Urban Knight - Return of Legends

Chapter 15 - Winged Horrors

The howling wind carried the echoing screeches of the winged creatures, some of them circling in the sky and casting ominous shadows on the world below. Others remained perched on their places, their fanged teeth shining as saliva dripped down from them, their bird-like eyes focused on the prey—the delicacies that had just arrived.

Their hunger was palpable, and their unsettling cries were getting more agitated by the second. The cackling harpies made Lilithra shudder, being her first encounter with their kind. Selorien stood by her side, showing a serious expression, though one could feel the tension in his demeanor.

Her lips parted, letting out a nervous voice. “W-what do we do? Aren’t these, like, really high-level?” She asked as her eyes darted from creature to creature.

They were, indeed, one of the most dangerous creatures in the Howling Chasm. “Ugh, just my luck. I’m at a disadvantage here…” Exclaimed Selorien, clearly frustrated that his combat style wasn’t suited for dealing with flying opponents.

His daggers wouldn’t reach them, and he could miss even if he threw them. But more importantly, with their bird’s-eye view, the harpies could easily detect any kind of stealthy tactics.

Ascalon, on the other hand, remained composed as he counted the harpies. It was a big flock, twelve in total—a rare occurrence, since the bigger the group, the more they contested with each other. Usually, a whole ‘clan’ of harpies would reach around sixty, scattered around in smaller ‘packs’ that preyed upon different territories.

Still, nothing was ever set in stone, and these beasts could be as whimsical as humans. Then, he noticed one of the perched harpies raise its wing, hiding its face behind it while peeking over with an alluring look in its eyes. Ascalon recognized the pattern, and promptly spoke.

“Prepare yourselves, the wretched creature is about to sing!” Both Lilithra and Selorien looked at Ascalon with a hint of confusion on their faces, and then it happened.

The skill - Harpy Song - Has been activated in the surrounding zone.

Come, come, come, my delicious appetizer!

—Skill info—

Creature Skill

Rank: C - Level none.

Potential: None.

Attribute: None.


Hypnotizes the Harpy’s targets and forces them to helplessly get closer, its efficacy depending on the target’s constitution and intelligence.

Additional effects:

* Has a 5% chance of bypassing resistances.

* The effect doesn’t end until the Harpy stops singing.

* Multiple Harpy Songs in the same area get a boosted effect.

A sweet, melodic voice echoed through the cliffs. It was a song so enchanting and intoxicating that it rapidly captivated their senses. Selorien shook his head, trying to resist, while Lilithra simply watched the creature in awe, cheeks flushed and mouth hanging open.

She was enthralled by the song, and wanted to accept the harpie’s invitation wholeheartedly, so she started to stumble forward.

Ascalon didn’t budge, sighing while grabbing Lilithra by the back of her hoodie and lifting her effortlessly, as if she were a house cat. She flailed and mumbled, smiling in blissfulness at the harpy that had captivated her.

It was good fortune that the knight was nearly immune to mental attacks. Back in Excadia, he had an encounter with Sirens, creatures very similar to the harpies but that dwelled in the seas, and fell victim to their treacherous song. When they tried to gobble him up, his body retaliated with a frenzied rampage, resulting in him massacring the whole pod in a daze.

Since then, he sought ways to fortify his mind, to try to ward off or expel unwanted visitors from it, in order to not harm others by mistake in case something similar occurred once more. He traveled far and wide until he came across the Monks of the Frozen Oasis, who preached a saying: ‘Your mind is a temple, trespassers have no right to sully it’. Under their guidance, he trained rigorously until he mastered their ways.

However, he had no way of using his mental defenses to help others out of the enchantment, so he recurred to something more… practical. With his free hand, he materialized Exemplaris. He arched his arm backward, gathering his strength.

Then, with a swift motion, he thrust his lance forward, hurling it in the harpy’s direction. Exemplaris pierced through the air, causing the wind to howl as it reverberated through the cliffs, sending shockwaves that shook the very rocks beneath their feet. The projectile found its target with deadly precision, decimating the creature in a heartbeat, feathers and blood spraying everywhere.

Some of the other perched harpies took flight because of the quaking walls and the impending danger, while a couple lost their balance mid-flight, knocked to the ground by the shockwaves, their bodies landing with solid thuds. They tried to rise, weakly, as the rest of the flock screeched from above.

Selorien watched the aftermath speechless, his eyes wide open. He thought he had already come to terms with Ascalon’s prowess, but the scene before him made him realize that the blonde man was far more powerful than he had imagined.

On the other hand, Lilithra woke up from her stupor. “W-wha-?” She exclaimed as she looked around, then up and down as she noticed she was floating in the air.

She blushed the moment she saw Ascalon holding her by her hoodie, and let out some cute sounds of confusion and protest as she flailed around. Ascalon slowly set her on the ground, his good eye still in the sky.

As her feet touched the rocks beneath, Lilithra extended both arms to their sides in a balancing pose. Then, as she recomposed herself, realization hit her like a bucket of cold water. She lost her senses and succumbed to the harpy’s song so easily, and it seemed she had been the only one affected.

She blushed once again, a mix of embarrassment and anger. “Ugh! What’s the point of coming here if I’m going to be useless again!” She exclaimed in frustration, trying to hide her expression with both hands.

It wasn’t her intention to voice it out loud, but she couldn’t suppress her desire to vent. Selorien looked at her with a pained expression, not only because of her circumstances, but also for his lack of action.

Once again, Ascalon had to save the day. Were they that helpless? The thought crossed both their minds, but the blonde’s words brought them back to reality.

“I understand your vexation.” Ascalon stated with a firm voice, the other two looking at him with curious expressions. “I can’t keep interfering with your growth.” He continued. Lilithra and Selorien both grasped the meaning behind his words.

They needed to be able to take care of themselves in situations like these, in order for them to grow. The words resonated even more clearly with Lilithra—she had to become stronger if she wanted to make her goals a reality. They couldn’t rely on Ascalon for everything.

While they were thinking that, Ascalon spoke again. “Let us set that aside for now. I shall help you vanquish these vile creatures, this once.” The harpies circling around shuddered, as if they had understood his words.

“But afterward, I would like to propose something to you two.” A bold smile appeared on his face, as curiosity took over Lilithra and Selorien once more.

Ascalon took a few steps ahead, the flying creatures hissing in caution. “Bring forth your weapons, and strike with all your might!” He exclaimed, as he summoned his great shield on his left hand. Then, he set his eye on the sky, and his voice boomed with authority.

“Come, winged abominations! Come and test your mettle!” The moment he spoke those words, a blue screen appeared before the rest, and the flying beasts felt shivers through their whole bodies.

The personal skill - Heroic Challenge - Has been activated in the surrounding zone.

Calling forth honor and unwavering resolve, he dares the wicked to test their might against his valor!

—Skill info—

Ascalon Rendland’s ??? unique skill.

Rank: ??? - Level ???.

Potential: ???.

Attribute: ???.


Those ??? as ??? by Ascalon ??? are forced to ??? in combat with ???.

Additional effects:

* ???

* Has a ??? to ??? the effect.

The network is still learning about this skill.

Lilithra and Selorien both read the screen in awe and astonishment. Some of the information seemed to be missing, but there was enough to piece it together somewhat. It was undeniably an amazing skill. However, they couldn’t admire it for long, as ravenous screeches soon echoed loudly through the cliffs.

They gazed upward, and saw the creatures plunging in the knight’s direction, their faces a mix of rage and… fear?

The harpies' primal instincts were screaming; their only concern was to flee. But their minds were assailed by conflicting thoughts, and their bodies moved without delay. Despite their terror, they were unable to stop their descent, compelled by an unseen force toward the very thing they wanted to get away from.

It didn’t take long for the group of harpies to start kicking, scratching, and biting on the knight; even the ones that had fallen to the ground before. Yet the knight seemed unphased, his clothes and demeanor showing no sign of damage as he deftly defended against their rampage. Aegis covered much of his body, effortlessly deflecting their razor-sharp talons, while his free hand intercepted the rest of the attacks.

He looked back while dealing with the swirling mass of feathers around him, and shot an impatient stare to his friends. Lilithra and Selorien, who were watching mesmerized, snapped from their enchantment and rushed towards him. Weapons materializing in their hands, they prepared to attack the creatures.

Lilithra took the initiative, swinging her banner downward with both hands and striking a harpy right on the top of its head. “Take this!” She screamed as her hit connected.

The creature staggered, but still moved, so she nervously repeated the action several times until it ceased to struggle, her cross-shaped banner now stained with blood.

Selorien, on the other hand, deftly backstabbed three of the creatures in quick succession, showcasing his more experienced combat capabilities. Despite his prowess, he found himself stabbing each target more than once, which showed the creatures were pretty durable.

Ascalon smiled, seeing his friends battle. He observed them meticulously, his gaze sizing them up. Meanwhile, Lilithra had already moved on to the next harpy, surprised they opposed no resistance, as their relentless barrage had only Ascalon as the objective. Some were even already exhausted, gasping for air as they weakly struck the knight.

It didn’t take long until the last harpy stopped breathing, and the pair of friends sat on the floor, catching their breath. Although Ascalon had been the focus of the beast’s rampage, It had been quite the workout. The knight took the chance and went to recover his lance. As he got back, he gazed upon his friends, both Aegis and Exemplaris banishing into his inventory.

Ascalon let out a thoughtful hum, while they looked up at him, tilting their heads in curiosity.

“Hmmm. If I may, Sir Selorien.” As he spoke, Selorien listened intently. “Your skills are astounding, but you rely too much on your stabbing speed. You should try to put more strength into your blows, and find an adequate balance between that and your quickness.” The elf looked at his daggers as he reflected on the knight's words.

It was true that he relied on careful, speedy movements, but maybe he wasn’t putting enough power behind them. Selorien recalled having problems with tougher creatures, such as scaled lizards and other thick-skinned beasts, which led to prolonged fights—exactly what a rogue like him aimed to avoid.

He glanced back at Ascalon, smiling in gratitude. “Maybe you’re right, thanks Ascalon. Feel free to point out anything else I can improve on. Also… uh, stop it with the ‘Sir’, please.” Selorien smirked, as Ascalon showed a conflicted expression.

“Hmm. I shall try my best… Selorien.” Answered the blonde, encompassing both topics his friend brought up.

“Selly is fine too.” Added the elf as he unsummoned his daggers. But Ascalon’s troubled expression showed that it would take a bit before he could get accustomed to such informal naming.

Then, Ascalon turned to Lilithra, who tensed up and promptly hid her face beneath her hoodie. She felt like a child whose teacher was about to scold her. At the sight, Ascalon showed a gentle smile.

“It seems to me that you don’t have a defined style.” He paused for a moment, trying to come up with words that wouldn’t discourage her too much. “To put it simply, you lack the basics. Your weapon is an unorthodox choice, but it should serve the same as any spear. What do you say, shall I train you in its ways?” At his words, she looked up instantly, her face beaming with excitement.

It was the second time someone had offered to help her train with her weapon, the first being her uncle. Selorien couldn’t teach her about a weapon he couldn't use, after all. But she had refused at the time, being in a different, more somber period of her life. Lilithra shook away the creeping thoughts and stood up.

“Yes, please!” Lilithra pleaded, as she grabbed Ascalon’s hands on her own. She looked resolute but quickly blushed and let go, thinking she was being too up-close and personal.

Ascalon smiled gently and spoke again. “Still, I am surprised you decided to come here despite your current skills. You are truly brave, Lady Lilithra!” His tone showed innocence and meant to encourage her, but his words sounded a bit harsh to Lilithra, who grabbed her head with both hands and growled.

The confidence she had shown when deciding their adventure betrayed her actual, limited experience, and that was both embarrassing and terrible.

Maybe she was taking these dungeons too lightly, and putting others in danger because of her whims. She didn’t have that much trouble in the past, but they were rank F towers after all, with slimes and dusty skeletons.

“I’m partly to blame, honestly…” Interjected Selorien as he smirked, trying to change the mood. “I’ve been babysitting her too much.”

Without saying anything, Lilithra walked over to him and started punching him in the shoulder. “Ouch, ouch, ouch~.” Exclaimed the elf in a joking tone of voice.

Ascalon never got tired of seeing that playful interaction. Lilithra finally stopped and sighed, then squatted down, her legs pressed together. She grabbed the straps of her backpack and placed it on the floor, rummaging through its contents until she found a bottle of water. Tiny droplets slid down its surface as she unscrewed the cap and took a few refreshing gulps.

Selorien mimicked her actions, realizing he could use some water too. Ascalon gazed at them for a moment, and then decided to take a quick look around. “Oh wow! I didn’t even notice!” Lilithra’s sudden voice startled the knight, who once more set his eye on her.

“I went up two levels!” She continued, in an energetic and joyful tone.

Selorien clapped softly. It wasn’t an enthusiastic clap, but it wasn’t sarcastic either. “Let’s gooo!” He exclaimed, smiling gently. She bowed dramatically as if thanking an audience.

Ascalon’s interest was piqued, and he approached the girl with curiosity. “Could you show me your, hmm, stats window, Lady Lilithra?” He asked, hoping he hadn’t said it wrong. She seemed surprised at the question, but smiled with glee as she pressed on an invisible screen.

Then it appeared in front of him.

Level: 12

STR: 65

CON: 30

AGI: 50

DEX: 25

INT: 50

WIS: 20

CHR: 50

“Hmmm…” Ascalon muttered, fascinated by the increase in stats. She seemed to have gained a significant amount of strength, and some agility. Lilithra looked really pleased with herself, though she also wondered why she had gained so many points from only two levels. But maybe it was just her imagination.

While Ascalon gazed at her stats, Lilithra stored the bottle in her backpack, and promptly put it on her back. Seeing her readiness, Selorien stood beside her, also equipping his own bag but keeping his bottle at hand. Then both of them nodded to each other, and started to collect some of the fallen feathers—though they didn’t look all that pleased about it.

Ascalon, done reading Lilithra’s info, decided to join them with curiosity taking over his visage. “Is this for crafting equipment?” He asked, knowing just a little bit about that particular topic.

Lilithra nodded with a smile, and added. “Yeah! Though these are probably junk, so we’ll just sell them or something.” Her voice showed disappointment, as it seemed the harpies had nothing of worth on them.

A hint of troubled thoughts also showed on her expression, but she did her best to hide it, so Ascalon didn’t know how to approach the matter.

After some uneventful looting, they rested for a moment. But soon, they would continue their climb.

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