Truth Of The Forgotten Age

3-02: Trying To Be Dominant I

Veronica had finally gotten off the sofa and got dressed in proper clothes. Her current plan was to go to Liafi with her new sword and sell it, or trade it for some other gear. After all, she did need a new weapon now.

"I'll be back later. Gonna stop by Liafi's shop." She said as she started to leave the dorm.

"Alright, we'll be here. Unless one of us decides to leave as well." Aviris responded, waving farewell.

And so, Veronica left the dorm, and even the building, before someone's voice rang in her head.

"You know, you should try being more... controlling. Those girls seem like they wouldn't have much of an issue with it."

'I thought you couldn't hear what I hear?'

"You tend to repeat their words in your head. Anyway, that's not the point. Point is, you should try being a dominatrix for once. Maybe you'll like it. Plus, it is in Succubi blood to be dominating."

'I'm a human though. Also, this whole thing is still relatively new to me.'

"Human? You still think you're human? Hun, you have a penis and vagina, that's a Demon specialty for one. And two, you can use Succubus magic. You're half-succubus now. All that's left is to... no, no. Not yet."

'I'm what?! You must be joking! There's no logical way that my race, or even species, could have changed! And what was that at the end? Something I should know?'

"No, nothing. Carry on."

Veronica grumbled to herself as she made her way to that small hidden building, ran by the Goblin woman.

"Liafi? You around?" Veronica asked somewhat loudly.

"Yes! Give me a moment please!" The Goblin's voice echoed from a rear room, accompanied by shuffling sounds.

Pretty soon, the short, well endowed Goblin came from the back with a smile on her face.

"Welcome back, Veronica! How may I help you today?"

"Well, I was wondering if I could trade out this sword for some new gear, or at least sell it to afford new things."

"Let me see it." Liafi put on a serious face. She seems to be rather serious on her job as a blacksmith.

Veronica did just so, putting the sword on the counter for Liafi to inspect it.

"It's a low quality sword, but on the higher end. Did you get this from the dungeons?" She asked, inspected every little detail.

"Yeah, from the floor one boss. Everyone else got something good they could use. I don'teven know how to use a sword properly to begin with."

"That explains why you're trying to get rid of it instead if using it. By the way, what happened to that club?"

"Broke... While trying to kill that boss."

"I see. Well, it was practically just a tree branch. Don't forget, that discount is still in effect. Unless you want a bigger discount~"

"W-What would that entail?"

"Simple. Fuck me." Liafi stated, as if it were simply a matter of fact.

"I-I buh, duh, I-"

"Doesn't need to be immediate. Just something to think about."


"Anyways, this sword is pretty decent. You said you wanted to either trade it or sell it, right? What would you want to trade it for?"

"I was thinking a hand axe and probably some extra armor pieces. Which... I'll probably need to constantly get."

"And why's that?"

"One of my abilities changes my body shape every time I upgrade it."

"Interesting. Well, aside from the basic 'one-size-fits-all' armor I have, I don't have anything that's enchanted to fit a constantly changing body. Yet. I could make a set, but that's gonna need some hard to get materials, and I'm sure you'd want to get some extra enchantments on them."

"Yeah. I'll stick with what I have and try to upgrade when I can. If I find any materials, I'll come to you."

"Good. Now, I can give you a decent hand axe, however it's not enchanted. It's the best low-quality hand axe I've got at the moment. Though, it should last you much longer than that old twig you had last time. Where did I put it...?" Liafi searched around d for a bit, and after some metal clattering, she came back with a very basic hand axe.

It was clearly made for combat, but it was very simple, cheap, and non-enchanted.

"This thing is about a quarter the price of that sword you brought. You sure you don't want anything else?"

"Yeah, this will do for now. If I find anything else, I'll come straight to you. Oh! And before I leave, do you... um..." Veronica tried to say, but what she wanted to say made her grow red.

"What is it? It's not something lewd is it~?" Liafi teased.

"N-No! Well, yes, no, I-I mean..." She stuttered before heaving a sigh. "I-I was wondering if you had any tips or advice on being more... dominant?" Her face was red, which she tried to hide by turning her head toward the ground.

"More... dominant? Oh my~ Well, to start..." And so, Liafi began to teach Veronica a little bit on being more domineering in her relationships.

With a warm farewell, she left with newly obtained knowledge. Knowledge that she wanted to try with Cassidy, after all, she would be the one who would be the best test subject.

'Let's go, Veronica. Dominant. Need to be dominant. Take the lead! In... something you've never done before... I really hope my Charm doesn't activate. If it does, then all that teaching would have gone out the window. P-Perhaps I should hold off until later? Great, now I'm second guessing myself. I should think about it on the way back to the dorm...'

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