Chapter 275: The Fall of Victoria Part 2

The remaining forces for Rhinefield that hadn't fled or died during the initial outbreak had gathered in the remains of the V.I.R.A.L HQ to go over some sort of plan to push back the Garden. Alton and Scarlett were the last to arrive with Jinx, Florence, Alice, Sam, and Emil.

Emil lay on the sofa, still returning to his senses, while Sam sat on the table looking concerned. "You still with us, Emil?"

"Just about leader… I'll be ready to fight in due time; I just need to catch my breath."

"What about you, Sam? How are you feeling?" Alton questioned, worried for his friend.

"I just feel a little sick. Having Mortem control, my body was off-putting, to say the least. It's not like I have time to gather our senses. How bad is it?"

Alton looked to the others whispering. "I…" Turning to everyone else, Alton spoke up. "I'm going, to be honest with you guys, it's not looking good. In fact, our chances of winning are almost none. Our worst fears are here. The Garden has finally arrived and caught us off guard. I don't know how but they're here. The Stages of Grief are here to take this world by force."

"I think I know how," Jinx muttered, sighing. "Back when we were rounding up the streamers, some man attacked. He came out of some hollow tree and took Iris. Monty went after her, but we haven't heard from either of them since."

"What did this man look like?" Alton questioned.

"He wore a suit. He was well dressed to perfection, I'd say… He had yellow eyes just like you."

Alton flipped out, punching the wall knowing all too well who it was. "Acceptance… That bastard! He must have used Iris to break the seal and free his people. Damn it, how did I not see this coming?!"

"We need to get her back," Alice argued, trembling. "We can't just let my sister suffer at the hands of that man!" Alton looked to her paranoid as she got the hint stumbling back. "No… Don't do that. We can't just abandon her!"

"If Acceptance got her, she's dead, Alice. Even if she wasn't, we have no idea where or if we can reach him. We have bigger problems than her right now."

"How can you say that?! This is Iris we're talking about, not just anyone else! She'd saved our lives serval times; we wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for her! We can't just abandon her!"

Alton walked up, ready to speak his mind, when Sam jumps down, stopping him. "Listen, Alice, I understand I truly do. You're worried about your sister; anyone can see that. But we need to look at the bigger picture. Iris is strong. She won't let Acceptance win without a fight, but many people can't. They need our help; I promise you we will save Iris no matter what, but first, we need to save the people of Rhinefield."

Sam looked to Alton, who gave a half-hearted nod looking away. "Yeah…"

Alice wiped her eyes, coming to her senses. "You're right… I'm sorry."

"So, what's the plan. How do we defeat the Garden?" Florence questioned, ready to fight."

"Beat the Garden? Mere humans think they can defeat the Garden?" Charmeine chuckled, walking in. "You are a cocky bunch, are you not?"

Scarlett stepped in her way, holding her hand out as it began to crackle and burn. "Who are you?"

Charmeine turned to Alton, smirking. "After all this time, we finally meet Ten." She held her hand up, showing the Fairy-Tale symbol. "I am one of the Ten's Judgement number four Charmeine."

"Let her through," Alton muttered, standing back. "I knew there was something off about you from the moment I laid eyes on you police commissioner. What happened to Vanguard?"

"I killed him. Sorry about that, know he did put up a good fight."

"Tch, typical… Not that he would have been much use here." He replied, slouching against the wall. "Are you here to help then?"

"Help? Help with what? The Garden has already taken the city. Your chances in winning are gone; you made sure of that the moment you took out Mortem." Charmeine taunted, looking at the others. "None of you shine a light to the power of the Garden. Even you, Alton, you haven't unlocked the full potential power yet. You'd most likely lose against the Stages."

"So, what you're saying we let the people die?"

Charmeine walked up to Alton, lightly punching his chest. "Don't forget our mission, Ten. The survival of humans is not of our concern. Our goal is to defeat and destroy the Garden no matter the cost."

"You're giving up on us that quickly? I thought you were meant to be helping us." Scarlett scoffed at staring Charmeine down.

"I've seen this before. I was there 400 years ago when your nation fell. When the world was on its knees. Heroes far greater than you perished by their hands. You don't stand much better of a chance. I saw those devils rip your world apart piece by piece. While my people will let that stand by, I cannot let that happen again."

"You're just contradicting yourself. You don't care what happens to us, yet you want to save the world."

Charmeine smirked to herself, acknowledging the matter. "Yes, it may seem quite trivial now you mention it. However, it may come as a surprise, but the Garden and Fairy-Tale aren't that different. We're more like two sides of the same coin. Mortem knew that itself and chose to defy its ruler and seek a way to escape its destiny. I, too, have the urge to do the same. The Ten's Judgement was brought together to do nothing else but destroy the Garden. Our lives hold no meaning to the Gods we serve, nor will they after we complete our mission. We will simply be disposed of off, most likely once the Garden falls. But if we fail, another will take our place. Two realised this and tried defying her makers. They did quick work of that, I simply want to path out my own destiny, and it was right here by Vitae's side until you killed her."

"Are you looking for pity or something? Are you going to help us or not?" Alton snapped, staring Charmeine down. "Or do you look to get in my way?"

This got Charmeine's attention as she grinned. "There it is. The look I've heard so much about—the fury of the Ten. You hold so much possibility, Alton, yet you allow your life here to control you. If you were to just let go and allow destiny to drive you forward, no one could stand in your way."

"We're done here." Alton barked, turning around. "We don't have time for this. We need to get help from the others now."

"You made a bargain with Adam Berry, right?" She questioned, nodding. "That's good; that might just help us. What was it he ordered of you?"

"Alton?" Alice questioned.

"Guess there's no point hiding it now. He wanted me to become a Stage of Grief. In exchange for Zinnia's life, I would take the mantel of any of them."

"You idiot… Why the hell would you take something like that on?" Scarlett snarled at.

This, on the other hand, made Charmeine's eyes light up. She seemed much more hopeful, laughing to herself. "I see; this is all starting to make sense. Listen, Alton, you cannot trust Adam Berry, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't play along. Do as he says, take one of the Stages for your own. Harness its power and take back this world."

"Use the Garden?! You're nuts; the Garden is evil. Why would we use its powers for?!" Jinx howled at flipping her gun around. "She's trying to get into our head. We can't trust her."

"The Garden is nothing but a tool. A tool we can use at our very own disposal to make a difference. Your father saw that truth, Alice."

"Hans… He wanted to use the Garden to take over V.I.R.A.L."

"Tell me, was he ever corrupted by the Garden? Did he attend to their bidding and look to set them free?" Charmeine reminded them to answer the question. "No, he didn't. One strong of mind can take the Garden's powers and use it to where they see fit. That one is you, Alton. If you wish to save the world and defeat the Garden, you must fight fire with fire."

"Why no you do it?" Said Alton cautiously.

"I'm nowhere near as powerful as you Ten, I couldn't possibly harness the Garden's power like you could. I'm sure he already has a plan in destroying the Garden. It's a shame Alton has to be the one in charge." Charmeine spoke with a sly tone walking away from past Scarlett. "Sooner or later, you'll come to your senses. No one can escape their destiny, Alton; you will destroy the Garden and take your rightful place as Salvation. Once your fate is spelt out, I know there is no going back, but even then. Even if I cannot defy my own fate, I'd rather die trying."

Charmeine left, making everyone uneasy. "What a buzzkill. What's the plan, boss?" Jinx questioned.

"I won't have anything to do with that. We'll defeat the Garden with our own power and might. Scarlett, round up the last of your family and hold the line. Emil, you and Jinx, are in charge of setting up an evac point. Get as many people away from the city as possible. Alice and Sam, you're with me."

"What are we going to do?" Sam questioned.

"We're taking the fight directly to them. We're going for Bargaining." Alton threatened to move. "Florence keeps on the comms and tell us what happens. See if you can get in touch with anyone else, anyone. Your brother, any streamers, I don't care. We'll take any help we can get. We don't have the luxury of time. Every second is a potential life lost, so move!"

Everyone ran off, ready to fight as Alton walked forward, looking at his hand with the Fairy-Tale symbol. He clutched his fist tightly, whispering. "I won't let you take me. I'm in control; I'm in control. I am Alton Brantley, and I intend on winning this war without you, Ten."

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