Ultra-dimensional Warfare

Chapter 1247

Chapter 1247 The Apollo battle begins!

In the lunar orbit, the Titans fleet, which has reached more than twenty ships, is slowly descending altitude, heading towards the lunar city von Braun, the planned combat target.

And on the left side of the fleet, a warship that was not seen by the fleet commander Ja McCann was looming with impetuousness.

“Sirocco! Give me time! If you don’t obey the command, I will shoot behind you!”

Jia Maiken had no intention of hiding his contempt for Sirocco, but put him straight in front of Sirocco.

As the scorned party, Sirocco had no objection to this, but instead stated that everything would be prioritized by Jamacken’s orders.

With such a submissive attitude, Jamaiken, who was about to take advantage of the problem, lost his temper for a while, but after a severe warning, he gave the order to start the battle.

“Hehe. Sir Sirocco, it seems that you are not welcome in Titans!” A young man wearing rimless glasses, wearing a white coat, and tying his long flowing silver hair into a ponytail. Said jokingly.

“Hmph. Short-sighted people will always be jealous of outstanding people. For me, these things are just commonplace.”

Sirocco shook his head slightly, gently put aside the slight unhappiness caused by Ja McCann’s targeting, and brought the topic to the silver-haired young man again.

“Doctor. This time, Apollo will also need your power. Are you ready?”

The silver-haired youth nodded and replied readily: “Of course. My partner is always in perfect condition. He can complete Sirocco’s orders at any time.”

“Yeah.” Sirocco nodded. “Then, please ask Dr. to create another brilliant victory for us!”

“Yes. As you wish.”

As the Dogoskia’s take-off runway was cleared, a weird sledgehammer-like body in the right hand, with a body shape of no doubt, but only the one-eyed body was pushed onto the take-off runway.

In the next instant, with the launch of the catapult, the one-eyed Gundam quickly took off and chased it along the route of the MS troops sent by the Titans fleet.

The battle begins!

The screaming alarm did not panic everyone on the Yagarama. They know that this moment must come.

“The first level of battle preparation! The MS team attack! Send a battle signal to the Ladish! Let our fleet support!” Brad gave the attack order for the first time.

Hundred-style, ZETA Gundam, and the Rem team including the Jim II driven by Katz attacked one after another.

However, before they had to face the MS team of Titans, the fleet of Titans had already begun the first wave of attacks.

This is a deterrent attack.

But even if it avoided the downtown area and deliberately aimed at the surrounding area of ​​von Braun, the powerful naval gun attack made the entire lunar city inevitably shaken and panic.

“Hey! Just intimidate to do so! Titans will not care about human life?” Camus cursed secretly.

“No! Camus. Titans would not create a satellite 30 incident if it took human lives into consideration!” Xia looked at the bursts with cold eyes, swiping over them like a violent storm, and attacked von Buu. Artillery fire in the area around Raun.

Suddenly, a tingling pain swept across.

Xia, whose mind was tingling, suddenly shifted his gaze and stared at the front, behind the artillery fire.

An unforgettable body as long as it has been seen once, no, the unforgettable body is flying quickly towards this side among the mobile suit forces of Titans.

“One-eyed Gundam!!”

Chara remembers that Camus asked about Lara when he came back. At the time, it seemed that Camus was angered because of his deliberate light talk.

Now, there seemed to be a trace of pain remaining on his face, but compared to the pain in his heart that he couldn’t talk about with others, it was too light.

“Camus, Katz, please!”

Xia opened his mouth and ordered to Camus.

“Huh? Captain, what do you want to do?” Intuitively told Camus, Xia seemed to want to be impulsive at this time.

“I didn’t want to do anything.” Xia Ya shook her head, and then said with cold eyes: “I just want to be a little willful once!”

Having said that, Hyakusuki took the rocket shotgun that he had specially replaced in his hand. Then, before Camus spoke, Bai Shi suddenly burst out with the maximum thrust, turned into a sharp arrow, and plunged into Titans’ MS troops.

Neither Camus nor the enemy thought that Baishi would be so self-willed, ignoring everyone, and rushing straight into the enemy’s formation, toward the depths of the enemy’s formation.

Such chaotic actions not only surprised Camus and others, but also caused the enemy to fall into panic.

“Kaz, guys, hurry up! Captain Kuvatro has disrupted the enemy’s formation!” Camus, who was vaguely aware of Char’s intentions, promptly notified the Rem team following ZETA Gundam.

“Yes!” Katz and the others responded in unison.

In a blink of an eye, led by ZETA Gundam, Aoguzhong MS plunged into the formation of the Titans MS troop that only pursued hundreds of styles like a pack of wolves.

A cruel fight was immediately staged.

As the instigator of this fight, Xia did not put too much attention behind him. He knew that Camus and Katz would naturally cover him.

Especially Camus, who should have guessed his intentions, with the help of the newly acquired ZETA Gundam, Camus can definitely fulfill Char’s expectations perfectly.

While thinking about it, the unique shape of One-Eyed Gundam was in sight.

“Come on! One-eyed Gundam!”

After the last fight, Xia already knew the weakness of One-Eyed Gundam.

His only concern is the speed that suddenly burst out before. Last time, because of this speed that Xia couldn’t react to, Lala was killed in order to cover herself.

This hatred, Xia will inevitably retaliate!

With eyes condensed, the rocket shotgun in Baishi’s hand was immediately raised.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

Three in a row.

The compressed ammunition exploded at the moment it was out of the chamber, and under the push of strong kinetic energy, it rushed forward and toward the Cyclops.

Upon seeing this, One-Eyed Gundam speeded up and evaded. Although the action was evasive in time, its left thigh was still hit by scattered shotgun ammunition, leaving little scars.

“Don’t try to escape!”

With such a deliberately targeted attack, Xia would never let the enemy in front of him easily.

As long as the weird mallet with I force field in One-Eyed Gundam’s hand can be blasted, Hyakusho will have more opportunities to display it. Instead of relying on the current dilemma of only relying on the rocket shotgun as a live ammunition weapon to launch an offense.

“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

After losing the protection of the I force field, One-Eyed Gundam had to choose to temporarily avoid the edge, and continuously protected the only firepower weapon in the Hundred-style continuous attack, the weird mallet that combined the beam weapon and the I force field.

“Huh! Are there only these skills?”

Xia Ya’s eyes were calm, and she didn’t see the crazy light that ordinary people saw when they saw their enemies.

The performance of the one-eyed Gundam in front of him did not let Xia relax. He knew that this enemy was just waiting for the opportunity now, waiting for the only live ammunition weapon in Bai Shijiang’s hand that could damage that weird mallet after it had exhausted its ammunition.

However, Char will not give the enemy this opportunity.


As a slight tremor passed to the cockpit, Bai Shi immediately turned into a golden streamer, and disappeared into the undulating mountains on the moon in a blink of an eye.

The sudden disappearance of Baishi seemed to make One-Eyed Gundam a little surprised, but he did not dare to neglect. So, it chose to raise the height.

The rocket shotgun is naturally a powerful weapon to restrain the I force field, but its range is always limited. As long as it was out of range, even if Hundred-style was hidden in the mountains on the moon, it could not threaten the arms in the hands of One-Eyed Gundam.

But, will things be like the one-eyed Gundam pilot imagined?


At a height of less than ten meters above the one-eyed height, a golden shadow suddenly rushed out from the shadow of the mountain below.

In a blink of an eye, he rushed behind the one-eyed Gundam.

“Caught you!”

In Xia Ya’s icy voice, Bai Shi lifted his foot and slammed his foot towards the back of the one-eyed Gundam.


Along with that huge force raging crazily behind the one-eyed Gundam, at the same time, the one-eyed Gundam’s advancing backpack was kicked open several cracks.


When several electric sparks jumped up, the one-eyed high-powered backpack was paralyzed in a burst of explosion.

“Undeniably! You are very powerful with that mysterious power! However, it is not the body’s performance that determines the victory or defeat!”

Xia Ya looked at the one-eyed Gundam who had knocked out a shallow pit in the mountains and said coldly.

Lock the target,

Pull the trigger!




The rocket shotgun fired three times in a row, and all of them hit the weird mallet weapon in the hands of the one-eyed Gundam.


In the end, the I force field, which had almost sealed a hundred types of weapons, was finally destroyed.

The next moment, the rocket shotgun shifted the target and locked in the one-eyed Gundam who was struggling to get up in the billowing smoke.

However, Char gave up the opportunity to kill One-Eyed Gundam with a rocket shotgun.

There is no other reason.

The rocket shotgun’s ammunition has been used up before.

Baishi raised his hand to discard the emptied rocket shotgun, drew out the beam saber, raised it, and locked the cockpit of the Cyclops.

“This blow is a grudge!”

Full thrust, 100-style sprint.

However, at the moment when the beam sword in Baishi’s hand was about to pierce Cyclops, Xia’s heart came to an alarm.

The forward thrust of Hundred-style stopped suddenly, and in an instant it transformed into a retreat, dodge a thick beam of light rushing from a distance.

Xia Ya took a closer look and discovered the direction of the beam’s source. He didn’t know when there was a body that was very similar to Cyclops, but was different in details such as painting.

Moreover, compared with the distinctive one-eyed one-eyed Gundam One-Eyed Gundam and the huge club in his hand, this similar body that appeared suddenly is equipped with two huge, weird weapons similar to large shields on the outside of its arms.

“A new unit again?”

The appearance of this new body made Xia’s plan to kill One-Eyed Gundam frustrated.

He didn’t know whether this new body would still have the same I force field equipment. If so, now only the head Vulcan cannon, the less powerful live ammunition weapon, Baishi, has indeed lost most of its advantages.

“How to do?”

Even in the face of such a difficult situation, Xia Ya’s eyes remained calm.

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