Velvet Abyss

Chapter 36: The Imperial City

The sun had risen over the treetop canopy by the time they had made their way out of the sprawling forest Mari was tired and wanted to rest but pushed those thoughts aside knowing that time was running out and every second counted.


“Finally, out of that damn forest.” Mari huffed between laborious breaths.


“I don’t know a nice frolic through the forest is good for soul, or so they say.”


“They talk out of their damn asses, anyway how are we getting to Edelgard.”


“Like this.”


Yoshiki reached into his jacket pocket and produced a violet crystal pulsating with energy and had what looked like electricity storming within it.  The beauty of the crystal mesmerized Mari.

“Take my hand and see for yourself.”

“Don’t try anything funny.”


Mari took Yoshiki’s hand, who smiled while twirling the stone on his finger like the show off he was.




Responding to his voice the crystal pulsed and a purple rune appeared beneath their feet Mari’s felt light like a feather and her head started to spin she closed her eyes as the feeling became more intenses


“You can open your eyes now.”



Mari slowly opened her eyes, still feeling sick and lightheaded they were standing in a bustling city square, a vibrant city with shops, cafes and countless people rushing about.  The sudden change of scenery left Mari dumbfounded 

“How did you?”


“A scarstone allows the user to travel to a place they’ve been before, they’re exceedingly rare and valuable.”


“So this is…”


“Yes, Mari, welcome to Edelgard.”


“Now follow me we have to go to the academy as soon as possible. The others should have arrived by now.”




“Your classmates.”




“You’re attending school, didn’t you pay attention?”


“So where’s this academy located, Master?”


“At the southern end of the city, so the opposite side to us.”


“Wouldn’t have another of those scar thingies on hand would you?”


“Afraid not we’ll be getting their the old-fashioned way.”


 “Great, more walking.”


  “We still need to build your stamina up so, so no whining.”


“Aye, Sir.”




Edelgard was an seemingly endless city of infinite pathways branching off into every direction, and Mari was understanding why Yoshiki had given her Hina as a guide.  The people seemed at ease, carrying on with their lives despite the wolves howling at their gates.


Mari couldn’t tell whether it was ignorance or acceptance, but she admired the way these people trudged onward in the face of relentless tragedy. Mari’s body was in excruciating pain  She felt her muscles scream with each agonizing step.


“How much further now?" Mari winced 

“At a normal person’s pace 40 minutes, at yours a day or more.”


“You're a funny prick aren't ya?" 


“if you’ve got time to complain you’ve got time to move."


"Yes mother, thanks for the grade A advice"


 Whenever her mind went quite Mari was immediately pulled back to that horrible night forced to replay Shi’s fate on loop.


“Never again”  Mari whispered.


The torturous walk mercifully ended with Mari on her knees trying to catch her breath. Her feelings regarding her dismal stamina had evolved from lament to sheer depression at her own uselessness.


“Welcome Mari, to Lisanthus Academy"


Mari raised her eyes to meet an empty square of land, truth be told she was starting to doubt the validity of Yoshiki’s claims. What if there wasn’t a school to begin with this was some long con game?


“Hey don’t want to sound crazy, but this isn’t exactly what I’d call a school, there’s nothing, literally nothing.”


"Sure if you only look with your eyes"


“Come again?”


Yoshiki stepped forward and began to chant a weird incantation as Mari watched on in confusion.



“The rotten apple falls free, from the hanging gardens orchard tree."

A tangible distortion appeared and a robed figure emerged from the opening: they were cloaked In a black shroud and wore a white face mask with red trimmings covering half their face.  The masked figure was a woman and she looked like something out of a 90s J-RPG.



“Welcome home, Master Yoshiki.”

“You’re a sight for saw eyes.”

“You honor me, master, would you like a warm bath to be drawn?”

“As lovely as that sounds, I have business with the headmistress to attend to, tell her I’m coming.”


“She’s already expecting you.”


“Of course she is, nothing to gets past that old bat.”


“Who’s the girl, one of the Cromwell’s I presume?”


“This moody little mess of hormones and emotions  is Mari, she’s our resident void mage, see that’s she’s adequately shown around."


“The tours will have to wait, the Head mistress wishes to meet her immediately.”


"That woman never beats around the bush, alright Mari, you go on ahead.”

“You’re ditching me right away?  You really are a shitty master you know."


“What about your business with the Head mistress?” Mari asked.


“She’s made her priorities clear so my business can wait, now go.”


“Bastard.” Mari sighed. 

"Let's get this over with." 

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