Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 233

Chapter: 233

Since the gods disappeared, on the surface, there are humans…. Hmm, perhaps it’s time to revise the word “human.”

What does it mean to be human? What does it mean to be a person? Is there any difference among them, elves, dwarves, and beastmen?

Can we really lump them all together under the term “human”? Are only those without long ears, those who are not short, and those lacking animal traits considered humans?

Hmm. Let’s think about that later. The most ideal scenario would be… to regard all intelligent beings as humans, while calling the existing humans by another name.

Like elves and dwarves, like beastmen. We need clear terms to refer to them. Hmm…

Human, Homo sapiens… Strictly speaking, those are different beings, so let’s skip that. Mankind… is likely a term that refers to the entirety of humanity, so it must include elves and dwarves as well.

In the end, it seems we’re left with just “human.” Hmm. We can gradually spread the term “human” later.

Anyway, the background for the increase in human numbers was a complex web of factors.

Various beliefs. Many gods. As a result, conflicts arising from different beliefs. Large and small wars called holy wars.

The first reason is that most of the gods who caused those wars have either vanished or lost their divinity and declined.

The second reason is… the increase in food production. Specifically, the cultivation of rice.

The rice gifts I had given to the rat beastmen, the Ratkin and Mabel, proved to be a crop that could produce more food than barley or wheat when compared over the same area; unlike wheat and barley, which were the traditional staples, rice thrived in the subtropical climate.

In regions with heavy rainfall or warm climates, wheat and barley struggled to grow. People were previously limited to cultivating potatoes and other vegetables, but now rice became another option.

Moreover, the considerable quantity of rice available often exceeded what was needed to feed the people, making it entirely reasonable to sell off that surplus for trade.

Merchants who became aware of the usefulness of rice purchased rice seedlings to sell elsewhere, initiating a spread of rice farming in hot, humid subtropical regions where wheat and barley could not thrive.

Thus, crops like wheat, barley, rice, potatoes, and the corn previously cultivated by the lizardmen began to be produced in various environments.

The increase in food production meant that it was synonymous with being able to feed a large number of people; hence, those who had previously died of starvation due to food shortages were now able to live… so the increase in population was inevitable.

The burgeoning population improved the overall productivity.

They began to develop uncharted lands, hunt monsters that posed threats to safety, or more merchants transport greater quantities of goods. They even had priests serving me, now referred to as the Church of Life, which has suddenly gained prominence.

With the overall population rising, humans could undertake a myriad of tasks.

Among those tasks… were wars.

Naturally. Even with the abundance of surplus food and increased overall production, plundering through war remained a viable option.

Based on the increased population, it made sense to bolster their military and attack other city-states.

Thus, the kings praying to Mars, the god of war, led many wars.

“Do humans know nothing but war?”

Grumbled Asherat. I understood her sentiment, but what could be done?

Conflict was an inescapable factor for humans.

Conflicts between individuals. Conflicts between groups. Conflicts between nations.

As long as they were beings with will, acting along with that will, conflict was unavoidable.

“Well, it does accelerate development, to some extent.”

“That’s true, but it’s tragic that with the rise in life’s numbers, they also diminish due to war.”

That aspect… well, it might be unavoidable.

At least, it was fortunate that even amidst the wars, there were no mass slaughters.

Perhaps it’s because this era is one where the concept of nations and ethnicities is still faint. The commoners weren’t bound to their nations; some crossed borders to survive, and there were also those who became prisoners and later switched sides.

In an age where each commoner directly correlated to national power, winning wars with minimal casualties and absorbing as many prisoners as possible was the shortcut to becoming a strong nation.

What if they don’t switch sides? Naturally, they end up as slaves. This era is one where slavery is commonplace. Well, it’s better than dying!

Moreover, my teaching about cherishing life has also spread considerably. If my faith, the Church of Life, committed a mass slaughter… it would not end well for anyone.

Occasionally, a foolish king would release his grievances in war by executing prisoners… but before long, rebellions would erupt, and they would be ousted from power.

Perhaps the current humans see a king who violates the unspoken rule of sparing prisoners as unfit to be a king.

“Well, things seem to be stabilizing gradually.”

“That’s true, but among the many kings, the most active is…”

Amidst the many nations going to war, there was one nation that stood out.

A kingdom claiming to be the successor of Arcadia, led by a boy king who declared himself a servant of the goddess of life and the god of war.

Starting as a small city-state, this valiant king led countless wars to victory, expanding his influence.

He was a youth who commanded war with not a spear or sword, but a flag, gaining the support of many as he developed the kingdom.

“A boy king as brave as a tiger. Lucius. Among many kings, he’s the most promising.”

While the precise bloodline is unknown, it is thought that he might be a descendant of the Arcadian royalty… surprisingly, he possessed the flag and strategy book given to King Makai.

Beginning with hundreds of soldiers, the boy king has now acquired numerous city-states. As a result, people were even proclaiming him the reincarnation of King Makairodus.

Of course, I don’t believe he can unify all the lands. There are mountains blocking his path, along with regions obstructed by seas and marshes.

However, it seems he intends to reclaim the entirety of ancient Arcadia’s territory. Even that much could establish a kingdom of considerable size.

Perhaps, it might even have the potential to be called an empire.

“We should pray that the boy king brings all wars to an end.”

“With just that flag and strategy book, it’s entirely possible.”

Thanks to having proper military tactics and the ability to communicate with his generals in real-time, this is not some haphazard way of operating military forces. Honestly, even if he wanted to lose, he probably couldn’t.

One day, after he gains sufficient territory, if he holds a coronation ceremony declaring himself the rightful heir to Arcadia, stored in the Temple of Sirius… Hmm. Let’s bestow a blessing upon him.

Since I can’t go directly, sending a few angels with appropriate blessings should be a great help. Yes.

“Let’s set aside humans for now. Hmm… what’s the situation in the underworld?”

“The underworld? Well, as usual, I’m swamped with work.”

Even if it’s a war where attempts are made not to kill prisoners, it’s still war. As long as swords and arrows are aimed at one another, casualties are inevitable.

Thus, it’s unavoidable that workloads in the underworld increase due to the war.

At least, one noteworthy point is that the criteria for trials in the underworld have been somewhat relaxed, resulting in occasional cases of people receiving trial and then entering paradise.

The three judges of the underworld perceived the stringent conditions for entering paradise and decided to relax them a bit.

Now, a person can go to paradise if they haven’t inflicted harm on others and have led morally sound lives.

Thanks to this, every year, one or two people are making their way into paradise.

Aside from that, are there any other peculiarities? Perhaps the fact that Thalos has taken a vacation?

Thalos, who had participated in the war of the gods and made quite the name for himself, requested one small favor as a reward for his efforts—some time off.

He said he wanted to explore the vast surface, claiming he was tired of just watching souls in the suffocating underground.

Originally, I had thought of him as a mindless statue, but upon realizing he has a proper sense of self, I felt a bit guilty keeping him cooped up… so I occasionally give him time off.

Having emerged from the underworld door situated at the northern end, Thalos is wandering around the world, collecting stories and crafting tales of a traveling giant… but that’s a trivial story, best left aside.

As for other matters… the gods in the pantheon have become quieter these days, and my children are behaving themselves well too.

In any case, thanks to the reduced number of troublesome gods stirring drama, the world has calmed down quite a bit.

For a while now, I should just observe humans and let things be.

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