Urban Knight - Return of Legends

Chapter 16 - Snowy Peaks

The group advanced steadily through the barren cliffs, the climb becoming increasingly difficult and steeper with each passing moment. The path was rough and uneven, shifting from tight to narrow depending on the terrain. The rocky walls shielded them from the howling wind, though occasional cracks created unsettling whistling sounds. It initially bothered them, but became part of the background noise as time went on.

They had been walking for a while, yet the peaks still towered in the distant sky, as if they had made no progress at all. After the harpy encounter things hadn’t really changed much; the adventure had been uneventful so far. Lilithra was starting to feel anxious and wanted something to happen, hoping a chance to redeem herself would appear before them.

Throughout the way, her thoughts spiraled downward, making her feel guilty and discouraged. She kept thinking about how she was the weaker member of the group, yet they were in there because of her, as the one who had proposed the adventure out of a whim—not even considering the dangers of an unknown dungeon, and her own incapabilities.

Selorien noticed her downcast expression and tried to cheer her up. “Hey, let’s take it easy. I’m actually enjoying this chill stroll.” He said with a laid-back smile, then drank from his bottle of water. But Lilithra furrowed her brows in irritation.

“We didn’t come here for a walk! If we just wanted to exercise we could’ve done that at home!” Her words didn’t carry anger or blame at Selorien, but venting a little always helped her cope. Selorien skipped putting his bottle in the backpack and simply banished it to his inventory.

Afterward, he sighed and patted her head. “Don’t worry, there’s still a whole lot of ground to cover.” The elf spoke as he pointed to the cloudy, faraway peaks.

Then, Ascalon chimed in. “I am certain that danger lurks ahead. This brief respite will freshen us up before battle.” He added as he smiled. Lilithra felt a bit reassured by their words, sensing their support.

They didn’t blame her or think she was a burden at all, yet she was thinking so far ahead, feeling in such a rush over nothing. She breathed in, before taking a long sigh to calm herself. Then, she hit Ascalon playfully on the shoulder.

“As if you needed rest! You look fresh as a cucumber!” She exclaimed joyfully, smiling. Surprise took over Ascalon’s face, as a warm sensation tingled in his chest.

She hit him on the shoulder! For others, it might have been a small gesture, nothing worth noticing, but for Ascalon, it meant a great deal. It was the action she kept repeating on Selorien, and only Selorien, over and over—a show of affection and trust for the elf.

To add to that, she had always been reluctant to overstep her bounds with him, unsure of how close she could get without coming off as rude or intrusive. So that very detail had touched his heart. He felt a rush of happiness, slightly bewildered at how such a simple act could bring him so much joy.

At their side, Selorien beamed, unable to hide his happiness. He too was touched by the gesture, as it was the first time he had seen his friend do that to someone else. He felt like pretending to cry to tease her a bit, but decided to simply enjoy the warm feeling in silence.

Lilithra looked a bit bashful as she noticed her own actions, having hit Ascalon’s sturdy shoulder. Her smile turned shy while she laughed nervously. The mood was turning awkward, so she took the chance to change the subject to something she was meaning to ask.

“So, uhm… Maybe it’s not the right moment, but… If you don’t mind telling us, just how did you get so strong?” Her words were careful, as she didn’t want to push Ascalon into answering something he didn’t want to—although she was really hoping he would. It was an out-of-nowhere kind of question, prompted by her nervousness and the tingling feeling on her knuckles.

He relaxed a bit, snapping out of his previous joyful mood, and pondered. Selorien, whose interest was extremely piqued, looked at him with curiosity. After a few moments, Ascalon spoke.

“Well, when I was blessed by the Gods at a young age, I started training to-” He began to explain, but was abruptly interrupted by Lilithra, who stepped before him with a raised hand, as if signaling him to stop.

She blinked slowly a few times, taking in what she had just heard. “Wait, wait, wait. What do you mean by that?!” She asked, clearly baffled. Selorien stood at her side nodding in agreement, sharing a similar bewildered expression.

“Hmm. Shall I explain what kind of training?” Ascalon replied, a bit confused, as Lilithra and Selorien facepalmed in unison.

“Not that! What the hell do you mean ‘blessed by the Gods’?!” Exclaimed Selorien in irritation.

Ascalon realized what they meant and looked embarrassed. He was accustomed to his own story, of course, but he had forgotten how people usually reacted when he talked about being chosen by the Gods. It had been a long time since he had shared these memories with others, after all.

He sighed, smiling softly, his friends losing a bit of their suspenseful tension. “It means just that. I was chosen to bear Gods' blessings one day, out of nowhere.” He spoke, the other two listening intently.

“I was very young, cannot quite recall exactly how old I was. I was taken to a monastery, where they trained me in the basics of combat.” He raised his right hand, and his palm started to shine as a soothing aura washed over Lilithra and Selorien, taking them by surprise.

Ascalon then continued. “I had to learn how to muster these blessings on my own. I did not even believe I was a ‘chosen one’ until then. But that moment felt truly revelatory.” His gaze wandered far, as if looking at a distant place, or time.

“I knew what my calling was, to wage war against de- ahem, evil. So I trained, striving every day to become a bit stronger. One day I was battling orcs as I struggled with a wounded body and fearful heart, the next I was facing an ancient dragon with courage guiding my lance. Such was the path fate laid for me; one of hardship. But I endured.” He paused, omitting the part about demons, for the time being, and looking at his friends.

Lilithra looked at him with awe, her eyes glistening with excitement. She loved these kinds of stories, and felt like she was meeting a celebrity of some sort. Selorien, on the other hand, appeared a bit suspicious but clearly shaken. Despite his doubts, Ascalon’s might was undeniable. Selorien would challenge anyone to try and claim the knight’s tale was fake. Ascalon was becoming even more outstanding by the second, having that kind of legendary backstory.

Then, Lilithra raised both arms and clenched her fists tight, striking a pumped-up pose. “That’s so cool!!! Like, real Gods!? And you’re the ‘chosen one’!” She exclaimed animatedly, but Ascalon’s expression made her regret it. The knight’s visage showed a hint of sadness.

“Hmm. Is it, though? I spent my whole life between training and the battlefield, never knowing my real family, or the joy of the normal every day.” He stated, with a soft tone. Lilithra wanted to apologize, but the knight continued.

“To be honest, I never had these thoughts back in Excadia. I suppose New Lumingard’s peacefulness is making me reconsider many things.” He smiled, both Lilithra and Selorien listening without interrupting.

“‘What if I was never chosen by the Gods, and lived a normal life?’ I ask myself that, yet the struggles I have faced, the countless enemies vanquished, who would have challenged them instead? And the knights, my friends and only family, who trusted me yet I lost them, what would they think about me now?” His voice was carried by the wind, echoing around the cliffs.

His friends looked at him with comprehension, sadness, and a bit of admiration. That man had endured things they couldn’t even begin to imagine. They sometimes forgot that he had a life before coming to New Lumingard, that he had traveled his own path, yet they didn’t deeply consider what kind of feelings he would be carrying with him.

Though, to be fair, even he wasn’t aware of these feelings until recently. Seeing their sullen expressions, he smiled gently and chuckled.

“Do not get me wrong, I do not really regret the life I have lived. The people I met, the victories we shared—they are fond memories of mine. There is no harm in thinking about what-ifs. It is clear that I am here because I walked that path, and that this very path is far from over.” He showed a resolute expression; sharing his thoughts had been a good way to cement his conviction. If only he had known earlier that speaking his mind would help him see things more clearly.

Lilithra suddenly stepped forward, and wrapped her arms around Ascalon’s chest, bringing him into a hug. Ascalon was taken aback but slowly reciprocated, enveloping her small body in his own arms. She tightened her hold on him and spoke, her cheek pressed against him.

“I’m sorry, but thank you for sharing that with us.” Selorien smiled, and being not one for hugs, awkwardly patted the knight’s shoulder.

Ascalon felt great warmth, both coming from within and from his friends. Especially the one that held him with such tenderness.

“I apologize too, bringing such matters when we are supposed to be adventuring—though I was asked, I must say I ‘overshared’, as you guys say. Haha!” He laughed, and Lilithra followed suit. Selorien smirked, and grabbed the girl by the arms, gently prying her away from the knight.

“Sorry but if I don’t do this she won’t let go today.” He exclaimed in a smug tone, as Lilithra’s reddened face came into view, trying her best to hide it as she averted her eyes.

They took a moment to bask in the afterglow of such a beautiful event, and then recomposed themselves. It was hard to just shift gears back into adventuring, but they tried their best, and carried on.

The next couple of minutes remained uneventful, aside from a few gusts of wind that managed to make Lilithra stumble, forcing her to adjust her walking posture in order to better face the air currents.

As they turned a corner through the narrow path, a chilly atmosphere greeted them, and their eyes scanned a white landscape. The rocky hills were covered in pristine white, and the wind carried along sparkling snowflakes. It seemed that part of the climb had taken over a Winter mood, being quite the stark contrast to the desolate, rough cliffs they had become accustomed to.

Lilithra smiled with childlike glee, her eyes glistening at the sight, as she skipped forward. Her footsteps left a shallow trail in the snow, and she giggled as she caught the falling white fragments. However, as she sneezed, she suddenly realized how cold she was feeling. Her attire, particularly her shorts, wasn’t exactly ideal for such a chilly environment.

She quickly fiddled with her hand in the air while trembling slightly, and a second later a new set of clothes materialized over her. Long, thick black pants covered her legs, and a set of earmuffs now protected her ears. Red cotton gloves fit in her hands, and an oversized, yet again pink, hoodie enveloped her. She sighed in satisfaction, feeling her body warm up.

Selorien’s accusative voice could be heard from behind her. “What happened to the ‘authentic adventure experience’ or whatever, huh?” She blushed and looked at him, irritation showing clearly on her face.

“Oh, shut up, Selly! I didn’t think about packing a set of damned Winter clothes, okay!?” At her protest, Selorien burst out laughing, enjoying his teasing.

Ascalon simply watched them as he smiled, finding amusement in their interactions once again. Honestly, he wasn’t feeling the cold at all. Meanwhile, Selorien followed Lilithra’s lead, and also manifested a set of more adequate clothing. His pants were now baggier, and his hoodie was now a black, puffy jacket. His head also sported a dark blue wool cap with a cartoonish cat’s face printed on it, complete with ears poking out from above.

Lilithra smiled happily at the sight, seemingly excited about the wool cap. “Ah, I love that one!” She exclaimed as she walked over to Selorien, and reached up to pat his head, having to tiptoe to manage it. Selorien avoided it and smiled smugly. She tried a few more times, clearly annoyed, but failed every time, so she gave up.

It was then that Ascalon’s hand rested on Selorien’s head, making both the elf and Lilithra look in astonishment. Selorien sighed and looked a bit embarrassed. “Touché.” He stated, as he skipped a few steps away from Ascalon.

The knight chuckled softly, and Lilithra joined in. She then appraised the surroundings and spoke. “Ah, I want to go back, and get Uncle to make me some hot cocoa!” Selorien seemed to like the idea.

“Ooh~ Damn that sounds neat.” The elf nodded in understanding, both friends clearly in sync.

Ascalon watched both amused and confused. “Where did your determination go?” He asked as he rested his gaze on them. They both smirked, and Lilithra answered.

“We’re fickle beings!” She laughed, her huge smile filling Ascalon with warmth.

But the Howling Chasm had other plans, as a loud howl echoed through the area. Ascalon perked up, smiling boldly.

“Now these are some fitting opponents for you.” He remarked, as both Lilithra and Selorien looked around. Canine figures started to surround them, appearing from seemingly nowhere, their wailing a call for their kin.

Snow wolves, their thick gray fur blending with the snowy landscape, emerged from the cracks in the rocky walls and from behind patches of snow. Their colored eyes looked intelligent and furtive, as they studied their prey. Such magnificent beasts, Ascalon thought, feeling quite partial to the dog-like species.

Lilithra and Selorien quickly armed themselves and dropped their backpacks, having learned from their last fight that they had to be ready at all times. Ascalon looked around, and spotted a good place. He walked over, ignoring completely the impending danger, and sat down on a rock he thought would give him a good view of the battlefield.

His friends' faces showed question marks all over them, so he decided to explain his actions. “Oh, I’m not participating in this bout.” Lilithra and the elf looked at each other, still a bit puzzled.

“I do not like hitting dogs.” Declared Ascalon, resolutely, as one of the wolves lunged at him and started to bite furiously into his arm. He simply started petting him with his free hand.

The astonished look on the wolf’s face almost brought Lilithra to laughter, but she managed to barely hold back, struggling to keep calm. Selorien looked baffled, on the other hand. Then Ascalon’s voice rang again.

“And also, I feel this is a good chance for you two. I shall give you advice from here if I deem it needed.” His words made sense to the duo of friends. They did need to manage by themselves, sooner or later, and this seemed like a more fair fight than the one against the flying, deadly harpies.

Still, the pack of wolves circling around made for an imposing view. These creatures were fast and vicious, smart enough to look for openings and coordinate attacks. Lilithra was nervous, as she recalled Ascalon’s pointers. Even though the knight had offered to train her later, for now she was still the same as before, and had no combat style to rely on.

She had to simply do her best and fight, trusting that Ascalon would be a helpful strategist. Selorien was on the same boat, as he planned to focus on making his blows more impactful this time around, having taken the knight’s advice seriously.

The air felt tense, sparks could be pictured crackling in the space between the two friends and their canine enemies. Then, a few of them howled, and around five of them lunged towards them. Lilithra quickly raised her banner, and shouted.

“Be brave!” Light enveloped herself and her allies, newfound strength flowing through them. A new encounter had begun.

The personal skill - Be Brave - Has been activated in the surrounding zone.

Her resolution shines on the battlefield, her demonic heart a beacon of hope!

—Skill info—

Lilithra Vexeria’s unique skill.

Rank: E - Level 21.

Potential: SSS.

Attribute: Holy.


All units considered an ‘ally’ by Lilithra Vexeria will get a 12% increase in all stats.

Additional effects:

* Has a 10% chance of shaking off fear debuffs. * Has a 15% chance of rousing up morale.* Has a 0.1% chance of doubling all effects percentages.]

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