Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 258

Chapter: 258

“I guess this will be the end.”

I nodded slightly at Arthur’s words.

Three years. A time spent coming out of the forest, traveling all over Romania, and doing many things.

A time of looking after the citizens, restoring the parched land, and filling the hungry bellies.

The time it took to gather the support of the people.

The time it took to bring together those who were suspicious about the disappearance of the crown prince, who was supposed to succeed the throne after the death of the previous emperor.

The time it took to gather the lords loyal to the previous emperor, not the current one.

External forces. The time it took to rally support from different races and nations.

And the time it took for rumors to spread, blaming the current emperor for many of the issues plaguing this land.

Three years. Long if you think about it, and short if you don’t.

The boy who had come to the forest, carrying his younger sister on his back in rags, had now grown into a young man leading many people.

“Whew. That was long. Really.”

“If it’s long, then it is indeed a long time. Three years.”

“Three years…? Ah, when I said long, I meant the time it took to get back here.”

“Hmm? Ah, indeed.”

Eight years. Excluding the time he spent as an unrememberable newborn, it was the same length as the boy’s entire life.

At the end of such a lengthy time, the boy, Arthur, was able to return here.

“Now all that remains is to reclaim what was taken from us, Arthur.”

“Yes. I guess this is the end.”

Because I’ve done everything I could.

I helped the people, spread rumors to turn the overall atmosphere in Arthur’s favor, and cultivated resentment towards the emperor by framing him for the famine.

As a result of my schemes, no lords were left to lead soldiers running for the current emperor.

At most… the Emperor’s personal guard waiting within the capital, Sirius, would be all they had.

“Thank you for accommodating my stubbornness about not wanting to shed blood, Master.”

“Not at all. I also do not wish for blood to flow on this land.”

Because I don’t want the blood of the people to be spilled in the power struggles of the lofty.

That’s why I suggested this tedious task that would take some time and a lot of legwork.

“And didn’t I tell you to call me Gaia, not Master? Why are you suddenly calling me Master?”

“Right now, it’s just the two of us, Master. Please forgive me.”


I chuckled quietly as I observed Arthur, who seemed to be slightly sulking.

“If it weren’t for you, Master… I would have faced death at the hands of soldiers eight years ago. You, Master… are my benefactor.”

“Hehe. Why are you saying such embarrassing things?”

“I’m just grateful. For everything… for everything you’ve done for me.”

Arthur’s words made me feel a bit bashful, so I scratched the bridge of my nose.

Just then, with a rustling sound, a stone fragment concealed under the illusionary magic fell away.

Ah, it seems time is almost up. Still, we might catch a glimpse of Arthur reclaiming his throne.

“I have something to tell the Master… um… no, let’s save that for after everything is over.”

“Hm? Something to say?”

“It’s not the right time. I’ll say it once everything is finished.”

I wonder what Arthur wants to say, but… it feels like I won’t get to hear it once it’s over.

Well, maybe he’s just wanting to express gratitude with some gifts or something?

“Well, it’s almost time.”

In the distance, a beacon of black smoke rose, and the gates that guard Sirius swung open.

The tightly shut iron door opened, and a cavalry of knights poured out.

The last personal guard protecting the Emperor: the Imperial Knights.

“Vivi better do well.”

“Trust your brother, Arthur. Vivi will do well.”

It’s not just Vivi who’s there.

The companions who traveled with Arthur during the three-year journey, and the troops of the lords who decided to support him.

About 3,000 troops were marching from the direction of the beacon fire.

Of course, they weren’t there to fight. Their role was simply to lure the Imperial Knights out of the Sirius walls.

That was all there was to their role. Just that.

“But really, is it enough for just me and Master? There’s also the Epona Knights in Sirius, right…?”

“The Epona Knights won’t take any action.”

The Epona Knights, who have close ties with the Sirius Temple, are unable to move easily because of Arthur, the son of the previous emperor, and Vivi, the dragon priestess.

Had Vivi not been present, the Emperor might have somehow managed to sway the Epona Knights into action. Unfortunately, that’s not an option this time.

“They haven’t declared it publicly, but they are forced to remain neutral.”

To be frank, it would be tricky to pick a fight with someone who wields power like the Dragon Priestess with regular loyalty.

The only ones able to act decisively would be the Imperial Knights who are unwaveringly loyal to the Emperor.

I doubt the defenders of Sirius have a desire to fight either.

“This is the power of rumor that has spread widely. Keep that in mind.”

“Even in this scenario, you’re still teaching me.”

“Hehe. After all, I’m your teacher.”

Though, I don’t have much longer left to play that role.

After a bit of time, I gazed at the Imperial Knights who had exited through the gates and headed toward the rising beacon fire.

“Let’s move, Arthur.”

“Yes, Master.”

Arthur and I began to move while maintaining our stealth.

Heh, teaching Arthur how to sneak was a wise choice. He’s able to fool the guards and approach the gates effortlessly.

“Master, the gates are closing. What should we do?”

“Hmm… What would Arthur do?”

Arthur paused to think before replying.

“The simplest method would be to make a hole in the gate or wall with a sword, but that would be a hassle for later cleanup… perhaps just preventing the gate from closing?”

“That works, but it won’t be easy for Arthur to stop the gates from closing with the means you have.”

The Sirius gate is a massive door made of iron. It opens to the left and right.

It’s a door that requires many soldiers to work together to open and close. Interfering with that won’t be simple for Arthur.

“The simplest method would be to deal with the soldiers opening and closing the gates, but… I’m sure you don’t want any bloodshed.”

“Yes. They are also citizens of Romania.”

I smiled faintly. Even before becoming emperor, my heart had cared for the people.

Arthur would make a fine emperor.

“Then, another solution. The gate is enormous, heavy, and sturdy, but the part that secures it to the wall is likely more vulnerable than the gate itself.”

“Indeed… If we cut that part, we could detach the gate.”

“Well, even if we did that, knocking down the gate would present a different set of challenges.”

A massive iron gate like that would probably be incredibly heavy.


“For now, let’s show off a little trick.”

Since the gate isn’t fully closed yet, if we just wedged something in there, we could delay it from closing entirely.

I managed to pop a small rock into the narrow gap as the gate was closing.

The gap wasn’t that wide, but it was just enough for a person to fit through.

I halted my steps and gave Arthur a gentle push on his back.

“Now, go in, Arthur. Face your uncle alone and reclaim what belongs to you.”

“Yes? Aren’t you coming in too, Master?”

“The Imperial Knights heading towards Vivi and her troops will quickly turn back once they realize there’s no intention to fight. Someone needs to be around to stop them.”

That was a lie. Sending Arthur in alone wouldn’t be the wisest option, but I wanted to forge a scene where only the Emperor and Arthur face each other.

Those who have taken and those who have lost.

Nephew and uncle.

The son of the present emperor and the child of the last emperor.

The story of these two conflicting individuals would undoubtedly captivate many.

“Are you really saying this all by yourself, Master?”

“Don’t worry about it. It’s merely a matter of stalling for time.”

It’s just about buying time until Arthur can catch the Emperor. That shouldn’t take too long.

“Okay. The Emperor is seated on the throne. You certainly know where he is.”


“Don’t look back. Don’t hesitate. Run forward. Leave the Imperial Knights to me.”

Arthur hesitated briefly at my words but then nodded with a resolute expression.

“Please, Master!”

“Go quickly. My disciple.”

After Arthur slipped through the narrow gap of the gate, which was barely wide enough for one person, the rock propping the gate up shattered.

And thus, the gate closed.

Arthur, now inside Sirius, ran without a moment’s hesitation.

A few soldiers caught sight of him, but they couldn’t spring into action.

No one would think that Arthur would infiltrate Sirius—a territory that could be considered enemy ground—alone.

They must have just thought they misperceived something and turned their heads away.

And just like that, Arthur confidently proceeded down the streets of Sirius, heading straight for the castle.

Towards where his destiny awaits. Towards where the Emperor resides.

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