Chapter 274: The Fall of Victoria Part 1

"There's too many of them; we can't hold them back!"

"We're being overwhelmed! Where is our backup?!"

"Sunset Prison is lost! They're slaughtering us!"

"I can't fight any longer! Have mercy on us!"

"Where are the streamers?!"

The elevator to V.I.R.A.L HQ slowly rose, reaching the top floor. Alton stood alone, having his nerves get the better of him. The day he had been dreading at long last had finally arrived. The Garden was here, and he was to face this threat alone. Staring at his hand, he gripped it tightly, halting the constant shaking. The elevator doors slid open as Alton walked onto the roof overlooking a destroyed city. Masses of Titanic trees consumed the area with gunfire, and fighting heard all around. Standing at the roof's edge, looking down, a gigantic mossed covered creature flew up facing down Alton. It somewhat resembled a butterfly with a rotting body and vines from legs. Its eyes were a deep yellow matching that of the others. Alton looked up at it, letting his ice blade slowly draw from his hand as he held it by his side, letting out a scream of desperation as he went into battle.


400 years ago, the world fell to ruin. An ancient race who once shared the same world as everyone else was banished to a realm of death and misery. Known simply as the Garden, the higher beings of Fairy-Tale sought them to be too dangerous disposing of them before they could become any more of a threat. Looking for revenge, they unleashed pure chaos upon the world and wiped out 80% of the population. It was only thanks to the collective effort of four brave heroes and the traitor from their ranks. Mortem was their siege halted, and the forces of the Garden have sealed away. However, with the legendary heroes defuncted and Mortem defeated, the Garden has returned once more to finish what it started 400 years ago. The last band of heroes and streamers hope to halt the attack putting the Garden down for good but with V.I.R.A.L in ruin. The world's heroes divided, the destruction of Victoria seems all but inevitable…


From the main towering Titan, the Stages of Grief sat watching the first wave of their forces lay waste to the land. Denial; a small, dark-skinned girl with messy black hair attempted to brush herself. She wore a dirty blanket covering her whole body, contrasting her gleaming yellow eyes. She sat on the edge of the Titan in awe. "So, this is Victoria… To think it's really been 400 years since we were last here… They sure rebuild fast! It's a shame we have to destroy it again."

"Why did they even bother building it if we were only going to destroy it after? It seems like a big waste…" Depression muttered, lying on his back wearing a torn grey hoodie and dirty trousers. Purple flowers grew all around him, consuming half his body, and it would only grow slowly and surely. Staring up at the night sky, he sighed, curling up. "Why do they fight even though they stand no chance against you guys?"

"Don't be so harsh on them. I'm sure they can put up a good fight if they try. They halted big brother Bargaining, and Acceptance plans serval times."

Bargaining placed his hand on Denial's shoulder. Nodding, he stared on with one yellow eye, the other a navy blue wearing his old superhero spandex and cape. He looked out to the city. "We should be wise not to underestimate our enemies Depression. After all, we have three special guests waiting for us."

"The Ten's Judgement…" Denial whispered.

"Charmeine the fourth, Alice Hawthorne the eight and lastly Alton Brantley the tenth. Not to mention some other surprise fighters. Keep an eye out for both Sam Belling of Hero's Might and Scarlett Syndicate. Those two could prove dangerous if not take seriously."

Denial began hopping up and down, holding her blanket tighter. "Can I go now? Please Bargaining, please, please, please! Let me kill some people!"

"Very well. Show them what the Stages of Grief are capable of denying these heroes the justice they seek." Bargaining ordered as Denial jumped down from the Titan into the fray below. "Do you not wish to join the fight?" Bargaining questioned Depression over.

"I do not see the purpose of battling in these pointless wars… Killing these poor creatures won't get me anywhere."

"I see. One Stage of Grief should be more than enough. Acceptance is holding the seal in place and learning a lot from our sub-Judgement. Anger is off seeking revenge against the one who wronged her before. The last legendary hero alive, the Phantom."

"What about you?" Depression whispered.

"I'm here to take back what's rightfully mine. All is going to my plan. All I need is the vessel keeping my dear sister alive. Alice Hawthorne."

"Good luck, I suppose… Not like you need it."

Bargaining took a step forward as angelic wings corrupted by purple flowers ripped from his back. He took a slight glance at Depression, smirking. "After 400 years, we will finally make things right. Alice isn't the only thing I desire here, either. I think it's time we meet face to face from one judgement to another, Alton Brantley."


Rebecca was rounding up the children with their belongings from the orphanage, hoping to avoid the conflict overall. "Hurry up! No, Kessie, I said only travel light! We don't have a long hurry!"

The wall burst as Alton crashed through, smashing against the wall with two Moss at him. Holding them both back, he froze them in place, shattering them into nothing. Struggling to his feet, Alton turned, seeing Rebecca letting out a sigh of relief. "Thank God, I made it in time. Are you lot all alright?"

"Alton? Is Zinnia with you?!"

"Afraid not. Look, there's no time, I'm here to get you all out of here, but we need to hurry."

Turning on the spot, Alton held his shoulder, bearing the pain. Rebecca was slightly taken back as she spoke, upholding one of the younger girls in her arms. "Why are you helping us for?"

"I most likely wouldn't have… But all considering if Zinnia was here to fight, she would have taken my place. Regardless of the matter, I'll help the people she cares about; it's the least I can do." The moment Alton turned ready to clear a path, the whole orphanage was destroyed in an instant. Crashing to the ground, Alton turned, yelling out. "Are you all alri-." Alton froze, staring on in horror as nothing was left standing. Crawling back, Alton noticed the bodies of the girls burrowed under the rubble. He stared on, trembling, unable to process what just happened.

"Aww, I missed that's no fun." Alton slowly turned his head as Denial floated down, balancing on a lamppost nearby. She frowned, crossing her arms. "I was aiming for Alton, not the orphans… Oh well, no one will miss them!"

Alton stood himself up, gripping his fist tightly moving his hand forward. "Do you have any idea what the fuck you just did?!" He screeched, creating a giant iceberg consuming all around him.

Letting out a cold breath, Denial floated down behind him, teasing Alton. "How fun! But it's going to take a lot more than that to take me down, big brother." Alton gritted his teeth, swinging his arm around again, sending more icicles at the girl in which. She jumped around, avoiding each one with a childish smile plastered on her face. "Come on, you're almost there. Ooh, so close. Just hit me; you can do it! Believe in yourself, big bro!"

Alton slammed forward, grabbing Denial's leg throwing her across the street. Slightly startled by this, she quickly caught her balance spinning around another lamppost before quickly climbing up it starting back at square one. Alton tutted, holding his hand back as clumps of ice began charging. Pushing to his limits, he crushed the clusters yelling. "Whiteout!"

Denial was covered in a thick layer of fog and snow, unable to see. She looked around in awe at the sudden raw power clapping her hands. "I haven't had this much fun in almost 400 years. Bargaining was right about you; big brother Alton facing you is so much fun!" She turned around, facing Alton directly, throwing him off entirely. "Wouldn't you agree?"

Crashing to the side, avoiding her, Alton stood up as the fog began to fade with a red tinge in the wait. Blood trickled down his arm as Alton twisted his hand, pushing it forward. "Torrent blow!"

Denial turned as the attack was about to hit her head-on. She did next sent shivers down Alton's back as Denial smacked the attack away, making Alton stumble back. Denial noticed this as her sweet childish nature turned into a sadistic nature as she turned on Alton, her blanket growing a dark purple. "It's all over now for you, Alton Brantley."

Just as she was about to attack back, Denial quickly turned, being blown up from where she stood. Crashing back against the roof, she saved herself, jumping back to her feet. Scarlett walked in, shaking her hand, tutting. "Damn it…"

"Scarlett?! What are you doing here?"

Scarlett pulled Alton up, turning to Denial. "What does it look like? You told me to fight until I find what I love in life; I'm not letting you die on me until I find out what it is."

"Oh dear, oh no." Denial whispered. "I wanted to play with big brother Alton, not you, Scarlett Syndicate… This just won't do."

"Who the hell is the kid?"

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but you're one of the Stages of Grief?"

"Yup, I am! I represent the Stage of Denial. But in life, I was called Jehovah Law."

"She's one of the Stages of Grief?! I would have never guessed. But she took a head-on explosion like it was nothing… Not even you can do that."

Denial began sulking, slamming her foot to the ground serval times. "I don't like being teamed up on… I don't want to play anymore…"

Denial flew off as Scarlett tried running after her. Alton held his hand out, blocking her pursuit. "Don't bother. We don't have time to chase Stages all day."

"But she's on the run! We could take her together!"

"There's something off about that little girl. She blocked all my attacks like it was a mere game. Before you stepped in for a split moment, I felt an overwhelming power that even grew past my own. Until we know what their Stage does, we shouldn't engage. Protecting the people of Rhinefield is our top priority; we should meet up with the others before more Stages arrive…"

"Fine… Why did this have to happen now? We're really screwed, aren't we?"

Scarlett flew away as Alton was left alone. He turned to the destroyed orphanage biting his lip cursing under his breath. "I'm sorry, Zinnia… I couldn't save them, but I promise I'll make the Garden pay. You have my word on that."

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