Velvet Abyss

Chapter 35: Overwhelming Strength

“Void Magic Third Form: Crimson Mantis Blades”

Mari swung ferociously at Mei but the princess evaded the slashes without breaking a sweat her speed was unbelievable it was like she knew what Mari was going to do before she did it.  Each slash brought Mari closer to the brink of collapse as she was already well passed her limit.


“You royals keep taking everything away from me.”  Mari screamed

“Oh, are you upset about that Hina girl don’t be, she won’t die from exploding she’s a familiar after all”

“I’m not talking about Hina.”

Mari said continuing her furious onslaught Mei had leapt from the ground to the rooftops and Mari had followed tightly on her heels.

“Then who are you talking about?”

“Shinobu you cunt.”

“Oh, the whore right, but I had nothing to do with that, so why are you angry with me?”

“Fuck you.”


Mari slashed an entire building in half, but it still wasn’t enough to get Mei, who landed back in the center of the village laughing like a hyena she was beside herself with joy.


“That slice might have hurt me if it hit me, but it didn’t so that’s too bad.”


“I had higher hopes for you but I Can tell you’re no stronger than the rest of them, shame.”


    “I wanted a good fight, but seeing how can't please a woman like me,  let's end this."


      “Rupture Magic: Drifting Cherry Blossoms”



Mari ran towards Mei in a last dash effort to kill the princess, but countless explosions bombarded her from every direction.

Mari collapsed on the ground with holes blown throughout her body she was bleeding out quickly and on the brink of death. Mei strolled leisurely towards her fallen advisory with a disappointed look on her face.


“So Lame one spell is all it took to take you down, I don’t see what’s special about you at all.  But Dad’s orders are absolute, so I’ll heal you and bring you back with me.”


“Mederis” Mei waved her hand over Mari and her wounds healed right away.

Mei threw Mari over her shoulder and carried her with one hand, showing tremendous strength.  The Princess was just about to leave with Mari when Hina reappeared and grabbed Mei around the waist.


“Miss Mari is important, I won’t let you take her away.”


“Who gave you permission to touch me, you filthy insect.”


Mei ruptured Hina’s body splitting her in half in a show of resilience Hina continued to crawl after the two of them.  


“You’re annoying so I’ll make you disappear propely this time.”


"Rupture Magic:”

“Master, we need your help right now so if you can hear me please come.”

With miraculous timing, a bolt of white light struck the ground as Yoshiki arrived on the scene. He approached Hina, caressing her hair reassuringly.

"Sorry I'm late to the party must have missed my invitation ”

“Master” Hina cried.

“I’m proud of you, Hina, leave the rest to me.”


“I’ll be taking Mari back now.”

“Go ahead and…”

In a second Yoshiki was holding Mari, and Mei looked extremely confused

“Well, that was a neat trick. Care to tell me how you did it?”

“Sure, but it’ll cost you a true master never reveals their tricks for free.”

“You must be from the Eris Empire.”

“Oh my, you royals are so perceptive.”

“You’re holding Hyogo property, so hand it over, now.”

“That’s a hard pass, I can’t do that little Princess.”

“So you long to be just another corpse on the pile.”

” I’m not here to fight you, not today at least.”

“Like you have a choice, cockroach.”

Mei dashed towards Yoshiki, her arm extended and radiating energy whatever that arm touched would burst open yet he stood there smirking as nonchalantly as ever.


“Later Princess.”



Yoshiki snapped his fingers and a blinding blue light enveloped the trio, rendering Mei’s attempt at an attack utterly useless.

By the time the light subsides the trio had disappeared without a trace.

“Well, that was arousing, no sense in being upset I'm only here to clean up the vermin infestation so I won’t mention this little encounter to Father.”

The sound of horses captured Mei’s attention as a few bandits who hadn’t joined the skirmish were endeavoring to flee the scene. Mei still feeling irked by her failure to capture Mari thought dispensing with trash like them would serve as a great stress revealer.


“Rupture Magic: Rampant Bloom”


The horsemen made it to the city limits and right as would have been home free they joined their comrades in death splattered into tiny meaty chunks of blood, bone and brains. The horses passed through unscathed, as Mei had a thing about harming animals.

"Extermination complete, time to return to Father.”


It was nightfall when Mari awoke to the orange glow and cracking embers of a campfire, Hinamori was nowhere to be found and Yoshiki was resting on a fallen log eating what little remained of a charred rabbit.


“You’re finally awake.” Yoshiki said, falling from the log.

"How long was I out?"

“About a day, give or take.”

“That’s better than usual, where’s Hina?”

“Inside me, it’ll be awhile before she can join us.”

 “How did you find us?”


“Quite simple really I can teleport to where Hina is, though doing so over long distances is down right exhausting.”


“My soul heard her pleas for help, so I came running.”


“So that was the power of a Hyogo family member.”


“No, that was a Hyogo family member toying with you like a spider to a fly.”


“What was that strange magic, I thought all magic was elemental based aside from healing spells?”


“That’s supposed to be the case but the royal family is an exception to the rule each of them are born with a unique magic only they can wield.  It’s the source of their tremendous strength.  They call it their birthright.”


“That girl is a monster. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t touch a hair on her head. I was shitting myself by the end.”

“Yes, Mei is strong but not invincible.”


“Could you beat her, Yoshiki?”


“Never fought here so, can’t say.”


“Get some sleep we’re going straight to Edelgard tomorrow, time is running out.”

“You’re going to need to get a hundred times stronger in less time than we thought we had.  I hope you’re up for it, Mari.”


“I don’t have a choice, I will be stronger.”


“Do you have time to linger here didn’t you have important business?”


“Yeah, I did, but the timeline has changed.”


“What do you mean, Yoshiki?”


“The royal family is moving far faster than anyone expected before too long they’ll lay siege to the outer territories before falling on Edelgard and ending the war.”


“So, how long do we have?”


“I don’t know, six months maybe.”


“Let’s get moving then, right now.”


“You need sleep, we’ll leave in the morning.”


“I’ll sleep when I’m dead, we’re leaving now.”



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