Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 283

Chapter: 283

The rain that poured down from Encia’s magic dampened the parched land and bestowed blessings upon the village.

Withered crops, on the brink of death, sprang back to life with each raindrop, and the land that was turning into a crimson desert began to carpet itself in tiny patches of green.

In the once faintly marked stream, clean water started to flow, and those who had been desperately scraping together muddy water just to drink, suffering from stomachaches due to a lack of drinking water, could now alleviate their thirst with fresh water.

Encia, celebrated by everyone in the village. News of the girl with the magic to summon rain spread quickly.

“I had no idea there were so many people suffering from drought.”

“Water is an essential element for life, especially if you live near a scorching desert.”

“Is that so?”

“That’s right.”

Encia nodded to Tia’s words. When you find yourself in a hot place, it’s natural to feel thirsty, and plants definitely need to be watered to grow.

Because all of that is simply common sense.

“But why did you object to me bringing rain to other villages too?”

“Sia, you don’t grasp the magnitude of the power you hold. The ability to summon rain at will is an immense power. You can save those dying from drought and influence the farming of that land. Furthermore, if you consistently bring rain to the desert, you could actually change the environment itself.”

“Is that so?”

“That’s right.”

Encia tilted her head slightly at Tia’s words.

Rain falling on a parched village is surely a joyful thing, and the villagers and her parents were pleased too… but is it really a bad thing to share this gift with other villages?

Encia was still young and naive.

“I want to bring rain to other villages too.”

“No. If you’re going to do it, make sure it comes with an appropriate price.”

“Why? Should I charge for helping others? Isn’t helping others a good deed?”

“That may be true, but at first, people will be exceedingly grateful. However, human hearts are notoriously fickle, and they tend to take your kindness for granted.”

“A kindness?”

“Yes. Imagine accepting your good deed as a right. Then, instead of thanking you, they will grumble about why their village isn’t being helped too. They might even resort to sneaky methods to take advantage of you.”

“Is that so?”

“That’s right.”

Encia simply nodded slightly at Tia’s words. She didn’t fully understand, but if Tia said so, it must be true.

Because nothing Tia said was ever wrong.

“If people ask for my help, I will assist them as much as I can. My power is vast enough to handle the grievances of countless people. But you… You cannot bear the complaints of endless individuals. If you allow them to whine without limit, it will only lead to your own strangulation.”

Tia’s words carried a deep emotion.

Experiences of torment from innumerable humans—these feelings emerged from her past.

“So if you want to bring rain, do it only after receiving something of value in return. That way, those who are genuinely desperate will seek your help, even if it costs them dearly. And above all…”

Tia paused to catch her breath and then stated:

“You should never give something you excel at for free.”

Encia didn’t quite grasp the meaning of those words but nodded nonetheless.

Because Tia was never wrong.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

Rumors about Encia spread everywhere, even reaching Procyon, the city of wizards.

A wizard capable of enveloping an entire village in rainclouds. A spellcaster with extraordinary magic, akin to a special entity like the Dragon Priestess.

Interest in the remarkable Encia continued to grow.

“Come to Procyon. We’ll arrange a place for you.”

“A place?”

“Yes. With your abilities, you could become one of Procyon’s top wizards. Countless wizards would envy you.”

At the wizard’s words, Encia slightly tilted her head.

She had heard enough about Procyon to know it existed, but she had never felt the need to go there.

“If you gain some experience in Procyon, you could unite the many factions that are divided into parts. You have that potential.”

“Unite Procyon? Is Procyon divided into multiple parts?”

“Outwardly, there’s only one city of magicians, Procyon, but internally, it’s divided into several quarters where fierce competition rages to claim each area. However, the magical prowess of the wizards ruling each quarter is evenly matched, maintaining a balance.”

“The divisions exist to prevent one person from dominating the city, which could lead to chaos due to excessive power. What nonsense is this wizard spouting?”

Absorbing Tia’s words, Encia directed her gaze to the wizard in front of her.

“I’m still young, so I don’t really get all that. I have no idea what you mean by Procyon’s unification. I just want to live and study magic.”

“Then you should come to Procyon even more. Right now, research on magic is thriving there. They’re working to explore the possibilities of magic and turn it into theory, so if you come, you’ll get to see the results for yourself.”

That sounded extremely appealing.

Research results. What kind of magical studies have the wizards of Procyon undertaken?

She was genuinely curious about that.

“Hmm…. Truthfully, I wonder how far Procyon’s wizards have actually gotten… Well, this could count as an experience. Sia, do as you wish.”

Receiving Tia’s permission, Encia nodded slightly.

Though she couldn’t speak to Tia with the wizard present, a simple nod was enough to convey her intentions.

“I won’t be relocating completely. This is my home. I’ll go to Procyon on the condition that I return home once a month.”

“You’ve made a wise choice. If you visit Procyon, you might grow enchanted by it and want to settle there, but we’ll save that discussion for later.”

The wizard smiled and extended his hand towards Encia, who took it with an expression of mild suspicion.

Thus, Encia, the rain-summoning wizard, set off for Procyon.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –


“What a goofy expression, Sia.”

“But this is the first time I’ve seen such a big city!”

It was only natural for Encia to look dumbfounded at her first encounter with the city.

In the square, colossal fireworks were blazing, and a multitude of people were praying before the flames.

Merchants were here to purchase scrolls containing magic, while apprentice wizards moved materials for the scrolls.

A scene where a cart laden with magic stones was moved to the Church of Life, and another cart, filled with magic stones, emerged from the Church and headed elsewhere.

And… spiraling towers rising into the sky.

Procyon’s sight resembled a fantasy world that Encia had never seen before.

“Well then! Since I’m here, I should give it my all!”

“Hmm. You’re bursting with motivation. Go for it.”

So Encia embarked on her journey as a wizard in Procyon.

“Whoa! Papyrus!!”

“Papyrus can’t contain your magic. What about parchment? No, it won’t work with the magic of the crystal.”

Attempting to create a scroll for her rain-calling spell, she faced setbacks.

“Your magic was a spell that rained down over a wide area, right?”


“If that’s the case, wouldn’t it be more aligned with magic that manipulates nature’s elements? Join our elemental research group!”

“Oh please! What nonsense! Her magic interprets the weather and twists it to call forth rain! She belongs with our Prophet’s Union!”

“Wouldn’t controlling existing clouds to create rain make it suitable for our control magic laboratory?”

Caught in a frenzy of numerous wizards clamoring for a taste of Encia’s magic.

Thus, while Encia continued her life in Procyon…

“Please! Please make it rain in our village!”


Before Encia stood a man covered in dust, looking disheveled, bowing deeply.

“I came after hearing rumors of the rain-calling wizard! I beg you!! If it doesn’t rain, our village’s crops will be utterly ruined!!”

Encia hesitated slightly at the man’s dirt-laden plea. Following Tia’s advice, she couldn’t do it for free.

“I can’t do it for free.”

“W-well, I will find a way…”

The man wore a desperate expression. Gazing at him, Encia released a small sigh.

“Did you bring anything with you? Did you come here empty-handed?”

“That… I spent everything on travel expenses to get here… Please! Isn’t there any way?!”

Seeing the man’s distressed demeanor, Encia sighed once more and spoke cautiously, as if someone invisible was watching.

“Then let’s negotiate repayment. Send me the earnings from selling some of the village’s produce. If you can promise that, I’ll make it rain.”

“R-really?! Thank you! Thank you!!!”

At Encia’s words, the man bowed deeply in excitement.

And then…

“Sia. Are you really considering helping him out on a ‘postpaid’ basis?”


“Do you honestly believe that man will keep his promise? Hearts are unpredictable. Isn’t it true that one’s mindset is entirely different before entering and exiting the restroom?”

Encia struggled to respond. Frankly, she felt a tingle of anxiety when pondering that.

“Hmm. I suppose there’s no other choice. If they don’t uphold the bargain later, they must face the appropriate consequences.”

“Is that so?”

“That’s right.”

Nodding at Tia’s words, Encia accepted the notion. Tia was correct; it was what needed to be done.

The village that received rain from Encia’s magic was able to successfully harvest its crops that year. Next year, however, an even fiercer drought devastated all their crops.

“What goes around comes around.”


Encia felt a slight pang of guilt, but she tried to ignore it. After all, only the village was turned to ashes; no one had died.

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