Whether You Call Me a Guardian Dragon or Not, I’m Going to Sleep

Chapter 284

Chapter: 284

Years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Encia, who was once young, has now become an adult and is well accustomed to Procyon, being regarded as one of the outstanding wizards.

Her magic, which allows her to make it rain over large areas, was on a scale that other mages couldn’t even imagine, and because of this, her name echoed through the lips of countless sorcerers.

“If it becomes known that you can also use other types of magic, chaos will ensue.”

“There are countless people wanting to take me on as an apprentice just for this rain-making spell alone, but if they find out I can use other magic too… sigh. I can’t even bear to imagine it.”

“That’s true.”

Except for Encia, the other wizards usually had limited magic they could use.

According to Tia, it was said that people instinctively use the type of magic that suits them best.

Even if they wanted to cast different spells, they simply couldn’t.

At best, they could only modify the magic they were capable of using into a different form.

A wizard who can fire a fireball the size of their head may not be able to shoot a spear of ice, but lighting a small torch to illuminate the surroundings would still be possible.

Anyway, this was the common understanding shared among the current magicians… but Encia was a being not tied down by such conventions.

If Encia wished, she could transform the power used to summon the rain into a fierce storm of fire or create invisible blades to tear through the air.

She had the potential to surpass other wizards, declaring herself as the one true mage.

“Well, I’m still making good progress even with that limited magic.”

“I think there’s no real development if you can’t escape that fundamental limit.”

“Tia, you’re being too harsh. Besides, don’t most other wizards have no idea they’re even trapped in a mold?”

If it weren’t for Tia’s guidance, Encia might have ended up like those other magicians—trapped in invisible confines, only dabbling in limited types of magic… a mere magic user.

In that aspect, Tia was not only an older sister but also a teacher and a cherished family member to Encia since the day she was born.

“That may be true, but progress is still too slow. If things keep up at this pace, it might take thousands of years to discover and break free from that mold.”

Encia only offered a faint smile at Tia’s complaints.

Living as a wizard, she traveled to places that required rain, cast her spells to make it rain, collected her fees, and occasionally returned home to sprinkle her hometown with a refreshing shower.

Encia’s life had settled into a stable rhythm.

“Every time I return home, it rains, and now it feels like the environment of my hometown has actually changed. It used to be on the brink of becoming a barren wasteland.”

“If it continues to rain steadily, the environment is bound to change. That’s only natural.”

Thanks to the growth of various plants, the once-arid lands of her hometown were now holding onto some moisture, gradually transforming from dry soil into land that could support a bit of life.

The dry, dusty winds ceased to blow, and the farming in her hometown was progressing decently, making it a rather pleasant place to live.

“Now it feels like my hometown is treated as my territory. I don’t even collect taxes or anything.”

“Well, you just put your name on it, right?”

“Thanks to that, no one dares to pull any nonsense in my hometown. My parents are safe now.”

There was indeed one time when a band of thieves attempted to raid Encia’s hometown… but luckily, Encia was there at the time, using thunder and storms to scatter the bandits away.

Unless someone was incredibly foolish, they would think twice before trying anything in Encia’s hometown.

“It’s all because of you, Tia. I tell you this every time, but thank you so much. Please, stay by my side in the future.”

“Well… I want to too.”


Sensing a faint uneasiness from Tia’s words, Encia called out again.


“I think I might soon fall into a deep sleep.”


“I’ve been feeling more and more sleepy over the past couple of months. I think it’s time for me to sleep for a while.”

This was something Encia couldn’t comprehend. Falling asleep? Tia? The Tia who had always been by her side?

“Now that I think about it… just a few days ago, you didn’t say anything for several hours…”

“Yeah. I dozed off a bit. I thought it was about time I started falling into a deep sleep.”

“I, I see? Well… I suppose there’s nothing I can do. It’s going to feel a little lonely while you’re asleep, but I’ll manage. I’m not a child anymore anyway.”

At Encia’s words, Tia seemed relieved, responding with a slightly brighter tone.

“Right. Sia is no longer a child. You’ll be fine. Oh! That’s right! While I’m sleeping, I have some homework for you.”

“Huh? Homework? What is it?”

“Hmmm. I was thinking of doing it myself, but I think it’d be better if Sia did it.”

Encia nodded slightly at Tia’s suggestion. If it was homework that could be done while Tia was asleep, it should be manageable.

“I want you to write a book while I’m sleeping.”


The homework that Tia proposed was anything but light.

“A book…?”

“Yep. I want you to organize everything you’ve learned and practiced as a magician and write it down.”

“No way! How am I supposed to manage that while you’re asleep? There won’t be enough time!!”

“Hmmm? Wouldn’t a few decades be sufficient?”


Encia stood frozen.

Decades? What does that even mean? Is Tia implying she’ll be asleep for decades?

That was ridiculous. How could a brief nap stretch on for decades? Even hibernating animals wake up by the next spring!

Encia was at a loss for words.

“Ah, by human standards, it is a bit lengthy, sure. But I can’t help it. I really need to sleep soon. If I don’t, I’ll be in big trouble. My consciousness is flickering right now.”

“T-That can’t be… Decades?! Are you leaving me all alone?!”

“No, I’m just going to sleep. For a few dozen years….”

“That’s way too long! What do you think a human lifespan is?!”

“Well, that is true, but… I’m reaching my limit. I’m sleepy…”


“I should have fallen asleep long ago. I delayed it a bit because I was intrigued by you being able to hear my voice, Sia… But now I’ve really hit the wall.”


“Anyway, I have a request. Please write down everything I’ve taught you in a book.”


“Please, Sia.”

With her final words, Encia could no longer hear Tia’s voice.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –

“Is this the book? Scientia Basic Magic Theory.”

“Yeah. That’s the one.”

A girl wearing large glasses pulled a thick book from a shelf, and the drowsy girl spoke without even bothering to look at it.

“How do you know without looking? The cover of this book is all tattered, and the title is unreadable!”

“There’s a way to know. Anyway, just read it.”

The sleepy girl’s words led the bespectacled girl to pout her cheeks slightly with dissatisfaction, as she took the book and headed for the nearby desk.

“Ugh… cough cough! Oh no, look at all this dust. It seems like decades of dust has built up on it.”

“Well, yeah. Compared to modern magical theories, it sure is outdated.”

Upon hearing this, the bespectacled girl flared up and shouted.

“What?! So I searched for this book for nothing?! Why did you tell me to look for it?!”

“Because this book has been the source of countless magical theories being born, changed, and achieving their own levels of mastery. In a way, this book is the bedrock of all magical theories.”

“But it’s old!”


With a slight shrug, the sleepy girl showed little concern. This provoked the bespectacled girl, who huffed and puffed again.

“Isn’t the latest magic theories better than something old? There’s no reason for me to read this!”

“Just because it’s old doesn’t mean it’s inferior! In fact, it’s far superior when you’ve fully mastered it.”

“A book as dusty as this?”

The sleepy girl only nodded affirmatively.

“I can’t believe it.”

“Have I ever lied to you?”

“No, never. But there are many times you’ve hidden the truth.”

“Still, I’ve never lied.”

The bespectacled girl frowned at the boldness of the sleepy girl’s statement.

This girl was always like this. Sly, lazy, always looking sleepy, and yet she gets good grades, does everything well, and knows a vast amount.

It was enough to make anyone envious.

“So, what’s the reason for me to read this book?”

“Well, the Scientia Basic Magic Theory is the foundation of all magic theories. However, there are several reasons it’s been neglected like this….”

“Like what?”

The sleepy girl spoke softly.

“It’s inefficient.”

“What do you mean by efficiency?”

“Do you know at what age aspiring wizards usually start learning magic?”

Nodding in response, the bespectacled girl remained focused.

“Usually around their teenage years, right? I’ve heard it’s dangerous if you try before that, as you can’t properly control the magical powers you store within yourself.”

“Exactly. If they join a different school around that age and start learning magic… Depending on their talent, they would usually see results in about a year.”


“Yet, even when engaging with the Scientia Basic Magic Theory, results will be hard to come by.

Generally, it takes about five years of study before one can cast basic spells. Although starting at a younger age can speed up that process a bit.”

“What? This just sounds useless…”

“Hey, it’s not completely useless! There are benefits too.”


“Right! Benefits.”

“What kind of benefits?”

The bespectacled girl looked on with curiosity, and the sleepy girl spoke quietly.

“If you train with the Scientia Basic Magic Theory… you’ll be able to draw upon external magical power, using the magic present in nature, not just your own.”

“What? That’s unlike what I learned in class. I was taught that magic used by wizards comes from magic harnessed within their own bodies!”

“That might be the case in other magic theories, but this one is different. By utilizing an external magical force instead of one’s own, the power can become incomparably stronger.

The closest comparison would be… a ritual magic using massive magic circles, employing various catalysts and magic stones, or when multiple wizards combine their magical forces.”

“Is it really that impressive?”

“Yup. The first steps can be difficult, and mastering this is complex, but once fully learned, you could wield powerful magic that can even change the weather; that’s the Scientia Basic Magic Theory.”

The bespectacled girl’s eyes twinkled at the words of the sleepy girl.

A kind of magic powerful enough to alter the weather! Who wouldn’t dream of such a might?

“Then if I learn this magic theory, can I also cast such potent spells?”


“Is that a guarantee?!”

“Of course, it’s a bit late for you. This magic theory only yields results for talented kids who’ve been at it since a young age. You’re past that point now.”

“So why then did you want me to look at this?”

“Well, there’s simply nothing better than this theory to lay the groundwork before studying other magical theories. I told you that this is the bedrock of all magic theories.”

“That’s a fair point.”

“Every magical theory builds upon the foundations set by the Scientia Basic Magic Theory.

From understanding the nature of magical energy to controlling it, meditation techniques for gathering magical power, and transforming magic using willpower, all the basic concepts needed for spellcasting are included in this book.

Thus, if you thoroughly internalize its contents and follow other magic theories to learn spells… your learning speed will surely skyrocket! It’s like a speed-up buff for studying.”

The sleepy girl smiled softly.

“Well, the author of this book probably never imagined it would have that effect.”

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