Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 15 – Part 7 – To Those Who Create Miracles

Third Person Point of View

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Yun Yongli summoned mighty gusts of wind with the flapping of his wings. However, neither Rixia nor Wu Song seemed perturbed by the powerful display, so he ceased that particular effort. Instead, he made a commanding gesture with his right hand, conjuring several sharp blades of wind that he then launched toward the two ladies.

Quick to react, Rixia dashed toward the oncoming attack, enveloping her weapon in her own touki. She swung her weapon at the incoming blades, skillfully deflecting them to the sides. Undeterred, Yun Yongli continued his relentless assault against her.

Wu Song, determined not to be left out, leaped into the air and unleashed a flurry of fiery punches aimed at Yun Yongli. The fierce flames blazed through the air, targeting their airborne attacks. In response, Yun Yongli conjured multiple defensive magic circles in the sky, attempting to shield himself from the fiery onslaught. While he managed to block some of the punches, a few others broke through, forcing him to leap away to avoid damage.

Yun Yongli twirled his blade in his hands, setting it in motion to release a series of aura slashes aimed at Wu Song. She skillfully dodged the oncoming attacks, her agility keeping her out of harm's way.

In the next moment, Yun Yongli soared towards Rixia, their blades clashing with a resounding clash. In his transformed state, Yun Yongli held the upper hand, though Rixia displayed remarkable strength by resisting his forceful pushback.

"What's behind this newfound strength? Did the Middleman help you?" Yun Yongli inquired, his curiosity evident. After a brief separation, they both dashed forward and swung their weapons at each other.

Rixia responded cryptically, "He may have. Why do you ask?"

Yun Yongli scoffed, his tone dismissive. "It's remarkable that it took someone younger than you to help you become stronger. This is the issue with the supernatural world. They no longer take things seriously, relying on third parties to handle their affairs!"

Rixia's frustration flared, and she lashed out with a kick aimed at Yun Yongli. In response, he swiftly lifted his tail from behind him to intercept the attack. However, to his astonishment, a loud, cracking sound echoed through the air, and he found himself hurtling through the air, crashing into a nearby building.

Not content to leave it at that, Rixia propelled herself toward her former mentor, bringing her blade down at the very spot where he'd landed. With a mighty strike, the surrounding area bore the brunt of her impact, disintegrating into a whirlwind of destruction.

"Not everything in this world is black and white!" Rixia's voice was laced with frustration. She darted towards Yun Yongli, their blades clashing as she slammed her weapon against his, causing a deep crack that visibly shocked him.

Wu Song materialized behind Yun Yongli, swiftly making her way toward him. She unleashed a fiery fist at his back. Yun Yongli, desperately using his tail to block the attack, was met with searing flames that enveloped it. He couldn't help but cry out in agony.

"Leader is right," Wu Song declared as she continued her attack. "You've always believed it's just good versus evil, but have you ever considered that there might be more at play? Not everything is as clear on the surface. Sometimes, the public is given a watered-down version to avoid a bad reaction."

A sudden surge of energy erupted from Yun Yongli's body, sending Rixia and Wu Song tumbling back. He glared at them with anger in his eyes and shouted, "I'm well aware of that! But that's how I intend to shape this world—to make it straightforward, devoid of unnecessary complications. Who needs things to be overly convoluted? It's always a waste of time! Searching for complex solutions only delays progress!"

In a split second, Yun Yongli appeared behind Wu Song and swung his blade toward her. However, she swiftly rotated and delivered a powerful kick directed at the blade. Flames enveloped her leg, effectively blocking the attack.

"The world is better in black and white, where simplicity reigns!" Yun Yongli shouted, exerting even more force. To his surprise, Wu Song stood her ground, unmoved by his strength.

With a furious expression, Wu Song's fiery aura blazed even brighter, her power and anger growing more intense. "Life is complex," she spoke with conviction, "and that complexity is what makes our world both beautiful and cruel. I believe people would prefer this diversity over a world of just black and white."

Before Yun Yongli could respond, Rixia returned with swift vengeance, delivering a forceful kick to his face that sent him hurtling away. As he soared through the air, Rixia gracefully touched down on the ground, weapon poised, ready for the impending strike.

"We appreciate the knowledge you've shared to us over the years," Rixia said, her sword enveloped in an even thicker veil of touki. "However, it seems the time has come for you to go back to your grave. The world is evolving, and if you choose to remain stagnant, it's best to leave the past behind."

Wu Song pulled back her arm, flames swirling around it, gradually taking the form of a fiery creature. "We are not alone in our aspirations, Yun Yongli. Many in the supernatural realm share our desire. If you obstruct us, we will not hesitate to remove you."

In perfect harmony, Rixia swung her blade towards Yun Yongli, releasing a powerful aura slash. Simultaneously, Wu Song thrust her flame-covered arm toward him, summoning a colossal fiery tiger that roared and charged relentlessly in his direction.

The two attacks swiftly closed in on Yun Yongli, leaving him with no option but to try and block them. He concentrated his energy, extending both his arms to intercept the impending attacks.

However, as expected by everyone present, his efforts were in vain. The razor-sharp slash cleaved through both his arms before cutting his body in half. Following this, the fiery tiger collided with him, erupting into a spiraling blaze upon impact.

'I wasn't mistaken; it's this world that's wrong,' were Yun Yongli's final thoughts before he died once more.

After the fiery spiral dissipated, both Rixia and Wu Song paid a quick tribute with folded hands before turning to one another.

"Let's lend a hand to our comrades battling the goddess," Rixia proposed, and Wu Song silently concurred. They departed towards their teammates, determined to assist in the ongoing battles.

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Liang Meiying and Zhang Mei raced through the streets of London, locked in a heated battle against Metedela, Oz's apprentice. Metedela summoned multiple magic circles and released a relentless barrage of attacks. To their astonishment, these magical attacks seemed to appear right in front of Liang Meiying and Zhang Mei, making dodging or blocking them a challenging endeavor.

The two women did their best to evade the attacks or defend themselves with their weapons. However, they couldn't help but be taken aback by Metedela's remarkable mastery of magic, considering her youthful appearance.

"What's the matter? Can't catch up to me?" Metedela taunted, her laughter mocking Liang Meiying and Zhang Mei. She then launched another wave of magical attacks at them.

In her frustration, Zhang Mei exclaimed, "I'm going to kick your ass!"

Zhang Mei activated her eyes and charged toward Metedela, unleashing a barrage of thousands of slashes in a single mighty swing. Metedela, taken aback by these attacks, swiftly conjured a massive, soft, white cloud in front of her. The cloud absorbed the torrent of attacks that Zhang Mei had unleashed.

"What the...? So soft! Wait, no!" Zhang Mei exclaimed as a mouth suddenly formed on the cloud, revealing razor-sharp teeth that aimed to bite her. But she flew back in time to not get bitten. "What the hell is that thing?" she questioned, her finger pointing at the menacing creation.

Metedela couldn't help but laugh at Zhang Mei's astonishment. "It's my innate ability," she explained with a mischievous grin. "I can create clouds and shape them to mimic the functions of any object or living being. This one here is a replication of a creature crafted by Auntie Oz in the past."

Metedela conjured another cloud, meticulously molding it into the image of Zhang Mei. "These replicas might not perfectly emulate living beings, especially their unique abilities, but that's alright," Metedela instructed, a hint of amusement in her voice. "Go on, sweetie, attack her."

The cloud-made Zhang Mei charged at the original, and their blades clashed in a battle of strength and skill. To Zhang Mei's surprise, the cloud version exhibited remarkable physical strength, pushing her back.

Though it may have matched her in raw power, Zhang Mei had the upper hand in experience and finesse. She thought to herself, 'It may have similar physical strength, but I have skill and experience on my side.'

With swift agility, Zhang Mei deftly dodged a strike from the Cloud Zhang Mei, or C-Zhang Mei for short. Then, she unleashed a rapid series of thrusts, and while C-Zhang Mei managed to deflect some of the attacks, it couldn't escape the rest. Holes appeared all over the clone's form, but it quickly repaired itself.

"What? That's not fair! You can't just regenerate like that!" Zhang Mei exclaimed in annoyance, causing Metedela to laugh.

Metedela explained with a mocking tone, "Fufufu, don't worry too much. It can only regenerate a set number of times. After that, it will be obliterated. But you see, I can always make more. So, who's the real winner here?"

"Me!" Zhang Mei shouted. She swiftly slashed her sword through the cloud clone once more before darting toward Metedela. In a display of her magical prowess, she duplicated her sword and began to wield both, surrounding them with touki. With a graceful finesse, she unleashed multiple aura slash attacks, each aimed at the witch.

Meanwhile, Liang Meiying engaged in her own battle, fending off a multitude of cloud creatures and her own clone. Much like Zhang Mei, she dispatched the cloud creatures with ease, one by one, reserving her clone as the final challenge.

Liang Meiying spun her spear expertly around her hands before pointing it at her clone. She declared confidently, "It's just the two of us now. If you're truly a clone of mine, you should be able to keep up." A confident smile adorned her face as she readied herself for the ensuing duel.

Liang Meiying soared toward her clone, and the cloned version of her, C-Liang Meiying, mirrored her movements. Their spears clashed, igniting sparks and producing a small shockwave. Both the original and the clone exchanged grins before C-Liang Meiying used her cloud-like powers to form several tentacle-like appendages. She hurled them toward Liang Meiying.

Liang Meiying skillfully blocked and parried most of the attacks, though a few managed to graze her. To her clone's surprise, the wounds she sustained disappeared within seconds, as if they had never existed. This confounded her clone, but it didn't deter her from launching continuous attacks on Liang Meiying. The fierce exchange continued for another minute until Liang Meiying felt confident that she had a grasp of her clone's abilities.

With renewed determination, she increased her speed and thrust the end of her spear into her clone's stomach, sending C-Liang Meiying flying, much to the clone's astonishment.

Liang Meiying mused, "These abilities are like clouds, able to mimic the fundamental traits of many things, yet they fall short in grasping their true inner workings or their potential for complexity. It's a remarkable power, but imagine if it could completely replicate other abilities; then it would be truly unbeatable."

Her clone retorted, "Why does that matter? What we have works well enough with most individuals we copy. They tend to panic and end up being killed in the process, to be honest. They're not the brightest bunch."

The original Meiying shook her head, letting out a weary sigh. She brought her spear to her side, a soft, emerald aura enveloping her form. Her expression remained impassive as she locked eyes with her clone. In a swift, silent motion, Meiying glided towards her clone and with a single, precise swing, severed her clone's right arm.

"Wha—!?" the clone stammered, attempting to retaliate, but Meiying had already reappeared behind her, this time severing her left arm. Without a moment's hesitation, Meiying thrust her spear into her clone's head, swiftly ending her clone's life.

Just as Metedela had foretold, another one of her clones emerged. To their surprise, Meiying herself charged at Metedela, who was already trying to evade Zhang Mei's onslaught. Together, they succeeded in overwhelming Metedela, causing the witch to sigh in frustration. In response, Metedela unleashed a powerful gust of wind magic, sending both Meiying and Zhang Mei tumbling backward.

"Did you manage to hit her?" Zhang Mei inquired, her gaze shifting to Liang Meiying.

"Yes, should we bring this to a close then?" Meiying proposed, and Mei nodded in agreement. "Very well. I'll begin. Please make sure they stay alive, alright? Although I can always target..."

"No, it's okay, go ahead," Zhang Mei replied, shifting her attention toward Meiying's clones and charging towards them.

Meiying raised her right hand and directed it toward Metedela, leaving the witch somewhat bewildered. Before her finger, a green sphere materialized. Meiying then extended her hand, pointing at various inanimate objects, her clone, and, of course, at Metedela.

With a smile, Meiying addressed Metedela, asking, "Are you ready to face the consequences, Miss Metedela? Do you have any final words?"

Metedela couldn't help but laugh. She taunted, "Final words? I have the upper hand here. How about you meet your end instead?" With a pointed gesture towards Meiying, two cloud creatures materialized beside her. In a gruesome turn, they both sank their teeth into the sides of Meiying's stomach.

Metedela's laughter seemed uncontrollable after what appeared to be Meiying's demise. However, mere moments later, the two cloud creatures exploded, causing nearby buildings to explode as well, leaving Metedela bewildered. She turned her gaze back to Meiying's injuries, which had seemingly vanished.

"What? How did you...? What's going on here?" Metedela questioned in confusion, her eyes fixed on Liang Meiying. "Why aren't you bleeding and dying?"

Meiying remained silent, her spear aimed at Metedela, further deepening her confusion. Then, unexpectedly, Meiying stabbed herself in the side, shocking Metedela. However, her shock quickly turned to a frown as she felt a searing pain in her own side. She glanced down and discovered that she was bleeding.

Confusion washed over her as she blinked a few times, struggling to process what had just occurred. In her panic, she clutched the bleeding wound on her body. "W-what the hell!? How did this happen!? What the hell!?" she exclaimed, desperately trying to tend to the injury but achieving no success.

Metedela turned her gaze back to Meiying, and, to her astonishment, found Meiying completely unscathed. "You!" she shouted, her voice filled with anger and bewilderment. "What have you done to me!?"

Meiying returned Metedela's gaze with a smile and calmly explained, "I only needed to graze you, just enough to unleash my own innate ability. It's somewhat limited, you know, but with the assistance of Sir Jin, I had no trouble executing it. I had been wondering when I'd have the chance to use this power, and it seems fate had reserved it for you."

Meiying couldn't help but chuckle, her laughter hanging in the air. She spoke with a sense of finality, "I won't waste my time explaining my abilities to someone who's about to meet their end. So, even though it's been brief, farewell, Miss Metedela." Meiying graced the young witch with a serene smile, then, with her emerald aura, conjured a sword and beheaded herself. Metedela stood there, stunned and bewildered.

But her surprise was short-lived, as it was her own head that was abruptly separated from her body. Before consciousness faded, she watched Meiying remain unscathed, her final thoughts a puzzled, 'What in the world is her ability?' before slipping into death.

Liang Meiying possessed a rather straightforward ability. She could divert fatal damage from herself to a chosen target, whether it was a living being or an inanimate object. When dealing with non-living things, she simply directed her power at the object, transferring the harm to it. For living beings, she only needed to make physical contact once, and from that point forward, she could utilize her ability on them.

Usually, this ability had a time limit of ten minutes before it wore off. Additionally, if the opponent possessed enough power, they could potentially sever the link between them if they figured out how to do so. Or in the case where the enemy simply outclassed Meiying in strength, none of her fatal attacks would prove effective. An illustrative example of this was Aaron.

Prior to the mission commencing, Meiying had demonstrated this ability to Aaron and inquired whether he could modify it to function on gods, should she encounter one on this particular day. Aaron had consented to the request, but it was established that this modification would exclusively apply to the ongoing operation. Meiying was in agreement with this arrangement.

"Phew, it's finally over, right?" Zhang Mei remarked as she joined her teammate. She then glanced at the lifeless witch and let out a chuckle. "You went for the head, huh? Quite petty, Mei-Mei."

Meiying turned her gaze towards Zhang Mei and flashed a smirk. "Petty? On the contrary, I opted for the quickest method to defeat this woman. Any other approach would have taken longer, wouldn't it?"

Zhang Mei shrugged and replied, "Maybe, but I was doing just fine. I was only getting started. I could've taken her down, you know? But I decided to let her revel in her superiority before ending her. I wanted her to understand she had no chance. You know how I enjoy seeing the faces of arrogant assholes change when they realize they can't beat me and have a mini meltdown."

Liang Meiying shook her head and let out a sigh. "And you claim I'm the sadistic one, but you're even more twisted than I am, Zhang Mei—or should I say, Shizuna."

"Finally!" Zhang Mei exclaimed, her excitement evident. "Someone called me something other than just Zhang Mei! Well, let's return to the others and help them in their fight. Oh, wait, grab her belongings!" She yelled, then dashed over to the deceased witch's body and collected anything of importance. After securing the items in her personal storage, she rejoined Meiying.

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Xiang Yu expressed her concern, "This is turning bad." She brandished her halberd, skillfully deflecting and slicing through a barrage of magical attacks aimed her way. Her teammates didn't fare any better; many of them bore various injuries on their bodies.

"Hey, are you guys holding up!?" Xiang Yu shouted towards her comrades, receiving a few tired nods in response.

The enemy their group faced was none other than Eris, the Greek Goddess of Strife and Discord. While she had caused a few minor disturbances over the past year, she mostly stayed away from the public eye. Apart from one of her sons causing a commotion, she refrained from involving herself with her children.

Eris expressed her dissatisfaction with a hint of boredom, saying, "Is this all the legendary 8 Divas can muster? Frankly, it's quite disappointing."

Xiang Yu's voice thundered, "Don't underestimate us, you old hag! We're just warming up!" With resolute determination, he charged at the goddess.

Yang Zhi, catching her breath, retorted, "Don't put words in our mouths, you asshole!" She skillfully evaded more incoming attacks, her weariness evident.

Ling Chong swiftly joined Xiang Yu, enveloping her body with touki. She unleashed a relentless barrage of touki bullets at the goddess, who casually deflected them with a flick of her hand, much to Ling Chong's frustration.

In response, Ling Chong summoned her spear, leaping forward in tandem with Xiang Yu. Both women swung their weapons downward, aiming to strike the goddess.

Eris raised her hand, creating a shield of darkness that protected her. She then gestured with her other hand, sending a powerful gust of wind that blasted Xiang Yu and Ling Chong away. Eris raised her arm further up, conjuring millions of spears made of both light and darkness, surrounding them.

"You just had to annoy her even more, huh!?" Shi Jin screamed, rising to her feet.

Before the goddess could unleash her next wave of attacks, a streak of silver light tore through the battlefield, and three more figures arrived.

"Boss! Wu Song!" Shin Jin exclaimed with relief.

Rixia chimed in, "It appears everyone is facing their own challenges here." She summoned her sword again, and Wu Song enveloped herself in flames, ready to join the battle.

Zhang Mei took charge of thwarting the incoming attacks, her agile flight pattern allowing her to swiftly neutralize them. With precision, she then shifted her focus to the Goddess, closing the distance between them. When she stood before Eris, a mischievous grin crossed her face, and with a snap of her fingers, Liang Meiying materialized just above them. In perfect synchrony, they swung their weapons toward Eris.

As Eris prepared to retaliate, an enormous block of ice tore through the streets of London, aimed directly at her. Eris utilized her free hand to match the attack with a wave of inky darkness. She then cleaved the oncoming ice with her black wind, shaping the fragments into black flames, which she subsequently unleashed towards the perpetrator of the icy attack.

That assailant turned out to be none other than Quan Xinyue, the individual Aaron had affectionately referred to as the "Shenhe lookalike." Xinyue gracefully evaded the oncoming attacks, all the while launching vibrant, light green aura-based attacks and icicle spears. When the two opposing forces clashed, a miniature explosion resulted from their collision.

In the midst of the battle, a brief distraction from Quan Xinyue allowed Meiying to graze the goddess, even though her attack didn't cause any real harm. On the other side, Zhang Mei's attack was blocked. However, after seeing Meiying's successful move, both of them swiftly leaped away from the goddess, piquing Eris's curiosity.

"What did you do?" Eris questioned as she examined their attempts to harm her.

Zhang Mei, standing alongside her team, gave Eris a peace sign and nonchalantly replied, "Who knows! And who cares! We're going to take you down! W-wait... we can't kill her, right?"

Meiying smiled and assured, "Don't worry, I won't. I know where to strike." Then, she turned to Quan Xinyue, asking with concern, "How about you? Are you okay? You know that Mistress won't be pleased if you get injured."

Xinyue met Meiying's gaze and nodded. "I'm fine... I'm mostly unharmed," she admitted, although the reality was that her clothes were in tatters, with a few cuts across her body. She had been fighting alongside the rest of the 8 Divas against Eris for several minutes.

Eris scoffed at the idea, saying, "Kill me? Please, don't be so arrogant, human. Only gods have that privilege." With a mischievous grin, she pointed a finger at them. She tried to employ her [Discord Manipulation], but to her surprise, it had no effect on the 8 Divas. She attempted it once more, yet the outcome remained unchanged. Annoyance crept over her. "Tch, that meddling dragon must be behind this."

Eris deduced that Aaron Toole had somehow made them immune to one of her signature powers, which irritated her. She shook her head and remarked, "No matter. I have other means to deal with them."

With a forceful stomp of her foot, she forced them to enter a vast shadow realm. As they found themselves within its eerie confines, Eris couldn't help but smile, knowing that they had no way of escaping unless she willed it.

As Eris prepared to speak, Meiying abruptly took action, driving her spear into her own thigh. A jolt of excruciating pain surged through Eris's thigh simultaneously. Her gaze dropped to her own leg, revealing a gaping wound that oozed blood. Confusion clouded her mind as she glanced back at the 8 Divas, only to find Meiying smiling, twirling her spear with skill.

Eris watched as the young woman directed the spear's tip to her other thigh, driving it in, and once again, the Goddess felt the searing pain mirroring the injury. She realized that Meiying had done something to her, although the precise nature of her abilities remained a mystery.

Refusing to tolerate this affront, Eris retaliated by summoning enormous, shadowy tendrils that lashed out toward the group, with Meiying as the primary target.

"Scatter!" Rixia cried out, prompting everyone to leap away, except Meiying, who remained in place, allowing the tendrils to ensnare her.

Just as Eris was on the verge of ripping Meiying's lips apart, a stern voice pierced the darkness. "Think long and hard about what you're about to do, Lady Eris. You witnessed the extent of my abilities earlier," Meiying cautioned.

Eris growled in response, then tore off Meiying's left arm and hurled her aside. To her chagrin, Meiying remained unscathed, while it was Eris's own left arm that had been torn off, causing the goddess's rage to boil.

Meiying gracefully landed on the ground and approached the injured deity, letting out a sigh. "Normally, I wouldn't be able to inflict harm on deities, but... I owe this to Jin," she murmured.

Eris hissed in frustration, her attempt to heal her injured arm proving futile. She clicked her tongue in irritation but then an idea struck her. Her eyes began to emit a faint, eerie glow, and a sly smirk spread across her face.

"I see, well, I suppose we can put an end to this charade right here," she declared. Shrouding her remaining arm in a divine aura, she swung it before her.

Meiying frowned and swiftly leaped away from the goddess, who responded with a smirk of her own. "Not bad, little girl, but you should have focused on concealing it, rather than making it effective against gods," Eris taunted.

Eris had harnessed her divine powers to grant her eyes the ability to perceive the "threads" that connected her to Meiying's power. Once she identified them, she swiftly severed the connections. However, Meiying had the capability to reattach these threads, but once her opponent became aware of her abilities, it grew more challenging to do so.

"I won't let you touch me again, and there's nothing here for you to attach those threads to, to nullify any damage," Eris declared with confidence. She then grabbed her injured arm, initiating a healing process to restore it to its former state.

A sudden chill descended upon the surroundings, casting a freezing touch on everything and everyone, save for the 8 Divas. Eris found herself in shock as her tendrils came to an abrupt halt. A sense of terror emanated from the ice, prompting her to leap away, but it appeared as though the ice possessed a mind of its own, hastening its pursuit and capturing her, freezing her in place.

"What's the meaning of this!?" she shouted in anger, her eyes and mouth being the only parts of her body not encased in ice, allowing her to speak.

Meiying shared in the astonishment and glanced at Quan Xinyue, who subtly shook her head, indicating that she wasn't behind this unexpected development. Then, the shadow realm they had been brought into by Eris shattered, taking them all by surprise.

A mysterious figure landed in front of the goddess, donning predominantly black armor with dark blue frozen flames emanating from its form. An eerie, glowing blue sword hung at its side as it fixed its gaze on Eris.

"Another enemy!?" Yang Zhi questioned.

However, the figure turned to face them and explained, "Lady Lavinia has sent me to assist you. I am one of her...summons. You may call me Myudo."

Zhang Mei sighed in relief and sat down. "Phew, Lavinia came to our rescue just in time! First, the giant ice dragon in the sky, then the wave of ice, and now you. I honestly didn't see how we could have won against her without your help."

"Those damn Sacred Gears again! Hades was right, we need to—!" Eris began to exclaim, but Myudo swiftly moved, using his arm to complete the encasement of ice around the goddess, effectively silencing her.

He turned his attention to the 8 Divas, stating, "I will take responsibility for keeping Lady Eris under watch. The rest of you should make your way to the other groups gathering at Lord Aaron's location. Many others are still locked in battles with their adversaries. If you prefer, I can teleport you there, but the choice is yours."

The members of the 8 Divas' team turned their gaze to their leader, Rixia, awaiting her decision. Rixia surveyed the surroundings and nodded. "I leave the choice to all of you. Personally, I'm headed to assist Lady Ningguang back in China," she informed them.

Without hesitation, Zhang Mei shouted, "I'm going to Aaron!" and sprinted away enthusiastically. Liang Meiying and Quan Xinyue quickly followed her lead.

The remaining team members exchanged glances and, guided by their concern for China's situation, decided to follow Rixia. Some also held a certain curiosity about witnessing Aaron's battle against Hades, the God of the Dead, but decided against going there.

"Very well," Myudo acknowledged. With a wave of his hands, he summoned magic circles beneath the remaining 8 Divas, rapidly transporting them away. He returned his attention to Eris, who remained frozen in place, and sighed. "I yearn for stronger enemies..."

— ○ ● ○ —

"Hmm? Isn't that... Azathoth? Who's that?" Rossweisse inquired as they approached a specific location beneath London.

There, they witnessed a man with gray hair, goat-like horns, black eyes with red pupils, having an intense struggle against Azathoth. He sported a long white coat, adorned with tattoos on his neck, face, and chest. His attire consisted of black pants and crimson shoes.

"It's the original Satan, at least that's what the ring is suggesting," Velgrynd mentioned. The rest of the group was taken aback. They hadn't been given much information about the original Satan, and the devils they had known for years had never mentioned him.

"The original Satan... So, he was revived alongside the other original Satans? But why hasn't he joined them?" Suzaku pondered aloud, her eyes fixed on the immobile Azathoth. Meanwhile, Satan continued launching attacks at her, yet none could touch her.

"Who's to say he was dead at all? Maybe he just left, not wanting to be part of the Underworld anymore. But who can really know? We can ask Aaron about him. And... we need to make sure Azathoth doesn't kill him," Velgrynd suggested, and the rest of the group nodded in agreement.

They approached Azathoth cautiously, keeping a safe distance. When they got closer, the former ruler of the omniverse turned to face them.

"Make sure he stays alive!" Velgrynd exclaimed, and Azathoth acknowledged the command with a nod before returning her gaze to the original Satan.

Satan noticed their presence but refrained from attacking them. Instead, he redirected his focus towards Azathoth, unleashing a barrage of attacks, each infused with various colors and unique abilities. He moved with agility, bounding off the walls, ceiling, and floor in an attempt to confound Azathoth. However, she remained unfazed.

As Satan persisted with his assault, Azathoth raised her hand and casually flicked one of her fingers. An unseen force struck Satan, abruptly halting his movements and sending him crashing through multiple walls.

Azathoth approached him swiftly as Satan struggled to his feet. "Why do you want to fight me?" Azathoth inquired, studying the devil intently.

Satan brushed off the dust from his attire and replied, "My curiosity got the better of me. I wanted to see what kind of person the [Dreamer] was and what kind of abilities they had. I hadn't initially planned to be here, but the presence of a certain woman in the base made me leave."

"That was likely Elsa. Aaron sent her to the 'end' of the multiverse, and it seems she compelled some stragglers to leave," Velgrynd commented while keeping her eyes on the ongoing battle.

"Eh? So that's why Elsa-san has been absent. I was wondering why some of my food remained untouched," Rossweisse remarked with a hint of irony.

"She nabs your food as well, huh? I've told her to stop a few times, and she does... for a couple of days, but then she's back at it. We really should inform Aaron about this," Velgrynd responded, clearly annoyed.

Satan charged at Azathoth, conjuring massive water dragons and serpents before launching them in her direction. He then formed a glowing crimson ball in his hand and hurled it at Azathoth.

"Isn't that the [Sea Serpent of the End] and [Power of Destruction]?" Suzaku inquired, her surprise evident as she witnessed Satan using these powers.

Velgrynd pondered, "I guess it's not too surprising that he can use them. I mean, he's the 'original' devil, right?" She turned to her companions for their thoughts.

Suzaku provided some insight, saying, "It's a bit more complex than that... at least from what I've read. According to human beliefs, they are often regarded as the same person. Lucifer was supposed to be the angel who fell from heaven, while Satan represented 'evil.' Over time, certain books and authors blurred the lines, referring to them as one entity or distinct figures, which has led to confusion."

Zhuque contemplated this, asking, "So, reality might be different? I've never really delved into it. We always referred to them as the Original Satans, not just 'Satan.' But where did he go after his 'creation,' and what has he been up to?"

Rossweisse offered a practical perspective, saying, "We can only speculate or seek answers from Aaron, Azathoth, or even have Satan himself share his story with us."

Azathoth conjured a small, shadowy sphere before her and launched it toward the incoming attacks. The sphere swiftly split into two, obliterating the dragons and serpents initially, and the second half eradicated the impending ball of destruction.

Satan wore a grin and commented, "That's what I'd expect from you. Although, it's quite surprising that you managed to annihilate the [Power of Destruction]."

Azathoth's response left Satan puzzled. "It's not 'true' destruction, though it comes close," she explained.

Just as the devil was about to inquire further, Azathoth vanished, reappearing by his side. She playfully poked his arm, and in an instant, Satan's arm twisted at an unnatural angle before being forcefully blasted away.

Unfazed, Satan halted himself by digging his legs into the ground, arresting his momentum. He examined his injured arm, touched it, and a white, demonic light materialized, mending the damage.

"Those Lucifers... they don't grasp the full extent of this power... no, that's not quite right. They haven't unlocked its genuine potential. This ability offers numerous possibilities and is exclusive to devils. One of its applications includes self-healing. If Rizevim had been aware of this during his encounter with the Middleman, he might have been able to mend himself—or the same goes for the original Lucifer," Satan explained.

He chuckled and turned his gaze to Velgrynd's group. "Although you could inform Lucifer's descendant about it after today, and perhaps he'll decide to train in it. It doesn't concern me one bit, to be honest."

"What would it take for you to stop?" Azathoth inquired.

"Stop? You mean stop attacking you? Probably nothing. You'd have to kill me or knock me out. I just want to fight you. I rarely engage in this kind of thing. To be honest, I didn't care about joining the Khaos Order. They sort of 'found' me and recruited me. I had nothing better to do, so I went along. Even if you defeat me and bring me to the Underworld, I won't be too cooperative. If they toss me in a cell and let me rot there, that's fine by me," Lucifer explained.

Azathoth's brow furrowed slightly as she asked, "Are you... tired of the world? Maybe even suicidal?"

This question elicited a laugh from Satan, who shook his head. "Bored? Absolutely. I've seen many things in my lifetime after leaving the Underworld. I've explored nearly everything in the human and supernatural realms. The simple conclusion I've reached is that it's all meaningless."

Those who were listening to Satan were taken aback by his words, but they continued to listen, refraining from interrupting him.

"Everything here is artificial, be it human emotions, the bonds we form, or anything else. It's all fabricated, and nothing in this world is authentic," he remarked, directing his gaze at Suzaku and Rossweisse. "Both of you are in a romantic relationship with the Middleman, correct?" he inquired.

The two women hesitantly nodded in response.

"Are you certain that what you feel for him is real and genuine? Are his feelings for you authentic? A man with such a vast harem, and he claims to love each of you equally? That's hard to believe. What drew you to him, and vice versa? Was there anything at all? Why stay with him when he has so many women?" Satan posed these questions in an even-toned manner.

His intention was not to be malicious; he was genuinely curious. After living for so long, he had come to view everything in the world as artificial. He had difficulty believing that anyone's actions were genuinely motivated.

He anticipated some hesitation from them, but to his surprise, both Suzaku and Rossweisse responded without delay, saying, "I love him." Their eyes met, and they exchanged smiles.

Suzaku shared her perspective, "We may never fully understand what someone else is thinking, but by forming bonds, we can at least make educated guesses based on their body language. I believe I can do that with Aaron and many of his other lovers."

Suzaku added, "Perhaps Azathoth or even Aaron himself has the answers to your questions, though they might not be the answers you hope for. In reality, our best course is to try our hardest and treat one another with kindness. You were the first devil, right? If you truly want to rid the world of evil, wouldn't it be more effective to work towards making it better rather than adding more chaos and suffering?"

Satan raised an eyebrow, seeming skeptical. "You're suggesting that I, of all beings, should do good?" He almost scoffed. "Though I must admit, the new devils are attempting to do just that. But to ask me, the True Satan, the Original Devil, to embrace goodness? Well, you certainly have boldness, young lady."

Suzaku let out a light-hearted chuckle and added, "The decision is ultimately yours. I was merely offering a suggestion." Her gaze then shifted to Rossweisse, who found herself blushing at the topic.

"I-I agree with Suzaku-san's point," stammered Rossweisse, "but I'm certain about my feelings for Aaron. His actions towards me and everyone else prove his sincerity. You're familiar with the saying, 'Actions speak louder than words.' So, I genuinely believe he's being authentic. Words are one thing, but translating them into actions is another—and Aaron typically takes action rather than just talking... to a certain extent, of course."

Satan nodded thoughtfully. "I'm well-acquainted with that saying; after all, I initiated it. I do agree with your perspective, to some extent," he acknowledged. Then, he turned his attention back to Azathoth and heaved a sigh. "Let's carry on. I'll simply consult the Middleman about this. He appears to have a deeper emotional connection than the [Dreamer]."

Satan didn't bother waiting for a reply. He swiftly sprinted toward Azathoth and unleashed a barrage of attacks representing various clans. However, Azathoth dismissed them with a simple snap of her fingers. In the blink of an eye, she materialized above him and thrust her palm downward, generating a powerful shockwave that sent Satan crashing to the ground.

He made an effort to rise, but a surprise awaited him. When Azathoth had struck him with her palm attack, she had also added an extra dose of gravity, pinning Satan's body to the ground. Despite the immense pressure, the gravity wasn't intended to end his life.

"Rest for now, Satan. I'll ensure you have a conversation with Aaron later," Azathoth declared as she put him into slumber. She then faced her companions and announced, "I'm done."

They came closer, and Velgrynd inquired, "You're going to let him speak with Aaron?"

Azathoth responded with a silent nod, and then added, "...If he's eager to find out, I won't interfere. But he'll have to bear the consequences of what he learns, and none of us will be held accountable."

— ○ ● ○ —

"Hehehe... who'd have thought the Indiscriminate Ice Princess would become so powerful?" Oz remarked, a smirk playing on her lips as she directed her gaze at Lavinia Reni. "I still remember the day when Glenda brought you in and taught you everything you knew. You were so naively ignorant back then."

Lavinia Reni maintained her composure, her expression unchanging as she silently glared at Oz. She despised any mention of her past, particularly anything related to Glenda, whom she could never forgive for her betrayal.

"What's the matter, Lavinia? Cat got your tongue? Why won't you respond?" Oz taunted.

Oz, a woman with black hair neatly tied in a bun, and gray eyes, had a silver crown adorning her head. She wore a predominantly black dress that flowed down to the ground, with several blue ribbons on her side and wing-like attachments behind her. Normally, she carried a blue fan, but it now lay at her side, alongside her body.

Lavinia, inquisitive, held a small azure ball in front of her and directed her question at Oz, "What was the purpose of this, Oz? You seemed quite agitated earlier when Shye-chan took it from you."

Oz, wearing a smug expression, opted to remain silent in response.

Lavinia, persistent in her curiosity, continued her probing, "What if I were to destroy it? Perhaps freezing it or stowing it away? Surely, such actions would trigger some sort of effect, wouldn't they? You're renowned for your meticulous scheming in pursuit of your self-interest, even if your grand plans ultimately end in failure."

Oz couldn't contain her amusement and broke into laughter. "If you were to destroy that ball, it would only bring suffering to the world, Ice Princess."

Lavinia, growing increasingly intrigued, persisted with her inquiry, "What do you mean by that?" However, she was met with silence. Unfazed, she raised her hand, displaying her ring, and closely examined it. "Hmm, so that's how it works, huh?" she pondered, all the while maintaining her intense gaze on Oz, who appeared somewhat taken aback by her understanding.

Lavinia wore a smile and commented, "You've pinpointed various locations in both the human world and the supernatural realm. If this orb were to be destroyed, it would set off a chain of effects and attacks on those areas, causing utter chaos. You never change your ways, do you?"

Oz sported a smirk, her words laden with mockery. "Oh, did the little dragon's ring reveal that to you? How adorable. You're still as unreliable as ever, relying on others to handle things. You couldn't even figure that out without leaning on your living dildo? By the way, you've quite whore now, aren't you? First, you had an interest in Tobio Ikuse, and when that didn't work out, you switched to the Middleman. Hahaha, you're truly a slutty Ice Princess~!"

Lavinia found herself puzzled by Oz's remarks. She heard the words but remained unfazed by them. While she did feel anger, particularly when Aaron was insulted and her love for him, she wasn't moved by the woman's hurtful words. She sensed that Oz was merely attempting to provoke a specific reaction.

"I won't deny that I may have had an interest in Tobio five years ago, like many others on the team," Lavinia began, "but we eventually moved on when it became clear through his actions that he had eyes only for Sae. Why would that still bother me? Unlike you, who couldn't move beyond her long-standing infatuation—you became obsessed with him, even to the point of taking his life to prevent his then-girlfriend from having him. Don't you think it's you who's got some issues in your head?"

Oz seethed with anger, her fury surging, but she remained trapped within her icy confines, her gaze filled with intense animosity aimed at Lavinia. "A whore like you would never understand what true love is!" she shouted but quickly composed herself. "However, that's all in the past. Once he became a part of me, I could focus on my plans. You were already informed about them through Glenda, weren't you?"

Lavinia recited as if recalling history, "The Wizards of Oz were primarily focused on creating a world where only magicians, witches, and the supernatural would exist. Our goal was to eliminate every human on Earth, so we wouldn't have to hide in the shadows any longer and could freely roam the world. But first, we had to bring down the other factions and pantheons to fulfill this dream."

"Fufu, it seems you remember my words quite well, Ice Princess. That's correct! I still aim for a world like that! It has been my sole purpose since I became a magician!" Oz exclaimed with enthusiasm.

Oz's desire for a world like this had a straightforward origin—it was what her parents had longed for as well. However, the ways and intentions of her parents differed significantly from their daughter.

Oz hailed from a family of two magicians. Prior to that, her parents had led ordinary lives as humans. Yet, upon discovering the existence of the supernatural, they were drawn to it, eventually crossing paths and giving birth to Oz.

Her parents harbored ambitious dreams of uniting the realms of the supernatural and the human world. They aspired for a coexistence where the supernatural could thrive without the need for secrecy.

Oz had a relatively ordinary upbringing. Her parents took on the responsibility of teaching her from a young age, and she even attended a regular human school when she was older. However, as it often happens in this world, her peaceful life suddenly came to a halt.

A conflict erupted between the Church's exorcists and a group of stray devils who had breached the protective barriers around their home. Tragically, Oz's parents lost their lives in the turmoil. Oz herself faced a near-death experience until a certain man intervened, saving her from a fatal fate.

Yet, Oz emerged from that traumatic event bearing deep scars and a profound hatred for both the supernatural and humans. She and her parents were entirely blameless in the ordeal, yet they still met their untimely demise. And for what? Senseless motives from both sides, or at least that's how she perceived it. Even when she discovered the actual motivations behind the tragedy, her loathing persisted. Years later, she relentlessly pursued those who had survived and took their lives.

However, Oz never forgot her parents' desire for a world where supernatural beings and humans could coexist. In her own unique way, she aimed to bring about that unity. She decided that certain chosen humans would be allowed to stay in her newly envisioned world, while the others would face an unfortunate fate. Oz aspired to establish her dominion alongside the other leaders of the Khaos Order, all in pursuit of the ideal world her parents had always dreamt of.

"Now, be a dear and reverse this," Oz stated, her tone laced with annoyance. "Let's get back to our plans for that ideal world, shall we? I'm even willing to offer you and your manwhore the chance to live in this world. I'll give you my guarantee, for it would be 'true' freedom, wouldn't it?"

Lavinia let out a sigh and shook her head. "No, thank you. That isn't genuine freedom; it's just oppression disguised with extra steps. I appreciate the brief period when you and the other witches in your organization were kind to me. But for the rest... well, this is goodbye once more. If Aaron grants you reincarnation, please strive to make the most of your next life," Lavinia said as she completely encased Oz in her ice.

She then nodded to Shye, who had remained at her side, and gave the order to her dragon stationed high above the Earth. Shye disappeared and reappeared on the dragon's back.

"Cici, get ready, okay?" Shye asked, and the massive ice dragon named Cici nodded. Shye conjured an immense chunk of ice above them, while Cici began gathering icy breath in her mouth. "Now!" Shye yelled, and they unleashed their combined attack, propelling it toward Earth and, ultimately, London.

The onlookers stood in stunned silence as the spectacle crashed into England, giving rise to a colossal, icy vortex, spiraling and emanating intense cold.

Shye offered a suggestion, "You might want to shrink in size." Cici concurred, and swiftly transformed into a tiny dragon, perching on Shye's shoulder before Shye teleported them back to Lavinia.

Upon their return, they were met with the aftermath of their powerful attack. Oz had been utterly vanquished, and a significant portion of London lay encased in ice. Shye moved forward to apologize, but Lavinia, instead, shook her head and drew near, embracing her.

"Great job, both of you. You can return and rest for now," Lavinia commended, and they promptly disappeared.

Raising her right hand, she initiated a gentle snowstorm that enveloped the entire world. This snowfall would prove beneficial to her allies, while causing a hindrance to their enemies. With this task completed, she shifted her attention towards a specific direction, a warmth swelling within her chest.

"I want to see him right now," she whispered before vanishing into thin air.

— ○ ● ○ —

"God dammit..." an exclamation escaped the lips of a man.

Cursing with frustration, a woman grumbled, "Fucking shit, my chest hurts."

Tobio Ikuse, Sae Toujou, and several members from both the [DxD] and [EXE] alliances loomed over two defeated members of the Wizards of Oz. Both enemies lay in dire condition, incapable of continuing the battle.

Beside the fallen foes, the remnants of the [Dead Lumberjack] and [Rampage Scarecrow] were scattered. They had put up a fierce resistance, but were ultimately overpowered by the combined might of Tobio, Sae, and the alliance.

<<I'd advise you to stay still unless you want to lose your head,>> Tobio cautioned the man who made an attempt to move.

"Relax, mate. I was just reaching for a cigarette. My left arm's already a goner, and that's the one I primarily use to handle the bloody thing," the man explained, his irritation evident.

"Ouch! Get off me, you bitch!" the other woman shouted angrily as Sae applied her foot to her back.

Sae, taken aback by the woman's outburst, replied, "I'm not exerting too much pressure, you know."

Nevertheless, the woman continued her tirade, screeching, "Screw you and your used and abused pussy!! You fucking whore!!!"

Sae sighed, then acted swiftly by summoning anti-magic cuffs, skillfully securing them around the woman's wrists. She then turned to her teammates and made a polite request, "Could you assist with moving the bodies and body parts over there, please? Your help is greatly appreciated."

Tobio, on the other hand, firmly turned down the man's earlier plea, nearly chopping off his hand. <<Make another move, and you'll lose your other hand,>> he sternly warned.

"Fine, fine, fine. You guys are real buzzkills, denying me a simple cigarette," the man grumbled in disappointment.

Tobio paid him no mind, professionally handcuffing him before guiding him to a designated spot.

Turning to Sae, Tobio inquired, "Sae, could you come with me?" Sae agreed, even as the woman she was dealing with continued her relentless stream of screams and curses.

The irritated man couldn't help but express his annoyance. "Could you shut the fuck up? We lost and I don't need to hear you scream your lungs out."

But the woman retaliated with a final screech, "Fuck you too, you tiny dicked loser!"

The man let out an exasperated sigh, no longer willing to engage in a conversation with her. He understood that it would likely lead to nowhere. Between the two of them, she was always the more vocal and quick-tempered one, and they rarely found common ground on anything.

However, circumstances had forced them into the same team, as they were the ones left with the remaining [Demonic Beasts].

Concern crept into the man's voice as he asked, "We won't be executed, will we?"

Tobio responded calmly, "That's a decision for the alliance to make. If you provide enough information, they might show some leniency."

They continued walking, their fates hanging in the balance.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Go, go, go, Aaron~!" Irina enthusiastically cheered, watching the ongoing "battle" between Aaron Toole and Hades from a distance, with Cúntóir at her side.

Hades, the God of the Dead from the Greek Pantheon, grappled with trying to catch Aaron, who moved nimbly around him without the protection of his armor.

<<Fafafa, are you toying with me, Outer God? Do you relish this?>> Hades inquired, continuing to conjure magic circles that swirled around him, each aimed at Aaron.

Without missing a beat and a hint of mockery in his voice, Aaron responded, "Yep, that's about right. I'm simply waiting for everyone else to finish their battles. You'll be the last one we defeat today, bringing an end to the Khaos Order in our universe."

<<Are you saying my allies are already defeated?>> the god inquired.

"More or less," Aaron responded.

Hades had been part of the "top ten strongest in the world" list prior to Aaron's arrival in their universe. With the numerous changes Aaron had introduced, he and many of his companions now occupied those coveted spots. However, some older gods and beings like Sirzechs and Ajuka still held their positions, even though there wasn't a physical list to refer to.

Anyone lacking significant power would typically be defeated by Hades with ease. Nevertheless, today, the God of Skeletons had encountered a formidable opponent.

In a sudden blur, Aaron vanished, and Hades swiftly erected a defensive magic circle in front of him. He also readied his own Skeleton Staff to counter the impending attack. Within moments, the magic circle shattered, and a powerful fist struck his staff, causing it to crack and sending Hades hurtling backward.

Hades swiftly regained his composure and drove his staff into the ground. In response, millions of razor-sharp bones and spikes shot toward Aaron, accompanied by a barrage of magical attacks.

Aaron raised his hand and snapped his fingers. Instantly, he vanished, accompanied by a powerful shockwave that radiated from his former location, obliterating the bones, spikes, and magical attacks. Then the whole area echoed with a resounding "crack."

In the blink of an eye, Aaron reappeared directly in front of Hades, delivering a crushing blow to the god's face. Hades's visage cracked from the impact as he was propelled away once more. As the god was sent hurtling, Aaron placed his hand over his chest and began to chant.

"The Outer Dragon God dwelling within me, awaken from your dominance—"

[The Crimson Heavenly Dragon I possess within me, rise up to become a King and roar—]

[The Jet-Black God of Infinity—]

[The Glorious God of Dreams—]

"[[Watch over the true forbidden existence we shall become that transcends the boundaries—]]"

"[[Thou shall dance within our perfected radiant inferno!]]"

"[[D ∞ D!! D ∞ D D ∞ D!! D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D!!! D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D!!!! D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D!!!!! D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D D ∞ D!!!!!!!!"]]

[[D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D!!!!!!!!!!!!!]]

[Dragon ∞ Full Drive!!!!!]

In a swift motion, he donned his [True Diabolos Dragon God] armor and activated the boosters on his back, enhancing his speed.

<<That armor, huh? How infuriating!>> Hades roared as his body was engulfed in a sinister divine aura. He extended his hand, summoning millions of restless souls and skeletons of varying sizes. With a commanding gesture, he directed them to assail Aaron.

"[<<D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D D∞D !!!!!!!!>>]"

[[D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D!!!!!!!!!!!!!]]

Aaron's body emitted a potent aura, obliterating the ghosts and skeletons Hades had summoned, causing the god even more frustration. Without granting him a moment's respite, Aaron swiftly closed the distance, confronting Hades directly. He unleashed a Dragon Shot at point-blank range, reducing the London Underground to rubble.

Hades' body was propelled into the skies of London, witnessed by the remaining bystanders. They watched as the God of the Dead ascended higher and higher. Aaron swiftly pursued, his arm poised for a punch. Hades attempted to activate his staff, but a dark aura slash intervened, blocking his efforts.

<<No, you won't,>> Tobio declared, taking responsibility for thwarting the god's actions.

"Don't... leave me out of this!" Vali's scream resonated from beside him. "I'm going to kick his ass too!"

Aaron smiled behind his helmet and nodded. "Then let's do this, Vali." Both of them charged forward, covering their arms with aura, and then slammed their fists into the god's stomach, propelling him further.

Hades' movements were also beginning to slow down as Lavinia's blizzard began to affect him too. The remaining members of [DxD] in London began to gather below the two Heavenly Dragons, preparing themselves if Hades were to act again.

Looking down weakly at his enemies, Hades muttered, <<So this is the current [DxD]... the ones who hold the tools to overthrow the gods...>>

Hades managed to activate his staff's divine aura, but two people immediately stopped it. [Revoke!] shouted Aaron's armor, and the entire city of London was covered in a large white barrier, with Kanami shouting, "Cancel" below them.

It seemed like Hades had accepted his fate, but he wanted to convey one more thing to them. So, his mouth opened as he stared at them with his eyes.

<<But... you should remember this, [DxD]...>> he said, his voice fading.

[[D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D D!!!!!!!!!!!!!]]


Aaron and Vali readied their cannons, summoning these power weapons from their armors and taking aim at Hades while charging them up.

Hades posed a question, <<Even miracles have limits, and when that time comes, what will you do?>>

Aaron met the challenge with unyielding determination. "Then we'll create brand new ones!" His helmet retracted, revealing his face. "It's time for the older generation to make way, Hades, and let the new generation take charge! No one in this omniverse, including you, can overcome us," Aaron declared with unwavering self-assurance.

"<<[∞ Blaster !!!!!!]>>"

{[[Satan Lucifer Smasher!!!!!!!!!!!!]]}

At long last, Aaron and Vali's cannons released their potent attacks. A cascade of diverse auras surged from their weapons, converging midway as they headed towards Hades. As their combined attack connected with the god, something extraordinary occurred.

Hades found himself deluged by a peculiar sensation. Vivid memories of the lives, trials, and triumphs of both Vali and Aaron streamed through his mind. He witnessed their struggles, their most joyous moments, and their dreams for the future. This influx of memories painted a subtle smirk on Hades' face.

'Aaron Toole and Vali Lucifer, huh?' he contemplated. 'I'm not entirely convinced even with this... but I'll remain vigilant, wherever I may be, for the remarkable feats and adventures you'll undertake in the days to come.'

A powerful explosion erupted in the skies above London, unleashing shockwaves with the force to devastate England and its neighboring countries. When the cataclysmic blast finally subsided, Hades' injured body descended back to the Earth.

Vali observed Hades' fall without moving, but with swift precision, Aaron intercepted the god, cradling him gently as he landed. Using his powers, Aaron sealed Hades' divine abilities, and used a sleeping spell, ensuring the god's unconscious state. After stepping out of his armor, Aaron carefully placed Hades on the ground.

"Aaron!" Lavinia's voice resounded through the aftermath, and she hurried to embrace Aaron. 

Though they had been apart for a significant part of the day, he greeted her with a warm smile. Aaron asked, "Is there something bothering you, Nia?"

She nestled her head against his chest and shook it, offering a soft reply, "Nothing, it's just…hehe, I just missed you."

A warm smile graced Aaron's lips as he surveyed their surroundings and patted her head. He noticed their allies slowly converging upon the scene. 

"Battles are still raging within the dimension I've created. Let's go and lend our strength to bring them to bring an end to this operation!" he declared, met with a resounding chorus of agreement from those assembled.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

A couple of days had passed since the final battle against the Khaos Order in our universe, and the supernatural citizens were finally feeling some relief. While there might still be smaller groups or occasional villains cropping up, the overall sentiment was that we had achieved some much-needed peace.

I had a discussion with the leaders about my upcoming plans. We all agreed to postpone the next tournament match by approximately three months. The official announcement would be made later today, and the stated reason would be to "improve the event" or something along those lines. Sirzechs and a few others had taken responsibility for organizing it, and they hadn't shared all the details with me, so I left it in their capable hands.

At the moment, I found myself in the Underworld, surrounded by several other individuals. By my side, Aoife held Vivi in her arms, though the little one appeared a bit frightened. You might be wondering, what was the reason for this? Well...

Presently, we found ourselves in a ceremonial hall, the very same where Rias' peerage and a few other devils had gathered the previous year to receive their promotions and Evil Pieces. Rias now stood before the same statue, with Ajuka by her side.

"Rias Gremory, from this point forward, you shall be officially recognized as an Ultimate-class Devil," Ajuka declared.

Upon hearing these words, Rias bowed respectfully and replied, "I accept this honor with gratitude."

But it wasn't just Rias; earlier, Sairaorg, Seekvaira, and Sona had also been promoted to Ultimate-class Devils. All four members of the [Rookies Four] were now officially Ultimate-class devils, granting them greater privileges in their society.

Several other members of their peerage had been similarly promoted, including Akeno, Asia, Kuisha, Tsubaki, Genshirou, and one of Seekvaira's Knights. Finally, Ajuka turned his attention to Vali.

Ajuka made a significant announcement, "Vali Lucifer, you will be granted the title of 'Specialized Devil.'"

The people who were with us were genuinely astounded by this announcement. It was a moment of great significance because, officially, there had been just two devils who had earned that prestigious title—Sirzechs and Ajuka, and Rizevim was also considered one, although his power still remained significantly inferior to the former two.

Vali's family joined us for this momentous occasion. Liina, filled with excitement and joy, vigorously waved her arms and shed tears of happiness upon hearing the news. Vali, on the other hand, responded with a confident smirk directed at Ajuka, his expression revealing his feelings.

Ajuka went on to provide context, "While it might not have been an 'official' rank in the past, we've noticed the consistent growth of many young devils, becoming stronger with each passing day. The Ultimate-class designation may no longer be sufficient for them. As a result, we have introduced the new 'Specialized Devil' status, and we have chosen to bestow it upon Vali Lucifer as our inaugural recipient."

Some in the crowd remained puzzled, so Ajuka provided further explanation, "In simple terms, it surpasses the Ultimate-class and comes with even greater advantages for those who attain it. However, it will require a significant amount of effort and specific accomplishments to achieve this rank. For instance, saving the world or besting a god in combat."

A hush descended upon the hall as the devil's eyes widened in astonishment. Though it hadn't been officially declared, it was well known that Vali had faced two gods during the operation and emerged victorious. Zurvān might have contributed, sharing the news that Vali had defeated him.

Ajuka turned to Vali and inquired, "Will you accept it?"

Vali replied, "I will. It seems more convenient to have it, doesn't it?"

Then, to my surprise, Ajuka shifted his attention to me. I couldn't help but feel puzzled as everyone else also gazed at me, equally baffled by this unexpected turn of events.

Ajuka began to explain, "Even though you're not a devil, your status within the supernatural realm has always been quite intricate and unique. As a result, all the leaders of the alliance have decided to grant you a rank, Jin."

He continued, "It won't align with our devil ranks, but we've chosen to bestow upon you the title of 'Dragon God,' similar to Ophis, the Dragon God of Infinity." His announcement left the room even quieter than before.

Ddraig couldn't resist a playful tease, [Look at you, Partner, getting a higher-ranking status than us, ufufufu~]

Ajuka, with a faint grin, asked me, "Will you accept it?"

I let out a sigh, placed my hand on my face, and nodded. "I'll accept it graciously."

He chuckled slightly before adding, "Furthermore, Vali Lucifer will also be acknowledged as a [Transcendental], much like myself and Sirzechs Lucifer."

With those words, the hall burst into jubilant cheers. After some time, we made our way back home to continue the festivities at the after-party.

— ○ ● ○ —

"I apologize for the delay in this celebration, as we had a lot to handle in the past few days, but... great job, everyone!" I exclaimed, lifting my drink. The room resounded with cheers, marking the beginning of the party.

As I mentioned, our gathering to celebrate our universe's liberation from the Khaos Order had been postponed due to various obligations. We had to transport the captured individuals to the alliance's prisons, I had numerous meetings to attend to discuss future plans, and everyone was generally fatigued with other responsibilities.

However, today, following the ceremony, we finally decided to hold our celebration, and everyone was enjoying themselves, feasting and sipping their drinks.

I went around, engaging in conversations with various people on a wide range of topics, sharing laughter and stories. The atmosphere was notably relaxed, and it seemed like there were fewer concerns to fret over in our universe. Even though we still had two universes to visit and a tournament to conclude, things felt relatively stable in our own universe.

At one point, Tobio approached me and asked, "Jin, can we have a talk?" I agreed, recalling that before the previous mission, he had approached me about staying in our universe instead of venturing to the Phantasma. It seemed like he was finally ready to share his decision.

We moved to the backyard, where a few people were enjoying themselves, and some were even taking a dip in the pool. We observed this scene in silence before Tobio began to speak, "I've made my choice. I'd like to stay here. I can't be away from Sae and Hana for too long. I heard that it'll take a month in both the Phantasma and Evie Etoulde universes, right? But... why the extra month? Are you planning to go somewhere else?"

"Yeah, it's a bit complex, and I'll be away for quite some time. It involves Velgrynd, and you're aware of that, right?" I explained to him, and he acknowledged with a nod.

"I won't dig into it, then. It sounds complicated, but... thanks for understanding my choice," he replied and raised his fist.

I chuckled and bumped my fist with his. "Hey, I'm concerned too, you know? I'm going to leave my own mother here with Vivi and Cindy because I'd worry too much about them if they came with me. If I had my own children and wives, I'd definitely reconsider too," I confided.

"And speaking of that, Sae's expecting again, so that's an added concern, right?" I inquired, and he nodded. "Just make sure she's not pregnant again in a year's time, you horn dog," I teased, giving his shoulder a light punch.

Tobio's face reddened as he stammered, "I-i-it was just a coincidence!"

I reassured him, "Yeah, yeah, I'm not saying you shouldn't, but relax a bit, Tobio. Some people's bodies can't handle having children constantly, you know? I understand that we're part of the supernatural world, and our bodies are more robust, but still..." I explained, and he furrowed his brows, appearing uneasy.

"...I know, t-that's why... you know..." he mumbled, avoiding saying it outright.

I nodded in understanding. They were now taking precautions. Either his ability to pull out wasn't good, or, well, he just enjoyed releasing inside, which was unexpected from him.

"Tobio!" Sae's voice called out from behind. We spun around to find Hana wanting to be picked up by him. He gave my shoulder a reassuring pat before heading over.

"A family, huh? Maybe I should start thinking about that as well," I quietly muttered to myself. Although... there will be many who want to start families with me. I'll contemplate it further after our mission in the Phantasma.

Just as I was about to depart, Kouki hurried over, with Mittelt, Meruem, and Kalawarna following behind him. The blue-haired fallen angel sported a noticeable blush, and Mittelt seemed to be playfully teasing her.

Kouki grasped my shoulders, drawing uncomfortably close, and blurted out, "Bro...! I-I need some help!"

I pulled my face away slightly and inquired, "What's going on?"

"Kalawarna is... she's...!" Kouki began to explain.

I promptly finished his sentence, "Pregnant?" He nodded as his group gathered around us. "Firstly, congratulations if you intend to keep it. Second, what kind of help do you need?"

Kouki launched into a frenzy of explanations, and I quickly stopped him. "Wouldn't it be smarter to ask for help from Shuri, Baraqiel, Sae, and Tobio? They've all experienced parenthood. I'm just taking care of Vivi, who's over ten. I have no knowledge about younger ages."

"Right, right!" he exclaimed before rushing away with Kalawarna in tow.

I offered Kalawarna some parting words, "If you require anything like the protection I provided for Hana-chan, feel free to reach out." She gave me a grateful nod and a warm smile before departing. Turning to Mittelt and Meruem, I said, "This is about the house, isn't it? Let's head to my office for more privacy."

— ○ ● ○ —

Several hours had passed, yet the party was still in full swing, and everyone continued to relish their time here. A few guests were feeling a little tipsy from the drinks I had provided, but they weren't in danger of getting too drunk, so it was all good. Our merry gathering had relocated to the backyard, where laughter and enjoyment filled the air.

Azazel, who had joined us along with a few more later, such as Sirzechs, Ajuka, and even Shiva, turned to me with a curious expression. "So, Jin, what comes next?" His question caught the attention of those around us, their eyes fixed on me.

"Next? What do you mean?" I replied, my curiosity piqued.

"We've defeated the Khaos Order in our universe. So, what's the next step? There are still two factions left in other universes, and they can't cross over here, can they?" Azazel inquired.

I nodded to confirm his observation and took a moment to gaze around at everyone. Lavinia stood beside me, holding Vivi in her arms. I briefly closed my eyes and then opened them, flashing a reassuring smile to the assembled group. "We're taking the battle to them. In a few weeks, we'll be embarking on a journey to the universe of the Crepuscule Phantasma," I declared, momentarily silencing the entire gathering.

"Why not go now?" Vali inquired, his tone reflecting his confusion.

I offered an explanation, "To be honest, if we rush in now, most of you might end up defeated or worse, killed. That's why I'd like to take the next few weeks to train all of you. Many of their prominent members possess God-class or even greater power, think of Shiva, Ophis, and Great Red levels of strength and beyond. So, it's a wise move to strengthen everyone before we embark."

Vali's excitement was evident as he exclaimed, "Finally!" His own aura surged, earning laughter from those around him, who were no strangers to his battle-loving nature.

I reassured everyone, "But that's a few weeks away, and today we're here to relax, so don't dwell on it too much!" This declaration was met with cheers, and the group returned to enjoying their leisure time.

Lavinia gently took my hand, our fingers entwining, and Vivi, nestled between us, found her cozy spot. Lavinia turned to me and, her cheeks flushed, asked, "We'll be going there soon... and we'll have to leave Vivi behind. How about we pretend to be a family for the next few weeks?"

"Of course," I replied, smiling warmly at them both, planting a tender kiss on their foreheads. "I'll make sure our family stays safe, and when all of this is over... we can look forward to a peaceful life."

"Mmm." A small tear welled up in Lavinia's eye, but I swiftly brushed it away. "And then we can start our own family..."

"Yeah," I responded, as Vivi gazed at Lavinia with concern.

"Mama... please don't cry," Vivi expressed, her voice filled with distress. Lavinia reassured her that she wasn't sad.

Yeah... it'll all be over soon...

— ○ ● ○ —

Third Person Point of View

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On the central planet of Phantasma, a young man found himself in a dire situation. Chains bound him tightly, their links securely fastened to a massive, shimmering obsidian pillar. Relentlessly, the pillar drained his power and vitality, rendering any attempts to break free futile.

His body bore the scars of torment, and a dried pool of blood lay beneath him, a grim testament to his enduring suffering. Yet, against all odds, he clung to life.

In the distance, a commanding woman made her entrance, her presence exuding authority. She ascended a grand, elevated platform adorned with opulent and rare gems from their universe. By her side stood her trusted aide, and she settled onto an ornate chair, her gaze fixed on the imprisoned man.

With a raised hand, she initiated a chorus of malevolent cries.

[Kill him! Behead him!]

[Blood! Blood! Blood!]

[Down with the Resistance! We've finally captured one of their leaders, with two more to go!]

The onlookers in the crowd gathered to witness the spectacle displayed their heartless and unrelenting cruelty, their hatred for the captive man unambiguous.

The person seated in the chair was none other than Phumera, the leader of the Phantasma. Her intense gaze bore into the man before her, and at last, she broke the silence.

"Ramlar, one of the Resistance leaders, it seems your luck has finally run its course, hasn't it?" Phumera inquired, her eyes fixed on the man now known as Ramlar.

"Heh... I still have my personal vengeance to savor, you foolish woman. I couldn't care less about being eliminated, and I won't betray my comrades," Ramlar hissed, dripping with disdain.

With her cold, lifeless eyes, Phumera raised her hand once more and conjured massive, shadowy-white entities next to Ramlar. They lunged at him, sinking their teeth into his stomach, prompting painful grunts from Ramlar.

"With all the crimes committed by the Resistance, you're now sentenced to death. Every single one of your transgressions has been meticulously documented and is available to the public. As we've had a lengthy history, I'll indulge you. Do you have any final words?" Phumera inquired. She then shifted her gaze to Yve, her trusted lieutenant, who began reciting Ramlar's offenses.

Ramlar locked eyes with Phumera, pouring every ounce of his remaining animosity and vitality into the glare. As he reflected on his life, a cryptic smile graced his face, baffling those who witnessed it.

"That..." he began, pausing to catch his breath. "Those old hag's prophecies never miss their mark. Even if you despised them... someone was bound to emerge and bring you and your organization to an end!"

"The Resistance was initiated 800 years ago by THAT man, and though he failed to bring you down, his legacy endures in those who genuinely seek peace," Ramlar grinned widely at Phumera, blood trickling from his mouth as the creatures clamped down even harder on him.

"And it's already begun, hasn't it?" he posed a rhetorical question, earning a scowl from the woman. She raised her hand once more, and the creatures tore at the sides of Ramlar. But he didn't stop there. Summoning the last ounce of his strength, Ramlar bellowed, "One day...! A new figure will arise, carrying our hopes and dreams on his back!"

Phumera clenched her teeth in rage and manifested an even larger entity that began descending upon Ramlar.

"And when he comes into our universe...! I know he'll blow up a storm of liberation for all of us!" he shouted, just before the entity consumed him.

Before his life slipped away, everyone in the arena witnessed it: the fleeting silhouette of a silver-haired man passing over Ramlar's body, just as the entity devoured him.

'...I'll leave the rest to you all... Laeronia, your boss better kick their asses,' he thought as he departed from the world.

After Ramlar's passionate declaration, an eerie silence descended upon the place, and even Phumera herself trembled with anger.

'Storm? Change? Liberation!? Nonsense! None of that will come true. We're on the verge of awakening our own leader, our Outer God! And once he's awake, we will dominate the multiverse with an iron grip!'

Phumera wore a smug expression as she above the lifeless man, then rose to her feet and strolled away. She addressed Yve, who trailed behind her. "Dedicate all our efforts to our ongoing project. Ramlar's foolish speech makes it clear the Outer God is on its way."

Yve's eyes widened in surprise, and she promptly responded, "Of course, Lady Phumera!" She rushed off to fulfill the task.

Alone, Phumera seethed with anger, causing the space around her to distort. "They won't leave here alive. Come to my universe, dragon. Let's settle this."

— ○ ● ○ —

On the Resistance's planet, Laeronia stood atop a hill, his teeth gritted in frustration. His gaze was fixed in the direction of the planet where Ramlar had just lost his life. He muttered to himself, "You're a god damn idiot, you know that?" The weight of the situation weighed on his shoulders.

Laeronia couldn't help but remember the words Ramlar had left him on that fateful day, echoing in his mind. 'Don't follow me. I'm going to settle my own grudges against Phumera and her minions. I've been alive for too long, far from my family. I want to reunite with them. With your master coming to our universe soon, it's my time to act. Please, don't try to stop me, Laeronia.' The memory of those words felt heavy on his heart.

As he contemplated the loss of his friend, a voice interrupted his thoughts. He turned to see Savina, the other leader of the Resistance, approaching from behind. Laeronia could tell she was deeply affected by the news.

"Laeronia, is it over?" she asked, her voice filled with a mixture of grief and concern.

Laeronia nodded, his expression weary. "Yeah, he's gone."

"I see," Savina replied, her voice tinged with sorrow. "I'll go and inform everyone else. Thank you for letting me know." With that, she turned and walked away, leaving Laeronia alone with his thoughts. It was evident that Ramlar's passing had left a profound impact, not just on him, but on all the leaders who had shared their journey for many years.

Eight centuries in the past, an enigmatic individual laid the foundation for the Resistance, a nameless figure shrouded in mystery. What fueled his passion was a profound thirst for freedom, one that extended beyond his own desires to encompass the entire population oppressed under Phumera's tyranny.

Driven by this noble cause, he embarked on the journey of uniting kindred spirits. In this manner, the group came into existence. At the outset, the organization lacked a name; their sole focus was to emancipate their universe from the clutches of the nefarious woman.

As time progressed, their numbers swelled. However, their actions also attracted the attention of Phumera and her ever-growing assembly. During this period, only seven out of the sixteen Eradicators were aligned with her cause. Consequently, she ordered this incomplete faction to confront the Resistance.

Much to her surprise, these agents proved unable to decisively defeat their enemies. Yet, they did manage to eliminate a substantial portion of the Resistance's members, severely hampering their activities. Regrettably, some of her chosen Eradicators also suffered injuries during this encounter, stoking her ire.

After a considerable span of time, Phumera decided to confront the Resistance directly, bringing Yve along. In this fateful encounter, the leader of the original Resistance met his end along with everyone else. To her bewilderment and ire, he departed this world with a serene smile and words of encouragement, a message that lingered for all who would hear.

In a manner reminiscent of Ramlar's words, he assured the people of his era that another would rise to carry on his mission and ultimately free their universe. As the years passed and stretched into the present day, numerous attempts were made by brave souls, but none succeeded. Nonetheless, true to his vow, the Resistance resurfaced persistently, never truly vanquished.

Laeronia, gifted with Aaron's abilities to delve into the past, echoed the same sentiment spoken by the nameless man to Phumera. "As long as even just one person wants that freedom, the Resistance will always come back stronger than ever, huh?"

"Sir Laeronia, the remaining leaders wish to have a meeting with everyone," said a voice behind him. He turned around and nodded at the man before joining him.

Laeronia glanced back at his current location and let out a sigh. 'Boss, everyone here is waiting. You should hurry up. I'm on the verge of losing my temper, and I might just start liberating a few more planets before you arrive to release some of my stress.'

— ○ ● ○ —

Yanuyo's soft laughter echoed in the aea, drawing Kei Ōzora's attention. She turned to him, her curiosity piqued, and raised an eyebrow. "Is something wrong?" she inquired.

Yanuyo, a former Eradicator who had now assumed the role of an [Electa], shook his head, his expression thoughtful. "It's nothing, Kei. It seems like our master is going to venture into a different universe soon."

Kei contemplated this for a moment. "Oh, so they've concluded their business in the Draconis Deus? If it's not us, then it's the Phantasma. I see. Well, I hope everything goes smoothly for them."

"Indeed," Yanuyo agreed, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. "Now, all that's left for us is to wait and continue with our own endeavors, kufufufu."

Kei couldn't help but give him a disapproving look. "You're a bit too eager for this, aren't you? Anyway, have you received any updates from the team in Fadir Fedora?"

Yanuyo nodded, his expression more serious this time. "Ayelet sent us a brief update about a month ago. Not much has changed there. However, she's been joined by Ivonos and Sveiva, and together, they're making significant progress in eradicating the Evie that have become entrenched in that universe."

"I see. That's great for them then. Anyway..." She paused, her gaze drifting around their surroundings. "Are you sure it's wise to limit it to just 50% power?" She pointed towards their location.

Yanuyo's face lit up with enthusiasm. "Yes, indeed. Allowing Aaron-sama to complete it will surely earn him more loyal followers, further elevating his popularity throughout the omniverse!" He nearly blushed with excitement.

Kei took a step back, her expression bemused. "You're almost as much of a fanatic as Antares," she remarked.

Yanuyo reached for a notepad, an eager gleam in his eyes. "In fact, I've been working on a new song for the Oppai Dragon show. What do you think of this?" He began to sing the tune.

Kei squinted and shook her head, thinking, 'I seem to be surrounded by weirdos wherever I go...'

— ○ ● ○ —

In the vast universe of Fadir Fedora, Ayelet found herself on her original planet. Over several months, she had undertaken the monumental task of rebuilding it, alongside the resurrected individuals who once called it home.

In addition to reconstruction, she had initiated a rigorous training regimen for her fellow inhabitants. The purpose was clear—preparation in case the remaining members of the Evie faction, still scattered throughout the cosmos, decided to pay their planet a visit.

Sveiva, a close friend and ally, approached Ayelet as she observed the bustling town from atop a hill. She shared an update received from Lianne about their master's impending arrival. "Everything's going smoothly so far, Ayelet," Sveiva began, "I also received an update from Lianne that our master will be coming here soon. Do you think we should prepare something?"

Ayelet turned to Sveiva with a warm smile. "Yes," she replied thoughtfully, "I believe we can introduce him to the local delicacies. He might even discover unique ingredients here to take back to the Draconic Deus."

Sveiva briefly paused, her gaze searching Ayelet's eyes. "I've been meaning to ask," she continued, "once all of this is over, will you consider staying here? Aaron-sama won't mind and will support your decision, you know?"

Ayelet was visibly taken aback by the question, her eyes returning to the town below. She replied with a touch of uncertainty, "I... I don't know."

Sveiva, always understanding, shrugged her shoulders and rose to her feet. "I wasn't trying to pressure you or anything," she reassured Ayelet, "I was just curious. But it's a question to keep in mind since they are coming soon." With that, she began to walk away. "I'll go get the equipment ready for our next mission."

Ayelet nodded in acknowledgment. "Yes, I'll join you soon." The casual question posed by Sveiva lingered in her mind and heart as a significant choice for the future. She was faced with the decision of whether to remain with her newfound family or return to her old one. This choice would weigh heavily on her thoughts and emotions in the coming months, right up to the moment of their reunion with their master.

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