Urban Knight - Return of Legends

Chapter 14 - Howling Chasm

A new day greeted the bustling city of New Lumingard. For some, just another sign of the passage of time—for others, an exciting step into the unknown. The latter was the case for Ascalon and his friends as they stood outside the tavern, waving goodbye to the master of The Chalice.

They wore their everyday clothing, as they were the most comfortable for them and ideal for any situation, along with some moderately sized backpacks that contained their provisions, some tools, and other assortment of objects. But that wasn’t the only thing they shared in common, as their faces showed the same kind of expression: a mix of determination and anticipation.

They walked the streets as they engaged in small talk, with Ascalon asking questions along the way about things that piqued his interest. He was curious about the many different colored hairs he saw, their animal-like traits such as canine ears that some people had, or establishments he hadn’t seen before, like arcades and other electronic stores.

Lilithra and Selorien did their best to answer—mostly the cheerful girl, as per usual. Ascalon felt he really fit in with these two, now more accustomed to their personalities.

Among the many topics they discussed, he brought up the question of why they were carrying backpacks.

“We could simply use the network’s inventory system, no?” Ascalon asked, in a matter-of-fact fashion. But Lilithra showed an annoyed expression.

“No! We’ll go with the authentic adventure experience!” Lilithra replied, her words having some truth to them. Selorien simply rolled his eyes.

After a while, they arrived at a place where many people stood around them, as if waiting for something. Promptly, the answer to that mystery came into view: an enormous metallic beast approaching. He marveled at the sight as Lilithra explained to him that it was a train, one of the forms of public transportation used to quickly get from one end of the city to the other.

Ascalon was feeling a bit of pity for horses. They were trusty companions back in his world, but he hadn’t seen a single one since he had come to New Lumingard. It made most sense, seeing how many better and faster ways of transportation the Lumingardians had at their disposal, but it was still sad.

As they rode the train, Ascalon behaved just like when he traveled in the military vehicle, watching through the windows in childlike awe. Lilithra and Selorien quite enjoyed the sight, as it filled their hearts with warmth and amused them at the same time.

It was incredibly fast and efficient, due to how many people could travel in it at once. Truly only beaten by translocation portals, which needed enormous amounts of mana to be opened for at most a couple of minutes, and also only able to be cast by a handful of the most powerful mages around Excadia.

While lost in thought, Lilithra nudged him and got up, as the train stopped. While they descended, Ascalon appraised once again the contraption, and decided to use it often as he had really enjoyed the experience.

They were now in the Northern district, and Ascalon could appreciate the differences between the Southern one. For one, buildings looked older, more vintage as some would say. There were even structures with workers and machinery around them, in the process of renovation or reconstruction.

The group walked for a couple more minutes, still chatting about various things, and finally arrived at the entrance of a huge, green tent. The outside was guarded by armed men with these 'guns' he had been told about, and a fence that encompassed the entire area. He could feel a powerful force from inside, no doubt the portal connecting to the dungeon.

Aside from that, it was clear they weren’t the only ones thinking of going into the tower, as a group of people stood in front of the entrance as they conversed animatedly. Surely enough, none of them carried backpacks or anything of the sort. Lilithra and Selorien watched the strangers with inquisitive eyes.

“Hmm… I wonder which guild they’re from.” Lilithra thought aloud, as Selorien nodded in agreement. Ascalon simply gazed upon them, feeling curious.

Then, a head poked out from the lot, looking in their direction. It was a young girl with fluffy brown hair, and her eyes widened as she saw Lilithra and her companions.

“Hey, isn’t that the Selorien?!” The girl asked, as her head disappeared momentarily and her whole group looked at the elf. She probably didn’t mean to raise her voice so much, but her excitement got the best of her.

Lilithra sighed as Selorien showed a disgruntled expression. “Right, I didn’t tell you Ascalon, but Selly here even has a fan club. Better get used to it…” Lilithra spoke with a monotone tone of voice, seemingly used to these interactions, but enjoying none of it.

Ascalon thought it was impressive that Selorien had such popularity, recalling how sometimes people would approach him in the streets, but the look on the elf’s face made it clear that he didn’t share the sentiment.

The same girl who questioned Selorien’s identity approached shyly, her arms behind her back, as the rest of her group murmured between themselves. She was as tall as Lilithra, maybe a tad bit shorter, and wore a yellow jacket over a red shirt, a set of blue shorts, and black simple shoes.

If someone had to say what they noticed first about her, it would probably be her ample chest, which was quite the contrast with the rest of her petite body.

But as for Ascalon, his gaze rested among her soft hair, appraising a pair of cat-like ears twitching. Then, he noticed she even had a tail, a fluffy and long brown tail.

As he pondered about the girl’s appearance, she spoke in a soft, nervous voice. “H-hey, I hope I didn’t sound rude… Haha. M-my name’s Lyra…” Selorien composed himself and showed his usual, uninterested expression.

“No worries.” He stated, short and to the point. Some would think of him as a cold man, but Ascalon knew that Selorien was simply behaving as always.

On the other hand, Lilithra couldn’t help but feel bad for the girl, so she waved at her. “Hey, Lyra! I’m Lilithra! This is Ascalon, and, well, you know Mr. aloof over here.” She spoke cheerfully pointing to her companions.

“Which Guild are you guys from?” Lilithra asked as she peeked over Lyra curiously, the girl jumping slightly at the question.

She seemed quite nervous. “Ah, uhm, nice to meet you!” Lyra bowed frantically. “Well, we’re from a n-new Guild… we’re… we’re called Fluffy Warriors.” She stated, her face reddening furiously. It was quite the intriguing name, Ascalon thought. Perhaps a name like that could help give off a false sense of weakness! Truly a cunning stratagem.

Both Selorien and Lilithra couldn’t help but giggle, and contrary to what one would expect, that brought a smile to Lyra’s face. “That’s a cute name!” Exclaimed the red-haired girl, showing a joyful expression. Lyra nodded in appreciation, still smiling softly.

As they exchanged words, another man approached from their group. He was tall with short, black hair, and wore the same jacket as Lyra, alongside a pair of blue jeans and brown boots. His face showed a gentle expression as he watched over them.

Lyra noticed the newcomer’s presence, and beamed at him. “Oh, Ian!?” She asked shyly, as he smiled at her. Then, Ian looked at the group, and offered them a nervous bow with a hand behind the back of his head.

“I hope our Lyra isn’t bothering you guys.” He spoke with a tender tone, and Lyra’s cheeks reddened as embarrassment assailed her.

But Lilithra simply shook her head in denial. “She’s no bother at all, don’t worry!” Her words reassured Lyra, who smiled happily once again.

Ian looked at Lyra and sighed contentedly, seemingly used to these kinds of situations. Then, he patted her head softly. “Hehe.” A small chuckle escaped Lyra’s lips, as she smiled. The rest looked at her with warmth, as she seemed like a lovable girl.

Then, a guy’s soft voice could be heard from behind the cat-like girl and Ian. “Hey Lyra, Ian, we’re going in!” Ascalon and his friends turned towards the voice, seeing an adorable brown-haired young man.

He was short in stature, and owner of a baby face that would melt the heart of any doting, older woman. He wore the same clothes as Lyra, except that his jacket was blue. His expression was one of impatience.

“Oh! Uhm, alright, big brother!” Said Lyra, with a nervous tone of voice. Ian bowed to the group, his face still smiling after the whole encounter, and left to join the rest of his companions.

Wait, something felt wrong about what she said. Big brother? The trio looked at each other, seemingly in sync, and then rested their gazes on the young man.

He looked at them with his eyes half-closed in annoyance and suspicion, as if reading their minds. “I know that expression… Ugh. Yes, I am her big brother, and Guildmaster of Fluffy Warriors. I’m twenty-five by the way!” He exclaimed, pointing a finger at them, before storming off in an adorable fashion, not even deeming to tell them his name.

“Ah… S-sorry about that! G-good luck with the tower!” Said Lyra, as she ran nervously after her brother. Even from behind, one could see her chest swaying, and Lilithra felt the unfairness of the world.

“You too!” Lilithra shouted, sighing as she watched the other group cross the gates.

They all exchanged gentle looks, and Selorien spoke. “Alright, you guys ready?” He asked, a half smile appearing on his face. Lilithra nodded enthusiastically, and Ascalon bowed slightly.

“It’s time then, let’s go!” Lilithra raised both arms in the air as she declared the start of their adventure, her backpack making some noise behind her.

They promptly followed the other group’s footsteps, approaching the gate and showing the guards there their Guild identifications. Seeing this custom, Ascalon put on a worried face, because he didn’t have one. However, it seemed that he could go in if a Guild vouched for him, so there were no issues.

Ascalon felt relieved as the guards let them through, and stepped into the enormous green tent. Once inside, he could feel more clearly the powerful aura emanating from the swirling vortex, a mix of blue and purple colors at the center of the makeshift facility. It was like no other gateway he had seen before, but such thoughts were becoming less surprising as he adapted to this new world.

They approached the magic mass as if being pulled in, and they looked at each other to confirm their intentions. “Together?” Asked Lilithra, a bold smile on her face. Both Ascalon and Selorien nodded firmly, and she smiled.

Without hesitation, the three of them stepped forward into the swirling portal. Instantly, the world around them spiraled out of control. Colors stretched as far as their eyes could see, their bodies distorted in a whirlwind, their consciences traveling across the planes. It was but a brief moment, yet felt like a long journey.

Their vision was momentarily blinded by a sudden white light, as they slowly felt the ground beneath their feet once more. In their minds, they could see a blue screen.

The wind greets you with fierce gales, travelers. Welcome to the Howling Chasm.

Dungeon type: Open-field.

Rank: D - Medium difficulty.

The screen surprised Ascalon, who took a mental note of the summary. Afterward, the group blinked almost in unison, their eyes fighting against the brightness as they adjusted to their new surroundings.

The first to speak out was Lilithra. “Whoa…” Was her only word, as she scanned the area in awe. Ascalon and Selorien understood her sentiment, as they too gazed around them.

They were now atop a high cliff, the ground beneath them a field of yellow rock. From the edge nearby, they could see the world expand below—a vast blend of green and blue in all directions, stretching to the distant horizon. The wind howled, giving its name to the place. The sight was breathtaking, even Selorien couldn’t hide his elated expression.

Ascalon stood closer to the precipice, taking in the sights with a content expression. “So this is the Howling Chasm. Truly lives up to the name.” He remarked with a smile, as his eyes scanned the surroundings in awe.

Then he felt a tug on the hem of his shirt, and looked back to find a smug Lilithra looking at him. “Nope! That is the Howling Chasm.” She exclaimed, as her finger pointed in the opposite direction of the cliff’s edge.

Ascalon’s eye followed her gesture, and his head began to rise as he gazed upon a towering set of mountains that seemed to pierce into the sky above. Even from that distance, he could feel the winds rage furiously, and the cries of unknown creatures lurking in the crevices of the chasm.

Selorien whistled, evidently impressed by the sight, and Lilithra smirked at his reaction. “It is indeed impressive, although I must say, I wasn’t expecting this kind of view when I was told we were going into a dungeon.” Said Ascalon, as he walked over to Lilithra’s side.

Lilithra nodded at his words, understanding what he meant. “Mhmm. Sometimes you get old, musky dungeons and mazes, or towers with multiple floors and stuff! But from time to time, we get open-field dungeons like this one… And it looks amazing!!!” She explained, as she opened her arms wide as if presenting the world to Ascalon.

Then, Selorien stood beside them and chimed in. “Yeah, though it’s pretty obvious where you have to go…” He stated as he looked up to the mountains.

This brought a question to Ascalon’s mind. “What about the world yonder?” He pointed with his finger to the horizon, and Lilithra put on a conflicted expression.

“Nobody knows. People have tried to explore beyond what’s clearly the dungeon’s area in these open-field kinds, but always end up getting back to where they started. Honestly, these dungeons are still a big mystery to everyone.” Lilithra’s face showed intrigue, as she scanned the vast landscape.

Ascalon pondered for a moment, curious about the purpose of these dungeons. He was sure that everything was connected to the Gifted network, especially with the summary of the Howling Chasm that they had seen before. However, it wasn’t the time to dwell upon the mysteries of the network, but for adventure!

He took a look around, trying to scan the area for anything of importance, and noticed that there were no signs of travelers around. “Hmm. I wonder how far ahead are the Fluffy Warriors.” He wondered with a pensive expression. Lilithra’s face lit up with realization, thinking about a specific detail.

“Oh right! They’re probably somewhere else. The portal kind of drops you randomly in the vicinity of the dungeon, haha.” She spoke with a smirk, as Ascalon made a surprised expression.

That explained it, but also opened a few more questions in his mind. Did the random translocation serve a purpose? Was it to avoid early confrontation between different parties, or to ensure fairness in the dungeon delving? He shuffled a few ideas around, but ultimately decided to leave them for later. He kept getting distracted by his own curiosity!

Determined to focus on the adventure at hand, once and for all, he took a few steps in front of the group. “Should we advance?” He asked, looking back at his friends. Both Selorien and Lilithra nodded, the latter smiling in excitement.

“Let’s go!” Exclaimed Lilithra as she skipped forward, heading to a rocky path up the mountain. Selorien adjusted the straps of his backpack and promptly followed after them.

Ascalon walked along Lilithra, with Selorien a few steps behind, scanning their surroundings. The path through the cliffs was rough, the unleveled yellow terrain having formed naturally probed quite hostile to travelers. The wind howled as if it were the growl of a humongous beast, and the light that seeped from the cracks along the stone structures seemed to fade as they marched along.

There was a kind of somber beauty to it all, a wild territory untouched by men. It was a sight Ascalon was more accustomed to, in contrast to the ever-expanding streets of New Lumingard and its enormous buildings. The rugged landscape resonated with him, and he felt right at home in these harsh, unwelcoming cliffs—as weird as that sounded.

But neither he nor his friends were actually welcomed, as a sudden screech alerted the whole group. It was a wail Ascalon would recognize anywhere, and he expanded his senses as he looked up.

And sure enough, there they were. Bare chests hung from the creatures, with feathers covering most of their bodies. Their faces showed womanly features, but their bloodlust-filled eyes looked anything but human. They perched on stone edges and dry branches, their arms open wide with sets of huge wings. Half-bird, half-women—harpies. The first challenge in their adventure had presented itself.

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