Velvet Abyss

Chapter 8: The First Lesson

I stepped out of bed and moved to get dressed. The clothes I had been wearing were dirty rags.

 I’d rather be naked than wear these.  I should ask Shinobu if she has any spare clothes, I can burrow till I can purchase my own.


I left my room to find Shinobu waiting outside. She was sitting on the ground, trying desperately to mask her tiredness.  “You sure you’re up for this?” I extended my hand to Shinobu, and she sheepishly grabbed it and got up.


“I don’t really have a choice.” Shinobu said.

“You could let them starve.”

“You’re deplorable.”

“And proud of it.”


Shinobu unloaded the quiver and bow on me, and I threw the quiver over my shoulder and clutched the bow tightly.  I’d never shot a single arrow in my entire life and I can’t help but feel Shinobu is placing overwhelming expectations on me.


The sun was breaking when we left the village, headed deep into the forest again; I was on high alert, thinking about my painful encounter.  My wounds may have healed, but the scars remain. We got to the forest boundary.  


“Before we enter the forest, I want to teach you something.” Shinobu said.”

“Sure thing.”


“I’m going to teach you how to cast the flame spell you saw earlier. It’s a tier one spell, so it should be simple enough.”  


"Tiers? i asked.

“Alright let me explain.”


Shinobu lectured me about how there were seven elements of those being Flame, Water, Wind, Thunder, Earth, Shade and Flare so typical RPG magic tropes.

What governs people’s ability to cast magic was known as Ballum and that the gods of the elements favor different people.  Shinobu could use flame magic, Caroline could use earth.


“Okay, I want you to picture a raging inferno, an ocean of fire”

“Okay, I see it.” I said.

“Now repeat after me.  Oh lord of fire, I am your emissary, make knives of flame fall like rain upon my enemies, coltello.”


Once again flaming knives appeared above us and plummeted to ground, Shinobu could aim them as they never came close to us.  It appeared simple enough, just visuals of the fire and then chant the spell.


“I don’t know if I can control it so stand back, Shinobu”

 “Good point, I don’t fancy getting skewered today.”

 “Alright hear goes nothing.”

“Oh lord of fire, I am your emissary, make knives of flame fall like rain upon my enemies, coltello.”



Silence filled my ears as I waited for the spell to fire, I waited and waited and continued to wait and nothing came of it. Not a single forsaken burning knife, Shinobu’s blank expression spoke volumes of her immeasurable disappointment.


“Well, that’s unfortunate. Sorry, Shinobu.”

“Hey, it’s your first time, all you need is a little practice.”




A brutal pain radiated through my skull, it felt like I was on fire; I screamed and fell to the ground in a fetal position; it was sheer agony l felt like I might combust that very moment.


“Mari, hey, what’s wrong.”



Shinobu rushed over and cradled me in her arms, her voice sounded muffle and distant I couldn’t see anything a blinding white light obscured my vision.  My senses were failing me and I felt my consciousness slip away.  Why was this happening to me, was it the magic or something else?


I heard a voice whisper in my ear; it was strange, but after a moment I recognized the voice.


I know it hurts but it’ll be over soon; I had to punish you for cheating on me, You’re mine Mari, no one else will have you, remember our contract, don’t betray me again.


Vel… vet” I said.


I woke up to find my head resting on Shinobu’s lap. Her cheeks were wet with tears; I did not understand how much time had passed but day had broken so it must have been at least an hour.  I had always dreamed of being comforted like this.


The coldness and apathy that had fostered and grown between me and Ayumi never allowed for moments of intimacy like this, It might be the pain or how groggy I feel but Shinobu’s eyes are like a pair lustrous rubies


“Hey are you okay, Talk to me.” Shinobu said.

“Yeah just a bad migraine.” I said.

“Here let me heal you just to be safe.”

“Oh mother of life, grant us your blessing and seal the wounds of this maimed soul, Hygieia”



Shinobu lay her hand on my forehead and a blue light emitted from her hand, I felt a warm sensation move from my tips of my toes to my head.  So there’s nonelemental magic too intriguing, I’d like to learn that healing spell, but it’s best not to incur the wrath of that selfish spirit.


“You’re superb with magic, you know.”

“Not really, nun’s only learn Hygieia and the most basic spells of their elemental affinity.”

“You’re amazing compared to me.”


I stood up still feeling dizzy from the incident; I stumbled a little getting up, Luckily Shinobu stepped forward to catch me.  “You’re such a handful.” Shinobu said. “Yeah, Sorry.”  Shinobu reached up and flicked me on the nose.


“Don’t worry about it, looking after lost lambs is part of the gig.”


I picked the bow up and clenched it tightly in my hand, no time like the present to learn a skill, I just hope I don’t humiliate myself.

“Let’s get moving than.” I said.

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