Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 259

Chapter: 259

As for Arthur… just keeping an eye on him should be enough.

For now, let me do what I need to do.

First and foremost, keeping an eye on the Imperial Knights.

To monitor the troops moving alongside Vivi, the Imperial Knights have stepped outside the walls of Sirius.

To be precise, they couldn’t help but step outside the walls.

Essentially, in large-scale battles like wars, the defensive position tends to be more advantageous than the offensive, depending on the situation.

Especially when protected by defensive structures like castle walls.

However… that only holds true if there are enough defensive forces.

In the current context, such as the civil war over the succession to the throne… particularly with all the goodwill, journeys, and rumors making most of the defenders too hesitant to engage in proactive defense… defending behind the walls won’t be easy.

Especially for the knights who specialize in cavalry charges on open plains. They would essentially be tossing away their strengths to engage in a defensive battle.

Another reason is that it’s simply impossible for the Imperial Knights to take over guarding the walls from the defensive troops already stationed there.

It’s not like they can hop on their horses and ride up the walls!

Anyway, for those reasons… the Imperial Knights decided to step outside the walls to deal with the troops moving alongside Vivi.

To defend favorable terrain. To leverage the advantages of cavalry. To repel those attacking the capital.

Just as I thought it would be.

Well, to be honest, I wouldn’t have minded them holding out inside Sirius… but what can you do? I certainly don’t want to see Arthur bleed.

Those loyal to the Emperor will surely try to block Arthur’s path, and it’s guaranteed that their blood will be spilled.

Honestly, I wouldn’t mind if just a little blood is shed… but what can I do? That’s not what Arthur wants.

Thus, the Imperial Knights, facing off against the troops moving alongside Vivi, plan to confront a force that has no intention of fighting.

Even if they stall for time, they’ll fulfill their role well enough, and even if the Imperial Knights pick up on our intentions and hurry back… all I need to do is hold them off.

I think there’s a high probability they will retreat. I’ve instructed the troops accompanying Vivi to set up camp across the river and wait.

If possible, avoid fighting, and if they do fight, focus on containment to minimize casualties. Let’s keep the bloodshed to a minimum.

Of course, there is a bridge over the river, but it’s not one that all the Imperial Knights can quickly cross. Unless they’re particularly dim-witted, it’s unlikely to escalate into a fight.

In such a scenario, what choice will the Imperial Knights make?

Of course, it’ll be a retreat.

In a situation where only the Knights quickly head out, they’re going to face off against the troops waiting across the river? A prolonged face-off?

Looking at the knights who hurriedly escaped from the gates of Sirius as the signal fire rises… they likely didn’t bring much food with them. Are they really going to face off against the troops accompanying Vivi for an extended period?

They’re foolish. I doubt they would want to stick to a field operation and miss a few meals. They’ll retreat soon enough.

There aren’t any soldiers who can fight while starving, after all.

For that reason, I was standing a considerable distance away from the walls of Sirius.

Let’s see… hmm. This distance should be fine.

A spot quite a bit away from the walls of Sirius. The distance to the walls is roughly enough to fit a Sirius inside and then some.

Here, this might just work.

Now, I’m not sure how much longer this rocky body can withstand my strength…

Let’s try building a wall here.

I lightly tapped the ground twice with my toes, and the rock beneath me slowly began to rise.

Hmm. For now, a rough wall of stone should suffice. If it needs some polishing, I can always mobilize the citizens later to stack bricks.

So, as the rock rises, the earth on either side also lifts, and then the surrounding earth joins in, all rising in succession.

A wall of continuously rising rock. A wall that draws a much larger circle while sharing the same center as Sirius.

If there’s a flaw, it’s that there’s no wall where the shallow river flows into and out of Sirius.

Well, that’s a minor issue. It can be ignored.

While it’s an excessive wall for the purpose of blocking the Imperial Knights, thinking of it as a gift to Arthur, who will become Emperor… hmm. Not too excessive.

As the walls continued to rise, the defenders of Sirius began to show signs of agitation. It’s only natural to react when a massive wall suddenly rises far from the one they were guarding.

Well, whatever. I turned to look from atop a wall that has no gate.

Let’s see. The Imperial Knights have located the troops waiting and are currently on guard.

Why aren’t they the ones attacking first? Is it because someone somewhat brainy is leading them? Or perhaps they’ve arranged their camp in a way to make it difficult to attack?

Well, reckless charges would be futile with Vivi around. If possible, let’s keep the bloodshed to a minimum. It’d be even better if we could avoid it altogether.

If Vivi simply rained down magic arrows, she could easily obliterate the Imperial Knights. Once battle breaks out, Vivi isn’t going to hold back… there’s no doubt considerable blood will flow.

I was hoping it wouldn’t come to that… Oh, the Imperial Knights have started to retreat.

It seems that upon seeing the troops with Vivi establish their camp, they’ve judged it’s not easy to launch an attack.

After a bit of time had passed, when they returned, they found themselves face-to-face with the wall I built.

“What the… what in the world…?”

Oh, they look flustered. It’s certainly understandable to be put off when an unexpected wall appears after you’ve exited the gate.

“This is utterly ridiculous. A wall that didn’t exist has suddenly sprung up after we left….”

“What should we do? We can’t return to Sirius like this.”

“Ugh… You can’t ride a horse up a rock wall like this… Let’s first check around this wall. There might be a spot we can squeeze through!”

“If this is a rock wall, I might be able to scale it by hand!”

“Are you planning on going in without a plan? First, let’s find another way! Climbing this wall bare-handed can be a later attempt!”

The Imperial Knights quickly regained their composure thanks to the words of the apparent commander and began circling the wall, searching for a way through.

Hmm. The gap is… There’s an opening where the shallow river flows.

Since the river isn’t too deep, they might be able to cross it. Hmm… well, nothing to be done about it.

I’ll have to build another wall. This time, I’ll also take the river area into account.

Between the existing walls of Sirius and the wall I’ve built, I position myself midway and kick the ground a couple more times.

Once again, the rocks begin to rise, forming an additional wall. Since I’ve done it once, the second attempt is considerably faster.

What differs with this second wall compared to the first? This wall has a very smooth surface, giving it the appearance of being one built from stacked stones.

Additionally, care was taken with the section where the river flows. An arch bridge connects to the castle wall above the river, and beneath that… several stone pillars were erected to link the riverbed and the arch.

Actually, it might be more accurate to say the stone pillars seem to be supporting the arch from the riverbed below.

Anyway, with this structure made, crossing the river will definitely be an ordeal.

The newly completed wall… since it lies midway between the two existing walls, I suppose it shall be referred to as the middle wall.

As I keep an eye on the Imperial Knights from the middle wall, I notice them discovering the river and realizing there’s no wall there.

They sent one of their men into the river, and upon determining it isn’t deep, they pushed through the river and passed the outer wall. Hmm. Quick decision-making.

They seem to be quite capable individuals, but… how will they fare against another wall?

The smooth surface of the middle wall should prevent them from easily climbing over… so it should be fine to leave the Imperial Knights for now.

Now then… what is Arthur up to?

I subtly shifted my gaze to where Arthur was located.

Arthur, with a fierce expression, was glaring at someone. A middle-aged man spoke confidently to Arthur.

Given the immortality crown he wore, he must be the Emperor.

The Emperor pointed at Arthur and yelled. Arthur, keeping his glare on the Emperor, placed his hand on the sword at his waist.

Their conversation didn’t stretch much longer.

The Emperor had no way left to defend himself against Arthur’s sword.

Although the Emperor had several of his closest knights with him, aside from the Imperial Knights, they were all swiftly cut down by Arthur’s blade.

Despite not wanting excessive bloodshed, Arthur’s quest for revenge didn’t dull to the level where he would spare those sacrificing their lives for the Emperor.

Among those who fell defending the Emperor were some quite skilled knights, yet they could not defeat Arthur.

Consequently, the Emperor, with no means to protect himself, could only meet an empty demise at the hands of Arthur’s blade.

It was the tragic end of a man who seized his nephew’s position and ascended to the throne of the emperor.

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