Velvet Abyss

Chapter 34: Eyeless

Hey guys just putting a warning before the chapter that this is the most violent chapter in the series so far 

Anyway i'll put some content warning tags below, if the shit mentioned doesn't turn you away than enjoy the chapter.

Content Warning:  

Torture,  Forced Cannibalism, Urination, Vomiting. 


The bandits looked on in silence before breaking out in a chorus of sneering laughter Mari looked on trying to catch her breath before the name clicked in her head and a great rage overtook her.

“Hyogo….” Mari said through gritted teeth.

“I’ll kill…”

“This is bad you mustn’t Miss Mari.”

“Watch me”

“I understand your anger, but neither of us are a match for a member of the royal family fighting her would be suicide.”

“I don’t care.”

“Well, you should.”

“Please, Mari, be patient This could be a valuable learning opportunity.”

“Fine… “

I can’t fight in this shape anyway, damn it.”

Mei carried herself with supreme confidence, undaunted by the sheer number of enemies encircling her. If anything, she seemed smitten by the situation.

“Praise to the goddess this day keeps getting better. Imagine what they’ll pay for a Princess. Forget about the trash boys seize the Princess and don’t defile her I want her purity intact.”

The leader turned to walk away but didn’t make it very far before something caused him to halt in place. The roar of his boisterous men had disappeared and an earsplitting quiet had taken its place.

“Men, why are you so quiet…”

“What men?”

The dozens of bandits had been reduced to blood and body parts littering the ground, Mari hadn’t even had time to process the situation: one second they were charging at her the next they were dismembered.

“Fuck this.” the leader said, scurrying like a rat.

His attempt to flee was futile as Mei caught up to the man with fantastic speed. The leader was visibly shaking at this point and no one could blame him he just watched his entire tribe get slaughtered like it was nothing.

“Hey Mr Bandit, can I ask you a question?”

“Answer me and I’ll let you leave her alive”

“Okay, sure, what’s your question, ask me anything.”

“What happens to a human eye when it’s ruptured?”


The leader let out a bloodcurdling scream as he crumpled to the ground in a fetal position. His eye had burst and blood was gushing from the black eye socket.

“You bitch, I’ll kill you.”

“That’s rude.”

“Your endless chatter is pissing me off, I need something to gag you with, oh I know.”

“I’ll use my fingers this time it’s more fun that way”

Mei straddled the helpless leader and gouged his other eye out with her bare hands, smiling and laughing all the while. Mari was violently ill, spilling the contents of her breakfast all over the cobblestone below.

Mei dug around inside the man’s eye socket, slowly plucking the eyeball out as the mans screams grew higher in pitch.

The tortured sounds of the bandit leader grew more sickening by the second.

This girl was an actual monster Mari thought wiping the vomit from chin.  

Once she had seized the other eye, she forced the leader’s mouth open and shoved the eyeball inside.

“Now eat it.”

“Chew it, up and down just like that.”  She said forcing him to eat it.

The bandit swallowed his own eye. He was covered in blood and his body was convulsing violently this was worse than what Shinobu had to go through was all Mari could think even Hinamori looked like she was about to puke.

“Kill me.” the bandit murmured

“Nah, I’ll pass, it’s more fun to keep you alive.”

“Oh, I know here why don’t you eat this too.”

Mei picked up the heart from one of the bandits and forced it down the leader’s throat until he was gagging and choking on the blood.

“God, this is fun I could do it all day.”

“Hey, you’re not, oh damn it.”

“He died, well that’s the end of the fun I guess.”

“Hang on ladies, I’ll be with you in a sec, but first.”

“All that killing made my bladder full.”

“Hey dead man, you can’t go to hell thirsty so here.”

“Drink my piss.”

Mei lifted her dress and urinated all over the deceased bandit in one last act of inhumanity

These royals have no regard for the suffering or lives of others, Mari had killed them, but she didn’t take pleasure in torturing others to death and she didn’t desecrate their corpses.

“They sent me here to take care of a rodent problem but to think I would run across the very girl our Father is seeking.”

“You’re the void mage, right, Mari?”

“I’m Mei, let’s be friends”

“I’d rather eat shit than be friends with a cunt like you.”

“I’m going to kill you and your whole scum sucking family”

“You’ve got spunk you’re fun, before I bring you to Father I want to play with you a little, so let’s fight.”

“Miss Mari please run” Hina said, standing between the two.

“No one’s talking to you, so die.”

Hinamori shattered into blood chunks, her blood and guts splattered over Mari’s face and body

“You bitch!” The void consumed Mari as her rage boiled over.

“So this is the power Seijuro was talking about neat.”



“Seijuro!” Mari shrieked, lunging at Mei, who evaded by jumping high into the air.

“At long last someone I can have fun with.”

“Let’s play, Mari.”




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