Velvet Abyss

Chapter 9: Huntress

The searing pain in my skull had faded by the time we entered the forest my heart was racing and I was on high alert, I didn’t fancy another encounter with those hell hounds.  With my being devoid of magic and a rubbish shot, Shinobu was our first and only line of defense, and that made me uneasy.


The morning light shined through the openings in the canopy as we followed a twisting path, strange purple insects scurried around trees and small white birds perched themselves high above trailing us with their eyes.


“What are we hunting exactly?” I asked.

“Nighthorns” Shinobu said

“What the hell is a Nighthorn?”

“You’ll know it when you see it.”

“Why can’t we hunt rabbits?”

“Because everyone’s sick of them”

“Fair enough”


We kept marching deeper and deeper until we got to an open plane within the depths of the forest, and on this plain stood a myriad of different beasts.  Small and enormous, all congregating in a singular space.


“Follow me” Shinobu said


Walked another mile or so and arrived at a clearing, an animal the size of a horse was feeding on the carcass of one of its own species. Splattered blood ran across its jaws and cheeks.  The beast had shiny black eyes like spiders that sent chills down my spine as I hated spiders with a burning passion.


“That beast that’s chowing down on its kin, is a Nighthorn.”

“Oh, great,” I said.

“A single one of these is enough to feed the village for a month.” Shinobu said.



Hellhounds were bad enough but now I had to deal with abominations like this, oh well I thought of the nun’s and the children back home.  Returning with a feast would be a good way to garner their favor.


“I love the smell of cannibalism in the morning.” I said.

“Your words are revolting.” Shinobu said.

“So these bastards are carnivorous, huh?” I asked.

“Omnivorousness actually,” Shinobu said.

“That makes me feel so much better.”

“So how are we downing this son of a bitch?” I asked.

“With one of those arrows, they’re laced with a fast acting sedative.”



In a world filled with ferocious monsters like that, it’s prudent to give yourself every advantage. “Can’t you just blast it with Coltello?” I asked curiously.  Shinobu sighed, it seemed I asked another foolish question.



“Nighthorns are attuned to flame mana, they’ll sense it and charge for us the moment I chant.”  Shinobu said.



“They are.” I said.

“So you’re telling me the only way to kill this thing is to land a clean shot on it?”

“Exactly, glad to see we’re on the same page.”

“Fine, I’ll take the damn shot, but don’t judge me when I miss.” I said.

 “I’m totally going to judge you.”  



I cocked an arrow and drew my bow, my palms were sweaty and I was trembling, I’d never shot an arrow before and my nerves were growing greater with each second.  All I had to do was hit some point on its body and toxin would work its magic.


I steadied myself and aimed for the biggest target its side; I slowed my breath and released the arrow it cut through the air and hit the Nighthorn squarely in the side.  My face contorted in horror as the arrow had shattered against the beast’s skin.


“What the hell Shinobu the arrow didn’t work”

“Nighthorns outer skin are tougher than stone, everyone knows that.”

“I didn’t”

“Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, my bad.”

“We are dead, deader than dead.”

“How do we kill this thing?” I asked.

“Hit its neck, it’s the only vulnerable part of it’s body.”

 “You should have said that in the first place, dumbass.”


The creature charged at us with immense speed as we narrowly avoided its charge  

” Shinobu” I said as I tackled her out of the way.  


“Do you have a death wish?” I asked.

“Not really.”

“Well, it sure seems like you do.”

“Just stay here and don’t move.”



I stood up and dusted the grass of my rags. If only i was an over powered protagonist, I’d eviscerate this pain in the ass with minimal effort.  I plucked an arrow from the quiver and cast my bow aside. I need to face reality, a weakling like me has to do something brazen to survive.


“Hey Shinobu, I need you to tell me something.”


“How injured can I get before your healing spells won’t work?”

“Well, if you die or if limbs are torn off you’re out of luck, if they’re attached I can I can mend them but if they’re separated they’re gone for good.”




The Nighthorn was tense, its hulking body readying itself for another charge; I twirled the poison arrow around my fingers.  I wasn’t a good enough shot to hit the neck, so I’d have to get up close and personal.


“Mari, what are you going to do?”

“I’m going to kill that fucking thing.”  

“Just make sure you heal me once I kill it”

“Okay, you got it.”



I starred down the Nighthorn as it began its charge, there was only one way to tackle this situation and that was head on, it’s all a useless girl like me could do.


“Come on, let’s go fucker.”

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