Truth Of The Forgotten Age

3-01: Level Two

'It's hard to breathe...' Veronica thought as she started to wake from her slumber.

She tried to move around, but found it difficult to do so. Instead, Veronica moved her head to see what was blocking her from moving.

Why, it was two beautiful, slumbering women. Aviris and Cassidy, to be exact. Not to mention that the latter was naked. Seeing this, Veronica darted her eyes away and tried to think of how to get up without awaking them.

Which would prove difficult. Aviris was clung onto Veronica's side, cuddling into her shoulder, while Cassidy was practically on top of her.

'Well, guess I'm stuck here.'

A short moment of silenced passed before she squirmed a little.

'I need to pee...'

Very slowly, very carefully, and very gently, Veronica moved Cassidy, as she was taking up the most of Veronica's body. Then, just the same as Cassidy, she unhooked Aviris from her side, and was worried she accidentally woke her when Aviris gave a slight grumble.

But, she finally got them untangled from her and finally got to the restroom to relieve herself.

Afterwords, Veronica went to the main room, and sat on the sofa, stretching and let out a large yawn while trying to wake herself up more.

'Might as well look at my status. I did level up, so surely I got something good.'

Level 2: EXP To Level 3 (0/1,500)


Commander's Body, Body becomes more similar to the body of Lilith Odessa. [2/10]:  Upgradeable! Challenge: Give or recieve oral stimulation from three (3) people [2/3]

'Well, that's nothing new, but it went up. 1,500 points though? Ugh... not gonna level up any time soon. What else is there...?'

Light Weapon Master [Evolvable], Become more proficient with One Handed Weapons. [1/4]: Upgradeable! Challenge: Defeat one hundred (100) opponents with an axe [1/100]

Next Upgrade: Bonus Damage with axes and axes are easier to handle, all weapons are easier to carry.

'Axes? I guess that works for now... It already went up one? Ah, probably from killing the boss. But what does "easier to carry" mean exactly? Are they lighter? That wouldn't make sense though. Whatever, I'll figure it out later. No change to Charm. Next...'

Reckless Fighting [1/1] MAXED ; You gain a slight bonus to physical and magical offense while in more danger. 

'That's... actually a normal skill! Finally a normal skill! Though, it will be difficult to use. Maybe I should wear less armor to make use of it? Just enough to make sure I won't die instantly from physical attacks. Hopefully Liafi will have something for that. And an axe. And last but not least...'

Veronica smiled, seeing as that last skill was normal, she assumed the next would also be normal.

Succubus Spellcraft, Gain access to magic that only Succubi can use [1/4]; You can put creatures into an erotic sleep, limited to creatures of medium size. Upgradeable! Challenge: Whilst a creature is asleep, cause them to orgasm.

Next Upgrade: A spell that allows one to stay in a state of lust longer and increase production of all sexual fluids.

"Are you kidding me!? Come on! I just had something normal too, and now it wants to turn me into a criminal..."

"What was that!? Are you okay? What's going on?" All the other girls seemed to have been woken up by Veronica's outburst.

"O-Oh... uh, good morning. Just looking at my status and uh..."

"Another lewd skill?" Cassidy asked, barely covering herself up with a blanket.

"Yeah... the first part of the skill isn't lewd. But the challenge is..."

"Criminal, as you yelled?" Eleanora asked rubbing out the tiredness in her eye.

"Yeah... it uh... I'll tell you about it later. But good news, it allows me to use magic. Somewhat."

"That's neat! Tell us everything!" Cassidy seemed to already be fully awake, running over to Veronica.

"Put on some clothes first, then we'll talk!" Veronica tried to shield her eyes from Cassidy's voluptuous body, which was nearly on full display.

"Oh fine. Since we're all up now, I guess we should also have breakfast and all that. See you in a bit!" She agreed before running off to get dressed.

"So, Aviris. What were you and Cassidy doing in Veronica's room?" Eleanora asked, making herself coffee.

"W-Well... I kind of decided to help her with her Commander's Body skill, got tired and went to sleep. I guess Cassidy came in sometime after. No idea why she was naked though." Aviris responded, clearing her throat.

"Oh that? I normally sleep naked. I also thought it would be a nice surprise for when Ver woke up." Cassidy said as she came out of her room, buttoning up her form-fitting shirt. "Well, did you like it?"

"I-I wouldn't say I disliked it." Veronica said, growing red and turning away.

After some light conversation, Aviris made breakfast for everyone including Tisha, who joined in later. Apparently, she's a very heavy sleeper. Makes you wonder who she responded to an enemy attack during the war.

After scarfing down their food, they all sat down, wanting to here about Veronica's new, lewd skill.

"C'mon, tell us. Tell us, tell us, tell us!" Cassidy begged like a child in a confectionery.

All four of the other girls leaned in, patiently waiting for Veronica to spit it out.

"Fine! I can put things to sleep. Anything thay is considering 'medium sized'. And by the sound of it, they uh... get a wet dream during."

"Use it on me. Right now. Please!" Cassidy begged.

"No! No, I'm not doing that! Not right now anyways."

"Poo... Alright, fine, what's the challenge then?"

"To... make said sleeping creature... reach climax..." Veronica tried to hide her words, but everyone knew exactly what she meant.

"Then use it on me!" Cassidy ordered.

"I'm fine with it, sounds interesting." Aviris wondered, trying to keep her cool while blush formed on her cheeks.

"I never had a wet dream before, so I am curious what one would be like." Eleanora stated nonchalantly.

"I guess I could. I ma supposed to be making sure you all understand how your classes and abilities work." Tisha volunteered. However, she was met by a nasty glare from Cassidy.

"Not right now! It can wait! I'm just going to take today easy. I am pretty sore after all." Veronica said, massaging her shoulder.

"That's a good idea. Plus, you all do have classes again starting tomorrow." Tisha added, getting up and leaving the dorm.

"Well that settles it. We do have some money, so I'll split that up for us, and whenever we have free time, we can get whatever we need." Eleanora said, washing the dishes.

The rest nodded in unison and split to go do their own things. Meaning, it was finally time rest and relaxation.

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