Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 15 – Part 6 – Empowering Hearts

Third Person Point of View

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Cao Cao found himself locked in a fierce battle with the last [Malebranche]. The sudden appearance of this opponent had taken him by surprise, and her relentless pursuit focused solely on him. To her, his teammates seemed uninteresting, making him the sole target of her attention.

Alichino, The Harlequin, shouted, [I'd like to fight the Middleman, but he's with that skeleton right now. Unfortunately, I'll settle for you, the former wielder of the Holy Spear!]

Cao Cao, while skillfully dodging several strikes from the frenzied woman, questioned, "And why's that?" An unsettling feeling had settled upon him since her appearance. It seemed to him that she wasn't using her powers but rather imitating those she had observed.

[That spear of yours, it was gifted to you by the Middleman, correct? And from what you described in your match against Sairaorg Bael, it possesses abilities from all sorts of Sacred Gears, making it the 'Ultimate Longinus!' and I want to fight that!]

"Hmm," Cao Cao remarked, his gaze fixed on the woman before him. "We were told by Jin that you were meant to be composed and level-headed, so what's going on with you?"

In response to Cao Cao's question, the wild expression on the woman's face suddenly dissipated, and her relentless pursuit came to an abrupt halt. Seizing this opportunity, Cao Cao swiftly leaped to safety, taking refuge atop a small building.

[Hmm. So the Middleman has already spilled the beans,] Alichino retorted with a monotone voice. [I was hoping to see how long it would take for you to deduce it on your own.]

Alichino stood tall, her height measuring a formidable 6 feet. She sported a black hat reminiscent of a law officer's, adorned with golden wings at the front and a striking red "X." Her long, snow-white hair cascaded to the middle of her back, framing her piercing red eyes. She was clad in a predominantly black military uniform, complemented by a black skirt and thigh-high boots that added to her imposing presence.

Cao Cao's brow furrowed, and he patiently awaited Alichino's next move. However, to his surprise, Alichino swiftly raised her right hand and snapped her fingers. Cao Cao's instincts kicked into overdrive as he leaped away from his current position just in the nick of time. In an instant, the building beneath him was engulfed in a colossal and devastating explosion.

Alichino's voice remained remarkably composed, even laced with a smile. [Not bad instincts either, you'll do just fine, wielder of 'that' spear. Please entertain me as the last of my group,] she remarked calmly.

Alichino lifted her hand, and a breathtaking array of weapons materialized behind her. There were cannons, guns, catapults, mortars, bows and arrows, crossbows, ballistae, and various other colossal weapons from across the annals of time. They stood poised and ready to unleash their fury on Cao Cao, taking him slightly aback. A simple clap of Alichino's hands set this armory of destruction into relentless motion, as they continuously rained a barrage of fire upon him.

Cao Cao skillfully parried several of the oncoming attacks with his spear, deftly dodging the rest as they rained down upon him. Swiftly, he closed the distance between himself and the mysterious woman who had been relentlessly pursuing him.

With a determined swing, he brought his spear down towards her, but to his astonishment, she vanished into thin air. However, Cao Cao's reflexes were razor-sharp, and he immediately pivoted, launching his spear towards a specific spot.

Alichino, the mastermind behind an earlier illusion of the woman, had slipped away unnoticed. Sensing imminent danger, she leaped away from the spot where Cao Cao's spear had struck, the impact shattering a section of the building into a cloud of debris. In an instant, she teleported to a vantage point atop another nearby building.

Cao Cao's spear, guided by his supernatural abilities, returned to his hand. Without hesitation, he charged towards the remaining assailant weapons, all still firing in on him. With a single powerful diagonal swing of his spear, he obliterated each of them, their shattered fragments scattering in every direction.

In an instant, Cao Cao's attention shifted to Alichino, and with a single, swift leap, he materialized behind her. To his surprise, Alichino greeted him not with shock but with a knowing smile, her hands conjuring a mysterious sword that gleamed with otherworldly energy. She swung it at him with deliberate grace.

Cao Cao, ever the adept warrior, managed to block the incoming strike, but the impact carried a peculiar force. Even though it hadn't been a particularly forceful blow, it sent him hurtling through the air, smashing through the walls of several buildings. Desperation gave way to resolve as he impaled his spear into one building, finally bringing himself to a halt.

Dusting himself off, Cao Cao couldn't help but ponder the strange properties of Alichino's sword. "What a strange weapon," he mused aloud. "Despite its seemingly 'weak' strike, it pushed me such a distance. Does that blade have its own unique abilities?" With newfound curiosity, he launched himself back into action, closing the distance once more with Alichino.

As Cao Cao closed the distance to the woman before him, he unleashed a rapid succession of thrusts with his spear. Alichino skillfully parried some of the strikes and expertly blocked the others. It became evident to Cao Cao that she could effortlessly match his current speed, even though he operated at only 70% of his full potential.

However, in the next instant, Alichino swung her mysterious sword toward him, and he countered with a swift spear swing. When their weapons clashed, a sudden and baffling turn of events unfolded. Cao Cao found himself not only repelled but also thrown back with even greater force than he had anticipated, leaving him in a state of perplexity.

"What's the secret of that sword?" he mused aloud, voicing his confusion after he had halted himself by thrusting his spear into a nearby building. "It's not simply an amplification of her strength at the point of impact. It must be something unique to the sword, but what kind of power does it have?"

He directed his gaze at the spear in his grasp and uttered a command, "Analyze it and provide me with its nature." The spear responded with a faint, silent glow. Cao Cao once again closed the distance, launching himself toward Alichino.

He resumed his relentless assault, navigating the dance of attacks and counters with his spear. His every move was calculated to evade her sword, ensuring he wouldn't fall victim to its mysterious power until a silent notification from his spear altered the course of the battle.

In a swift, synchronized motion, their weapons collided, unleashing a potent force that propelled Cao Cao once more. This time, he was prepared. In mid-air, he swiftly conjured several platforms to land on, allowing him to gracefully ascend to the rooftop of a nearby building.

With a calm yet inquisitive tone, he inquired, "What have you discovered?" Within seconds, the requested information was relayed to him. "I see... It possesses the ability to repel me. Depending on the extent of that repulsion, she could potentially launch me across the entire globe with a mere touch of her sword. How intriguing," he pondered aloud, his fascination with the mysterious power of Alichino's weapon.

Taking a brief moment to contemplate, Cao Cao nodded to himself. "I'll give it a try," he mused, determination in his eyes, before he launched himself once more at Alichino.

She responded calmly, [This again? It'll lead to the same result, Cao Cao.]

"I'm curious," he replied as he resumed his relentless spear swings. In no time, Alichino swung her sword in his direction, forcing him to counter it with his spear. Yet, when their weapons clashed, Cao Cao shouted, "Reflect!"

This time, a powerful explosion sent both Alichino and Cao Cao hurtling away. The [Malebranche] was caught off guard, crashing violently through several buildings before regaining her composure and coming to a stop. On the other hand, Cao Cao had been prepared. He expertly rebounded off the platforms he had created and now stood atop a nearby building.

[Reflect, an ability from [Divine Dividing], huh?] Alichino mused, her tone tinged with amusement, as she leaped toward another building. [You are certainly inventive, using a move like that to counter my sword's abilities. How intriguing.]

[But that's not all,] Alichino declared, lifting her sword toward Cao Cao. In an instant, he felt a strong force pulling him towards her.

Thinking quickly, Cao Cao raised his free hand and swept it downward while exclaiming, "Half Dimension!" The space around Alichino and her sword began to shrink, causing the woman to halt her attack and leap away. However, Cao Cao wasted no time in pursuit.

With a mighty swing of his spear, a tremendous force was unleashed, creating a powerful shockwave that crashed into Alichino, severing her right arm. Though she grunted in pain, not a scream escaped her lips. Instead, she retrieved her severed limb and employed demonic fire to reattach it to herself.

Alichino, her reattached arm fully functional, clicked her fingers repeatedly in Cao Cao's direction. However, his response was swift, and he sliced through the impending explosion, unperturbed. Undeterred, Alichino conjured yet another array of weapons and commanded them to attack him, but Cao Cao skillfully dispatched them one by one.

Choosing a different tactic, Alichino gracefully soared toward another building, landing gracefully upon its rooftop. With a simple gesture, she summoned a miniature spaceship into existence above her. This peculiar craft bore a resemblance to her, its design mirroring her uniform and eyes in a harmonious blend of colors.

Swiftly, Alichino ascended into the vessel and assumed her position on the deck. Her hand moved before her, causing the same arsenal of weapons to manifest all over the spaceship. "Proceed toward him," she instructed, and the spaceship complied, soaring towards Cao Cao.

His surprised exclamation filled the air, "What the... a ship?" With a swift application of his magic, he lifted himself into the air and tried to evade, but Alichino pursued him relentlessly. Her weapons came to life, unleashing a relentless barrage of projectiles. Cao Cao, in turn, was compelled to deflect and sever the incoming threats aimed at him.

"Screw it, Balance Break: True Longinus!" Cao Cao's voice resounded with determination as he issued the command. Behind him, several massive white spheres, each the size of a bowling ball, materialized. It was the moment he activated [Polar Night Longinus Chakravartin]. Swiftly, he pivoted, pointing his spear towards Alichino's ship, and unleashed [Cakkaratana], a powerful strike that obliterated the weaponry on her vessel.

With precise and practiced movements, he tapped his own form with his spear, invoking [Assaratana], which whisked him instantly to Alichino's side. In the blink of an eye, he touched her with his spear, activating [Itthiratana], a disruptive ability that momentarily nullified the special powers of women, rendering the [Malebranche] defenseless.

Capitalizing on the advantage, Cao Cao harnessed his full physical strength, propelling his spear towards Alichino. In a single, fluid motion, he sliced through her chest and arms. Her sealed powers left her powerless to counter his attack. Without hesitation, Cao Cao executed a swift spin and launched a forceful kick at her face, sending her soaring into the heavens.

Next, he used [Gahapatiratana], creating warriors resembling [Blade Blacksmith]'s original Balance Breaker, commanding them to attack Alichino. The warriors surged forth, cutting into her with swift, precise strikes, leaving behind a trail of wounds on her body.

Finally, Cao Cao directed his spear towards Alichino once more. The awe-inspiring [Parinayakaratana] was invoked. "I don't require those prerequisites with this spear!" An immense surge of holy energy erupted from the spear's tip, growing larger and more powerful as it traveled further.

By the time it reached Alichino, it was visible from outer space, a towering pillar of holy light. Even members of [DxD] and the Khaos Order glimpsed it, and to Cao Cao's surprise, a figure above the Earth intervened, causing his blast to dissipate just before reaching the sun.

Cao Cao's voice was a mere murmur as he fixed his gaze on the mysterious figure hovering above the Earth. "What is that?" he wondered aloud. "It's not Aaron, so who could it be?"

However, his contemplation was abruptly interrupted when the spaceship beneath him began to crumble and dissolve. With a swift leap, Cao Cao propelled himself into the air, heading toward the exact location where Alichino had crash-landed.

Upon reaching the impact site, he observed the woman who lay there, her vitality ebbing away. "Can you hear me?" he inquired, but Alichino remained silent, her condition precarious. Nodding in acknowledgment of the absence of response, Cao Cao used a sleeping spell, rendering her unconscious. He then administered a Slime Pill, a potent curative, to mend her injuries.

As the woman's wounds were healed, and her severed arms reattached, Cao Cao proceeded to restrain her using anti-magic handcuffs. He hoisted her onto his back, akin to a rucksack, and pondered his next move. "Where was that drop-off point again?" he murmured to himself, deliberating his course of action. With that thought, he leaped into motion, carrying the unconscious woman.

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Vali's attention was drawn skyward by the imposing figure of a dragon. He pondered aloud, "Hmm? That dragon... how unexpected." He then joined Bikou, Calantha, Fenrir, and Genbu in their battle against Ahura Mazdā, the Wise Lord, Creator God, and God of the Sky.

Unexpectedly, Bikou spoke up, telling Vali, "Vali, you should leave. We've got this." The descendant of Lucifer was taken aback by this sudden suggestion. "The others are currently engaged with Zurvān, Vayu, Thvarshtar, and Ātar. Arthur contacted us a few minutes ago, letting us know that he and Le Fay are on their way here, having completed their fights in London."

Calantha chimed in, providing further context, "Sha Wujing, Zhu Baiji, and Salamander Tomita are taking on Vayu. Kuroka-san, who's joined us, is facing Thvarshtar. When the Pendragon siblings arrive, they'll confront Ātar. That leaves Zurvān, the God of Time. Can you fight him for us, Vali?"

Vali considered their request and, after a moment's contemplation, he agreed. With swift motion, he took flight. However, before departing, he dispatched a few wyverns toward Calantha. In a matter of moments, the wyverns weaved a protective armor around her, similar to the way Aaron employed his [Divine Dividing] Scale Mail to give power to the women he cherished.

Upon pinpointing Zurvān's divine aura, Vali wasted no time in making his way toward the God of Time. Zurvān floated there, seemingly in anticipation of his impending opponent. When Vali arrived, Zurvān opened his eyes, fixing a solemn gaze upon him.

"Welcome, Vali Lucifer. I've been waiting for you," Zurvān greeted. "You know what must transpire, so shall we proceed?"

Vali nodded in agreement but then posed a query, "Before we fight, could you indulge my curiosity? I have a few questions."

Raising an inquisitive eyebrow, Zurvān concurred and waited for Vali to proceed with his inquiries.

"You're the father of Angra Mainyu and Ahura Mazdā," Vali began. "Why did you align with your sons in joining the Khaos Order? What were their aspirations? Are they in alignment with Hades' goals?"

In a measured tone, Zurvān responded, "Truth be told, I don't endorse the actions of Hades or my sons. However, I feel a sense of obligation as their creator and parent to stand by them. You might not comprehend this sentiment now, but it might become clearer if you choose to have children with your beloved in the future."

He continued, "Both my sons shared Hades' perspective. They aim to safeguard our universe, our world, and to achieve that, they seek to eliminate [DxD], the alliance, the Middleman, and the Heaven's system. They perceive the new generation and the wielders of Sacred Gears as potential threats to our world." Zurvān nodded, his expression somber, as he conveyed this information to Vali.

Vali's voice held a serious tone as he spoke, "If they're fully aware of what lies beyond our world, they should understand the odds stacked against them. Aniki once warned us that even if the strongest beings in our realm united to defend it, we'd be defenseless when entities from other universes get wind of us and decide to invade."

Zurvān responded with a sigh, "Some do know, but their own pride blinds them. Others simply deny the existence of threats beyond our universe, believing that we are the mightiest. Yet, in the face of the [DxD] alliance, they've found their limitations."

Then, Zurvān looked back to Vali, his resolve evident. "Is that all? If it is, let's commence. I'd like to get this over with."

Vali, however, raised an eyebrow, concerned by Zurvān's lack of enthusiasm. "Why engage in a fight if you don't want to? While I'm eager for it, your lack of excitement dampens the anticipation."

Zurvān pondered Vali's words for a moment, then nodded. "We can have a light sparring session. I lack a reason to fight, but if you wish to test your strength against me, I wouldn't mind. However, let's agree to stop once both of us are content," Zurvān suggested, offering a compromise.

"Fine with me," Vali replied, and with lightning speed, he charged towards Zurvān. The god found himself taken aback by Vali's swiftness and was struck with intense pain as the blow landed, sending him hurtling away.

Zurvān, after healing his wounds, swiftly turned around and unleashed a relentless barrage of crimson-black orbs towards Vali.

"Compress!" Vali shouted, his arm extending towards the atatcks.

{Compression Divider!!} Albion's bellowing echoed through the battlefield as Vali's power surged, continuously compressing the incoming spheres until they vanished.

"Hmm, so that's the essence of your attack," Zurvān remarked. "But it's not your strongest, is it? Let's put it to the test a bit more." With those words, he unleashed another volley of the same orbs, this time with even greater power. Vali sensed that he couldn't destroy them solely using his [Compression Divider].


{[[Satan Compression Divider!!!!!!!!!!!!]]}

Vali channeled even more power, his aura intensifying, before releasing a relentless barrage of silvery-white and jet-black energy towards Zurvān's orbs. The two opposing forces clashed, and Vali's attack surged with overpowering strength, gradually compressing Zurvān's attacks until it vanished.

"Remarkable. Who would have imagined that another devil could ascend to the heights of Sirzechs Lucifer and Ajuka Beelzebub? Your generation and those that follow will be truly intriguing to witness as you continue to grow," Zurvān commented with a nod of respect.

Vali let out a sigh, his hand trembling despite the victory. "I haven't felt like this since facing Aniki. Even Angra Mainyu seemed less threatening. Why am I shaking against him?" he wondered aloud, his uncertainty evident.

{Because Zurvān predates Zoroastrianism. He is the origin, the alpha, and the omega. Be cautious, Vali; he possesses tremendous power. Even in your enhanced form, you'll face a formidable challenge,} cautioned Albion. {His abilities are nothing to underestimate.}

"Hmm," Vali responded with excitement, a gleam in his eye. "Well, I look forward to facing him seriously in the future. It means I can keep pushing my limits!" With that, he rushed back towards Zurvān.

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"Nya, nya, nya, nya!" Kuroka vociferated, her finger directed at Thvarshtar, an avatar of Zurvān. The avatar gazed at Kuroka, thoroughly confused. "Nya! Nya!" Kuroka's shouts intensified as she propelled herself toward the avatar, her fist hurtling in his direction.

Thvarshtar, seemingly unimpressed by the Nekoshou, appeared to catch her punch. However, mere seconds later, a foot landed behind his head with a forceful impact, sending him sprawling. The Kuroka who had stood before him seemed to dissolve into a dissipating puff of smoke.

"Nya-haha-ohoho! That's what you get! I hadn't expected to be joining Vali and his team again today, but here we are!" Kuroka exclaimed triumphantly. In a clever maneuver, she had earlier swapped positions with a clone, using it to sneak up behind the avatar before launching her attack. In her own mind, her strategy was nothing short of ingenious.

Thvarshtar narrowed his eyes, fixing his gaze upon Kuroka. With an almost instant burst of speed, he materialized behind her, aiming to grab her arm. But to his astonishment, she executed a graceful dodge, promptly responding with a touki-infused punch that struck his face and sent him hurtling away.

Kuroka wasted no time, releasing a relentless barrage of touki bullets that ruthlessly pounded Thvarshtar's body. The avatar crashed into the scarred and ruined landscape below, his astonishment evident in his gaze.

Confusion knitted Thvarshtar's brows. 'Why is this being stronger than me? I am an avatar of Zurvān; I should be superior,' he pondered. With annoyance on his face, he rose to his feet. As he did, Kuroka descended and appeared right in front of him.

Without any warning, he closed the gap between them in an instant. He brought both his hands forward, grasping at the space in front of them, commencing the action of tearing apart the fabric of space around Kuroka. But as he neared the completion of his actions, Kuroka's fist landed a forceful blow on his face, knocking him away once more.

"What...? What is happening here?" Thvarshtar inquired, bewildered after coming to a halt. "How can you bypass space and time!?"

"Huh? Space and Time? Is that what you were trying to mess with?" Kuroka responded, a genuine sense of confusion in her voice. "I just thought you were being a pervert trying to touch me."

Thvarshtar stood there, a mixture of astonishment and disbelief etched across his face, leaving him momentarily speechless.

Kuroka, seemingly unfazed, dismissed his reaction with a nonchalant, "Well, whatever nya. You're just an avatar, so I don't need to worry about killing a god nya." She stretched her lithe body, exuding a sense of confidence.

"You really think you can take on a god like Zurvān?" Thvarshtar inquired, his brows furrowing in skepticism.

Tilting her head, Kuroka nodded with a self-assured expression. "I've managed it a few times already. Why do you ask?"

"Lies!!" Thvarshtar erupted, his doubt transforming into anger. He charged back at Kuroka, summoning multiple swirling black and white spheres, hurling them toward her. As these projectiles hurtled through the air, they left chaos in their wake, distorting space and time. Should they make contact with Kuroka, the consequences would be severe.

Kuroka couldn't help but taunt, her laughter ringing in the air. "Nyahaha~! Why the sour face?" She utilized her youjutsu, conjuring fiery orbs that danced with fierce heat. Wrapping them in a layer of touki, she sent them hurtling towards Thvarshtar's attacks.

Before Thvarshtar could voice his disdain, their attacks collided, giving birth to a tremendous explosion. The sheer force of it propelled Thvarshtar backward, leaving him astonished. "How!? How could such weak fireballs destroy my attacks!?"

Kuroka's retort was sharp and unapologetic. "Seems like you've got a stick in your ass. We're different, deal with it, you nyidiot!" She taunted, playfully sticking her tongue out at the bewildered avatar.

With a swiftness that matched her fiery spirit, Kuroka closed the distance to Thvarshtar. As she neared him, her form vanished, and mystical chains erupted from the ground, snaking towards the perplexed avatar.

"What in the world... are these... [Gleipnir]?" Thvarshtar stammered in disbelief.

Reappearing right in front of him, Kuroka nonchalantly pressed her finger to her cheek. "Well, they're not exactly [Gleipnir], but we modeled them after it. I thought it looked like a fun tool to use for some mischief. So, Aaron and I got creative and crafted these—[Nyelprnyir]! How's the name? Do you like it?"

Thvarshtar, unimpressed, offered a blunt response. "...It's utterly stupid."

"You're the one that's stupid, nya!" Kuroka retorted before delivering a series of touki-infused slaps to the avatar, persisting until Thvarshtar fell unconscious. "Serves you right, nya... Should I kill him, considering he's just an avatar?"

Kuroka glanced back at the motionless avatar. "But... he was quite weak. The others shouldn't have much trouble. Although, I'm different, like the other girls," she mumbled to herself. She shrouded her right hand with potent, condensed touki and swiped it sideways, cleanly severing Thvarshtar's head. Moments later, the avatar shattered like fragile glass, vanishing into thin air.

"I'll go help the guys facing Vayu, the wind avatar. I believe Le Fay and Arthur can handle it without me or should I check on Bikou and the others, fighting Ahura Mazdā?" Kuroka pondered aloud.

She summoned a coin, tossing it into the air. "Heads, I head to Vayu. Tails, it's Ahura Mazdā," she declared, deftly catching the coin as it descended. Upon examining the result, she remarked, "Vayu first, then. I'll make it quick," before teleporting away.

— ○ ● ○ —

In a face-off, Vayu, the wind avatar of Zurvān, confronted the current generation of Sha Wujing, Zhu Bajie, and Salamander Tomita, an Ultimate-class Kappa.

Vayu efficiently deflected all incoming projectile attacks using the protective wind barrier that enveloped his form, leaving Vali's team members increasingly frustrated.

"Damn it, we can't break through his wind barrier. What's our next move?" Tomita inquired, frustration evident as he launched another large seaweed attack at the unyielding avatar.

Zhu Bajie, annoyance apparent, crossed his arms but maintained his relentless attack by conjuring and hurling flaming wheels at the annoying avatar using his youjutsu.

"We just need to seize the right moment," Sha Wujing asserted, her determination unwavering as she continued to unleash massive waves of water in Vayu's direction.

"Or you need Kuroka's help!" Kuroka's voice boomed as she made her dramatic entrance.

"Kuroka-san!" all three of them exclaimed, and even Vayu found himself taken aback by her sudden arrival.

"What happened to Thvarshtar?" Vayu inquired, a note of curiosity in his voice.

Kuroka grinned confidently, puffing out her chest. "I won, as was quite obvious," she stated with a triumphant smile.

A hushed silence fell over the scene. Vayu extended a finger toward the sky, and an enormous hurricane materialized above him. In a chilling, measured tone, he uttered, "Suffer the consequences of killing my brethren," before unleashing the destructive force upon his foes.

Kuroka, undaunted, maintained her smirk while the others began to panic. "Is that the best you've got?" she taunted. With her left arm extended in front, palm facing the approaching hurricane, and her other arm pulled back, she clenched her fist.

In the blink of an eye, Kuroka channeled her physical strength, amplifying it to at least 50% of her full power. With a swift thrust of her right arm, her attack sent the fake earth recoiling several feet, only to be met and halted by the colossal dragon looming over the planet.

The shockwave generated by Kuroka's punch surged directly toward the hurricane, obliterating it, but then it encountered the massive ice dragon guarding the planet. Everyone in the vicinity was sent sprawling, their collective force flattening even more countries due to the shockwave's devastating impact.

"Nyaaaaa!? I didn't mean to destroy so many places!" Kuroka exclaimed, her mortification evident. Her intention had been solely to neutralize Vayu's attack, and the unintended consequences left her horrified.

Kuroka vehemently shook her head, dispelling her doubts. She sprinted towards the still-stunned Vayu, enveloping herself in touki, and hurled both her legs in his direction. In the process, her powerful strike shattered his wind barrier, capturing his attention. Before he could muster a response, Kuroka's attack landed, propelling Vayu away and robbing him of his breath.

Without a moment's hesitation, Kuroka continued her attacks. She conjured large water chains and blazing spears using her youjutsu, then formed her own unique magic circles. These ethereal symbols unleashed a relentless barrage of magical attacks in rapid succession.

Vayu found himself engulfed by the overwhelming torrent of attacks, leading to another colossal explosion. The cataclysmic event further devastated the already war-torn surroundings, leaving behind a vast crater in the country of Iran. But Kuroka was far from finished. She leaped forward, her left leg poised and shrouded with dense touki. She executed a series of spinning movements before bringing her leg down where Vayu had crashed, annihilating everything in its path.

The rest of her teammates observed this astonishing display in sheer amazement, their mouths agape, unable to utter a single word in the face of such a relentless and devastating attacks.

To Kuroka's astonishment, Vayu displayed a surprising ability to continue moving. When the avatar made a hostile move toward her, she swiftly lifted her foot and delivered a forceful slam to his face.

This dance of evasion and counter-attack had to be repeated several times before the persistent avatar finally ceased its movements. With a sigh of relief, Kuroka couldn't help but mutter, "...Phew, that takes care of that."

A fleeting concern crossed her mind as she contemplated, 'He didn't catch a glimpse of my panties, did he? I did raise my leg quite high there...' Her contemplation lingered as she gazed at the unconscious avatar. Ultimately, Kuroka shrugged nonchalantly before applying more pressure with her foot, ruthlessly obliterating Vayu's head.

Just as Thvarshtar's body had disintegrated into countless fragments, Vayu's form followed the same fate, shattering into a million pieces before vanishing into the void. Kuroka turned her attention back to her teammates, flashing them a peace sign.

"Two down, only one avatar left to deal with! I'll leave that to Le Fay and Arthur. I'm heading toward Ahura Mazdā. What's the plan for you guys?" she inquired.

Silence hung in the air as none of them offered an immediate response. Kuroka, with a grave expression, spoke earnestly, "We're heading to the Phantasma soon, and if Caeda is any indication, the challenges there will be daunting. Even if Aaron assists us in growing stronger, there are no guarantees about the extent of our progress. So, for your own safety and that of others, I ask you to consider this seriously. You must become capable of handling such threats without relying on our aid."

"But... but didn't we defeat the First Generations?" Sha Wujing interjected, a tinge of disappointment in his voice.

Kuroka acknowledged, "You did, that's true. However, those geezers are old now. If you couldn't beat them back then, I'm sorry to say that your tournament journey should have ended there."

Her words left the three others accompanying her without a retort. "In any case," Kuroka concluded, "I need to be on my way. Best of luck." With that, she vanished, leaving her words to linger as they contemplated their path forward.

"Are we really this powerless?" Salamander Tomita inquired, his voice tinged with evident frustration.

"It's possible," Sha Wujing responded with a bitter undertone. "Even though Zhu Bajie and I are descendants of legendary figures, we can't forever rely on their legacy. We must become stronger, just as Kuroka-san suggested. We can't afford to lag behind any longer, not when even Bikou-san is advancing. We can't let ourselves be outdone by him."

The other two, their brows furrowed in agreement with Sha Wujing's sentiments, quickly took to the air, making their way towards Bikou and the others to join the battle against the deity.

— ○ ● ○ —

Arthur and Le Fay Pendragon stepped foot in a particular town in Iran, where their arrival was met with an immediate confrontation against Zurvān's last avatar, Ātar. Before them, a humanoid figure, mostly composed of raging fire, hovered ominously. The intense heat emanating from this fiery specter caused the remaining debris in the vicinity to melt away.

In the past, Aaron had provided them with specific attire to represent [DxD], and these garments possessed various enchantments, much like the ones worn by Aaron's lovers. In this specific instance, both Pendragon siblings wore clothing imbued with resistance to all elemental forces, thus safeguarding them from immediate disintegration upon their arrival.

"So, you've come for me," Ātar remarked, a tinge of boredom evident in his voice. "I've been confined within this barrier, and the boredom was beginning to get to me."

"Onii-sama, I'll support you with my magic," Le Fay declared, her commitment evident in her words. Arthur responded with a silent nod as he summoned his [Caliburn].

"Then, let's proceed as usual," Arthur announced. Le Fay affirmed her agreement, enhancing him with her magic. With newfound strength, Arthur sprinted towards Ātar. Simultaneously, Le Fay orchestrated a multitude of magic circles in the sky, sending them hurtling towards the powerful avatar.

Ātar sneered at this display of power and intensified his flames. As the magical attacks drew nearer, he anticipated their disintegration. To his astonishment, only a fraction of them succumbed to this fate, while the majority continued their unrelenting approach, compelling him to erect a barrier of flames in an attempt to ward them off. Yet, the sheer force of these attacks proved overwhelming, shattering his defensive wall and sending him reeling.

"How can mere humans have shattered my defenses? This is inconceivable! I am the avatar of one of the most powerful beings in our world!" Ātar proclaimed, his disbelief palpable.

As he landed on the ground, Ātar thrust his right arm forward, conjuring a multitude of flame attacks. His fiery arsenal was vast, ranging from inanimate objects like blazing spears, swords, and colossal walls of flame to living creatures such as horses, cows, bulls, dragons, wyverns, and even enormous whales. The Iranian skies became shrouded in this relentless storm of blazing attacks.

"Perish," Ātar declared before unleashing this searing barrage upon the Pendragon siblings.

Before Arthur could react, Le Fay hurried to his side, drawing her [True Excalibur] and holding it poised. A subtle nod between them signified their shared understanding. With resolute determination, both siblings withdrew their swords, channeling a potent surge of holy energy into the gleaming blades.

As Ātar's attacks drew near, he intensified his attacks, attempting to disrupt the siblings. Yet, Le Fay swiftly countered, creating a series of intricate magic circles with a quick motion of her head. These magical defenses intercepted and neutralized the incoming attacks that Ātar had unleashed.

Once the Pendragon siblings had fully charged their attacks with their swords, they wordlessly swung their weapons toward the fiery onslaught. Two colossal, radiant slashes composed of holy aura surged from their blades and raced toward the sea of fire attacks. With a swift and decisive motion, they made contact, cleaving through the fiery onslaught before erupting into a dazzling, circular explosion of holy energy, vanquishing the remaining flames.

"Hmph! You can't keep doing that forever!" Ātar's voice carried a hint of frustration as he reformed the same onslaught of attacks. His smirk was directed at the Pendragon siblings, but a quick glance back revealed Arthur's absence. Within seconds, Arthur materialized right before him, thrusting his sword forward.

Ātar had to leap back to evade the impending strike. Simultaneously, Le Fay harnessed her magic, conjuring magic circles to swiftly dispel Ātar's attacks once more. Her focus then shifted back to the avatar as she created small, whirling magic circles surrounding Arthur. These circles incessantly launched elemental attacks, pressuring the avatar to fend off attacks from two different angles.

A sudden grin crossed Ātar's lips as he promptly closed his mouth and unleashed a point-blank fire breath attack toward Arthur. However, Arthur had anticipated this move and nimbly sidestepped the fiery attack. Without missing a beat, he delivered a powerful headbutt to the avatar, momentarily stunning him. In a swift follow-up, Arthur landed a devastating punch, sending Ātar hurtling backward.

Le Fay harnessed her magical prowess to craft a colossal spear of radiant light, which she hurled with precision at Ātar. The avatar instinctively thrust his hands forward, but before he could defend himself, Arthur sprang into action, dashing toward him. In one fluid, sweeping motion of his blade, he cleaved both of Ātar's arms from his form.

Ātar let out a pained grunt, but he managed to conjure a defensive magic circle before him. Despite his efforts, Le Fay's attack proved relentless, shattering the protective barrier and impaling him in the stomach. Moments later, the piercing light exploded once more, sending both Pendragon siblings hurtling away.

After the dust settled from the explosion, Ātar stood upright, and the "wound" on his stomach miraculously vanished. However, the flames composing his being seemed noticeably dimmer, indicating that he had suffered damage. The Pendragon siblings exchanged a silent, knowing glance, acknowledging the weakened state of their opponent without the need for words.

With their unspoken communication, they continued their relentless assault on the humanoid creature. Arthur rejoined the fray, launching a barrage of aura slashes at Ātar. In response, the avatar swung his arms wildly, conjuring flaming slashes that countered Arthur's attacks and culminated in yet another miniature explosion.

Arthur continued his descent, his blade cutting through the air as it swung toward Ātar. In response, the avatar conjured a blazing blade of its own, intercepting Arthur's attack with a clash of fiery steel.

"You're nothing but an avatar, aren't you?" Arthur goaded, attempting to provoke the avatar. His words found their mark.

"Don't overestimate yourself, human! I have no need for unique abilities. My flames alone could reduce this town, this entire country, to ashes!" Ātar retorted, his voice laden with anger, and Arthur couldn't help but smirk.

"Yet, you lack creativity with your flames. How unoriginal," Arthur taunted in a tone that didn't quite match his usual self.

Ātar's fury was evident as the flames surrounding him surged. In a violent eruption, he flung Arthur away. His flames coalesced into a towering pillar that continued to grow, reaching towards the heavens. Raising a finger, Ātar unleashed star-shaped fire attacks, each one accompanied by a deafening, powerful sound.

Arthur and Le Fay found themselves compelled to shield their ears, the deafening noise proving almost unbearable. Their ears began to bleed from the overwhelming volume, the pain surging through them.

Ātar's smirk was the precursor to a more intense onslaught of fiery attacks aimed at the two siblings. The flames enveloping the projectiles burned with greater ferocity, and the thunderous sounds accompanying their launch increased in volume. However, just in the nick of time, Le Fay intervened, teleporting both of them to safety, granting them a brief respite.

Le Fay's irritation surfaced as she questioned her older brother, "Was it really wise to provoke him like that, Onii-sama?"

Arthur glanced back at the approaching onslaught, his brows furrowing. "I believed it might have worked to our advantage. But it seems like it was a lapse in my judgment," he admitted with a hint of regret in his voice.

"Facing an avatar of a god is quite the challenge. Any ideas, Le Fay?" Arthur inquired, his tone edged with concern. With a swift teleportation, Le Fay whisked them away, narrowly evading the encroaching attacks.

Arthur's gaze settled on Le Fay as she tilted her head in contemplation. "Did Jin grant you any new abilities, something that might help us defeat a god effortlessly?" he inquired, his voice laced with hope.

"We're not that close, Onii-sama," Le Fay responded with a hint of hesitation, her cheeks tinted with a subtle blush. "Aaron-sama hasn't granted me any powers like that, except for the sword I used."

Acknowledging her response, Arthur contemplated the situation. "It's possible we can defeat him, but it'll be a slow process. Our earlier strikes made an impact, as evidenced by the diminishing brightness of his flames. However, he won't be as easily caught off guard again. What should we do?" Arthur pondered, his voice filled with uncertainty.

Just as Le Fay and Arthur were about to make their next move, a colossal and formidable dark purple pillar crashed down precisely where Ātar had been, catching both Pendragon siblings off guard. Their eyes remained fixed on the impact site as a figure was hurled through the air, landing with a resounding explosion behind them. Within moments, a woman materialized beside the siblings, and Arthur instinctively began to draw his sword. His motion, however, was abruptly halted by the woman.

"I wouldn't recommend doing that, Arthur-kun~," she teased.

As both siblings turned their attention to the mysterious woman, Le Fay couldn't contain her surprise. "E-Elsa-san! It's been quite some time. Where have you been?"

Elsa offered a wicked chuckle as she shared her recent escapades. "Fufu, I've been at the 'end' of the multiverse. Aaron-sama dispatched me there to inspect the Khaos Order's base. It was rather deserted after their decision to launch their attack today. Although, I did persuade a goddess who had fallen behind to participate in this endeavor," she explained and then giggle to herself.

Arthur made a comment, saying, "He didn't mention anything like that."

Elsa revealed, "It was kept as a secret. As today signifies the end of the Khaos Order, he entrusted me with the task of checking a few things in advance. During my mission, I crossed paths with Daniel, who happened to be Aaron-sama's avatar. We had a conversation about our impending actions. Daniel will soon join us, possibly appearing at Ahura Mazdā, and from there, he'll unite with Aaron-sama to confront Hades."

Elsa skillfully twirled her dagger around her hand, then nonchalantly licked it. "Shall we take care of that avatar then? It seems the two of you are facing some challenges against it," she suggested.

"I'd like to test my skills against him a bit longer, one-on-one," Arthur insisted. "Please, don't intervene. I want to see how far I can push myself against this mere avatar."

Le Fay hesitated, appearing worried, but Elsa intervened with a wink, and Le Fay reluctantly agreed. She watched as her brother leaped toward Ātar, who had managed to stand back up, although his fiery power had significantly waned after Elsa's earlier attack.

Arthur Pendragon made the decisive choice to unleash his full power for the remainder of his clash with Ātar. He resolved not to hold back and gauge his endurance. As he landed gracefully on the ground, right in front of the avatar, he promptly vanished, catching Ātar off guard once again.

Ātar, in response, regenerated the limbs he had lost earlier. However, Arthur reappeared behind him in a flash and sliced both of them into thousands of fragments. Despite Ātar's swift recovery, he resorted to conjuring the star-shaped attacks as he had done before. Yet, with a single, unassuming motion of his blade, Arthur shattered the flames, leaving Ātar further bewildered.

In a blink of an eye, Arthur bridged the distance between them with a swift dash, launching a relentless flurry of blade strikes toward Ātar. The avatar strained to evade these attacks, but it was evident that some blows landed, leaving multiple cuts across his body. In a last-second effort to protect vital areas, Ātar shielded them, showing the toll Arthur's assault was taking.

"How are you doing this? You were weaker than me earlier!" Ātar exclaimed in surprise.

Arthur replied with a cool tone, "I was merely holding back, assessing your strength. To be honest, it bored me. But don't expect me to wait for you to 'power up.' Your life ends here and now." With swift and supersonic thrusts of his sword, he punctured Ātar's body multiple times.

Ātar had never felt so insulted in his life. He couldn't bear to be defeated in this manner, especially by a woman. With determination, he summoned gigantic flaming creatures, each wielding a different weapon—a sword, a spear, and an axe. All three swung their weapons down toward Arthur.

The young Pendragon, Arthur, drew his sword back, preparing for the impending strike. With a single, swift arc, he sliced apart the fiery weapons wielded by his opponents. Then, propelled by his agility, he leaped towards them while using gravity magic to immobilize Ātar, making it impossible for him to move. Arthur, with another precise sweep of [Caliburn], effortlessly killed the fiery creatures.

Once his confrontation with those creatures had concluded, Arthur redirected his attention to Ātar. He launched streams of water towards the avatar, although his command of magic didn't quite match his sister's expertise.

Unfortunately, the water streams evaporated under Ātar's intense heat. Nonetheless, this minor setback didn't deter Arthur, who resolutely charged back at the avatar. Landing in front of his opponent, he raised his sword high, prompting a brilliant, holy aura to burst forth.

With a calculated build-up, Arthur whispered, "Checkmate," before delivering a powerful downward slash. The holy aura enveloped the surroundings, leaving in its wake a scene of destruction. As the attack subsided, Ātar remained, bearing several injuries. His left eye was missing, his right arm severed, and his fiery essence had dwindled even further.

Arthur released a deep breath, his stamina and power drained after an intense bout, yet his determination to continue the fight remained unwavering. However, Elsa materialized before him and simultaneously restrained Ātar.

"Fufu, a spectacular performance, Arthur," Elsa commented, addressing him affectionately. "Leave the rest to Onee-san."

As she turned to face Ātar, who had no knowledge of the woman, he prepared to shout at her. Before he could utter a word, Elsa wordlessly and silently appeared beside him, lightly poking his cheek with her dagger. In a matter of seconds, Ātar disintegrated into countless fleshy fragments.

With Ātar's demise, his remaining fleshy remnants shattered like glass, causing Arthur to collapse onto the ground, utterly spent. Elsa and Le Fay approached him, and Elsa lightly tapped his body with the handle of her dagger, a gentle act of healing.

"You might not have noticed, but your lungs were slowly being seared by his intense heat," she teased. "Had you continued that fight any longer, you would have faced severe consequences. Aren't you glad I came to your rescue?"

Arthur rolled his eyes and fell onto his back, spreading his arms wide. "I'm still far from strong enough. I need to become more powerful. I believe the Vali Team would concur," he admitted, his weariness evident in his voice.

Le Fay crouched beside Arthur and reassured him, saying, "We just need to put in the work, Onii-sama. Aaron-sama will surely lend us a hand."

With a distant look in his eyes, Arthur replied, "Yeah..." His thoughts wandered to his beloved waiting for him back in the real city of London.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Are you sure we should just watch them for now, nya?" Kuroka inquired of the person next to her. It happened to be none other than Daniel, one of Aaron's avatars.

Daniel offered a confirming nod. "Yes, indeed. They seem to be holding their own at the moment. Considering they're pitted against a creator god, their performance is commendable," he remarked.

In the distance, Bikou, Calantha, Genbu, Fenrir, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wujing, and Salamander Tomita confronted Ahura Mazdā Wise Lord, a creator god and the God of the Sky. It was evident to both Daniel and Kuroka that the current Team Vali was struggling in a grueling battle with the deity. Many of them bore injuries but displayed unwavering resolve, refusing to succumb.

Kuroka idly fiddled with her phone and inquired, "So, when do we step in to help them?"

Daniel observed her with a sigh and gently took the phone from her grasp. "Not too long from now. Please keep an eye on them and don't get lost in your phone," he advised, a hint of reprimand in his voice. In response, Kuroka promptly retrieved her phone, huffed in protest, but refocused her attention on their former teammates.

Meanwhile, Sha Wujing, Salamander Tomita, and Genbu orchestrated a synchronized combo attack, harnessing their skills in water manipulation and youjutsu. The combined surge of water merged into a formidable wave that surged toward the god.

Ahura Mazdā remained unperturbed, effortlessly using his powers to block the advancing wave, bringing it to a halt. With a casual gesture, he summoned a colossal lightning bolt into his hands before flicking it toward the trio responsible for the attack.

Genbu gave a command, instructing her enormous black tortoise to intercept the incoming attack. The creature swiftly manifested a projection of its massive shell in front of them in an attempt to shield them. However, the lightning bolt rapidly demolished the protective barrier. Sha Wujing and Tomita tried to invoke defensive magic circles, but their efforts were in vain. Ahura Mazdā's attack struck all three of them, causing a simultaneous, agonized cry to escape their lips before they plummeted to the ground below, unable to move.

"Dammit!" Bikou exclaimed in frustration. He aimed his staff at the god, shouting, "Grow, Ruyi Jingu Bang!" His staff expanded in size and charged at Ahura Mazdā. But once again, the god showed no concern. With a casual yawn, he raised his hand and effortlessly halted the massive staff. Bikou couldn't believe his eyes. "Are you kidding me!?"

Ahura Mazdā shifted his gaze to the Vali Team and remarked, "It seems you've been somewhat deluded. Just because you made it to the tournament's main stage and bested Sun Wukong's team, you think you stand a chance against me?"

The god chuckled and shattered Bikou's staff with a single kick, leaving the monkey youkai dumbfounded. In an instant, Ahura Mazdā materialized in front of Bikou, who hastily cloaked himself in touki and raised his arms to shield against the impending attack. Ahura Mazdā grinned at Bikou's futile efforts and delivered a crushing blow, shattering his arms and driving him into the ground.

"You're all too weak! Only a god of equal stature could ever hope to challenge me!" Ahura Mazdā declared with resolute assurance, breaking into laughter.

Calantha, her anger intensifying, unleashed a barrage of thousands of magical attacks at Ahura Mazdā. However, the god effortlessly deflected each attack with a casual flick and couldn't help but smirk at the pure-blooded vampire's attempts at injuring him. Then, in an instant, he closed the gap between them, leaving Calantha utterly stunned.

With a smirk playing on his lips, Ahura Mazdā made a peculiar proposition. "You're quite attractive. How about becoming a part of my concubine?"

Calantha's response was immediate. She spat contemptuously on Ahura Mazdā's face and sneered, "I'd rather die than be with a piece of shit like you."

Unfazed by her defiance, Ahura Mazdā wiped the spittle from his face and spoke with chilling indifference, "Very well, then die." He raised his hand, enveloping it in a potent divine aura, and swung it down at her. The attack unfolded too swiftly for Calantha to evade, and she braced herself for what seemed like her inevitable demise.

However, just before the divine strike could connect with her, an unexpected force hurled Ahura Mazdā away, inflicting severe injuries, including several broken ribs. The god was left in shock, and Calantha opened her eyes to find a man standing before her.

He turned to her and inquired, "Are you alright?"

Calantha, feeling slightly flustered, inquired, "Y-yes, who are you?" She hadn't anticipated anyone coming to her aid. Before Daniel could respond, Kuroka barged in and sent him flying with a swift kick. "K-Kuroka-san?"

With her signature "Nyhahaha~" laughter, Kuroka cheerfully explained, "Hey, hey, Calantha~ that's one of Aaron's avatars. The imposter leading the Khaos Order, his name's Daniel. We're here to help!"

Calantha, still taken aback, questioned, "Um, thank you, but why did you kick him away?"

"Eh, I just felt like it. It's not really Aaron, so who cares?" Kuroka replied nonchalantly. "Anyway, let him handle it; the rest of you should take a breather."

"But—" Calantha started to object.

"No buts! Be quiet and take a rest. You all can't defeat that god, no matter how hard you struggle... unfortunately," Kuroka added with bitterness in her voice. Calantha had no response and glanced down at the ground with a hint of bitterness herself. "Well, don't let it eat at you. Just focus on getting stronger, nya. Aaron will probably come to everyone's aid soon, before we head off... you know, to that place."

— ○ ● ○ —

Daniel floated in front of Ahura Mazdā, his serene expression contrasting with the god's fierce glare.

"What's the meaning of this, 'leader'?" Ahura Mazdā demanded.

With an air of nonchalance, Daniel replied, "Ah, well, you know, Satanael was correct. I was indeed a double agent. Jin—the Middleman—simply twisted reality to make me the leader. It is what it is, right?"

Ahura Mazdā's anger ignited, and he unleashed a relentless barrage of attacks upon Daniel, who effortlessly dodged them or dismissed them with casual flicks of his hand. Ahura Mazdā had regarded the "leader" of the Khaos Order with high esteem, and Daniel's takeover had resonated with him, making the revelation that Daniel was an impostor even more difficult to accept.

In his fury, Ahura Mazdā charged at Daniel, unleashing a frenzied sequence of punches, kicks, deceptive maneuvers, and elemental attacks. Yet, Daniel remained poised, calmly evading every strike, observing the god in his tumultuous state.

"Why!? Was it all a lie!? I respected you! Looked up to you! Why!?" Ahura Mazdā's anger flared, his words charged with emotion.

Daniel, perplexed by the god's intense reaction, responded, "Why are you so upset? I merely revealed that it was a ruse. I was playing a part to gain your trust and loyalty. Isn't that a common tactic used by deceitful individuals in organizations like this?"

However, Daniel's explanation only served to further enrage Ahura Mazdā. In a swift teleportation, the god moved backward and raised his arm, summoning three colossal-sized monsters.

One resembled a massive penguin, another a colossal lion, and the third took the form of a giant sun bear. All three monstrous beings emitted a thunderous roar in unison before charging at Daniel.

Their enormous forms rivaled the size of the Statue of Liberty, and every step they took sent tremors through the already devastated ground. Despite the overwhelming challenge, Daniel remained unfazed. He gazed wearily at the approaching monsters and then summoned his sword, the formidable [The Star Crushing Sword – Veldanava].

With a single, nonchalant swing, Daniel effortlessly obliterated the approaching monsters, erasing them from existence. An immense, star-shaped explosion reverberated through the world, threatening to tear it asunder. Even the colossal ice dragon suspended above the world quickly shifted aside, recognizing its inability to withstand such an attack.

"Ugh!? What the hell!?" Ahura Mazdā grunted as he was forcefully propelled away by the explosion. He felt a searing pain in his back and, upon inspection, discovered large, gleaming golden needles embedded there.

A sudden and disconcerting sensation washed over Ahura Mazdā as he noticed his energy rapidly draining. He turned his gaze back to Daniel, whose stoic expression remained unchanged.

"Do you feel it?" Daniel inquired calmly. "Go ahead and try to remove them," he suggested, extending his hand toward Ahura Mazdā.

Without hesitation, Ahura Mazdā attempted to pull the golden needles from his back, but as soon as his fingers made contact, they disintegrated into golden dust, leaving him utterly bewildered. In a frantic effort to heal his disintegrated hands, he tried to use his regenerative abilities, but to his dismay, they failed to respond. No matter how many times he attempted to heal himself, his arms refused to reappear, plunging him into a state of mounting panic.

In the midst of their confrontation, Ahura Mazdā's rage boiled over, and he demanded, "What did you do!?"

Daniel, with a sly smile, responded, "Do? I didn't do a thing," he said, still smiling. "You brought this upon yourself, you see? But I won't keep you in suspense any longer. You don't have to die, you get to live, Ahura Mazdā. That's the will of my master and the alliance."

Then, in a sudden turn of events, a potent and intense dark green aura, accented with white, erupted from Daniel's very being. It bore a striking resemblance to the attack he had previously unleashed, forming a star-like pattern. He gazed coldly at Ahura Mazdā, who felt an unsettling shudder running down his spine, much to his surprise.

The god thought in disbelief, 'I'm... shivering...? Me!? Ahura Mazdā!? How can a mere human...!?' His own aura, in response, erupted from him as well.

With defiance in his voice, Ahura Mazdā shouted, "Just because you were our 'fake' leader means nothing! I am the son of Zurvān! I possess formidable strength and can best 90% of the gods in this world!" His proclamation resounded as he charged fiercely toward Daniel.

Countless magic circles filled the sky, a mesmerizing spectacle of divine conjurations by Ahura Mazdā. Each circle was made from different pantheons and factions, each pulsating with unique magical signatures. Ahura Mazdā crafted a weapon from his own divine aura, wielding it with the full force of his godly might as he aimed it at Daniel.

The very earth quaked, not just in Iran, but across the entire world, as Ahura Mazdā channeled his unbridled fury. Yet, Daniel displayed a remarkable composure amidst the chaos.

"I didn't expect to anger a god today, but life's full of surprises," he muttered to himself. Daniel lifted his sword, its blade enveloped in a radiant golden aura, and charged toward Ahura Mazdā.

With a casual swing of his sword, he released a single, shining slash of golden and dark green aura that rapidly multiplied into millions. This dazzling array annihilated the magical onslaught that Ahura Mazdā had hurled at Daniel. Swiftly, Daniel pivoted, deftly dodging an attack from Ahura Mazdā's divine weapon, closing the gap between them.

"You need to control your emotions, dude," Daniel advised, his voice calm yet firm. He swung his sword horizontally, the blade connecting with Ahura Mazdā. When he looked behind him, he saw that Ahura Mazdā had ceased moving, and his divine weapon had vanished.

Daniel put his weapon aside and began to drift slowly toward Ahura Mazdā. Once he reached the side of the deity, he found that the god was in a frozen state. He couldn't help but remark casually, "I didn't expect that attacking your soul like that would render you immobile. It was my first time trying it, and I guess it worked." He shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

Out of nowhere, Kuroka materialized alongside Calantha and the other members of the Vali Team. She promptly smacked Daniel on the head, leaving him bewildered. "What did I do?" Daniel questioned, swatting away Kuroka's hands.

Kuroka's voice rose with a blend of frustration and concern as she admonished him, "Did you forget we exist? Did you forget that we might be caught in the crossfire of your attacks!? I had to grab everyone else and run away to keep them from being hurt, or they might have been killed! Do you understand why I'm slightly angry!?"

With a sigh, Daniel nodded his head, acknowledging his oversight. "Yeah, I get it. My mistake," he replied, turning his head away. "In any case, I'm going to join Vali Lucifer. It seems he's just about—"

Before Daniel could finish his sentence, Kuroka smacked him again, interrupting him once more. He looked back at Kuroka, a troubled expression on his face. Daniel and any other avatars or clones created by Aaron were hard-coded to avoid causing harm to his loved ones and friends. However, he couldn't determine whether the actions being taken against him fell under the category of "harm." Ultimately, he shook his head and disappeared to rejoin Vali and Zurvān.

— ○ ● ○ —

Daniel reached the designated spot and spotted Vali Lucifer and Zurvān, both sprawled on the ground with their arms extended, engrossed in a conversation. Without wasting time, he hastened to join them.

"It looks like you've both finished," Daniel remarked. Vali and Zurvān shifted their attention from the sky to acknowledge him.

"Daniel, is it? An avatar of Aniki, huh? Does that mean this operation is nearing its conclusion?" Vali inquired, still fatigued from their fight.

"Avatars, huh? It appears there's more to our 'leader' than initially meets the eye," Zurvān mused. "Satanael's insight might have been accurate all along. Perhaps the other leaders should have paid heed to him."

"Aniki changed people's perception of reality, so even if they entertained Satanael's idea, they would eventually dismiss it as insanity and move on," Vali explained.

"Mmm...with reality-warping abilities, the Middleman is indeed something unique," Zurvān commented before letting out a sigh.

Daniel inquired, "Did you two enjoy yourselves?" Both Vali and Zurvān nodded in response. "I suppose we can call it a draw, then, right?"


Zurvān jumped in and halted Vali, stating, "No, I lost. Towards the end of our duel, I could see that young Lucifer's armor was adapting to my abilities, and he was starting to gain an edge over me. This new version of your armor is genuinely strong. With the right training and mastery, you could become unbeatable."

Vali chuckled and explained, "Well, I'm still missing a key piece of the puzzle for it. Once Azazel finishes working on it and I integrate it with Gogmagog, [Divine Dividing], my Lucifer powers, and Malacoda, then I'll have my most powerful armor yet."

Zurvān pondered for a moment and said, "...So, you're not even at your strongest yet? The rest of the tournament should be quite interesting then. Let's have a rematch in the future, Vali Lucifer. I had a great time today."

"Any time, Zurvān," Vali replied, and they shared a fist bump. Daniel observed their interaction with a smile, realizing how far Vali had come since a year ago when such camaraderie would have been challenging for him.

"Alright, I'll take my leave now," Daniel announced. "When you're prepared, rejoin us in London. And, take these with you." He handed them both Slime Pills before disappearing.

— ○ ● ○ —

Velgrynd stood in front of a particular Super Devil with a huff. "Hmph, at least you weren't trying to run away intentionally," she remarked.

The male Super Devil retorted, "Kekekeke, me, run away? You're hot and delusional, lady."

He sported a striking appearance—a blue mohawk, white eyes with black pupils, and a black and crimson biker gang attire adorned with numerous golden accessories. His ears bore two blue earrings resembling dewdrops, and a tongue piercing added to his rebellious charm.

Velgrynd let out an exasperated sigh and observed, "So, you're the devil dragon hybrid? You look rather ordinary; I would have expected someone more elegant."

The Super Devil bristled with confidence, exclaiming, "I'm amazing, what are you talking about?! And don't forget to call me the Super Dragon Devil! I'm nothing like those other fools! I'm the strongest, wielding not one, but TWO traits, kekekeke!"

Velgrynd rolled her eyes, her patience waning. She extended her finger toward the devil and released a miniature sun, incinerating everything in its path. Satisfied that he was defeated, she turned to leave.

But the male devil, seemingly unscathed, questioned her, "Where do you think you're going? You think you can defeat me that easily?"

Velgrynd spun back around, shock written on her face as she gazed at the unharmed devil, a smug grin playing on his lips. "Do you really believe you can defeat me so easily?" he taunted.

The devil let out a grunt, and his body became enveloped in a formidable fusion of demonic and draconic auras. He inhaled deeply and then charged toward Velgrynd, yet she maintained her focus on him. As he materialized by her side, Velgrynd nonchalantly flicked her middle finger, effortlessly sending him flying.

The impact was considerable, and the Super Devil was sent reeling, but to Velgrynd's astonishment, he seemed completely unscathed after the attack. This piqued her curiosity.

"Magical and physical attacks have no effect on you, so your abilities must have nothing to do with nullifying those," she mused aloud. Velgrynd's sharp eyes scanned their surroundings, taking in the destruction. She nodded to herself in realization, "I see, one of your abilities allows you to redirect the damage inflicted on you to something else, whether it's inanimate objects or living creatures."

The male Super Devil touched down on the ground and couldn't contain his laughter. "You're hot, powerful, and smart! I like you. Be my partner! But, you're right, that's one of my abilities, I call it, [Detour]" the Super Devil confessed. "Oh, and I'm Sorvandrel, don't forget it!"

Sorvandrel wasted no time and charged back toward Velgrynd. He unleashed a barrage of demonic attacks in her direction. However, Velgrynd effortlessly swatted away his attacks, showing little interest in his efforts. Yet, she couldn't help but feel intrigued by his unique abilities.

'Perhaps Aaron would like those abilities?' Velgrynd pondered silently. 'I mean, he has the power to create any abilities he desires and give them to us, but... maybe. But what is Sorvandrel's second ability?'

Sorvandrel finally reached Velgrynd and attempted to grab her, but she swiftly slapped his hand away. To her surprise, he leaped back with an enormous grin on his face.

"You touched me, kekeke!" he exclaimed with a burst of enthusiasm.

"You're a disgusting pervert," Velgrynd hissed, repulsed by his actions. She fixed him with a withering glare, only fueling his laughter.

"Open!" he shouted, completely ignoring Velgrynd's contemptuous words. To her astonishment, she felt as though her heart was being wrenched from her chest, and tears welled up in her eyes, a bewildering reaction she hadn't anticipated.

"Kekekekahahahaha! It worked, even on you! It's amazing!" Sorvandrel's laughter echoed around them.

Velgrynd was left stunned and felt excruciating pain in her heart. It wasn't a physical pain but a profound emotional one. It was as if long-buried emotional wounds had been ruthlessly reopened, and she could feel their rawness anew. Then, to her shock, her body began to bleed, and she watched in horror as her futile attempts to heal the wounds failed.

"What did you do?" she hissed, a mixture of anger and disbelief in her voice.

Sorvandrel was unrepentant, grinning at Velgrynd as he replied, "It's my second ability, duh! My second trait is called [Scars of the Past]. As the name suggests, it allows me to reopen old wounds from the past, regardless of their age. It doesn't matter if they're emotional, physical, or psychological scars. With these two traits combined, I am the strongest!"

Velgrynd clenched her teeth tightly as she lifted herself up. Her eyes blazed with an eerie light, and in a matter of moments, her entire form dissolved into thin air, only to reappear at Sorvandrel's side.

"Kekekekahahahaha, I've already told you, you can't harm me!" he boasted with unwavering arrogance, not even bothering to turn around.

Velgrynd brought her arm up and executed a blindingly fast downward swing. A few moments later, as time finally caught up with the moment, Sorvandrel's arm tumbled to the ground, shocking him. It took a few seconds for him to register the pain and loss, and he leaped back, gasping in astonishment.

"W-what the hell...!? How did you...!?" he began to exclaim, but before he could complete his sentence, Velgrynd reappeared in front of him. She drove her heel into his face, the impact crushing his eye, leaving him blind in his left eye.

Sorvandrel let out a pained cry, clutching his face as blood streamed from his left eye socket. "You bit—"

Once more, Velgrynd closed the distance between them with astonishing speed. She brought her heel down upon Sorvandrel's head, impaling him. From her foot, she kindled a blazing inferno, steadily increasing its power and intensity.

The very ground beneath her began to liquefy, and simultaneously, the Super Devil suffered a slow, agonizing death, his screams echoing from beneath her, but she showed no mercy.

Velgrynd pressed on relentlessly until this section of the underground base of Hades and his minions had been wholly dissolved and obliterated. A cold, unwavering expression adorned her face as she gazed upon the Super Devil, now lifeless.

"Piece of garbage... I never wanted to relive that feeling. Do you have any idea how hard I tried to forget it?" she hissed quietly, her anger still simmering beneath the surface.

The day Velgrynd lost Rudra replayed in her mind, along with the excruciating pain of searching for his scattered fragments across the multiverse. She remembered how everything she had collected vanished, leaving only a single piece. These memories of her struggles resurfaced vividly when Sorvandrel used his ability on her earlier.

Finally, Velgrynd extended her arm toward the spot where Sorvandrel once stood and extracted the two abilities he possessed. With a mix of emotions, she muttered, "...Even for a piece of shit like you, your abilities still hold value. I'll give them to Aaron." With those words, Velgrynd turned and walked away, leaving the destroyed environment.

— ○ ● ○ —

A female Super Devil couldn't contain her taunts, yelling, "What's the matter, Valkyrie?! Is that the best you've got?" Standing by her side, a female Grim Reaper brandished her scythe, and the two of them attacked Rossweisse with perfect coordination, avoiding any interference with each other.

However, Rossweisse effortlessly evaded all their attempts to harm her. None of their attacks landed, and the Super Devil's special trait, known as [Tenfold Rush], which boosted her speed and strength by ten times, proved equally futile.

"Why don't you try asking yourself that question?" Rossweisse retorted, her expression displaying a hint of annoyance.

The Super Devil's name was Ayakasha, chosen as a response to the majority of [DxD] members being stationed in Japan. She believed it was a mockery, although in reality, it wasn't. As for the Grim Reaper, Kyomu, she was named so due to her Grim Reaper parents' deep admiration for Japanese culture, which led her to receive a Japanese name.

Rossweisse gracefully evaded yet another strike from the Grim Reaper. With swift retaliation, she delivered a powerful punch to Kyomu's abdomen, sending her hurtling through the air, crashing through walls like a wrecking ball.

An enraged Ayakasha exclaimed, "Damn you!" She accelerated her attacks, moving at a pace that would appear as a blur to the average onlooker. Yet, for Rossweisse, the world seemed to slow down.

Rossweisse couldn't help but think, 'This is so slow. Training with [Ultra Instinct] has accustomed me to much faster attacks. This feels like child's play, almost like everything is in slow motion.' She nimbly avoided yet another barrage of punches.

With a graceful spin, Rossweisse avoided another strike and then delivered a precise knee strike to Ayakasha's midsection, launching her backward. Following that, she unleashed a series of potent magic attacks on the Super Devil. The impact of her spells created a miniature explosion that reverberated throughout the London underground.

Ayakasha reemerged suddenly behind Rossweisse, her expression marred by an odd mixture of frustration and pain. She coughed up blood and, with determination, shaped her hands into a spear-like form. She lunged toward Rossweisse, aiming to thrust it at her. However, the valkyrie evaded the attack nimbly, stepping aside and maintaining her calm demeanor while facing the Super Devil.

"Fuck—" muttered Ayakasha, her curses silenced as Rossweisse's boot connected with her stomach, launching her upward and causing a substantial section of the ceiling to crumble under the impact. Ayakasha plummeted back to the ground. But before she hit the floor, Rossweisse infused her fist with a touki and drove it forcefully into the Super Devil's face.

With Ayakasha hurled away, Rossweisse sidestepped skillfully, narrowly evading a potentially life-threatening strike from Kyomu's scythe. The mere touch of a Death Scythe had the power to diminish a person's lifespan significantly. Even though Rossweisse was immortal, she preferred to err on the side of caution, avoiding such a dangerous blow.

Kyomu launched a relentless assault on Rossweisse with her scythe, but no matter how swiftly, accurately, or forcefully she wielded her weapon, it failed to find its mark. This only added to her growing frustration. Rossweisse skillfully evaded yet another of Kyomu's strikes before retaliating with a point-blank magical attack, blasting the young female Grim Reaper away.

Kyomu's affiliation with Hades' Progressive Faction starkly contrasted with her parents' allegiance to Orcus' Conservative Faction among the Grim Reapers. Her parents still cared for her, but they strongly disapproved of her views. Initially, Kyomu had embraced Hades' ideas, but gradually, her stance had shifted, and now she found herself too deeply entrenched to switch sides.

As she was blown away, a wave of doubt swept over Kyomu. Her parents flashed in her mind, and she pondered, 'Where did I go wrong?' Wishing that she wouldn't face retribution should their side be defeated, she crashed onto the ground. Determination welled up within her, and she pushed herself back to her feet. As she gazed up at the underground's ceiling, she couldn't help but sigh, her thoughts filled with uncertainty.

"Why are you aligning with Hades-sama?" Rossweisse inquired of Kyomu.

<<I don't even know anymore,>> Kyomu responded. <<But what I do know is, this isn't what I wanted.>> Raising her scythe, she added, <<But I can't simply switch sides without facing consequences. So, I'll continue to fight until you defeat me.>>

Rossweisse let out a sigh and nodded in understanding. Kyomu prepared herself for the impending battle, but her vision suddenly plunged into darkness, and she collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

Rossweisse had moved with such incredible speed that Kyomu couldn't even follow her. In the moment of her fist connecting with Kyomu's stomach, she had accelerated to a degree that guaranteed a one-hit knockout. Swiftly, she caught the young Grim Reaper before gently placing her on the ground.

Turning around, she intercepted a blow from Ayakasha, who had managed to recover some energy. However, Rossweisse was determined to bring this battle to a close. With the same swift move, she incapacitated the Super Devil, rendering her unconscious as well.

Rossweisse pondered to herself, "Why are the youth of today so impatient?" She shifted her gaze to the two unconscious women nearby and wondered aloud, "Is it due to Aaron and this generation's extraordinary development? It must be, right?"

With a resigned shake of her head, Rossweisse turned her attention to Kyomu and Ayakasha. She harnessed her magical abilities to gently lift them off the ground, then teleported them to their designated destination. She attached a note, explaining their identities and the individuals who had defeated them.

Once this task was completed, Rossweisse looked in a specific direction and murmured, "It's time to rejoin Aaron and the others."

— ○ ● ○ —

Suzaku maintained a cautious distance, her attention riveted on the ongoing confrontation between Zhuque, the Vermilion Bird Sacred Beast, and a formidable Super Devil. Initially, Zhuque held a clear advantage in the battle, asserting dominance over the Super Devil. However, the tide began to turn as the devil used its unique trait.

This Super Devil, a towering male at an imposing height of 7'5", possessed an exceedingly muscular physique, akin to a professional bodybuilder. He sported short, jet-black hair and had eyes that gleamed with piercing emerald intensity. Dressed in a black middle school Japanese uniform, though somewhat tattered due to his bulging muscles, he presented an imposing figure.

The Super Devil's trait, known as [Ga-ami], granted him the extraordinary ability to allow attacks to pass or pierce through him without suffering any harm. This remarkable trait extended to not only physical strikes but also magical and ranged attacks, rendering it a potent and versatile power.

Suzaku expressed her concern as she inquired, "Do you need any help, Zhuque?"

Zhuque, though slightly strained, replied firmly, "No, I'm alright. I can manage this."

Suzaku nodded in understanding, deciding to let them continue their intense combat. Ashvax, the male Super Devil, persisted in launching relentless demonic attacks at Zhuque, who deftly incinerated most of his attempts with her fiery powers.

Amid the fiery clash, Ashvax taunted, "We seem to be at a standstill, woman with wings of fire. Neither can you harm me, nor can I harm you, although I maintain a slight advantage. What's your next move?"

Zhuque's lips twitched in annoyance at the derogatory nickname given to her by the brute. However, she chose not to dignify his words with a response, instead conjuring more flames and launching them towards him. Ashvax laughed in response, evading her fiery onslaught, and retaliating with his own powerful attacks.

Meanwhile, behind Suzaku, Velgrynd's voice inquired, "Oh, Rose, are you finished too?"

Rossweisse confirmed, "Yes, I am. I assume you are as well? What about Azathoth-san? I haven't seen her yet."

Suzaku glanced back to find Rossweisse, accompanied by her two slumbering opponents, and Velgrynd, who was alone. Just as Suzaku was about to respond, Velgrynd added, "Irina and Cúntóir are closer to Aaron at the moment. You should finish this already, Suzaku. Why is Zhuque facing that devil all by herself?"

"S-She was insistent, and you know how she gets when she doesn't get her way," Suzaku replied, straining a smile.

Velgrynd shook her head, lifting her left arm and pointing it towards the two fighters. With a snap of her fingers, a substantial sphere of wing-shaped, water-blade projectiles materialized in front of her. In a flash, she launched the attack toward the devil at a tremendous speed.

Ashvax had little time to react as the attack crashed into him. However, he managed to respond just in time, allowing it to pass through him, although it still caused him some minor injuries. He swiftly leaped away from Zhuque and launched another attack at her, forcing her to block it.

He examined the injury on his shoulder, his expression souring. "Tch, what now?" he muttered, casting a glance beyond Zhuque and then to Suzaku and, finally, at Velgrynd and Rossweisse. "More enemies, huh? Bring it on! I recognize some of you—you're the Middleman's women! This should be fun! If I take you down, he'll definitely be furious with me!" he exclaimed, his excitement palpable.

Velgrynd couldn't hide her surprise and asked, "He wants to take us down? Is he being foolish?" Rossweisse merely responded with a calm smile. In the meantime, Suzaku stepped forward and positioned herself beside Zhuque.

Suzaku adopted a more authoritative tone, saying, "Let's finish this. We still need to locate Azathoth, wherever she might be, and then go to Aaron."

When Zhuque glanced at Suzaku, a slight nervousness caused her to gulp involuntarily, but she nodded in agreement. In an instant, Suzaku appeared behind the Super Devil, her actions swift and silent. It took Ashvax a few moments to comprehend what had occurred, the others shared in his confusion except for Velgrynd, who managed to follow Suzaku's movements.

She addressed Ashvax calmly, "Ashvax-san, I'd like you to rest for now." In mere seconds, his body became engulfed in potent white flames. Shortly after, Ashvax collapsed to the ground, his body and soul severely burnt, barely clinging to life.

Suzaku knelt down, casting a gentle sleeping spell upon him. She then administered a Slime Pill, which worked to heal his injuries. With a practiced motion, she stood up and used her magic to make him levitate. She walked back to her companions.

"I've finished. Are we ready to move on?" Suzaku inquired. The others in her group responded with silent nods, and they started to make their way forward.

"Oh, should we start by searching for Azathoth?" she added, to which she received another round of wordless agreement from her friends.

— ○ ● ○ —

Zhang Mei couldn't contain her excitement as she shouted, "Another one down! That's one point for me!" Her arms flailed in the air in celebration.

Rixia quickly tried to bring her back to focus. "Please, we're not done yet," she cautioned, her eyes narrowing as she glanced at her companions.

Before Zhang Mei could respond, all the members of the 8 Divas turned their attention to a particular direction in London. Their eyes locked on another figure approaching them. Without a moment to react, this figure zipped through their group, causing the destruction of most of their weapons, except for those belonging to Zhang Mei, Rixia, Liang Meiying, and Quan Xinyue.

"I didn't expect to cross paths with you guys here," the figure remarked, turning to face them. "I guess it was worth cooperating with that foolish organization and being brought back to life, huh?"

Rixia, her voice quaking with anger, yelled, "You...!" But just then, two more figures appeared beside her.

The woman spoke with a hint of arrogance, "Hi there, I was the one behind this, fufu." She had long lime-green hair, light purple eyes, and wore a black robe. "I'm the super apprentice of Oz, and I'm doing quite well."

"Oz...? You mean the leader of the Wizards of Oz? Weren't we informed that she doesn't take on apprentices?" Shi Jin questioned her teammates, who all nodded in agreement, clearly taken aback by the unexpected turn of events.

"Well, Auntie Oz can be... let's say eccentric, kuku," she remarked, with a sly grin. "And do you recognize this fellow?" She gestured toward the man by their side. "Allow me to reintroduce you to the newly revived former instructor of your team, Yun Yongli!"

Yun Yongli, a tall figure at about 6'2" with an athletic build, stood beside the witch. He donned a male qipao primarily in black and crimson. A large blade hung at his side, and distinctive horns adorned his head.

Rixia's disbelief lingered as she asked, "Yun Yongli, why are you on their side?"

Before the man could respond, the witch interjected, "Let me tell you! The great Metedela! To be blunt, he's not pleased with how [DxD] has been conducting things. Moreover, he's ashamed of you all for joining it, so he's taking it upon himself to deal with you personally."

"Don't like it? Weren't you preaching about peace and unity all the time?" Zhang Mei inquired, her confusion evident. She shifted her gaze to the woman in a purple dress. "Actually, who's that?" She pointed at the mysterious figure.

"Oh, her?" Metedela replied with a playful grin. "She's Eris, the Goddess of Strife and Discord. I encountered her, and she decided to join us. It seems like you're in quite a predicament, huh?" Metedela's laughter filled the air after her ominous proclamation.

Yang Zhi expressed his unease, saying, "Fighting a goddess? That's something we've never done before."

Wu Song, filled with determination, replied, "It's going to be a tough battle, but with Jin supporting us, we can give it our all."

Rixia took charge, raising her arm to the side. She instructed, "Wu Song and I will handle Yun Yongli. Zhang Mei and Liang Meiying, you deal with the witch. As for the rest of you, give it your all against the goddess."

In unison, the group acknowledged with a resounding "Roger!" before they all charged forward to engage their respective adversaries.

— ○ ● ○ —

Yun Yongli, Wu Song, and Rixia Mao swiftly darted away as Yu Yongli unsheathed his sword and swung it toward the two women. His blade unleashed a flurry of aura slashes, creating a shimmering wave of energy. Wu Song, her fists ablaze with flames, unleashed a rapid succession of fiery punches, sending a barrage of flaming fists hurtling toward the oncoming onslaught. The impact of these attacks resulted in a small explosion, which took Yu Yongli by surprise.

"Why the surprise?" Wu Song asked. "It's been a few years since your supposed demise. That means we've grown stronger while you haven't. You're even resorting to your wyvern side, aren't you?" She glanced at the horns protruding from Yu Yongli's head.

Yu Yongli was originally a human but had absorbed the spirit of a wyvern during his brief lifetime. This transformation had bestowed upon him enhanced strength, a more robust physique, regenerative abilities, wings, and horns, among other benefits.

With time, he had managed to gain some degree of control over his newfound powers. Yet, his life had been cut short for mysterious reasons. One day, he had vanished, and the only trace left behind was his severed left hand. After an exhaustive two-month search, they had presumed him dead.

But on this particular day, he reappeared, aligning himself with the terrorist organization. Rixia drew her sword and swung it towards Yun Yongli, who managed to block it but found himself pushed back, leaving him astonished.

Rixia questioned him, "Where have you been all this time? Why have you joined them? Are you under some form of control? If that's the case, we can ask Jin to remove it once this operation concludes."

Yun Yongli responded, "I was resurrected only a few months ago, and I've been reacquainting myself with my abilities. I'm genuinely impressed with the progress all of you have made. However, let's not forget that I was the one who guided you during your formative years." He made an attempt to push Rixia away but failed in the endeavor.

With a sudden release of his wings, he generated a powerful shockwave, sending both women tumbling backward. He continued, "Nonetheless, I am not under the control of anyone. In fact, I am in control of my own actions. I simply listened to some of the things the Khaos Order said and found myself agreeing with many of their ideals."

Yun Yongli fixed a stern gaze upon Wu Song and Rixia Mao, his words carrying a weight of disappointment. "This entire peace initiative came into being because of one self-centered boy, and the entire supernatural world depended on him to take action rather than addressing the issues themselves? Frankly, it appears rather pathetic."

Wu Song couldn't help but respond, her eyes locked in a glaring challenge as she addressed Yun Yongli, "You must understand there were other factors at play holding them back."

Yun Yongli, however, maintained his stance, his voice unwavering as he explained his perspective, saying, "These leaders oversee powerful factions and pantheons. Their powers surpass that of their citizens, and should any troublesome group emerge, they possess the ability to suppress them with their extraordinary powers. Yet they choose not to. What I aim to achieve is the same result, but I don't align with the Middleman's approach. I prefer a more forceful method. As long as 'peace' is attained, the means and methods used do not concern me."

A surge of power coursed through Yun Yongli's body, and his physical form underwent a startling transformation. His ears elongated, his horns grew more prominent, his pupils sharpened, scales covered his body, and claws emerged from his hand and feet. In this altered state, he stood at an imposing height of at least 8'2".

"He's gone through a transformation," Wu Song observed, and Rixia agreed with a nod. Both women enveloped themselves in flames and touki, preparing for the battle ahead.

Yun Yongli, exuding confidence, declared, "I will defeat both of you, and then join forces with Hades' group to create a world where genuine peace can flourish!" With unwavering determination, he charged towards his opponents.

— ○ ● ○ —

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