Her eyes lingered on Dark Water.

Despite its presence in her Akashic Record, Talia found herself unable to perceive or manipulate this new Affinity.

She wasn’t even sure she wanted it, but…

Why couldn’t she control it at all?

The incident with Elder Kahua was like a blur in her memories.

She remembered the surge of energy, the way the Dark Water had responded to her will, forming that massive serpent.

But now?


No matter how much she concentrated, she couldn't summon even a drop of Dark Water.

Was there something else going on? Some mental block preventing her from tapping into this power?

She would probably find an answer if she went to see her father’s training grounds, as it had been indicated by Mano.

Talia sighed, closing her Akashic Record.

She glanced at Nami and Lilo, who were chatting animatedly about the upcoming lesson.

Both of them knew about her Dark Water Affinity already – but they didn’t bring it up because Talia was so uncomfortable with it.

She had briefly mentioned it to Nami after running away, but that had been it.

Talia answered no questions about it.

A part of her wanted to confide in them and ask for help or advice.

But another part of her held back, wary of how they might react.

She had been received so well in Elder Krakatoa’s School, even though she wasn’t yet an official member, and she just didn’t want to taint that by talking about the terrifying power she had wielded against Elder Kahua’s student, Kano, almost killing him.

It made her feel like a monster.

As they rounded a corner, Talia caught sight of two familiar figures up ahead.

Her heart leaped in her chest.

"Fiora! Takai!" she called out, waving to get their attention.

The blonde girl and the lanky boy turned at the sound of her voice.

Fiora's expression was guarded, while Takai offered a big smile.

"Hey!" Takai said as they approached. His eyes darted nervously between her and the Moana sisters, especially lingering on Lilo. "Heading to Professor Iakopo's class too?"

Talia nodded, suddenly feeling awkward. She hadn't spoken much with either of them since the incident with Elder Kahua. "Yeah, we are. Want to walk together?"

Fiora shrugged, indifferent.


The group fell into step, and an uncomfortable silence settled over them.

Talia could feel the tension radiating off Fiora in waves.

She wanted to say something, to bridge the gap that had formed between them, but the words were stuck in her throat.

Lilo, oblivious to the undercurrents of tension, chatted vividly about her expectations for the class, getting closer and closer to Takai.

"I wonder what we'll be learning today! Do you think we'll get to practice water walking? Or maybe we'll learn how to create whirlpools or something!"

“Whirlpools?” Takai looked scared at the mention. “I can’t swim that well…”

“I can teach you!” Lilo said enthusiastically.

“I mean, I tried…” Takai coughed. “I must have heavy bones.”

Talia found herself grateful for Lilo's ability to fill the silence.

As they neared the beach, the buildings gave way to sand dunes dotted with scraggly grass.

The sound of waves crashing against the shore grew louder, drowning out the quieter noises of the city behind them.

Talia glanced at Fiora, catching the other girl's eye for a brief moment.

There was a flicker of... something in Fiora's gaze. Hurt? Anger?

Talia couldn't quite tell.

She opened her mouth to speak, but Fiora quickly looked away, her attention fixed firmly on the beach ahead.

Takai, sensing the tension, attempted to lighten the mood.

"So, uh, anyone want to bet on what crazy thing Professor Iakopo will have us do today?"

"You really shouldn’t talk like that," Nami replied dryly. “He’s famous for appearing out of nowhere.”

Her comment made everyone stop and look around.

The entire group breathed in relief when the unkempt man wasn’t anywhere to be seen.

The beach spread out before them–a wide expanse of golden sand meeting the sparkling blue sea.

A cluster of students had already gathered near the water's edge.

In the center stood Professor Iakopo, his wild hair whipping in the ocean breeze.

He appeared to be positioning several large, strange-looking objects in the sand.

"Well," Talia said, taking a deep breath, "I guess we're about to find out what he’s up to.”


Talia spotted Keanu among the crowd and waved, receiving a friendly nod in return.

She had forgotten to ask Keanu if he wanted to be introduced to Elder Krakatoa’s School and which other courses he was following.

Professor Iakopo clapped his hands, drawing everyone's attention.

"Alright, I hope you had enough fun these days! Today, you’ll find out how hard it is to master even the simplest Skill that every Water Rider is required to use!"

He gestured to a row of strange objects lying in the sand.

They resembled surfboards but were clearly made of some sort of enchanted material.

Runes glowed faintly along their edges.

"These," Iakopo announced, "are training Mana Boards. We'll use them to assess your basic Mana Control. Those who can't handle this will not be fit for my class and will have to find somewhere else to waste their time."

A murmur of apprehension rippled through the students.

Professor Iakopo's eyes scanned the crowd with a hint of a smirk on his face.

"Oh, and one more thing," he added, his voice taking on a dangerous edge. "Once we move to the second part of this class, there's no backing out. Fail then, and you're not just out of my class – you're out of the Academy entirely. So, if any of you have any doubts, now's the time to change course. Some other Professors I shall not name teach Mana Board in the second or third year. However, unlike those losers, I believe that the Water Riders should have higher standards. So, if you’re a sorry excuse of a student, step out now."

Talia felt her blood boil while the man talked.

How dare he talk like that about other Professors? Who did this inflated bore think he was?

But sadly, a few students actually stepped out of the circle and walked away.

The rest of the students glanced at them briefly before refocusing on Professor Iakopo.

Most of the first-year students were thinking that in the worst case scenario, they’d fail at controlling the enchanted boards and would simply back out then.

Why would they want to back out before that?

"Now then," Iakopo barked, "let's see what you're made of! Grab a board and get in the water!"

The students scrambled to obey, each selecting a Mana Board and wading into the small waves.

He paced in front of the students, his crazy hair moved by the wind, and took one of the boards for himself.

"These training boards are enchanted to respond to your Mana, but don't think for a second that makes them easy to control. They're designed to react like the Skill itself would. If you can't handle these, you've got no business trying to summon a real Mana Board."

Iakopo stopped, his eyes scanning the group.

“And please, be reminded that below Level Three, you’ll have a real hard time summoning a Mana Board.”

He said the last part looking directly at Talia and smirking.

I’ll show you, Talia gritted her teeth.

"Now, pay attention. To activate the board, you need to channel your Mana into it. Imagine your energy flowing from your core, down your legs, and into the board beneath your feet. But you can't just flood it with Mana and hope for the best! Too little, and you'll sink like a stone. Too much, and you'll shoot into the air like a drunk seagull."

A few nervous chuckles rippled through the crowd, quickly silenced by Professor Iakopo's glare.

"The key," he continued, "is balance. You must maintain a steady flow of Mana, adjusting it constantly as you move. The ocean is alive and always changing. Your Mana output needs to change with it."

I mean, his explanations are actually pretty good, Talia thought begrudgingly while clutching the board.

He gestured at the waves.

"When you're on flat water, you'll need less Mana. But hit a wave, and you'll need to surge your output to stay stable”

Iakopo's eyes narrowed.

"By the way, don’t think you can just stand there like statues. Mana Board control is as much about your body as it is about your energy. Shift your weight, bend your knees, and use your arms for balance. Theoretically, every movement affects how your Mana flows into the board—but that’s too much for now. Just get on the boards and get a feel for it."

He waited for the students to climb on the boards and then resumed his explanation.

“These boards, like the actual Skill, aren't just responding to your Mana – they're resisting it. If the Skill allowed you to freely push Mana into it, it would eventually degenerate and dissipate. Adding resistance means expending more Mana to keep it going but also continuously regenerating the Skill. The enchantments are designed to replicate this – to make it hard to keep it floating. It's like trying to stand on a living creature that doesn't particularly want you there."

A look of apprehension crossed many students' faces.

Professor Iakopo seemed to relish their discomfort.

"That resistance in the board, on top of everything," he explained, "is what makes this exercise so valuable. It forces you to maintain constant focus and adapt your Mana output moment by moment. In a real battle, you'll need to manipulate water while dodging attacks, casting spells, and fighting for your life. If you can't handle a simple board pushing back, you're as good as dead out there."

He clapped his hands sharply.

"Alright, enough talk. Grab a board and get in the water. Start in the shallow water, no deeper than waist-high. Once you're on the board, close your eyes and focus on your Mana. Feel it flowing into the board. When you think you've got a steady stream going, open your eyes and try to stand."

Talia hefted one of the boards, surprised by its lightness.

The material was smooth and cool to the touch, the glowing runes pulsing faintly under her fingers.

As she waded into the cool water, she could feel a subtle vibration from the board, as if it were coming to life.

Following Professor Iakopo's instructions, Talia closed her eyes and focused on her Mana.

She visualized it flowing from her core, down her legs, and into the board.

At first, nothing seemed to happen.

Then, gradually, she felt a connection forming between herself and the board.

Upon opening her eyes, Talia carefully shifted her weight, attempting to stand on the board.

It wobbled precariously, and for a moment, she thought she would fall.

But then, almost instinctively, she adjusted her Mana output.

The board stabilized, and she found herself standing, albeit shakily, on the water surface.

A thrill of excitement ran through her.

She was doing it!

But her triumph was short-lived.

As a small wave approached, Talia realized she needed to adjust quickly.

She tried to surge her Mana but overdid it.

The board shot forward, sending her tumbling into the water with a splash.

Sputtering and wiping the salty water from her eyes, Talia climbed back onto her board.

She could hear similar splashes and exclamations from her classmates.

A quick glance around showed that most students were struggling just as much as she was.

Undeterred, Talia tried again.

This time, she focused on maintaining a steady flow of Mana, making small adjustments as she felt the water move beneath her.

To her surprise and delight, she found herself gliding across the waves with increasing stability.

Her body seemed to intuitively understand what to do, adjusting her stance and Mana output in tandem.

It must be my talent for Mana Control, Talia smirked, pleased with herself.

As she maneuvered through the water, Talia observed her classmates' progress.

Lilo, unsurprisingly, was performing admirably. Her movements were graceful and controlled, and her body was in perfect harmony with the board beneath her feet.

She rode the waves with an ease that clearly showed she had actually practiced this exercise many times before.

As a gust of wind kicked up, causing some choppy waves to pop up, Lilo adjusted her stance smoothly, barely seeming to notice the change in conditions.

Not far from Lilo, Fiora was holding her own, too.

Her blonde hair, usually so perfectly styled, was plastered to her face with sea spray, but she paid it no mind.

She wobbled occasionally but recovered quickly, her natural Affinity for water magic clearly translating well to this exercise.

Talia couldn't help but feel a twinge of admiration – and perhaps a hint of envy – at Fiora's skills.

She knew that when it would come to summoning a board, it would be much easier for Fiora than for her.

To Talia's surprise, Takai was faring better than she'd expected.

His movements weren't as fluid as Lilo's or as confident as Fiora's, but there was a steadiness to them.

Keanu, usually so composed, was struggling more than Talia had anticipated.

For some reason, he seemed to be overthinking it.

Nami, among all of them, was gliding effortlessly, not even paying attention to the waves, just proceeding with her arms crossed and returning to the beach after a few minutes, nonplussed.

One girl with bright red hair let out a whoop of joy as she successfully rode a larger wave, only to lose her balance at the last moment and tumble into the water with a splash.

She emerged laughing, undeterred by her fall.

Talia herself took after a wave and rode it, tumbling but laughing.

Her heart warmed.

This was the kind of excitement she had been expecting at the Academy, not the crazy politics and the dark secrets.

And even if it was just a temporary illusion, Talia tried enjoying it as deeply as possible.

Professor Iakopo moved along with the practice board, looking around and studying the students’ efforts.

The sun climbed higher in the sky, beating down on the students as they practiced.

After what felt like infinity but was likely only a couple of hours, Professor Iakopo's voice boomed over the water.

"Alright, that's enough! Back to shore, the lot of you!"

As the students gathered on the beach, some panting and dripping wet, others exhilarated, Iakopo began sorting them into groups.

Those who had struggled the most were dismissed with curt instructions to find another class.

"Now," Iakopo said, his eyes scanning the remaining students, "this is your last chance to back out. Once we start the next phase, there's no turning back."

His gaze settled on Talia with a challenge in his eyes.

"Especially you. Are you sure you're up for this?"

Talia met his stare with her jaw set. Despite the warning bells ringing in her mind, she nodded firmly.

"I'm sure."

Iakopo held her gaze for a moment longer before nodding.

"Very well. Let's begin."

He began to explain how to use their Primary Mana Channel to summon a true Mana Board, not just control the enchanted training boards they had been using.

Talia listened intently.

As Iakopo instructed them to attempt the summoning, she closed her eyes, reaching for her Mana.

But where she expected to feel the familiar flow of energy, there was... nothing.

Talia's eyes snapped open.

“What the—”

She tried again, desperately searching for any hint of her Primary Mana Channel.

Still nothing.

What’s happening?! I have almost a full level in it!

As her classmates began to manifest the shimmering, translucent boards beneath their feet, too weak to hold them but at least half-materialized, Talia remained rooted on the sand.

What was happening?

Why couldn't she access her Primary Mana Channel?

Professor Iakopo's smile widened as he observed her struggle.

“Well, I hope you won’t regret this,” he mock-said to everyone, but he really meant it only for Talia.

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