Velvet Abyss

Chapter 18: Seijuro

I needed to answer their questions Daphne was a bloodthirsty beast, and I knew nothing about the condition of Shinobu I had to ensure her safety.

“Are you familiar with the concept of adequate compensation, I’ll answer all your questions if you answer mine. Where’s Shinobu and is she okay?”  


“You don’t seem to understand the situation we ask the questions not you.”  Daphne said.


“Sister Maya, give our stray here an incentive to talk.”

“Gladly sister Daphne.”

“Torture how churchy.”

“Mus Submersi”



Panic spread through my body and I couldn’t breathe I gasped for air but nothing would come I felt like my gag reflex was going wild and I wanted to throw up but I couldn’t.  I didn’t have the air in my lungs to scream.


This was by far the worst experience I had endured I imagined that this is what it must feel like to be waterboarded my muscles where tensing up and I wanted to squeal but couldn’t all I could do was thrash helplessly.


“Do you feel that stray?” Daphne asked.

“Mus Submersi simulates what it would fee like to have your lungs fill up entirely with water quite the handy spell.”


This torture lasted for what felt like an eternity before Daphne snapped her fingers beckoning her attack dog to sit, I gasped trying to fill my lungs with as much air as they could hold.  This just gave me yet another reason to add to my list of why I despise these savages and their crazy religion.


“I’ll repeat the question, Who are you and why are you here?”


“I’m not feeling all that talkative, how about you lick my ass first and then we’ll talk.”


“Such crass speech as to be expected from a stray mongrel.”


“Again.” Daphne said


“Mus Submersi.”


The hellish sensation returned at once, only this time with a greater intensity my body was crying, I was dying, my mind was melting and it obscured my vision. Still under these horrid circumstances, I wouldn’t bow to them.


I’d rather die than submit to the whims of this pious cunt is what I wanted to say be truthful I don’t know how much longer my body can endure under this pressure, In my past life I had avoided pain at every turn and yet here even with the power of an elemental spirit I’m just as weak and cowardly as I ever was.


Through my clouded vision I could see Daphne smirking, I was going to tear that mouth wide open if it was the last thing I ever did with or without Velvet’s help.  


“I’m a professional so I shouldn’t say this, but watching you writhe in anguish fills me with so much happiness.”


“I think she’s had enough, Sister Daphne.” Maya said.

“No, let her experience it a little longer I want to see her eyes wide in misery. The longer she stays in that hell, the more accordant she’ll become.”

“Yes, but while Mus Submersi might not inflict any physical harm if she stays under, her heart might give out.”

“That won’t happen, Just a little longer.


Daphne’s malice had no boundaries. Professional my ass she was just a hardcore sadist who gets off using her authority and position within the church to inflict pain on others under the guise of righteous punishment.


“That’s enough, Daphne.”


A male entered the room he was tall with crimson hair and red eyes that burned like fire he was handsome and pragmatic his aura claimed control over the room in a moment as he commanded everyone’s attention.


“Master forgive me, Maya, stop casting at once.”


“We weren’t expecting you so soon, master.”

“My business concluded earlier than expected, besides this is of far greater importance.” the man said.


Daphne eagerly vacated her seat, and the man sat down, his eyes tracing my naked body with a burgeoning sense of curiosity, like a child laying eyes of something they’ve never seen before.


“So you’re the stray that I keep hearing about”

“You get off on torturing helpless little girls too?”

“You’ve been poorly handled it’s only natural that you would feel aggrieved, You have my sincerest apologies.”

“You can shove your apology right up your ass.”


 Daphne lunged forward, placing her dagger against my throat, pressing it hard into my skin and drawing some blood with the point of the blade.  


“You are addressing Master Seijuro Hyogo, second prince of the Hyogo Kingdom and the Arch Bishop of the Flanade church Show some respect stray.”


“Stand down Daphne that won’t be necessary.”



“Such needless vulgarity. What a pity I thought you’d be wiser than that.  I had hoped to not resort to this, but since you’re proving to be astoundingly stubborn, you’ve left me with little recourse.”

 “Levis Dolor”

“But master that’s…”

“Quiet Maya.”

“Yes, Master.”


A searing feeling pulsed through my body, and it felt like my skin was melting away. This was worse than the drowning holy shit. I was so out of my depth it was almost hysterical.

“Master using noble magic is a little….”

“A little what Daphne?”

“Over kill, Master.”

“I think you’ll find our stray will be a lot more willing to talk.”

“Yes, but…”

“They’ll beg for it to end in 5 seconds.”

“Five, Four, Three, Two, One.”

“Stop I’ll tell you everything, Just stop please, I’m begging you.”

“Right on time.”

“That’s amazing master.”


Seijuro released his magic and I wretched and vomited all over the floor I couldn’t stop dry heaving, I didn’t care anymore; I didn’t care about what they wanted to know or being defiant.  All I cared about what making the pain stop.


“I’ll leave the rest to you Sisters.”

“Yes, Master, it’ll be our pleasure.”

                         “When you’re finished, throw her in the dungeon with the other one, they can spend time together before tomorrow’s festivities.”

                         “As you command, master.”


 The high bishop left, leaving me to the whims of my two tormentors I wish those hell hounds had eaten me. If I had never come to Shikishima, none of this would have transpired.

 “Let’s try this again, stray.”

“First question who are you and what are you doing here?”


“My name is Mari, I’m an orphan wanderer I was travelling when I ventured into the forest surrounding Shikishima in search of food.  Hell hounds attacked me and Shinobu saved me and I’ve lived here ever since.”

“There, now that wasn’t so difficult, was it?”


“Second question, what was that strange power you used to attack me?”

“Void magic.”

“There’s no such thing as void magic.”

“You’re wrong, there is.”

“And how did you come by this so called Void magic?”

“By contracting with the void spirit, her name is Velvet.”

“You called out to that name before you seemed helpless but than you awakened that terrible power.”

“Let’s wrap this up third and final question. What are the three sacred precepts of the Flanade church?”

“I don’t know, I honestly don’t.”

“Sister Maya, please educate our stray.”

“As you wish, sister.”

“The sisters of the Flanade church are bound by three unbreakable precepts.”


First Precept: The sister of Flanade are vessels of purity and are to refrain from sexual activity.


Second Precept:  Only woman are permitted to be baptized into the order with the exclusion of the Arch Bishop and his priests.


Third Precept: None who are baptized may speak ill of the order, as they shall be branded as a blasphemer.



“So as you can see, Shinobu broke one of our sacred precepts and was disciplined accordingly. You should have kept your nose our of church business but no you had to play hero and this is result.”  Daphne said.


Daphne snapped her fingers and my wind bindings shattered, making me slide down the wall, falling face first onto the cold stone below, narrowly dodging the pile of my puke.


“See that our stray dressed and throw her in the dungeon with some rabbit stew, we can’t have her starving.”

“Sure thing, sister Daphne.”


Daphne turned to leave but was halted by Maya “Sister wait a moment.” Daphne turned around with a look of grievance on her face. “What is it now Maya.”  “There’s some vomit on your shoe I just thought you’d like to know.”


“That’s so gross.”

“Want me to wipe it clean for you.”

“No, this is a pristine opportunity.”

“Hey Stray get over here.”

“Yes, Sister.”

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