Chapter 291: Alton's Inferno Part 2

"Do you remember that book report we had to do for Mrs Chadwick?"

"Which one was Chadwick again?" Alton questioned, ploughing through the sandstorm looking back to his school life. "Was that the one who sneaked booze into class?"

"No, no. That was Miss Hutchings. Mrs Chadwick was the one who tackled the headteacher in the teacher sports day."

"Oh shit, I remember now. Wait, what was the question again?"

"The book reports. We were given Dante's Inferno. Remember?"

"Vaguely? Was that the one with the demon who killed other demons and fought his jealous motivated brother?"

Sam sighed, shaking her head. "That's why you failed English…. No, it was about Dante who went through the nine layers of hell to save his lover. He had to face the sins of the masses, making it to the bottom of hell."

"How romantic…. Alright, but has this got to do with this?!" Alton yelled, being pushed back by the storm.

"Think about it. The first layer of hell was Ante-Inferno, where people who didn't choose good or evil were trapped. Doesn't that sound almost identical to what we just witnessed?"

Alton stopped, batted by the storm turning to Sam conflicted. "So what, you believe all those things we saw weren't just memories to mess with us but all the people who failed to harness the Garden in the afterlife?"

"It's just a theory. But this location matches the concept of the second layer lust. The strong winds knocking us about and the endless wasteland. It's matching up."

"So, what, Acceptance enjoyed a good read in his past time and made his own layers of hell to test us?"

"I'm not sure…. But what if we are actually heading into the heart of the Garden. The real Garden."

This couldn't help but make Alton feel uncomfortable. He was sure of the fact none of this was real, a test by Acceptance to break him down and stop Alton before his journey even begun. If there was a chance they were treading into the belly of the beast, Alton wasn't prepared. "I think…. I think you should have stayed above ground…. How do we get out?"

"The way we came in. The only way out is down."

Swept off his feet and thrown to the ground, Alton scratched at the ground as he felt himself being pulled under. Sam crashed to the floor, gripping his arms, trying to save him only for herself to be dragged under the sand drowning in the endless storm.


It wasn't long before Sam came to her senses finding herself in a worn-down home. It didn't take her long at all to recognise the house she spent the weekends at. It was Alton's old family home frozen over entirely. The windows had all shattered, and snow had poured in. The stairs going upstairs had collapsed matched that with the roof caved in, and you had a devasting picture. Sam looked around, not spotting Alton in the slightest. Worried she began calling out. "Alton! Alton! Alton, where are you, my man?!" Running around the corner, she yelled out again, stopping mid-sentence troubled. "Alton…."

Staring blankly, Alton kept his eyes on his mother frozen in the ice. Her look was of horror and turmoil as it was sure she was trying to run. Taking a deep breath, Alton whispered, skipping a few words stuttering off each of them. "She, she knew this would happen. She wasn't prepared at all, though. She only had one shoe on, haha…. Probably getting ready to pick me up from school. I did this."

"Alton, you can't blame yourself for this…."

"I should, though," Alton whispered, falling to his knees resting his head against the ice. "I was the one who killed her…. I'm so sorry, mum, I should have listened to you. I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

As Alton spoke this, the ice faded, and he fell to the floor stunned. Pressed up, Alton stared at the ground, dazed. "Are you alright?"

Wiping his eyes, he jumped up, trying to play it off. "Just fine. I feel I feel better now."

"Are you sure?"

"I said I'm fine. This was to test me, yeah? To atone for my sins, does this mean I passed?"

"I think so."

"Doesn't feel like it…. I hate the idea of sticking around here any longer. Come on, let's keep going."


Night had taken its rightful place over Rhinefield as Alice and Iris' birthday celebration was coming to an end. To wrap up the night of eating, singing and partying, the group had taken the twins out to the local park for one more surprise.

"It's a bit chilly, isn't it?" Iris whispered, rubbing her arms. "How much longer are we going to wait?"

Alton placed his jacket over Iris, looking to the sky. "Not much longer now, patience."

Turning to Alice, she shrugged her shoulders just as much in the dark as Iris. This wouldn't last long before sets of fireworks ignited, lighting up the night sky with bright and vibrant colours leaving the crowd in awe. For those few minutes, Iris found herself in a trance, one she couldn't nor wanted to escape from. The eye candy was enough to make her tear up as she never felt happier about anything. Once the show was over, she was left speechless, wiping her eyes. "You outdid yourself, Scarlett. Just how much did that cost?!" Zinnia yelled in shock, still amazed by the brilliance that was on display.

"Bah, don't worry your little mind over some futile like money. It didn't break the balance, so it's fine. You only turn eighteen once, am I right?"

"Everyone…. Thank you so much; this has been the best day of my life." Iris wept, constantly rubbing her eyes over and over, trying her best to hold the tears back. "I can't thank you enough for this."

Zinnia smiled, hugging Iris also teary-eyed. "Your very welcome, Iris!"

"Did you enjoy yourself too, kiddo?"

"You know I hate it when you call me that." Alice pouted, punching Alton's shoulder playfully. "But yes, the Alice can confirm she had a fantastic day, I guess."

"Glad to hear it. Hey Iris, it's getting late, and it's quite the journey back home, so Zinnia and I are heading out."

Percy rubbed his eyes, yawning. "Yeah, I suppose I should go home too. I'm up early tomorrow helping Vanguard."

"Shall we call it a night here then?" Scarlett questioned with a smile.

"I guess. Thank you all again, Iris?"

Iris felt her pockets sighing. "Crap, I left my phone in the karaoke bar. I'm going to run back and grab it. Go on without me, guys."

Turning, Gale held his hands out, yelling. "Well, be quick; I'll give you two a ride home!"


The karaoke bar was dead, with only the owner still around. Kind enough to let Iris back in for her phone, she scurried along the hallway, making it to the door. As her hand reached out for the handle, she found herself frozen, unable to move. To make matters stranger, she was now trembling. "What's wrong with me…. Why am I so? So afraid for?" Slowly opening the door, she had sharp pains race through her head, seeing old memories. Mortem, the Garden attack, Monty's death. She couldn't help but be confused and terrified at the same time. Voices in her head screamed out to run away and not open the door. But it was already too late as it was pulled open. Iris stopped in her tracks, confused. Before her was Alton, and Sam looked worse for wear with bloody cuts and bruises. Before her was Alton having a black eye. "Alton? But you were just…."

"No way…. Sam, what's going on? I thought you said this was like Dante's Inferno. What's going on?"

"I, I don't know."

As Iris stepped in, Alton held his hand out, yelling, which made Iris jump. "Stop right there! Tell me something only Iris would know, tell me!"

"Alton…. You're scaring me."

"Tell me right now!"

"Ok, ok…. When we were attacked by the dark replicas, you gave yourself up to save me when we were corned with no way out. It's wasn't because you couldn't win it was because you couldn't let me die in the crossfire. You claimed that Sam and the others were your fault and playing the hero got people killed. You didn't want that to happen again, so you gave yourself up."

Alton smiled, dropping his hostile act hugging Iris. "Holy shit, it's really you. Are you alright? Did he hurt you?"

"What are you talking about? I'm fine, we were just at the party. What's going on?"

Alton looked around, seeing the karaoke bar untouched from the chaos of battle. Staring on, he stumbled back, shocked. "Oh, God…. It's the Phantom all over again…."

"The Phantom…. Wait, you don't mean?"

"I do; this is all a trick. A made-up world by Acceptance to keep Iris at bay; it's how he got me back at the prison."

"A made-up world? You're not making any sense; I defeated Acceptance with the help of Zinnia and you, Alton…. That was a year ago."

"That's wrong, Iris. Zinnia never came back. We couldn't get to you in time. The Garden attacked and destroyed the city. We were wiped out."

"No, no. You're lying. I stopped him…. I had to, for Monty!"

"Iris, have you found your phone yet? Alice is…. Oh, no way…." Gale whispered, staring blankly at Alton and Sam. "How unexpected. We didn't expect you two to arrive so quickly…."

"Gale, what's going on…. They said, they said none of this is real. What does that mean?"

Gale stared idly at a stunned Alton, snarling with a smug look. "He told you that, huh? Do you believe such rubbish?"

"Of…. Of course not. I just, I…."

Gale crossed his arms, smirking. "Well, he's not lying. None of this is real. Not officially; it's been fun, Iris it really has. Did you enjoy yourself as much as we did?"

Iris stumbled back, falling to her knees, her whole world falling apart. "No…. No way. This can't be."

"Iris…. You bastard. You'll pay for what you've done Acceptance. I swear on my life I'll make you pay."

"My, my. Alton, be careful what you wish for." Gale smirked as his eyes died of colour and life alongside a red haze surrounding him. The ground began to shake as he hissed two words. "Deadman's Requiem."

Alton gritted his teeth as he pushed Iris and Sam out of the way, taking Gale's attack head-on as he was launched flying out of the karaoke bar. Crashing backwards, Alton caught himself standing up only to look around troubled as the rest of Team Rhapsody appeared. Scarlett, Alice, Percy, Zinnia, to even himself, all standing idly. Iris watched in horror, whispering. "No…. This can't be."

"Do you have any last words, Alton Brantley?" Spoke the fake Alton in a mocking tone.

Standing up letting his power flourish out and his Garden form emerged, freezing the small area around him. "I'll make you pay Acceptance. I promised. I'll kill you all!"

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