Chapter 292: The Fall of Alton Brantley Part 1

The fake Percy and Gale attacked at once, rushing Alton to react. Jerking his hand down, a pillar of ice shot up, blasting Alton into the air safe away from the action. Now higher up, his safe space wouldn't last long as Scarlett blew him out of the sky, shattering the ice. Crashing to the ground, Alton was frozen to the spot. Alton raised his hand with the fake Alton in sight, sending off a sharp icicle to take him down.

Once Alice stepped in the way, Alton forced his attack back. Alice smirked sinisterly as the rest of Team Rhapsody became a human shield for Alton. Iris was helped up by Sam as she stared on lost. "Why isn't he fighting back? He's a sitting duck if he keeps this up!"

"That idiot. Even though he knows all of them are fakes, he can't bring himself to attack his own team…. That fake Alton is holding him hostage with his team."

Holding his hand up, he let out a cold blast pushing back everyone, hoping the fake Alton would have a clear spot to strike. As this happened, Zinnia struck down with a lightning bolt behind her. Jumping backwards, Alton pushed himself back further, looking up gritting his teeth. "Zinnia…. Damn it!"

The moment he touched the ground, Gale pilled through, thrusting his fist into Alton's chest. Iris' cube came in between them before they connected, blocking the attack before springing up blasting Gale backwards. Stepping out of her bubble Iris stood in front of Alton. As her cubes swirled around with a look of determination, she yelled out. "Leave him alone!"

Acceptance appeared from thin air in front of the fake Team Rhapsody, slightly confused. "What is the meaning of this? Iris, why are you going against fate?"

Iris frowned, deflated seeing the sight of the very man she believed to have killed. "So, they really weren't lying. You're still alive, which means…."

"You never defeated me a mere week ago. But I suppose for you, it felt like a year ago. You were so quick to believe my illusion that I honestly thought you knew this was fake but just gave up. So why now? I gave you a perfect world where you are the heart of Team Rhapsody. Everyone is happy. Why throw that away?"

"Why?! Why?! None of this is real; isn't that clear enough?!"

"Who are we to decide what is real or not? People get so addicted and obsessed with roleplay or video games they believe that to be their lives. We all dream of something better; you could live in your dream world. Let that be your reality; no one would blame you. You can still stay in this world, and we'll forget this ever happened. All you have to do is kill these intruders."

"You want me to kill Alton and Sam? Are you insane?"

Acceptance shrugged his shoulders, unsure. "Are any of us truly sane in this cruel world? Killing them would mean nothing because you have another set here. I could wipe your memory of these events, and you'll continue none the wiser. In the world you live in, Iris is gone, destroyed and cruel. Live here and accept your happiness."



"I said no! I reject this world and anything you offer. I want to keep fighting for my dreams in the real world!"

"How…. Disappointing. No matter, this is but just another step back. Kill Alton and Sam. I'll wipe Iris' memory myself. See this as mercy."

Sam, Alton and Iris stood back-to-back as the fake Team Rhapsody went in for the kill. "Alton…. We'll hold back the others you go after your fake self. We won't force you to kill your team."

"Thank you. Are you sure you can hold them all back?"

Iris twirled her hand around as a giant cube came from a portal crushing Zinnia, smashing her into a building that collapsed into the street. "Positive."

Alton crouched down, blasting forward, pinning the fake Alton into a wall smashing him through it, bombarding him with hails of ice. Sam took wind of this spinning on the spot kicking one of Percy's clones away as she set up a flaming wall around, forcing Emil and Percy to hold back on attacking. This, however, wouldn't stop Gale as he broke through the wall, his body on fire. Striking Sam, she slammed to the ground blasting Gale with more fire. Taking it all without much sign of pain, he cranked his arm around, screaming. "Deadman's Counter!"

"Oh, no, you don't!" Iris yelled, focusing her energy on making a portal like Alice turning the attack on Emil and Scarlett. The unheard-of power evaporated them taking the two out of the fight. Gale stared on, pissed off, collapsing with all his energy used up. Held down by a cube, Gale wouldn't be a problem, only leaving Percy and Alice.

Sam decided to take on Alice, moving her whole body around, calling on a blast of fire. Alice waited, pulling up a portal ready to counter. The moment it was to enter the portal being used against her, Sam swung her arm around as the flaming beast took on the form of a dragon. Going around the portal, the dragon dug into Alice, setting her on fire launching her back.

From the rubble, Alton stepped back, ready to end his doubleganger only to feel a soft touch to his arm. "Alton, don't."

"Zinnia…." He whispered, staring blankly at her as she forced his guard down. "Don't do this."

"You don't have to do this, Alton. If you want, you can be happy here. Leave these pointless wars and crusades behind and stay with me. You deserve to rest."

"You aren't real. Your just in m-."

"In your head?" She whispered, pulling him in for a kiss. "Does that matter. Forget all of that. You've done plenty to save everyone. Leave it all to us and throw it all away."

"The Zinnia I know wouldn't give up on anyone, especially those in need!" Alton yelled, freezing Zinnia on the spot turning on his fake copy slashing his head off with one clean slice of an ice pick.

Zinnia stared on through the ice with a smug look as she giggled. "Can Ten come out and play? You stand no chance against us, Alton. Come on, come on. What are you afraid of? Come and let out the big bad wolf."

Alton didn't reply, walking away, hissing under his breath. "I'm never letting that monster out. I'd rather die than let him take me over."

Zinnia watched, still laughing to herself. "That can be arranged."


Percy stumbled back as his clones began fading with his confidence. Iris stood in front of him, raising her hand as a pillar slammed down, crushing him. "Is that the last of them?"

"I think so."

Alton stepped out from the rubble, shaking his hand. "You all done on this end."

"Stop right there; how do we know it's really you?" Sam teased as Alton walked over, flickering her head. Crouched down, she held her head in pain, crying. "Ow! You know I hate being touched there!"

"It was the quickest way in telling you, was it not?"

"Are you all proud of yourselves? Do you find some kind of pleasure, excitement destroying everything I make for you? We need not be enemies. Humanity is not our enemy; we join forces and reach true Salvation." Acceptance's voice rang out from nowhere but seemly everywhere as well.

"Join forces? You lost all those chances when you destroyed our city and killed thousands. You lost out much earlier than that when you manipulated the masses into doing your bidding and killing whoever you seek fit!"

"Why Alton, we hold no grudge against the ones who fall beneath our boot. We believe in an old tradition simply known as the logic of one. If one cannot stand above the other, then the loser shouldn't be allowed to live at all. History is never kind to the weak, and neither is this world. The weak have no value. They cannot stand on their own without leeching off others. However, you are different. You've all proven yourself time and time again to be a part of this logic of one. Join me; together, we can propel the invaders destroy the Gardeners and take your world back once and for all. You'd be kings and queens over a new world."

"You'd kill your own leaders?! That's not possible they have you under their control."

"This isn't the first time any of us tried. Bargaining has attempted on serval occasions. In fact, the Gardeners you see today were once Stages like me before they overthrew the previous rulers. The logic of one keeps order and forces the leader to remain mighty and powerful; otherwise, they could face destruction. The Garden is dying, and our only hope of survival is to keep hold of these traditions and bring them into a new age."

Alton turned to Iris and Sam, shaking his head. "Like hell, we would ever agree to that!"

"I see. A pity, it really is." Acceptance sighed as the fake world began to fade. "It appears I must once again take matters into my own hands. I held out hope for you all; I really did. However, that simply isn't enough. You are a threat to myself and the future of the Garden. Therefore, I will do what I should have done from the start."

The world was gone, and the three found themselves in a deep cavern with bright, vibrant colours bouncing off each other. The hole seemly went on forever with a crack of light at the end. Vines were wrapped around the caves blocking off all escapes. Acceptance stood at the helm as a swirling purple portal stood behind him with small petals coming out from such a thing. Alton stared on, whispering. "That's it…. That's the entrance to the Garden."

"Right you are before us is a doorway to my home and the Gardeners. This will be your final resting place." Acceptance threatened as giant vines ripped from within the caves and floor moving around him. "Prepare yourself for the end!"

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