Velvet Abyss

Chapter 17: Inquisitor

My body was being torn apart by the raging white whirlwind, the smell of my blood filled my nostrils with its salty stench. Everything slowly started turning black, like I was slipping into the darkness itself.

“Hey eyes open, You don’t have permission to die yet”  


I heard that bitch Daphne’s voice ringing in my ears it was the last thing I heard before a deafening silence.  In that moment I felt a familiar sensation, that of being an abject failure by this point I was a master at letting down the most important people in my life.


Once again I excel at proving my lack of worth I couldn’t be more useless if I tried, this world was like a beautiful day dream the time I spent with Shinobu was precious and I never wanted it to end but the bad thing about dreams is you always have to wake up you can never stay no matter how badly you desire to.


Like flicking a switch the silence shattered and I could hear two voices as I slipped into unconsciousness they were faint but I could make out what they were saying.


“You ugly little cockroach, I’ll kill you right here and now.” Daphne said.

“Pause Daphne, I want her alive, there are things we need to know.”

“But sir?”


“Sorry sir, forgive me, as you wish.”

“Good girl.”


 The other voice was male and unknown to me, he must have been bad news for that authoritarian bitch to submit to him.  With people as strong as Daphne in this world, a parasite like me never stood a chance.  Still, acting to protect Shinobu was my decision, and I’d do it again.

“You’ve slept enough.”


they forced Icy water down my throat jolting me awake my body was trembling from the cold  I was still undressed and shackled to a stone wall my bindings were made of wind the handiwork of that bitch Daphne no doubt


“Oh, Daphne, you’re looking ugly as ever.”


Daphne’s face was dressed in white bandages and she was hobbling, still feeling the effects of the beating I gave her.  She sat down at a small wooden table, which was the only object in the room.


“See that’s the shitty thing about this world, Hygeia can heal your wounds and save your life, but it can’t take away the pain and looking at your face you must be in a lot.”

“You’ve got quite the attitude, don’t you, Mari?”

“Where the fuck is Shinobu?”

“I don’t know anyone by that name, Oh sorry you meant the faithless whore.”

“If you touch her again, I’ll gouge your eyes out and force feed them to you.”

“You love running your mouth, don’t you?” Daphne said.

The restraints weren’t needed. My limbs felt like led I couldn’t muster the strength to move a muscle. This situation was grim I should have just tore her heart from her chest instead of beating her mindlessly.


“I’m a busy girl, Daphne, just hurry and do whatever you’re planning on doing so I can get some rest.”


“Believe me, I’d like nothing more than to flay the skin from your bones, but it’s out of my hands now.  You can come in now Maya”



The door opened and a short woman with dark green hair, brown eyes and a blank expression entered the room she was garbed in the standard Flanade nun uniform, only the colors were inverted white with black trims.


She held a frail frame as she lurched her way into the room, coming to a stop next to Daphne.


“Oh, you’re wearing a different uniform you must be a something special right bitch?”  

“I am sister Maya Soralia, an inquisitor for the Flanade church my identification number is 0169691694.  I will be your inquisitor for this evening please direct questions to elder sister Daphne.”

This girl’s voice was annoying, it was so damn monotone and robotic that it was putting me to sleep.  

“Hi Sister Maya, my name is Sister, eat my ass, pleasure to meet you.”

“Crass as expected from a stray dog.” Daphne said.

“Let me explain how this is going to work alright Mari, listen because I won’t be saying it again.”

“Talk till you drop dead, not like I’ve got much of a choice.”

“I’m going to ask you a series of questions, You’ll answer truthfully or you’ll suffer the consequences, do you understand?”

“I understand you’re a total cunt.”

“I’ll take that as a yes, inquisitor Maya, are you ready to begin?”

“Yes, Sister Daphne.”


 Daphne crossed her legs and smiled I knew enough about human history to know what direction this was heading in.

Hardly surprising that a seemingly benign church had their own army of private inquisitors at their beck and call.


I didn’t care what happened to me, all I wanted in that moment was to gaze upon Shinobu’s beautiful face, her eyes alive with light and that smile that melts me to my core.  


“First question Who are you and what are you doing here?”

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