Velvet Abyss


Hey guys there's quite a few characters in Kodomajo now so here's a handy dandy breakdown for you all. 

Kodomajo: Characters


Mari Anno: The eighteen year old heroine of Kodomajo she was a 37 year old salary man who reincarnated into Ascar after taking their own life. Mari has a contract with the legendary void spirit and currently seeks revenge against the Hyogo Kingdom for the murder of a woman named Shinobu.

She is later known by the sobriquets Bloody Mari and the Bloodstained Witch

The Hyogo Kingdom

Shikishima Village

Shinobu: The head sister of Shikishima village and Mari's lover she was brutally murdered on the night of Sayuri festival by Seijuro Hyogo and his subordinates she was a capable
fire sorceress and was the one who saved Mari from a small pack of Hellhounds.

Caroline: The primary cook of Shikishima village and Shinobu's best friend before she betrayed her out of fear for their own safety she was a decent earth sorceress. In
the end her desire to save her skin ultimately resulted in her untimely demise.

The Flanade Church.

Daphne Grausamkeit: A sadistic psychopath and one of the five elder sisters of the Flanade church, sisters who govern and rule over various villages under the guidance of
the high bishop and court of bishops. Daphne is exceedingly loyal to Seijuro and reveled in the torture and murder of Shinobu. She is Mari's secondary target behind Seijuro.
as an elder sister Daphne is a highly capable wind sorceress.

Maya Lycoria: The Flanade churches chief inquisitor who has never failed to gain confessions and information out of her victims. She seems less indoctrinated than the other
members of the church and has voiced qualms with the way the organization conducts it's affairs. She is a talented water sorceress

Bishop Schwein: One of the bishops ruling over the church nothing is known about him as he was slain by Mari who was attempting to kill Seijuro.

The Hyogo Royal Family.

Rokujo Hyogo: The tyrannical king of Hyogo and the instigator behind the Eris Wars wielding absolute authority Rokujo presides over his kingdom and the church using both to keep
the populace of his kingdom in check. Though his goals are shrouded in mystery he wishes to crush the Eris Empire and reclaim that which was supposed stolen from them.

Seijuro Hyogo: The heir apparent and eldest of Rokujo's children he is a cunning, dangerous and ruthless young man who is as ambitious as he is immoral. He seems to care
about his family and nobody else. He is able to wield powerful nobility magic and is the hero of the people acting as their revered High Bishop. His personal goals are
unknown but he shares his families desire to the annihilate the Eris Emprie.

Setsuna Hyogo: The first princess of the Hyogo Kingdom and the black sheep of the family as she can't seem to reconcile with her families cruelty and frequent use
of grotesque torture and violence against their enemies. She was also the one who gave Shinobu the amulet currently in Mari's possession.

Mei Hyogo: The sadistic second princess of Hyogo she is capable of using the nobility magic Rupture which allows her to explode anyone or anything. She enjoys
toying with her victims treating their screams as a sweet lullaby. She's widely regarded as a demon.

Yukina Hyogo: The third princess of Hyogo Kingdom seems kinder and more reasonable than Mei but is also condescending and looks upon those beneath her as worthless and with

Shigure Hyogo: The second prince of the Hyogo Kingdom

Tetsuya Hyogo: Prince of Hyogo younger brother to Rokujo, uncle to Seijuro, Setsuna, Mei, Yukina and Shigure and Father of Ikki and Mari Hyogo.

Ikki Hyogo: Prince of Hyogo 

Mari Hyogo: Princess of Hyogo

The Eris Empire.

Yoshiki: An immensely powerful mage who is working for the Eris Empire and has set Mari on the path she now travels upon, other than being Hinamori's master nothing
else is currently known about him. He's 40 years old.

Hinamori: A chipper girl who is Yoshiki's familiar and Mari's travelling companion and guide, nothing is yet known about her fighting capabilities or if she can use any kind of magic.

Spirits and Gods.

Velvet: The cryptic and meancing spirit of the void who is the source of Mari's powers she is protective of Mari but only to serve her own ends or so it seems.

Elpheria: The goddess of purgatorial reincarnation and the entity that sent Mari to Ascar to begin with. Will she appear again (maybe) why can Mari remember her (who knows)


Ayumi Anno: The estranged former wife of Atsushi Anno and the mother of his two children.

Arashi Anno: The 19 year old son of Atsushi and one of the few things he regrets leaving behind.

Azusa Anno: the 16 year old daughter of Atsushi and one of the few things he regrets leaving behind.

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