Ultra-dimensional Warfare

Chapter 1248

Chapter 1248 Come to an abrupt end

Fortunately, the situation is not as stalemate as Xia expected, or even worse.

It didn’t take long for the new machine similar to the one-eyed Gundam to stop the Hundred-style attack. On the other side, Camus appeared in the ZETA Gundam.

Xia couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

Even if this new aircraft has the powerful equipment of the I force field, it will not end up in a dilemma where there is nowhere to use it.

Moreover, before ZETA Gundam could get closer to the 100-style one step, a large spot of light suddenly lit up behind it. At first glance, it turned out to be larger and more spectacular than the volley of the Titans fleet.

“This, this is!?”

So big,

Such a colorful and eye-catching scene made the two sides caught in the confrontation raise their heads to look at the ocean of light beams passing above their heads.

“This, this scale? Is it the Seventeenth Independent Fleet?” Xia quickly thought of a possibility.


Camus, who was also shocked by the powerful beam attack above his head, didn’t forget Xia, instead, he accelerated to the side of Baishi, and watched guardingly the new machine blocking the front of Cyclops.

“New body?” Although it was the first time Camus saw Cyclops Gundam with his own eyes, he already knew a lot about its existence. Therefore, he looked more at the new body with two huge shields on the outside of both arms.

“Yeah. But now maybe the opportunity to keep them is lost!”

Xia’s words seem to be meaningful.

The next moment, before Camus was puzzled, a voice suddenly rang from the public channel.

“This is the Seventeenth Independent Fleet, and now our fleet is entrusted by the mayor of Lunar City Von Braun to take over all airspace control affairs of the Lunar City Von Braun!”

The voice paused for a while, as if it was time to refresh everyone on this battlefield.

“Now, my Seventeenth Independent Fleet has officially issued a notice! All fighting in the airspace of the Lunar City Von Braun will be illegal. My Seventeenth Independent Fleet has the right to do anything with it!”

“Therefore, all mobile suits, warships, and my seventeenth independent fleet that fought over von Braun, no matter where you belong, will be sanctioned by killing and other means!”

Listening to this all-channel announcement, Xia Ya’s heart was determined, and the secret path really was like this.

The Seventeenth Independent Fleet did not make Ogujiu wait.

It wasn’t long after the war started that this space fleet, secretly hailed by many federal officers as the strongest fleet of the Earth Federation, finally appeared.

Xia Ya raised his sight slightly. Above this mountain range, the beam rainstorm that almost illuminated this mountain range showed no signs of stopping, but was strengthened by the continuous broadcast of this full-frequency announcement.

This is huge,

This sea of ​​beams resembling a terrifying tsunami easily suppressed the attack launched by the Titans fleet that was still invincible just now.

The only difference is that the Titans fleet at the center of the beam attack does not seem to have lost any warships.

This is obviously an extremely unusual thing.

Do you want to say that the artillery level of the Seventeenth Independent Fleet is substandard?

Others don’t know, as the commander of the Titans fleet, Ja McCann must know, and he knows it very clearly.

This is how the Seventeenth Independent Fleet used to demonstrate! !

“Damn it! This is warning us!”

Jia Maiken clenched his fists tightly and screamed hard.

“The number of enemies?”

The radar controller did not react for a while.

“Major, then, is that the Seventeenth Independent Fleet?”

“Do not!!”

Jia Maiken yelled sharply and patted the seat handle hard.

“That’s the enemy!! It’s the enemy of our Titans!!! Hurry up! Tell me the number of enemies!!”

In the fierce gaze of Ja McCann, even if there were any doubts in his heart, the radar controller obediently reported a result that even he himself could not believe.

“According to the calculations based on the size of the artillery fire, the enemy fleet has a minimum of 80 warships and a maximum of 120 warships.”

“No! Impossible!”

Jia Maiken stood up and shouted in disbelief: “How is this possible! It is just a fleet of the 17th Independent Fleet, how can it be possible to have a cluster of hundreds of warships!!”

In fact, no matter how Jamaken doesn’t believe it, the densely packed hull projections are descending over the moon city von Braun in the entire area, with a powerful beam attack.

Among them, the giant kilometer-class battleship that had seen and threatened by Ja McCann himself, had to flee in a panic, had the most visual impact.

“Report, report! The giant kilometer-class battleship that appeared before has appeared, and it is still in the position of the leader of the Seventeenth Independent Fleet.”

The news was like a bolt from the blue, shattering the trace of luck in Jia McCann’s heart.

Originally, he wanted to use the name of Titans to negotiate with the Seventeenth Independent Fleet, trying to gain a chance to grab the moon city von Braun.

But now, the appearance of that kilometer-class giant battleship is undoubtedly an insurmountable sky.

“Fight, failed!”

Even with Ogu’s obstruction, Jia Maiken is still confident that he can win the moon city von Braun.

Such a bright prospect,

The great credit that is coming soon,

In this way, under the extremely powerful force of the kilometer-class giant battleship, it was broken.

“All ships! Retreat!”

Even if he is unwilling, Jia Maiken knows that those beam attacks that have not stopped so far can rub the edge of the Titans fleet. The artillery will definitely attack the Titans fleet led by him. Mission destroyed.

Just as Ja McCann had expected, as soon as the Titans fleet made a retreat, the perfect outline drawing stopped immediately.

At the same time, a man immediately appeared in the full-frequency broadcast.

“I am Major General He Inexplicable, Commander of the Seventeenth Independent Fleet. Please be happy that everyone in Titans has made the right choice!”

The man’s introduction immediately silenced all members of the Titans fleet.

Never imagined that this long-missing legendary general would return at this critical moment and reveal his identity in this battle.

Those who had figured out something quietly cast their gazes on the unsteady Jia Maiken on his face.

“Fight? Or turn around and run?”

This question keeps rising in everyone’s minds.

Most people have guessed the same about the thoughts of Jia Maiken, the superior. Now that he retreats, it doesn’t mean that Jamaken will stop there. On the contrary, Ja McCann will definitely take extreme measures to retaliate against the humiliation he suffered after the incident.

These methods are nothing more than a routine thing for a person who must report to Jia Maiken.

However, before Jia McCann made a decision in his struggling heart, a communication from Gripps shattered his struggle.

“Enough! Ja McCann, bring the fleet back! You are not the opponent of that general!”

The Supreme Commander of the Titans, Djamitov Hyman said.

“Yes, I understand.”

After putting down his baggage, Jia Maiken didn’t breathe a sigh of relief, and was frightened into a cold sweat by an unexpected situation.

“Dogoskia was shot on the port side! The loss is now being confirmed!”

“What?! Quick! Open the communication with the Dogoskia!”

Soon, Ja McCann, who was shocked by the accident of the Dogoskia with a cold sweat, immediately yelled at the moment he saw Sirok appear on the main screen.

Didn’t pay any attention to what was going on?


I just want to use this to vent my fright and shame.

Sirocco was silent and did not avenge himself. After silently waiting for Jamie Ken to finish cursing and shutting down the communication, he turned his head to look at the silver-haired man standing aside watching the good show.

“Doctor. I hope you can give me an explanation.”

The so-called accident that the Dogoskia was shot was just that the laboratory used by the silver-haired man on the Dogoskia suddenly exploded due to an unknown cause. The outer armor blasted a big hole.

Therefore, from the outside, there is quite a meaning of being shot and wounded.

“No. I’m very sorry! Your Excellency. This should be just an accident.” The silver-haired man shook his head and showed an apologetic smile.

Of course, he would not expect Sirok’s understanding for this. After all, Sirok’s battleship was damaged because of his own negligence, and he was even insulted by the abominable boss.

“Let’s do it! In order to make up for Sirocco’s loss, I can share some of my research results with Sirocco. Isn’t you always thinking about the development ideas of the new type of machine? I think it should be able to help. .”

Hearing this, Sirocco’s eyes lit up, and his complexion nodded softly. “So. I bother Dr.”

The retreat of the Titans fleet did not make Char too surprised. The only thing he was not reconciled to was that the one-eyed Gundam that should have been kicked by Hundred-Shiki and pushed his backpack to his feet, stood up again with the help of the new machine. Down, quickly relying on the terrain to get rid of the pursuit of Baishi and ZETA Gundam.

“We are lost! Captain.” Camus was also unwilling.


No amount of unwillingness, it is impossible for Char and Camus to catch up with the one-eyed Gundam that disappeared in the mountains.

However, as Char was preparing to return to the Yagama with Camus, a distress signal that suddenly appeared on the screen caught Char’s attention.

“this is?”

Feeling in his heart, Xia brought Camus to a ring pit, where the distress signal came from.

“Ya······························· Please answer!

Suddenly, an unfamiliar female voice appeared on Ogu’s dedicated communication channel.

In doubt, Xia asked Camus to alert the surrounding situation, and he flew towards the distress signal in Baishi.

“I’m Captain Kuvatro of Ogu. May I ask you?”

As the distance shortened, Xia saw a figure with a beautiful figure outlined in a purple pilot’s suit standing on the edge of the circular pit, signaling to Baishi with a flashlight in her hand.

“Augu?! You are from Augu? It’s really great! I’m Serrein Ixpalli! I need to fight with Commander August now, no, I need to fight with the Seventeenth Independent Fleet immediately Commander, why inexplicably major general meet!”

“I have important information related to the Titans conspiracy in my hand! A hundred thousand in a hurry!!!”

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