Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 234

Chapter: 234

The army of the boy king Lucius continued to expand his territory by conquering many city-states, achieving victory in every battle.

Having recovered all the old territories of Arcadia and successfully acquiring the surrounding city-states, Lucius became a being worthy of being called the true king of kings.

As his fame resonated throughout the land, the Temple of Sirius sent him an invitation to determine if he was deserving of inheriting the Crown of Arcadia, the Crown of Immortality.

An invitation from the Temple of Sirius. A proof that the recipient must prove to be the vessel worthy of carrying on the name of Arcadia.

In the past, several kings had received invitations, but half had declined, and the other half accepted only to be cast out shortly after.

Receiving the invitation was a mark of being the most prominent king, yet it also served as a trial that could challenge one’s legitimacy.

Without hesitation, Lucius accepted the invitation, aware of the risks, and made his way toward the Temple of Sirius.

Although some ministers opposed the boy king’s actions, he was resolute.

His lineage, his actions, and his accomplishments would prove everything.

He had no doubt that he was the king destined to inherit the throne of Arcadia.

Arriving at the Temple of Sirius, Lucius moved toward the entrance with his entourage, but the priests standing guard barred his way.

“Great King, to enter this temple, you must go alone.”

The king’s men objected. What if there were sinister blades lurking inside the temple, intent on harming the king?

Was it truly worth such risks just to obtain the Arcadia Crown?

Lucius dismissed his subordinates’ concerns with a single retort.

“Would the Temple of Sirius, which has never taken anyone’s side, allow an assassin to enter?”

Sirius, the guardian deity of the pantheon. A noble beast god who does not tolerate any ill will.

When the king mentioned the god, his men fell silent, fully aware that any misstep could be seen as blasphemy.

Thus calming the discontent of his followers, the boy king stepped into the temple alone, without a shred of hesitation.

Within the temple, he found many priests, including the high priest of Sirius, waiting alongside the bravest knights of Epona.

As countless pairs of eyes watched him, Lucius advanced without the slightest sign of trepidation.

And in the innermost part of the temple, the High Priest of Sirius, the Commander of the Epona Cavalry, and, for some inexplicable reason, the Saintess of the Goddess of Life awaited him.

Behind them gleamed a shining silver crown—the immortal crown that symbolized Arcadia’s royal authority.

Lucius. The boy king Lucius marched toward the crown.

“Brave boy king Lucius, halt.”

The High Priest of Sirius spoke calmly.

“For what purpose did you become king?”

“To protect those I hold dear.”

The boy king replied without hesitation.

The small city-state where he was born and raised—a small city-state that suffered under the oppression of others.

The weak and indecisive king ruling such a state was more concerned about his safety than protecting his people.

As the discontent among the populace grew unbearable, the ineffectual monarch ordered his soldiers to suppress them.

However, those soldiers were just as much citizens as the people, and no one would have followed such pointless orders.

Thus, Lucius, even at a young age, rose as a leader among soldiers, guiding both citizens and troops forward.

The king, feasting upon wine and meat while his people suffered, had come to a point where he no longer needed food or drink.

In this manner, boy Lucius became the boy king, brandishing a flag in his hand.

At the heart of this boy king lay an unwavering resolve to protect something precious.

His loyal subordinates. Soldiers willing to face death under his command. The citizens of his kingdom.

All were invaluable to the boy king.

“I became king to safeguard my beloved.”

That resolve would never waver.

Upon hearing this answer, the high priest stepped aside in silence, and next, the sturdy commander of the Epona cavalry spoke.

“Your Majesty, how long do you intend to keep fighting?”

“Until every foe eyeing my kingdom has vanished.”

“And if they all disappear, will you cease fighting?”

“Of course. Without enemies threatening my kingdom, war would be meaningless.”

In a world bustling with countless cities and nations clashing, how many hold such thoughts?

More land! More people! More power!

Numerous reasons justify war, but all circle back to a single desire: to possess more.

Yet the boy king refuted this notion.

If enemies cease to exist and safety reigns in his land, he vowed to halt the conflict.

His will was not rooted in conquest, but in peace and security.

Hearing this, the Epona commander stepped aside, wordlessly accepting.

Finally, the high priest of the Life Sect, devoted to the Goddess of Life, approached the boy king.

“Young King Lucius, will you honor the gods and safeguard their temples?”

“Of course.”

“Will you and your followers serve your lord with courage and loyalty?”


“Will your kingdom respect and protect the vulnerable?”


“Will you be kind to widows and orphans?”

“If they are my people, certainly.”

“You will refrain from insulting others without cause?”

“If they do not insult me first.”

“Will you value your intentions, honor, and glory above mere silver rewards?”

“Unless I have that silver and can help others with it.”

“Will you fight for the safety and order of all, yielding to rightful authority?”

“Unless there’s a reason to challenge that authority.”

“Will you defend your comrades’ honor while eschewing unfairness, meanness, and deceit?”

“As long as it isn’t false honor.”

“Will you always speak the truth?”

“If there’s no reason to conceal it.”

After exchanging numerous questions and answers, the High Priest of the Life Sect nodded slightly.

“I understand your intent clearly, boy king Lucius. Surely, you will be chosen for this crown.”

The high priest grasped the Crown of Immortality and approached the boy king.

“Now, please lower yourself so I may place this crown upon your head.”

The boy king knelt, and the high priest set the crown atop his head.

Then, a divine light burst forth from the Crown of Immortality.

“Young King Lucius, you have been acknowledged. Your kingdom will always flourish, a land brimming with life, and your future will forever be radiant.”

Perhaps due to the lingering magic of the Crown, an inexhaustible vitality began to surge within the boy king.

At that moment, it felt as if he possessed an energy that no one could compete with.

“Chosen boy king, your name will endure as long as words are remembered. The gods wish to bestow upon you a new title and name.”

“From the Goddess of Life? I accept with honor.”

“Your oath shall echo through the ages. You shall be renowned as a noble warrior, a valiant king, and the first knight.”


“You shall be hailed as the King of Knights, and from now on, you will be known as Lucius Alturius Caesar.”

That was the birth of the King of Knights, whose name would be immortalized forever.

– The Legend of the King of Knights.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

“The knight king who founded the empire! Lucius Alturius Caesar! The first knight! No one can tarnish his name!”

“I recognize the greatness of the Knight King! But I still prefer Rychlen! He was a hero who sacrificed himself to end the age of gods! Without his sacrifice, humanity would still be puppets of the gods!”

“Hehehe. I won’t deny either of your points! But in this discussion, the first warrior is the best! Isn’t the nameless warrior simply remarkable?! And, above all, the charming Dragon Priestess exists! It’s utterly irresistible!”

“If we’re talking about allure! What about the theory that the Knight King was a girl instead of a boy? Isn’t that compelling?”

“This is utter heresy!!!! Hang him!!!”

“Whaaaaa!!! Even if I die, the second and third supporters of the Girl King will undoubtedly rise up!!!”

Amid the lively chatter of the boys and girls, the girl with glasses tilted her head in confusion and then asked the drowsy girl beside her.

“Why are they arguing like that?”

“They’re trying to decide who to feature as the main hero in the upcoming newsletter we’re making based on heroic themes.”

“I see…”

The girl with glasses rolled up the thin book she was holding and swung it at the supporter of the Knight King Girl Theory swinging from the rope.

“How dare you change our Knight King’s gender!!!”


The girl with sleepy eyes, as always immersed in historical exploration, sighed lightly.

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