Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 16 – Part 2 – Il Regno della Luce Brillante

Ddraig's Soliloquy

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Dashing through this weird realm, I found myself continuously unleashing torrents of flames upon robotic entities that populated the tower. These automatons, with their humanoid forms, seemed oddly exaggerated, particularly in areas that accentuated curves. I couldn't help but wonder if the creators were giant perverts or if the strange nature of our own world had influenced their design. Partner, however, asserted that these beings were confined to this realm, so that seemed highly unlikely.

In the midst of my fiery attacks, a larger robot emerged, bellowing incomprehensible sounds. It dawned on me that these mechanical creations, despite their attempts, were incapable of coherent speech, their words devolving into a garbled mess.

[If you can't even speak properly, then shut the heck up!] I declared, my words accompanied by a powerful punch that shattered its face into fragments. However, my satisfaction was short-lived as a swarm of these robotic simians manifested in retaliation, showing no falter in the face of their fallen comrade.

[I need an outlet for my frustration, so this situation suits me just fine!] I hollered, propelling myself forward to engage them. They unleashed a barrage of laser-like attacks, but with nimble finesse, I expertly evaded each one. Closing the distance, I executed a straightforward yet effective flaming uppercut, cleaving through their metallic forms and leaving destruction in its wake.

Yesterday, I had anticipated a delightful date with a rather attractive female dragon. Over the past year, we had met several times, yet I hadn't divulged my true identity as a Heavenly Dragon. I seldom assumed my human form, and as a result, she failed to recognize me during my strolls around Dragon Mountain in the Underworld.

Following our seemingly amicable interactions, I was under the impression that things were progressing positively. However, it turned out that my perception was amiss. I was taken aback when she stood me up on our planned date. Intrigued and somewhat hurt, I decided to seek her out. To my dismay, I discovered her in her home, having sex with another dragon.

Their shock was evident at my abrupt arrival, but I swiftly departed, feeling quite repulsed by the situation. We weren't officially dating or exclusive, so technically, her involvement with someone else wasn't exactly cheating, but it did leave a sour taste in my mouth.

As they attempted to chase after me, my persistent refusals led the guy to grow increasingly agitated, culminating in his transformation into his dragon form, an attempt to confront me. And so, on that day, they discovered my true identity—the Red Dragon Emperor. As I assumed my dragon form, their amazement was palpable, and with a single swipe of my tail, I swiftly defeated the wannabe dragon.

Despite her attempt to communicate, I decided to leave it at that. It seemed clear that I needed to move on; she wasn't worth the effort, and I had no intention of trying to reconcile with someone who didn't value what we had.

If it were the me from the past, my response would have been a storm of violence, but it seemed Partner had been exerting a more calming influence on me than I realized. I managed to maintain composure and simply depart—well, that was until the other guy decided to test my limits, resulting in a gentler display of aggression compared to my usual antics.

Clicking my tongue in mild frustration, I furrowed my brow as an influx of those bothersome robots appeared in front of me. [Tch. The more I think about it, the more I get pissed off,] I grumbled before springing into action.

With a leap, I ignited my fists, forcefully slamming them into the ground, giving birth to a fiery vortex of annihilation. The surroundings succumbed to the intensity of the blaze; Partner mentioned the structures were made of sturdy material, but my flames proved capable of reducing them to molten shit.

In an instant, my instincts went on high alert, prompting me to swiftly leap backward. A colossal greatsword crashed into the ground, causing the entire structure to tremble on this side. Turning my attention to the assailant, I squinted my eyes and noticed she was unlike the others—still very much alive.

Cascading down her shoulders was long crimson hair, her eyes vividly green, and her body clad in a sleek black armor. In her hands, she wielded an imposing greatsword, a harmonious blend of black and crimson hues.

[Who are you?] I queried, flames dancing to life on my clenched fists.

A sly smirk played on her lips as she retorted, "It's been years since we've encountered anything different! And then you guys just attack us out of nowhere, huh? Bring it on, you flaming pile of—"

Before she could finish, she propelled herself towards me, greatsword descending with intent. However, I effortlessly intercepted the strike, locking eyes with her. [You're not very bright. Clearly, I outmatch you. Do you have any functioning brain cells up there?]

"I don't care! As long as I get to fight someone strong!" she roared, her form engulfed in a mesmerizing blend of crimson and green flames, catching me off guard. Reacting quickly, I delivered a powerful blow to her stomach, sending her sprawling backward.

"Hah! I like it... you smell like one of those creatures—a dragon. You're that, aren't you!?" she exclaimed loudly. It appeared my previous attack hadn't left a mark on her, or perhaps she was merely putting on a facade.

[I am, what of it?] I retorted. Without giving her a chance to respond, I swiftly closed the distance, materializing by her side. A fiery fist shot toward her face, but to my surprise, she met it with a smile, skillfully blocking the attack with her sword.

I had been holding back, curious about her reaction, but it seemed she was cut from the same cloth as Vali—a true battle maniac. I doubted she would offer any significant information willingly. Well, at least not anything crucial.

Considering this, I made the decision to put an end to it all, recognizing no value in continuing with that woman. Despite her attempts to communicate, I exerted more force, destroying her greatsword, leaving her visibly stunned. Without giving her a chance to retaliate, my fist connected with her face, propelling her backward, creating a shockwave that reverberated through the surroundings.

The realm quivered under the impact as her form hurtled away, prompting me to swiftly pursue. Upon reaching her landing spot, much to my astonishment, she remained conscious. While her visage bore the signs of the powerful punch, she defiantly held onto awareness.

"Haha! I love it! I've been searching for a powerful man my whole life, and now I've finally found him!" she declared with enthusiasm. Locking eyes with me, she boisterously proclaimed, "Dragon! Become my husband!"

Wait, what? The startling proposition lingered, creating a sense of confusion that swirled in my mind, prompting me to ponder the unfolding scenario. Was this the kind of bewilderment that Partner experiences when confronted by those peculiar women who openly declare their love for him?

"Now, come here!" she yelled, her legs spread wide. "Put a baby in me!"

My eyes and lips twitched involuntarily. Before I realized it, I stood beside her, and with an instinctual reaction, I swung my fist, connecting with her face, rendering her unconscious.

However, as if on autopilot, I retrieved a Slime Pill and administered it to heal her injuries, all while restraining her with handcuffs. The fact that my body acted on its own, independent of my conscious control, sent a shiver down my spine.

Questions raced through my mind like an unbridled torrent. [Why did I do that?] I pondered, caught in a moment of self-reflection. Shaking my head, a heavy sigh escaped my lips, the weight of my actions settling in.

[What the hell...] I mumbled, my gaze returning to the woman. Surprisingly, on closer inspection, she didn't appear as bad as my initial impression suggested. Wait, what? Panic gripped me as a sudden realization dawned. Oh no, oh no, oh no...

[Albion's going to make fun of me,] I muttered under my breath, the impact of the situation hitting me square in the face. In a strange twist, she had, in a way, emerged victorious.

Will my partner consent to my appeal? I pondered this question silently, hoping for a positive response that would align with my wishes. There was a subtle tension in the air, a moment pregnant with anticipation as I awaited the decision that would shape our course of our future.

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Third Person Point of View

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In the midst of the chaos, Albion dashed with unbridled speed, unleashing a barrage of silvery aura bullets that swiftly dispatched a multitude of enemies. Much like his fellow Heavenly Dragon Ddraig, Albion found himself locked in combat against the robotic entities spawned by the powerful group that currently opposed them. Up until this moment, none of his opponents had posed a significant challenge.

Turning a corner in the battlefield, Albion encountered a sudden attack—a slashing aura headed directly for him, compelling him to jump backwards to avoid it. Orienting himself towards the source of the attack, he laid eyes on an intriguing figure.

Before him stood a man with distinctive wolf-like white ears, accompanied by long, flowing white hair that matched the hue of his tail. The enigmatic individual wielded a pair of gleaming white-blue swords, and his mostly white armor, adorned with accents of blue and gold, created a striking ensemble. A voluminous blue and white cape billowed dramatically behind him, adding an air of mystique to his formidable presence.

"This is where your journey halts, intruder. I, Arcturus, will be the barrier that stops you!" The creature's declaration echoed through the air, a thunderous proclamation of impending confrontation. In a swift motion, Arcturus lunged toward Albion, brandishing his swords in a frenzy of slashes. Albion, however, effortlessly danced around the onslaught, evading each calculated strike.

{Surprising approach, don't you think? Attacking without even a greeting?} Albion quizzically remarked, incredulity coloring his words.

"I could ask you the same, dragon. Your group barged in here, launching an immediate assault that obliterated our work and decimated our forces. Why shouldn't we interpret that as a hostile stance?" questioned Arcturus, his tone laced with defiance.

{Your defense mechanisms were hardly welcoming, attempting to end us the moment we set foot here. And let's not forget, you're part of the Phantasma, a group known for invading worlds and universes. We're well aware of your intentions,} Albion retorted, his words laced with a sense of defiance. However, instead of a serious response, Arcturus erupted into laughter, the sound reverberating through the space.

Arcturus laughed uproariously, the mirth manifesting in hearty howls that seemed to shake the very ground. Amidst his amusement, he even emphasized the hilarity by smacking his sides, finding an unexpected humor in Albion's words.

Arcturus leveled a fierce gaze at Albion, his pupils narrowing, and an unsettling aura enveloping his form. "You're clueless about our struggles and the horrors dwelling in that wretched universe. Mind your place and refrain from discussing matters beyond your understanding!" roared Arcturus, his voice echoing with intensity.

Albion, taken aback by the force of Arcturus's words, faced the charging wolf creature. Multiple duplicates of Arcturus materialized, each unleashing a torrent of aura slash attacks with varying sizes and speeds. The onslaught was overwhelming, a storm of energy.

Albion, determined, closed his eyes, a blush of concentration on his face. He summoned his own aura, forming a potent pillar around his body that deftly intercepted the incoming attacks. In a moment of swiftness, he vanished, reappearing beside Arcturus. Without hesitation, he discharged a point-blank silvery-blue energy shot, sending Arcturus hurtling away from the impact.

Arcturus found himself thrust outside, and in hot pursuit, Albion swiftly joined him. As they touched down on the solid ground, Arcturus unleashed a primal howl, a precursor to his transformation.

His body expanded, and his armor adjusted seamlessly to his growing form. In a blink, he vanished, leaving a trail of countless afterimages surrounding Albion, a tactic aimed at bewildering his opponent.

Undeterred, Albion remained unfooled by the illusion, deftly catching the blades Arcturus swung at him from an unexpected angle. A swift pivot, and Albion efficiently disarmed his opponent, shattering the blades forged from power steel.

"What!? Those were forged from steel that could—" Arcturus began, his astonishment evident.

Before Arcturus could finish, Albion delivered a decisive blow, his fist connecting with Arcturus' face, breaking his nose and sending him hurtling away once more.

Unperturbed, Albion nonchalantly remarked, {Not interested. Try someone else,} the words leaving no room for negotiation as the dragon propelled himself toward Arcturus, intent on catching up with him.

As Albion materialized above him, he executed a swift mid-air spin, propelling himself with remarkable agility toward Arcturus. With force, both of his feet collided with Arcturus' chest, forcefully driving the wolf-like figure into the ground. The impact created a substantial crater, scattering lotus leaves and a silvery liquid in every direction, forming a surreal scene around them.

Once Albion disengaged, Arcturus' physique expanded once more. The wolf-man rose, his swords now seamlessly integrated into his hands, forming lethal extensions of his knuckles. Fueled by frenzy, Arcturus unleashed another howl, launching into an unrelenting assault against Albion.

{You're not conscious, are you?} Albion inquired, but received no response. {I can't collect any answers in this state. I suppose I'll put an end to this charade,} Albion declared, leaping away from the relentless Arcturus.

Stretching his left arm towards the charging foe, Albion softly muttered, {Divide.} Arcturus' form began to shrink, his powers halving with each repetition of the command. Albion repeated the process until Arcturus' size reverted to normal, his once formidable powers reduced to near nonexistence. Exhausted and incapacitated, Arcturus lay prone on the ground, utterly spent and unable to muster any movement.

"W-what sorcery is this…?" inquired Arcturus, his voice tinged with bewilderment.

{No. You don't get to ask questions, you answer mine,} asserted Albion, his foot firmly planted on top of Arcturus' back. {What's your group called? Were you a sub-group from the Phantasma like the Umbra or Eradicators? Why did you build so many machines in the realm after being trapped?}

In the face of these interrogations, Arcturus emitted a tired laugh. "Why... why would we ever side with those pieces of trash? They came to our planet, destroyed it, and left us alive because we were the strongest; it was like a sick joke to them." Fatigue weighed heavily in his response, echoing the burden of his past.

{I get it. You're from a different planet in their universe. But why did they attack it?} Albion inquired, a hint of surprise registering on his face at this revelation.

"What reason? How would we know?" Arcturus responded, a tinge of frustration in his voice. "As far as I can remember, they did it just because they wanted control over us. As for why we built those machines, it was in preparation for when we return to the Phantasm and challenge them to war. But now, all that effort is gone. They also have our boss's sister captured; one of the scumbags in the Umbra took a liking to her," he explained, a note of sadness threading through his words.

Arcturus then sighed, weariness evident in his posture. He tiredly clenched his fist, adding, "Now, we can't even fight them because our life's work was destroyed—by you scum!" The frustration and disappointment lingered in the air.

Albion's brow furrowed in consternation at the revelation. The idea that they, too, were victims in this intricate web of events hadn't crossed his mind initially. He craved the complete narrative, recognizing the complexity of the situation. However, the aftermath of the base's destruction hinted at Arcturus' reluctance to divulge the full account.

'Why did Aaron destroy everything? Did he deviate from the original plan?' Albion pondered, contemplating the potential toll of a solitary existence spanning a staggering 100,000 years. The shadows of doubt crept into his thoughts. 'Is there more to this story that I'm unaware of?'

As Albion continued to fixate on Arcturus, grappling with these uncertainties, he made a decision. {We need to talk to your leader. Unravel the truth. There's a chance he succumbed to madness after enduring isolation for countless years,} Albion declared, seizing Arcturus by the arm and leading him away.

Arcturus, however, challenged his intent. "Our leader is powerful. Compared to the Phantasma, he might seem pale, but what makes you think you can confront him?"

{Oh, I can,} Albion retorted confidently. A sly grin played on his lips as he added, {But my partner will be the one to face him, or perhaps, knock some sense into him. Just watch and see.}

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Faythe and Qinglong, the formidable duo, strolled through the corridors of the lotus tower. Faythe assumed the lead, effortlessly dismantling any robots that dared to cross their path. Qinglong, though faced with a slight struggle, managed to overcome the mechanical adversaries, thanks to the newfound power bestowed upon her by Aaron's latest creation—the [Dragon Tattoo].

As they traversed the tower's interior, a prevailing silence hung in the air. Faythe, breaking the quietude, remarked, "It's quiet here."

Qinglong, her acute senses attuned to something amiss, responded, "Yes... I smell something in that direction," pointing towards a hallway to their left.

The structures, spared from complete obliteration by the recent skirmishes, displayed a palette dominated by shades of pink and green. Constructed predominantly from stone and glass, the remaining edifices formed a peculiar harmony within the chaos. The hallways, adorned with "paintings" of their leaders, added a touch of distinctive character to the otherwise subdued surroundings.

"Yes, I can sense something over there too, but it doesn't feel hostile," Faythe replied. She looked towards the indicated spot and, with a questioning glance, asked, "Shall we?" Qinglong nodded in agreement.

They proceeded in that direction, an absence of enemies along the way raising a mild unease within them. Despite the uncertainty, they pressed forward, their anticipation growing until they reached a sizable, opaque pink glass door. Casting a brief glance at each other, Faythe took the lead, pushing the doors open, only to be met with a small, square enclosure resembling an elevator.

Once again exchanging a swift look, they hesitated for a moment before stepping into the structure. The elevator-like contraption swiftly descended, the sensation of movement palpable. After a brief but intense descent, the doors reopened, revealing their destination. Stepping out, they found themselves in an entirely new environment.

Beneath the realm's surface stretched a colossal expanse, adorned with a myriad of pink and silver crystals protruding from the ground, walls, and ceiling. This vast underground chamber housed a peculiar array of marvels.

Positioned at its farthest reaches were towering monitors, each meticulously observing the ongoing battles unfolding throughout the realm. In the heart of this technological sanctum sat an enormous pink holographic keyboard, accompanied by a lone pink chair.

Seated in the chair was a woman, her platinum blonde hair adorned with a delicate white flower. Her attire blended elements of a Japanese and Egyptian dress, predominantly black, adorned with moons and purple flowers that danced as designs. The fabric revealed glimpses of her delicate white skin, and an air of tranquility enveloped her.

Faythe and Qinglong, detecting no hostile energy emanating from the woman, approached her with cautious curiosity. As they drew nearer, the surroundings unveiled an assortment of intricate contraptions, presumably the very machinery responsible for the creation of the formidable robots they had encountered earlier.

"Welcome. It seems that you discovered our abode. What intentions does your leader harbor for us?" The woman inquired, her voice carrying a mix of curiosity and concern. "Ah, forgive me. I go by Elysande. I'm not a combatant; my expertise lies in crafting the robots you encountered earlier. Speaking of which, witnessing the destruction was rather disheartening. Now, please enlighten me regarding my initial query."

Faythe and Qinglong exchanged a glance, a silent communication passing between them. Faythe took the lead in responding, "We initially came to investigate the remains of a human faction's base, but fate led us to yours. The defensive mechanisms, however, perceived us as threats, and upon our master learning of your association with the Phantasma, he opted for... a more aggressive approach."

"...Affiliation with the Phantasma, you say? I won't fault him; their reputation precedes them. Yet, I understand the decision. Our leader, he's desperate. He tasked me with creating that defensive system, with the intention of reaching out to any group that could survive it, seeking their aid," elucidated Elysande, providing insight into the circumstances that led to the confrontation.

"What do you mean by 'desperate'?" Qinglong inquired, a furrow forming on her brow as she tried to grasp Elysande's statement.

Elysande sighed, her gaze fixed on the monitor, before unraveling the heavy truth. "We were imprisoned in this place for a staggering 100,000 years. Can you fathom the toll it takes on an individual? Our leader has, in essence, succumbed to a form of madness. It's not a violent psychosis, but rather a relentless determination to escape, to rescue someone."

"So, your leader seeks aid from ours?" Qinglong sought clarification.

"Yes," Elysande affirmed. "The two leaders are currently in a confrontation. Ours is evaluating the strength of yours, assessing whether he's worthy of this task. The ultimate goal is simple: break free from this confinement and embark on a mission to rescue someone."

Faythe let out a light laugh before responding, "Well, I firmly believe that ours is a cause deserving of consideration."

Intrigued, Elysande inquired, "Why do you think so?"

With a subtle grin, Faythe unveiled a piece of crucial information, "The entity responsible for confining you here was an Outer God. Our leader recently vanquished this formidable force, and breaking the constraints holding you becomes a task well within his capabilities." As Faythe's explanation unfolded, Elysande's eyes widened in astonished realization.

"Wait—is he...!?" Elysande started, her voice tinged with a mix of awe and disbelief. Faythe simply nodded in confirmation.

"He's something beyond that, but yes, he shares a connection to such entities. Does that serve as a compelling reason to place your trust in him?" Faythe inquired, her gaze holding a hint of assurance.

Elysande hesitated, grappling with her thoughts, and finally uttered, "They've always been..." The sentence hung in the air, unfinished.

"He's not what you think. Trapped here, you probably haven't had the chance to understand who he is and what he's accomplished, so... let me show you," Faythe spoke, conjuring a magic circle that unveiled glimpses of Aaron's journey. While not comprehensive, she highlighted what she deemed the pivotal moments.

As Elysande watched, minutes stretched like elastic, absorbing the essence of Aaron's odyssey. A sigh escaped her lips, accompanied by the subtle act of wiping away a tear, precariously perched on the edge of her eye. Emotions swirled within her, a silent acknowledgment of the profound tale unfolding before her.

"...Then, most likely, we'll join forces as soon as your group—[DxD]—enters the Phantasma's universe. We'll be there to guide you, becoming integral parts of the Resistance in that realm. It's a mutual benefit we're seeking," she expressed, envisaging a collaborative effort that promised shared success.

"Indeed. Now that that's settled, could you share with us the identity of the person he's so determined to rescue?" Faythe inquired, and Elysande nodded in agreement.

"After our planet was obliterated, only we survived. However, among us was his sole sister. He had made a promise to his parents, vowing to safeguard her after their demise. But that commitment shattered swiftly when they nearly took his life and forcibly separated him from her. One of the 'Umbra' individuals had developed a peculiar fondness for her," Elysande explained, unraveling the distressing narrative.

"There's also his brother, although he's taken a turn for the worse. The ones confronting him right now are these two," Elysande added, gesturing toward a monitor in the upper right corner. The screen displayed Latia and Shizuna engaged in an encounter with a predominantly dark blue, shadowy figure.

"Our home, once known as 'Il Regno della Luce Brillante,' held a special place in all our hearts," she continued, her voice tinged with a touch of melancholy. "But now…it's gone…"

"Doesn't 'Il Regno della Luce Brillante' mean something like 'The Kingdom of Brilliant Light?'" inquired Qinglong, eliciting surprise from Elysande at her grasp of the translation.

"I'm surprised you know its translation," admitted Elysande.

"It's a language on this planet, I believe Italian. Anyway, we'll make our way to Aaron and inform him of this," declared Qinglong, turning on her heels.

Prompted by the need for a visual aid, Elysande rose from her chair. "I'll join you. It would be easier to show him that too, uhm..."

"Faythe, call me Faythe, and she's Qinglong," interjected Faythe, offering clarity. Elysande nodded in acknowledgment.

"Very well, Faythe, Qinglong, I will accompany you two, and let's put an end to this senseless destruction," asserted Elysande, the trio making their way to the elevator with shared determination.

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[Latia, Shizuna, make sure not to end that entity's life; Aaron will handle dispelling his madness,] suddenly transmitted Cúntóir through their transceivers.

[We won't, Cúntóir, but how on earth do we manage that?!] Shizuna exclaimed, deftly evading yet another onslaught of sword strikes from the entity.

[I'll grant you powers to subdue it without lethal force. Just give me a moment,] Cúntóir responded. Within seconds, a radiant glow enveloped both Latia and Shizuna.

[Alright, you're good to go. Subdue it, and rendezvous with Aaron on the highest platform. Ajuka and Mealeanis have halted their battles, and the others too,] Cúntóir instructed, providing the vital information to ensure a coordinated effort against the encroaching threat.

"Let's get jiggy with it!" Shizuna exclaimed, her voice echoing with determination as she sprinted toward the shadowy entity, her eyes aglow with a silvery intensity.

With a swift motion, she raised her sword and brought it down, unleashing a cascade of slashes in a single, powerful swing. However, the entity proved to be a formidable enemy, skillfully parrying at least 90% of the slashes, leaving only a fraction to make contact.

Confounded, Shizuna muttered to herself, "What the hell?"

Cúntóir, the voice of guidance, chimed in with an explanation, shedding light on the situation. [It has a unique ability to predict the next ten moves you make. When you unleashed so many slashes simultaneously, it granted the entity ample time to anticipate, though it couldn't fully defend against all of them,] elucidated Cúntóir, offering insight into the shadowy foe's uncanny ability.

Shizuna vanished and materialized beside Latia with a swift grace. "Let's take down this foe, Lat-Lat," she proposed, a spark of determination in her eyes.

Latia, responding with a sigh as she couldn't resist giving Shizuna's cheek a gentle squeeze. "Don't call me that," she said, though her agreement to collaborate in defeating their common enemy was clear. "But yes, let's work together to defeat it."

"Sowwy," Shizuna apologized, her tone carrying a hint of childlike innocence. "And yesh!" She enthusiastically affirmed her commitment. Latia extended her hand, conjuring a sizable, translucent bubble that enveloped them. Within its confines, Latia explained the mechanics of her powers. "Okay! I'll leave it to you, then!"

With newfound understanding, Shizuna surged forward, engaging in a spirited duel with the shadowy entity. The clash of their blades echoed, creating a symphony of combat. Meanwhile, Latia, grounded and strategic, stomped her foot into the ground.

The impact shattered the terrain, and seizing the disarray, she lifted debris into the air, directing it like a projectile towards Shizuna and the shadowy figure.

[Follow my lead; you'll catch on to what I'm trying to do,] Latia commanded, directing her words to Shizuna, who, amid her ongoing battle with the shadowy figure, affirmed with a nod. In an instant, Shizuna teleported, deftly swapping places with a cluster of small debris. Swiftly, she lunged toward the enigmatic entity, slashing a portion of its shoulder with precision.

The entity, momentarily bewildered, attempted to retaliate by slashing at Shizuna. However, she effortlessly vanished, and the sequence repeated. This dance of evasion and counterattack unfolded repeatedly, each maneuver weakening the mysterious foe as Shizuna honed in on the intricacies of their strategy.

[It's adapting, so let's switch things up a bit,] Latia explained. With that, an invisible force seized Shizuna, hurling her into a random space. Yet, in the blink of an eye, a small silvery-green portal materialized, engulfing Shizuna and spiriting her away into the unknown.

Shizuna's exclamation, "Oh my go—" was abruptly cut off as she was hurled into the unknown, momentarily bewildering the enigmatic entity. Yet, in a twist of fate, another portal materialized behind the entity, propelling Shizuna forward with a swift slash that inflicted noticeable injury. The unpredictable dance continued as a fresh portal swallowed Shizuna once again.

A cascade of thousands of portals manifested in the vicinity of the entity, creating a chaotic spectacle. Debris swirled around, adding to the tumult. Shizuna seamlessly transitioned between hurtling through portals, reappearing in diverse locations, and launching attacks on the mysterious figure. Alternatively, Latia's strategic interventions introduced an element of confusion, as Shizuna's place was intermittently swapped with stray debris.

"Ho! Yoh! Toh! Yahoooo!! Yeeeeet!" Shizuna's joyous exclamations echoed each time Latia executed a teleportation, her infectious enthusiasm contrasting with the intensity of the battle. With every well-aimed strike on the shadowy figure, it gradually weakened, succumbing to the onslaught until it knelt, utterly battered and drained of strength.

After the fight was done, both women loomed over the enigmatic figure.

[What kind of powers did you give to us, Cúntóir? I meant to ask that earlier,] inquired Shizuna.

Cúntóir elucidated, [Every time you successfully land a hit with your attacks, it drains the powers and energy of the shadowy figure. Additionally, I've made it difficult for it to perceive you, explaining why it couldn't react in time to your attacks.]

[That's cool. So, what's the plan with this guy now?] Shizuna questioned.

[Leave him to me. I will teleport him to the top, so please make your way there. There are still a few enemies remaining, and I trust you to deal with them. I'll join you up there shortly,] responded Cúntóir.

[Roger!] exclaimed Shizuna. She then turned to Latia, embracing her enthusiastically. "Let's do that again! It was so much fun! Zipping around and teleporting—it's addictive! And imagine doing that for the children in the future!"

Latia blushed at Shizuna's words, gently pushing her away. "I-I'm glad you enjoyed it, but discussions about children and starting families are for the distant future. Let's focus on the present."

"Hehe, roger that, Latia-sama!" Shizuna responded with a playful salute, the excitement of the battle still coursing through her.

— ○ ● ○ —

High above their comrades, Aaron Toole and the leader of the small group engaged in a fierce clash. The collision of their fists sent powerful shockwaves rippling through the surrounding air.

"Even after everything, you still claim strength? You can't breach my defenses. They could. What does that say about you!?" the leader expressed in frustration.

This man, known as Aldrake, hailed from a family that once governed the planet he now called a shattered home, devastated by the relentless Phantasma.

"Well, I don't exactly want to kill you, and I apologize for obliterating your army. But in the grand scheme, they would've fallen prey to the Phantasma anyway. Mostly robots, unable to adapt in the heat of battle," Aaron responded, his fist colliding once more with Aldrake's.

Aldrake possessed an innate power bestowed upon him from the moment of his birth. This extraordinary ability rendered most physical and magical attacks ineffective when they made contact with his body. The only caveat was that his enemies needed to be stronger or possess a unique ability to bypass this formidable defense.

However, this power held a dual function. It not only nullified attacks but also bolstered Aldrake's own durability and defenses. He could withstand a barrage of up to 100 hits from any source of damage before succumbing to true harm. This unique quality had proven crucial in his survival during the encounter with one of the Umbra.

Aldrake's distinctive appearance matched the uniqueness of his power. He sported long white hair cascading down to his hips, red eyes that betrayed a hidden intensity, and donned a flowing black and golden male qipao.

As Aldrake prepared to resume his conversation, a sudden influx of additional presences interrupted the moment. Both he and Aaron descended back onto the platform after a final clash.

Aldrake's inquisitive gaze scanned the newcomers. "Elysande and even Ryuientte joined you? Who are they? Are they this man's companions? Why are you together?"

Aaron acknowledged the arrivals with a casual wave and a greeting, "Hmm. Good work, Faythe, Qinglong. I didn't expect to see you here so fast, Ajuka, Mealeanis."

"Well, you see, we had a rather fruitful discussion with Ryuientte, and we reached a mutual understanding. That's what brought us to this place. It appears that Faythe and Qinglong found themselves in similar circumstances, am I right?" Ajuka responded, his gaze shifting towards Ryuientte, who affirmed with a nod.

"Absolutely. We arrived at a consensus that promises long-term benefits. Aldrake, we implore you to hear us out," Ryuientte expressed.

Ryuientte's attire was predominantly swathed in a blend of black and red armor, complemented by a distinctive black hat perched atop his head. A flowing cape, matching the hues of his armor, cascaded down his back. Resting on his back, a black and crimson claymore, a formidable weapon, remained sheathed for the moment.

Elysande took a step forward, her voice carrying the weight of urgency as she addressed the tense standoff. "That man you're up against, Al, he's something akin to, or perhaps is, an Outer God. He possesses the ability to release us from this predicament. Instead of confrontation, let's consider a conversation. Perhaps, we can establish an alliance or even a partnership with them, especially given their imminent journey to the Phantasma."

Aldrake found himself taken aback by Elysande's revelation. He turned to gaze at Aaron, who responded with a weary smile. The silent exchange between them lingered for a moment. Aldrake, still processing the unexpected turn of events, eventually released a sigh.

"Fine. Let's talk," he conceded, the tension in his posture easing. Just then, the group expanded as Latia, Shizuna, Ddraig, Albion, and Cúntóir joined the gathering. Aaron had orchestrated their rendezvous, and the rest of the team was informed go to a specific location once they arrived there.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

We reached a specific room located on the south side of their towering structure. Along the way, I took the initiative to mend all the damage, much to their surprise. Gratitude was expressed, a small acknowledgment for my efforts. Upon reaching the room, we found it surprisingly spacious, featuring a round table at its center.

As we settled into our seats, a hush settled over the room. I took the opportunity to extend my healing touch to the individual Latia and Shizuna had faced in combat. It turned out to be Aldrake's brother, Draevon.

Even in unconsciousness, he bore no resemblance to Aldrake. It wasn't until he dispelled his shadowy armor that the family resemblance became apparent. With black hair and piercing blue eyes, Draevon was nearly a mirror image of Aldrake.

"So, where do you want to start?" I inquired, shifting my gaze to Aldrake.

"First, tell me why you want to go to the Phantasma, and second, share anything pertinent about this world. We've been trapped in this realm for 100,000 years without the ability to communicate beyond it. All we have are fragments from the past, remnants of things from the humans of this world, and I doubt they hold relevance anymore," Aldrake demanded.

I let out a sigh, contemplating the best way to explain the situation. "Well, they forged an alliance with a terrorist organization in our universe, and things got more complicated from there. So..."

With that opening, I divulged the intricate details of our journey—the twists, turns, and the motivations propelling us towards the mysterious realms of the Phantasma, Evie Etoulde, and Fadir Fedora.

Aldrake, visibly taken aback by my revelations, questioned, "You... want to liberate the Phantasma from Phumera's control? That's insane. It's an impossible feat. They have the backing of an Outer God, even if it's dormant. The mere thought and the looming threat are sufficient to deter any attempts."

I stood firm, resolute in my conviction. "Yet, the Resistance persists, doesn't it? Despite the initial setbacks and downfall, they never wavered. They kept reemerging, and this year, I'll turn their enduring dreams into reality," I declared, leaving Aldrake momentarily speechless, grappling with the audacity of our mission.

"Are you trying to be a hero or something?" he asked, perplexed. My laughter bubbled forth, leaving him even more bewildered.

"No, not at all. I'm just a bit selfish, that's all. My entire drive stems from that one selfish desire I've always harbored. Somehow, along the way, I ended up becoming a hero to those around me, even if it wasn't something I actively sought. I just yearn for a peaceful life with my family and loved ones. Eliminating those annoyances would certainly make everything simpler for me, don't you think?" I explained, a chuckle escaping me once more.

"True," chimed in Latia. "His motivations have always been straightforward. Despite their simplicity, his actions paved the way for a greater role, and he chose to embrace it for the well-being of the people in our world. He's always been transparent about his intentions, and that hasn't changed."

"Anyway, let's shift the focus away from me for a moment. What are your thoughts on this alliance or partnership?" I inquired. "I can lift the restriction keeping you here, but bear in mind, universal travel is off-limits until we go. I've made it exclusive for everyone except myself."

"Let's take a moment to deliberate," suggested Aldrake, and I nodded in agreement.

"We'll head around your base and explore," I responded, tossing a small device in his direction. "Use that to contact me when you've reached a decision. We'll return to hear your thoughts."

"Very well. I'll reach out once we've made a decision. However, there are other matters we'd like to discuss afterward," conveyed Aldrake, his gaze shifting between me and Ajuka, hinting at forthcoming conversations.

"If your concern pertains to remaining here, we can delve into it further. However, bear in mind that the other leaders must be informed, given that I'm not the sole inhabitant or ruler of this planet," I explained to him.

"But... aren't you an Outer God?" he queried, a hint of bewilderment in his tone.

"I prefer not to govern with an iron fist. Frankly, I seldom do. But I'm adapting to it," I responded. "Anyway, we can discuss that aspect later," I added, and with that, he let us go. As we left the room and arrived outside, I turned to Ddraig, intending to ask a question.

[No. Not right now. I need to think, Partner,] he interjected abruptly, cutting off my query. With that, he swiftly returned his Sacred Gear, a sentiment mirrored by Albion.

"Alright, let's get started, shall we?" I motioned with my hand, and we embarked on a brief tour of the base.

— ○ ● ○ —

We strolled around the base for about an hour, during which Igris and Bellion returned, sharing news that the once-hostile robots had ceased their aggression and retreated to the safety of my shadow. Apophis, on the other hand, chose to stay vigilant, standing guard despite my assurance that no further visitors were expected.

As we turned a corner, Shizuna's eyes lit up at the sight of a peculiar "play area." Without hesitation, she darted toward it, her excitement evident. With childlike enthusiasm, she leaped onto a curious contraption that promptly hoisted her into the air, swinging her in dizzying circles.

"Will she be okay?" Mealeanis voiced her concern.

"Yeah, probably," I reassured, though the uncertainty lingered. The rest of the group gathered, watching Shizuna's impromptu amusement. Amidst the spectacle, a ringtone came from my ring, demanding attention. I answered the call.

[Is this how this works? Anyway, Outer God, we've concluded our discussions. If you could return, along with the green-haired devil, we'd like to commence our talks,] Aldrake's voice echoed through the communication device.

[Alright, we'll make our way there,] I responded to him, ending the call. "Oi, Ajuka and I are heading back to talk to Aldrake. You guys can stay here, alright?" I shouted to the group. They turned around, acknowledging our decision with nods.

Mealeanis approached us, inquiring, "Do you need me to come along?"

I glanced at Ajuka, and we exchanged a shrug. The decision was theirs to make. Personally, I didn't mind, and I doubted Aldrake and his group would be too concerned. However, their hesitant glances prompted me to turn away. After a brief moment, Mealeanis chose to stay with the others, leaving only Ajuka and me to return to the room.

As we strolled away, I broached the subject, "How long?"

"...Just a few months. We were mostly colleagues with a professional relationship," he replied.

"I see. You guys will probably have strong kids," I remarked, earning a playful smack on my shoulder from Ajuka, followed by a shared laugh.

— ○ ● ○ —

Qinglong's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

As Ajuka Beelzebub and Aaron Toole made their exit, the remainder of us lingered behind. Faythe, a fellow dragon, settled onto a small bench not far from where Zhang Mei was enjoying the wild ride of a contraption.

Observing closely, I noticed a subtle shift in her complexion—she might be on the verge of feeling queasy. A hint of greenness crept onto her face, suggesting an imminent bout of nausea.

"I'm going to spaaaace~!" Zhang Mei exclaimed gleefully just before the contraption released her, propelling her across the space. Unfortunately, her joyous journey came to an abrupt end as her face collided with a wall. "Ugh..." she groaned, recovering and unsteadily making her way back to the contraption, unleashing a barrage of curses at it.

Taking a seat beside Faythe on the bench, I noticed the arrival of Mealeanis, the devil, who joined our little gathering. Meanwhile, Latia remained steadfast by Zhang Mei's side, offering both support and a calming presence, attempting to ease the effects of the dizzying escapade.

A sudden sense of uncertainty gnawed at me, and I found myself voicing the question that had been lingering in my mind. "What do you think will unfold after today?" The recent removal of the Khaos Order from our universe had brought some relief, but a lingering unease persisted. There remained the other two factions trapped in their universes and an mysterious universe named "Fadir Fedora."

Faythe, exuding calm assurance, responded, "It will be fine. Aaron-sama and [DxD] will handle it. He's entrusting the protection of our universe to the [Electa] and members of the [EXE]. Their journey won't be disclosed, preventing any potential troublemakers from emerging in their absence."

My concern, however, persisted. "Yet, even within our own ranks, there are those who may oppose his intentions. Leaks are bound to happen. What then?" I questioned, the unease still lingering in my words.

"The [EXE], [Electa], and other members of [DxD] choosing to stay here will handle it; you worry too much, Qinglong. As one of the Sacred Beasts, why are you suddenly so concerned about this?" Faythe questioned.

"...I don't know," I replied honestly. The truth was, a sense of unease lingered within me, and when it came to the reason, I found myself at a loss for a definitive answer. It started a few days after they were taken down too.

"As Faythe-san suggests, Qinglong, any other groups emerging after the Khaos Order—I personally believe will be much easier to deal with. Each faction and pantheon will have their own distinct challenges, and undoubtedly, new groups will surface if the information gets leaked," Mealeanis asserted.

"Even before Jin made his appearance and prior to the Khaos Order's arrival, smaller issues cropped up in the supernatural world, and we all dealt with them. You recall your own experiences involving the Slash Dog Team, don't you?" Mealeanis added, prompting a nod of confirmation from me.

Half a decade ago, I played a pivotal role in assisting the emerging Slash Dog Team, spearheaded by Tobio Ikuse, now renowned as [Slash Dog]. Without a doubt, those shared experiences fueled the growth and strengthened the bonds among that group of humans, mirroring a similar effect on us Sacred Beasts and some within the Five Principal Clans.

Yet, as time unfolded, achieving lasting change proved to be a formidable challenge. Despite some lingering modifications, the clans inevitably reverted to their usual ways. One individual yearning for transformation, Suzaku Himejima, silently endured the stagnation, tirelessly experimenting with different approaches.

Her final gambit involved a drastic measure—the ruthless elimination of the executives and elders within her clan, a grim necessity for her to seize full control and usher in the desired changes. At least, that's what Seiryuu shared with me during our occasional chats.

I find solace in knowing that Aaron played a crucial role in helping her navigate these turbulent waters. Consequently, Suzaku appears to have found a renewed sense of happiness, a stark contrast to the tumultuous years she endured before.

"Maybe... but I'll trust your word on this. He won't let anything happen to this world," I affirmed, nodding my head. However, Mealeanis interjected with a thought-provoking "But."

"But," Mealeanis began, "the people of our world shouldn't become complacent. One day, even if it's in the distant future, Jin will have to step down from his role. He has inevitably become a pillar of peace for our world. When the time comes that he can't act, how will the people of this world react? We can't become too reliant on him, even if he's the type to take responsibility for many things."

Latia Astaroth joined our conversation, accompanied by the still-upset Zhang Mei. "We've been discussing that recently, actually," Latia shared.

"You mean... Jin's harem?" Mealeanis inquired, and Latia affirmed with a nod.

"That's why a few of us have been handling his requests on his behalf. Although I believe he's aware of it, he hasn't commented," Latia explained. "Sona and Rias have taken up some of the requests from the Underworld, along with myself, of course." She settled down with us, and Zhang Mei, still visibly upset, rested on Latia's lap as if seeking solace.

"Irina, Xenovia, and Asia have been diligently fulfilling some of the requests from Heaven, as well as those from the Church," she shared, a warm smile gracing her lips. "The Slash Dog Team also lends their hand to various factions, and even members from the [DxD] Team have endeavored to ease his load. Many share his aspiration for peace and understand the significant efforts he puts in behind the scenes, prompting them to contribute in their own small ways."

Her gaze lifted toward us, and she continued, "Did you know? In private, Jin is the kind of person who tends to downplay his achievements. He's averse to taking credit or standing in the spotlight. This predates his surge in status and popularity."

Latia squinted, her eyes narrowing as she remarked, "He's excessively humble at times, to the point of annoyance for me and a few in his harem. Even if he doesn't articulate it outright every time, those of us who've become adept at reading his body language and expressions can discern it. Lavinia, Akeno, Suzaku, and Grayfia are probably the best at it, with a few others trailing closely behind."

"He doesn't look like that, Lat-Lat. Jin's always making those grand speeches and trying to do a lot for people, and anytime he's been complimented, he just accepts it," Zhang Mei chimed in, joining the conversation.

Latia let out a sigh, shaking her head. "He's just like that. He's playing the people's hero, and he thinks that's how heroes are supposed to act. A bit arrogant and a bit humble—a balance, you could say. But behind closed doors, he just wants to laze around after he finishes his work. The number of times I've seen him receiving a lap pillow or... a b-boob pillow from any one of us is way too many to count," she explained, a faint blush coloring her cheeks.

The discussion, which had initially been quite serious, took an unexpected and welcome turn, becoming notably more lighthearted when Latia shared amusing anecdotes about Aaron. I felt a sense of gratitude as this diversion allowed me to push the lingering unease to the recesses of my mind.

— ○ ● ○ —

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

"So, we're on the same page then. In a day's time, I'll gather a few other leaders, including Ajuka, and we can reconvene for further discussions. From what we've talked about, I believe they'll be amenable to the proposals. How does that plan sound to you?" I inquired of Aldrake.

The meeting had been ongoing for a few minutes, during which we delved into several intriguing topics. One notable discussion revolved around the prospect of establishing residency in our world.

Considering the vast expanse in the Underworld, it seemed a viable option for them. Alternatively, I extended an invitation for them to reside in my Dimensional Gap home. The leaders expressed interest in exploring both possibilities before arriving at a final decision.

"Yes, let's wait until tomorrow then. It's best not to venture into the world until we've had the necessary discussions with the other leaders. Randomly appearing could cause alarm and potentially lead to conflict; we definitely don't want to spark a war," Aldrake responded with a thoughtful tone.

I acknowledged his decision with a nod, rising from my seat and extending a hand for a shake, a gesture mirrored by Ajuka. "We'll make our way out now. There's the task of informing the others waiting for us after this," I conveyed to him.

"Best of luck," Aldrake wished us well as he released my hand. We proceeded to exit, but our departure was momentarily halted by a voice.

"Hey... when can I catch a glimpse of that crimson-haired guy who felt like a dragon?" inquired Vermara. She was the individual with whom Ddraig had a skirmish today, and it appeared that there was a mutual interest between them. It struck me as a bit peculiar, but I welcomed the development.

"Rest assured, you'll lay eyes on him tomorrow. I can guarantee that," I reassured her, and she seemed content with my response.

[Partner!! My heart and body aren't ready for this!] exclaimed my companion.

'Don't fret about it. You'll have a harem in the future,' I assured him.

'Hoho? Who would have thought that this dragon would get one,' remarked Rudra, a hint of amusement coloring his tone.

{You can never predict him, he's always three steps ahead of you, even if he does fall two out of the three times,} Albion chimed in with a knowing tone.

[Screw you guys!!] Ddraig shouted, a clear note of embarrassment in his voice, and laughter erupted among us.

Ajuka and I exited the room, swiftly returning to the others. "Hey, what's with the strange looks?" I inquired, noticing the flushed faces around me, Mealeanis wearing an amused expression.

Mealeanis dismissed it casually, "Oh, it's nothing. Let's head back, shall we?" Her tone was light, but the curious glances persisted. Ajuka and I exchanged a glance but opted to keep our thoughts to ourselves.

"...We'll wait outside then," Ajuka declared, following Mealeanis out of the area.

Left alone with the rest, I couldn't help but ask, "So, what happened?"

Shizuna, sporting a wide smile, was the first to respond. "Would you like to use my boobs as a pillow!? How about my butt? Maybe thighs!?" she blurted out, a proposition that hung in the air.

Latia promptly smacked her on the head for the outburst, prompting Shizuna to cover her head, repeatedly declaring, "Latia told me to say it!" amidst Latia's vehement denials. The area was filled with a strange mix of amusement and confusion.

— ○ ● ○ —

After I ensured everyone reached their homes safely, the atmosphere in my place took on an unexpected stillness.

"I'll head back to the Dimensional Gap now, Aaron-sama. Would you like me to accompany you again tomorrow?" she inquired.

"If you're up for it, I don't mind," I replied. With a nod, she planted a quick peck on my cheek and departed. Shifting my focus to Qinglong, I questioned, "And what about you?"

Qinglong surveyed the entrance hallway and expressed, "I wish to have a conversation with Suzaku Himejima. Is she at home?"

I affirmed with a nod, saying, "Yes, she's in the kitchen. Just head that way." Qinglong promptly left. Before I could address Shizuna, she enveloped me in a tight embrace, knocking me to the ground. In a surprisingly unreserved manner, she kissed me and shoved her tongue into my mouth, her actions leaving no room for subtlety.

Latia, who remained in our company, swiftly responded by seizing Shizuna's shoulders and gently pulling her away from me. Her intervention was timely, preventing Shizuna's hand from nearing my crotch.

"What on earth are you doing?" Latia demanded, shaking Shizuna vigorously.

Shizuna, attempting to avoid eye contact with Latia, explained, "Well, I thought, after today's date, that I was officially dating Aaron, so I figured I'd take things to the next level. You know, super sloppy sex."

Latia wasn't buying it. She grabbed Shizuna's cheeks and playfully stretched them, prompting Shizuna to yelp in discomfort.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow! I'm sorry, I didn't think it through!" Shizuna exclaimed, tears welling up in her eyes.

I rose from the ground and approached the duo. They had developed a surprisingly close bond in a short span, catching me off guard. However, I embraced this newfound camaraderie, appreciating their cordial relationship. With a gentle pat on Latia's head, I reassured her, "It's okay, Latia. Forgive her, alright?"

Latia's expression soured slightly as she remarked, "You're too lenient at times, both with us and your friends. But fine, I'll let it go for now." She released Shizuna's cheeks, prompting the latter to rub them, attempting to alleviate the lingering pain.

"Shizuna," I called her name, capturing her attention before planting a brief peck on her lips. "With that, we're dating. Is that fine with you? Although, let's not rush into things right away," I added, chuckling at the playful suggestion.

"Not really into the whole first-date-then-sex scenario, huh? Well, I guess I can be patient... but wait, wait, wait! Won't it take longer since we're headed to the Phantasma?" she asked, a hint of panic in her voice.

I glanced away, a slightly awkward chuckle escaping me. "Well, we might find some downtime while we're there, so, you know, things might happen," I reassured both of them.

Shizuna, brimming with anticipation, raised her arm and spun it around. "Yeaaaah, I'm getting laid soooooon!"

Latia, in response, shook her head, placed a reassuring hand on Shizuna's shoulder, and swiftly teleported her back to her pantheon. I found myself slightly taken aback and couldn't help but inquire, "Do you even know where to put her?"

"I took a chance... and also asked Cúntóir to help with it," replied Latia. She then seized my arm, a playful glint in her eye, and remarked, "I'd like a bit of alone time with you. Our time together felt less like a date and more like a mini-operation, don't you think?"

"Oh my, I never imagined the usually composed Latia Astaroth could harbor such a petty and spoiled side," I teased her, flashing a grin in return. Despite my comment, she chose to remain silent and merely guided me back to my room. The remainder of the day unfolded with a hint of chaos, but that was par for the course in my home.

— ○ ● ○ —

The following day arrived, and once again, I found myself in the same realm as Aldrake's group. The night before, I had shared the news with the other leaders, alongside Ajuka and Mealeanis. Now, a handful of leaders had joined us in this realm.

This time, my companions were different; Grayfia, Rose, Raiko, Velgrynd, Suzaku, Faythe, and Lavinia accompanied me. There were others eager to join, but I had to limit the numbers; it felt as if my entire household would come along at that rate.

"So, this is it, huh? We can delve deeper into this in the coming days before [DxD] ventures into the other universe. It's quite astonishing that this place has been concealed for so many years, and none of us were aware of it," remarked Odin before releasing a hearty laugh that echoed in the expansive surroundings.

"Indeed, it was another Outer God who concealed it, so it's logical that we couldn't find it," explained Amaterasu.

Indra expressed his discontent with a click of his tongue and inquired, "Can't I accompany them? I mean, the next match is on hold until they return. Wouldn't it be more practical for me to join them?"

Shiva responded, dismissing the suggestion, "And risk the possibility of your demise? Yes, Jin can bring you back, but you're aware of the consequences when a god dies, Indra. We can't afford to take that chance. Besides, it's imperative for us to remain here, given the limited number of defenders for our universe in the absence of [DxD]."

Indra, visibly irritated, clicked his tongue once more, displaying his frustration. Shiva, in the midst of emphasizing the importance of their role in safeguarding our universe, seemed to overlook the fact that many of my subordinates would also be left behind. Not to mention the "Complete 666," a creation of mine from a few months ago, currently residing in the Dimensional Gap as we speak.

"With that in mind, Serafall and I are willing to accompany you to a few uninhabited lands in the Underworld. It'll give you a chance to see if any of them resonate with you, Aldrake," Sirzechs proposed.

Adding to Sirzechs' suggestion, I chimed in, "And following that, Antares will give you a tour of my base in the Dimensional Gap. This way, you can explore and decide if anything there appeals to you." Aldrake nodded, acknowledging both our offers.

"Yes, thank you," he replied graciously, prompting us to delve into more discussions on various topics.

As the conversation unfolded, it became apparent that Aldrake harbored a desire to remain in our realm even after we rescued his sister. Despite my offer to restore his planet and its people, I cautioned him about the possibility of their reincarnation. Surprisingly, he declined the restoration offer.

He revealed that he had previously discussed this matter with his parents, introducing an unexpected dimension to the situation. According to him, in the event of such circumstances, his parents had expressed a desire to embrace the next phase of existence together, choosing not to return to life.

However, despite his youth, he approached me with a heartfelt plea: if rescuing his sister proved too late, he asked for her resurrection. His reasoning was poignant; he believed she had a long life ahead and wished to spare her from an untimely demise. He entrusted me with this solemn request, urging prompt action once we reached the Phantasma's universe.

In his quest, he learned that the culprit behind his sister's abduction was a figure named Sagriff. Yanuyo had generously shared a comprehensive list detailing the entirety of the Umbra, Eradicators, and Ueboros last year.

Armed with this information, we gained insight into potential enemies we might encounter. However, the dynamics within the Phumera were complex, with not all members aligned in favor of the complete destruction of the multiverse or absolute control.

Over the span of the following two hours, our conversations delved into a multitude of subjects, exploring a wide array of topics.

— ○ ● ○ —

The meeting concluded, and some leaders engaged in conversations with Aldrake's group. Azazel, in particular, showed keen interest in examining their robots, a sentiment shared by others. Meanwhile, I had managed to pull Ddraig away earlier, only to witness him being persistently pursued by Vermara, bombarding him with inquiries about marriage and having children. Even now, he was essentially running away from her.

Seeking a respite from the commotion, I retreated to a separate room to unwind and take a moment of reprieve. The upcoming months promised to be laden with stress, and the luxury of downtime would likely be a rare commodity. Thus, I sought solace in this moment of tranquility before plunging back into the inevitable chaos that lay ahead.

"Nice job, Aaron," a familiar voice chimed in.

As I opened my eyes, Grayfia approached, taking a seat beside me. "You too. How's everyone else?" I inquired

"They're currently checking out the tower. Lavinia was a bit on edge earlier, insisting that she needed to be by your side. Her 'senses' were telling her that you needed her, or so she claimed," Grayfia explained, a faint smile playing on her lips.

"The usual Nia antics, huh? Well, she wasn't entirely wrong. I was getting a bit worked up thinking about the future and all," I admitted with a sigh.

Moving closer, Grayfia placed her hand on my thigh, her concern evident. "Would you like some relief then?"

Slightly taken aback, I chuckled and replied, "I'll manage, but I have to ask, are you coming with us to the Phantasma, or will you stay here with everyone else?"

This time, she gently took hold of my arm, wrapping it around herself in a warm embrace. Nestling closer, she shared, "I've talked to the others, and I've decided that I want to accompany you. I've been gradually sorting out my own loose ends here, so there won't be any concerns on that front."

"Apparently, Satan-sama and Euclid's cells are situated close to each other, leading to some conversations between them," she continued, seeking details. "I heard that you had a discussion with him a few hours after the last operation concluded?"

I nodded in affirmation. "Yeah, we did. He had some... intriguing questions for me, and I answered them honestly. He seemed taken aback by a few of my responses, but in the end, he accepted them. I didn't expect the original Satan to be this... I guess, compliant. It also appears that the older devils want him on their side, but he assured me he'd just tell them to 'fuck off' because he wants nothing to do with them," I shared, eliciting a slight chuckle from her.

"I see," she responded, and a tranquil silence enveloped us. The quietude lingered comfortably, and we basked in it for a while. Eventually, she gently pulled on my arm, prompting me to face her. Without hesitation, she initiated a passionate kiss. The moment began to intensify when, suddenly, the door to our room swung open, and a group of individuals entered.

In the blink of an eye, Grayfia and I distanced ourselves, returning to our respective roles. She reverted to her serious maid demeanor, standing beside me with closed eyes. The newcomers, a few leaders, took in the scene of me sitting there with my eyes closed.

"Jin-boy, why are you here alone? Well, not counting your maid," inquired Odin.

I opened my eyes and met their gaze. "I was just taking a moment to rest. What brings all of you here? Were you looking for me?"

Azazel, part of the group, flashed a grin in my direction before strolling over. Without much ado, he grabbed my arm, indicating for me to follow. A bit bewildered, I complied, and the rest of the group trailed along. After a brief walk, we found ourselves in a different room, one notably spacious with a lofty ceiling.

Curiosity tugging at me, I couldn't help but inquire, "So, care to fill me in on what's happening?" Azazel gestured to our right, drawing my attention to a distinctive-looking robot.

"That, my friend, is what they dub their trump card. Still in its experimental phases, it boasts an AI that adapts to opponents' fighting styles, powers, techniques—you name it, and it figures out a way to counter it," Azazel explained with palpable excitement, shedding light on the mysterious contraption.

I sighed and said, "You want something like that, right? Well…while I won't just make it for you, I'll help you with some of the steps to get there. I mean, you're pretty smart, Azazel, you can probably figure that out with other people's help."

In a rather peculiar turn of events, Azazel grabbed hold of me and began to swing me around, an unexpected blush tinting his cheeks. "Did you hear that?! This brat thinks I'm smart! Haha!" he exclaimed, reveling in the unexpected compliment.

Amidst this impromptu spinning, I managed to inquire, "Aside from that, what do you want me to do? Did you bring me here just to showcase this?"

Elysande appeared beside us, responding, "I'd like you to test it for us, Jin." Azazel eventually ceased the twirling, and Elysande continued, "We aim to bring only this specific one with us to the Phantasma. If improvements can be made before our departure, it could prove to be a valuable ally."

"So, I'm up against this thing, huh? Sure, no problem. What's the game plan? Close-quarters combat, ranged attacks, or a mix of both? And do you want me to use any unique abilities?" I inquired, seeking clarity.

"We'll assess the model's capabilities for the next two minutes. Feel free to unleash whatever you've got," she responded, and I gave a nod of understanding.

"Anything goes, huh?" I mused, eyes shifting towards the mechanical opponent. "Alright, then. Let's make this a bit interesting."

I got to my position and ready, the robot initiated its advance, swiftly closing the distance. Its arms transformed into swirling spears of electricity, thrusting towards me with calculated precision. Skillfully, I evaded the attacks, noting the robot's eyes observing me intently. It seemed to be analyzing, deciphering my patterns and habits.

During the intensity of the confrontation, Azazel couldn't help but interject, adding a touch of eccentricity to the scene. "Yeah, go kick his ass, robot-chan!" His exclamation earned him a few perplexed glances, to which he responded with a dismissive snort.

Seizing a momentary pause in the action, I diverted my attention to the peculiar machine. "By the way," I began, deftly dodging another flurry of jabs, "what's this thing's name?"

Elysande, ever watchful, replied, "We haven't assigned it a name yet. It's still a prototype. If you have a suggestion, feel free to name it."

Before I could offer a suggestion, Azazel blurted out, "B.I.T.C.H.! Let's call it that!" His choice of moniker was swiftly met with a reprimanding smack from Avezza, who wore an expression of clear annoyance.

Amidst the banter, Satanael and a devil researcher proposed a more measured alternative. "How about 'Stellar?'" they suggested simultaneously, exchanging a nod of agreement.

Out of nowhere, a multitude of diminutive robotic flies emerged from Stellar's form, their wings buzzing with rapid intensity. A peculiar sensation enveloped me as the gravitational force surged around, catching me off guard. It resembled the familiar effect of the wyverns' [Half Dimension], yet this was a stark contrast—a flat increase of 100 times gravity that, surprisingly, left me unaffected.

Instinctively, I raised my right hand, initiating a decisive click that birthed a formidable sonic boom, obliterating the robotic flies and propelling Stellar backward. However, to my surprise, she swiftly rebounded toward me. Attempting to replicate the earlier move, I generated another sonic boom, but this time, it only managed to push her halfway.

"Hmm… Is this its adaptability at play, or is there more to uncover?" I queried, deftly evading Stellar's relentless attacks.

Elysande, chimed in, shedding light on the situation. "That's not all. It should have the capability to fully adjust, rendering your move ineffective the next time you employ it—in theory, at least."

Stellar forcefully planted its foot into the ground, giving rise to metallic roots and blades that swiftly advanced toward me. As I moved to defend myself, a revelation struck—these menacing forms were nothing more than illusions.

In the blink of an eye, Stellar vanished, and my instincts tingled with the awareness of its presence behind me. Swiftly, I leaped into the air, narrowly evading its attack once again.

Midair, I executed a nimble turn, extending my right palm toward Stellar. A surge of potent touki manifested into a powerful bullet that sailed toward my metallic opponent, knocking it back once more. Stellar, undeterred, embedded its metallic legs into the ground, arresting its momentum. Without delay, it conjured cannons around its shoulders, unleashing a powerful stream of pink energy beams in my direction.

Summoning the power of my [Boosted Gear], I conjured a compact draconic orb of energy before me. With a forceful punch, I propelled the energy sphere, releasing a torrent of energy that collided head-on with Stellar's attack. The collision erupted into a brief yet intense explosion, marking the clash of two powerful forces.

Returning to the ground, I found myself face to face with Stellar, which had morphed its right arm into an immense axe. With a swift swing, it brought the colossal weapon down on me. Instinctively, I sidestepped the attack, successfully evading the blow. However, the sheer force of the strike sent shockwaves rippling through the room, splitting a section of it in half. The sheer might of the display left me audibly whistling in admiration.

Now fully fixated on me, Stellar unleashed a pair of scissor-like appendages from its mouth, casting an ominous glow. Instead of dodging, I allowed it to approach, making contact with my [Infinity]. I harbored a genuine curiosity to see if Stellar could adapt, given that it only needed one condition to surpass my defenses—being stronger than me.

Upon contact, Stellar halted abruptly, fixating its gaze on me. In an unexpected turn, it uttered, [I cannot analyze that. Error, error, error…!] before coming to a complete standstill, leaving all of us in surprised silence.

Elysande approached, curiosity etched across her face. "W-what did it come into contact with?" she inquired, her gaze shifting between us.

Contemplating whether to disclose the precise details, I opted for a more enigmatic response. With a nonchalant shrug, I replied, "One of my powers."

Elysande, a hint of annoyance in her expression, pressed for clarity. "Please be more specific; otherwise, I cannot adjust Stellar."

Releasing a sigh, I relented, "Infinity. If you can find a way to bypass or have Stellar adapt to it, then feel free to try."

"Infinity? What do you mean?" she probed, prompting me to extend my hand. With all eyes fixed on us, I decided it was time to show rather than tell.

"Give it a shot, touch my palm," I suggested to her. Without hesitation, she extended her hand, attempting to execute a casual high-five. However, her hand encountered an invisible barrier just inches from mine. The surprise on her face was evident as she tried to exert more force, but the barrier remained steadfast.

A grin played on my lips as I explained, "That's my [Infinity]. It's like an unseen shield that halts any form of attack, ability, or technique. Whether it's a toxic gas or a mental attack, it acts as an impenetrable defense, blocking and preventing anything from reaching me. However..." With a gentle push, I made our hands touch. "I can activate or deactivate it at will. Most of the time, it operates automatically, and I can adjust the settings with just a thought."

"Hey," Azazel called, and our attention shifted to him. "How does someone bypass it?" he inquired.

I shot him a grin, replying, "Simple, be stronger than me. That's the key."

"That's impossible! Then realistically, no one can touch you!" he exclaimed, demonstrating his frustration with a stomping foot, resembling a child throwing a tantrum.

I responded nonchalantly, shoulders lifting in a shrug. It wasn't my concern; it rested on the shoulders of my potential enemies. If we reached a point where they became enemies, my use of [Infinity] would only intensify their frustration.

There was a realization creeping in—an acknowledgment that I might be developing a tinge of sadistic pleasure, likely influenced by Akeno and a few others. I needed to dial it back; a bit of restraint was in order.

"Hmm, you won't use that against me, will you?" Indra inquired, a hint of amusement coloring his tone as he observed my ability.

I responded with a nonchalant shrug, "I tend to adapt my fighting style based on the situation. In the tournament, I'll stick to specific powers—mainly my [Boosted Gear] and a few combinations with my team," I explained, earning a laugh of amusement from Indra.

"Well, that's good. It would be dull otherwise!" he exclaimed before strolling out of the room.

With a casual shrug of my shoulders, I suggested, "Shall we continue, or do you need some time to fix her up?"

"It's a straightforward repair, so it won't take long. Let's continue," replied Elysande, ready to resume our activities.

— ○ ● ○ —

Approximately two hours elapsed before we concluded our activities, and the plan was set to head home. Aldrake's group had intentions to venture into the Underworld with Sirzechs and Serafall. Surprisingly, Rias expressed her desire to accompany them, and it appeared to be a strategic move on her part. She seemed to be increasing her involvement in political affairs, strategically garnering as much support as possible. I couldn't help but wonder about her overarching plans.

"Shall we head home now?" inquired Lavinia, embracing me with a bear hug, her legs entwining around my waist.

"Yeah, we're heading back," I responded, scanning our surroundings. "Though it looks like the others aren't ready yet..."

"More time for me to enjoy being spoiled by you then~!" she exclaimed, burying her face into my chest and inhaling deeply.

"...Sure," I replied, affectionately patting her head. As we sat outdoors on a bench, some of our group lingered inside the tower, while others explored the peculiar and distinctive landscape surrounding us and so, we made the collective choice to savor the moments we had in each other's company outdoors.

— ○ ● ○ —

As the weeks elapsed, our departure for the Phantasma universe drew near. Presently, I found myself in the [Training Facility], fully aware that today marked the final session before they could revel in a week of leisure, unrestrained by the demands of our impending mission.

On this particular day, the [Electa], who had assumed the role of their instructors, intensified the training regimen. The objective was clear—to ensure that the experiences of the past few weeks, akin to a century within this dimension, remained ingrained in their minds.

Sairaorg and Vali, donned in their formidable armor, lunged at me with determined fists. Effortlessly, I intercepted their attacks, deftly flicking them aside. The intensity of their training was evident. Meanwhile, a quick survey of the surroundings revealed Hirokazu and Genshirou locked in a fierce exchange with Velgrynd, while Haru and Yoru faced off against Tiamat.

"That should be enough for now; you guys can take a break," I informed them. Sairaorg swiftly concurred, shedding his armor with a relieved sigh.

Vali, however, wasn't ready to call it quits. "I want to keep going," he asserted.

I fixed him with a stern gaze, my frown deepening. "Vali, rest is crucial. Overstraining your body isn't wise, and I've reminded you of that multiple times. Your mother emphasized the same. Do I need to involve her?" I inquired, my tone firm.

Stepping back, Vali reluctantly acquiesced, "Fine, you don't need to bring her into this."

Vali's relationship with his mother held both love and fear, much like Lavinia's connection with him, albeit on a different scale. The details remained shrouded, but the consensus among us was clear: avoiding that woman's bad side was paramount. Rumor had it that when she erupted, there was usually a good reason, and few dared to challenge her.

Though we lacked the full story, a recent minor altercation had unfolded between them. It centered around Vali's desire to intensify his training and reduce rest periods.

Evidently, his mother firmly opposed this, delivering a scolding that left an impact. Despite her immediate regret and subsequent coddling, Vali had been wary of witnessing that side of Liina again, steering clear of any potential clashes since that incident.

Vali stepped out of his armor, heading towards the stands adorned with a variety of food and drinks. Meanwhile, I made my way over to Elysande, who had joined us with Aldrake's group. She also brought Stellar in tow, now in an upgraded and improved version.

This revamped Stellar boasted predominantly white and gold armor, angelic wings gracefully arching behind her back, and a human-like face with piercing blue eyes. The enhancements included the familiar golden and white armor, now fortified for increased durability. Many, including myself, had contributed to fine-tuning Stellar's adaptation to a myriad of powers over the past few weeks.

"How's it going?" I inquired of Elysande.

"Very well. Just before we embark, I believe Stellar is more than ready to face formidable enemies with a wide range of abilities, safely adapting to each power thrown her way," Elysande shared with a content smile.

"That's reassuring. With that in mind, shall we proceed with our newly devised plan?" I asked, and Elysande nodded in agreement.

The revised plan entailed Aldrake's group embarking on a mission to rescue his sister, accompanied by several other teams from [DxD], including Cao Cao's team and Rias' peerage. Meanwhile, the rest of us were tasked with the liberation of several planets and the dismantling of factions within Phumera's organization.

In addition to our coordinated efforts, I stayed in communication with Laeronia, who shared that he was preparing various other elements. The prospect of what he had in store added an element of anticipation to our mission.

Taking a moment to address the team, I informed her, "You can take a break, as our time here concludes after today. However, if you need assistance with Stellar's adaptation, feel free to enlist help from anyone in [DxD]. Alright?" I conveyed to her, ensuring she knew support was readily available.

"Yes, I'll keep that in mind. Thank you, Jin... or Aaron?" Elysande replied, seeking clarification.

"Jaaron or Ain is fine," I responded, walking away with a chuckle. Overhearing Elysande mutter a "good grief," I couldn't help but amuse myself with the interchangeable names.

— ○ ● ○ —

Upon reaching the floor housing our bedrooms, I headed towards my own. With the prospect of an extended stay in the Phantasma's universe spanning several months, I had advised everyone to pack diverse attires and any other personal belongings they deemed necessary.

In preparation for our journey, I intended to distribute necklaces to my companions, functioning similarly to the special rings my lovers and I possessed. These accessories would serve as portable storage, allowing them to conveniently store their items.

Looking ahead, I envisioned introducing a similar technology to humans once we revealed ourselves, foreseeing potential profit akin to phone storage devices, offering various options to suit individual needs.

The storage units I had in mind would boast an initial capacity of 128,000 items, catering to a wide range of storage needs. I envisioned making them affordable, with the introductory cost set at around $30, and subsequent storage upgrades, such as the 256,000 capacity, priced reasonably at $40, and so forth. This innovative solution promised both practicality and accessibility for everyone.

As I reached my door, a sense of curiosity tingled within me, sensing the presence of several individuals inside. Stepping in, I was met with an unexpected scene. My bed, usually a solitary space, was now occupied by Áine, Cana, Danu, Scathach, Aífe, Aoife, Cindy, and even my mother, cradling Vivi in her arms.

The peculiar twist? All of them adorned in adorable pajamas—a choice of attire that might be considered age-inappropriate, and I dared not mention it, lest I face their collective wrath.

Surveying the unusual gathering, I couldn't help but voice my curiosity. "This is rather unexpected. Did I unintentionally provoke a response from all of you that led to this surprise?" I queried, a bemused smile playing on my lips. "Not that I'm complaining. I find it quite enjoyable, so please, continue."

Aoife, bubbling with enthusiasm, took the opportunity to explain. "It was mine and Cana's idea! I figured, why not gift him some fan service!"

Aífe, on the other hand, looked a bit flustered as she clarified, "I-I was coerced into this, please understand!" Her face was adorned with a rosy hue, a clear sign of her reluctance.

"I forced her, praise me, Lord," Scathach chimed in with a hint of pride, her declaration carrying a mischievous undertone.

"I still have work, you know? I can't really—"

Áine swiftly vacated her position and appeared behind me, a mischievous grin lighting up her face. "We only have a small amount of time left before you and [DxD] depart. Cana and I won't be accompanying you, so spend some time with us. Other goddesses won't be going either, so make the most of your time with them too," she urged.

While it felt like she might be subtly laying on a guilt trip, I also grasped the sincerity behind her words. Hephaestus and Artemis, who shared our living space, wore expressions of melancholy at the thought of our impending departure. Acknowledging this, I had already made plans to dedicate some quality time with them before our departure.

I sighed, conceding to the reality of the situation. "You're right. We've got a week, starting today. I'll make an effort to lighten my workload, so—" Áine interrupted me with a sudden kiss on the cheek, gently nudging me towards everyone else.

As we approached the bed, Vivi squirmed in my mother's arms, eager to reach me. Mom chuckled and allowed her to come to me, settling comfortably in my embrace.

"I'm sorry for being away, Vivi. But, after this week, Dad will be gone for a long time," I explained, and her immediate sadness made me regret the words as soon as they left my mouth.

Tears welled up in her eyes, and she softly clutched my shirt, asking, "Why...?"

[Fuck! My heart!] Ddraig exclaimed abruptly, and then there was a loud smack, followed by an awkward silence.

I glanced at the others, seeking assistance, but they conveniently averted their gazes. Only Danu met my eyes, seemingly on the verge of breaking. Mom intervened, placing a hand on her cheek and gently turning her away from the emotionally charged scene.

"It's, uh, a bit tricky," I stammered, but my explanation seemed to elude her understanding.

[Why not just say you're going to get milk?] came the straightforward suggestion.

{You're horrible,} Albion remarked, his tone dripping with disdain.

'There are times for jokes, and this isn't one of them, Red Dragon,' Rudra admonished.

Feeling the need for simplicity, I scratched my head, deliberating on how to break it down. I opted for an explanation so straightforward that even a child could grasp it. After about two minutes of careful explanation, Vivi pieced together my intentions.

"Papa... is going to go be a hero?" she questioned, tilting her head in confusion.

"Um... I guess so?" I replied tentatively, uncertainty coloring my words.

"But Papa is already a hero, though!" Aoife interjected, further perplexing Vivi.

Aoife swiftly retrieved her phone, unveiling the world of the Oppai Dragon show to Vivi, along with various related content. She then gestured towards me with an animated declaration, "Papa is the Oppai Dragon! He's the hero to everyone in the supernatural world! Papa is just going to... a different place to be a hero too!"

Those in proximity playfully nudged me, prompting me to pass Vivi over to Danu. Rising to my feet, I donned my [Boosted Gear] Balance Breaker, striking a heroic pose before disengaging it. The effect on Vivi was immediate—her eyes glinted with awe, as if she had witnessed a genuine hero before her.

"Papa... is Oppai Dragon! A hero!" she exclaimed, breaking free from Danu's grasp and leaping toward me. In a heartfelt embrace, she conveyed, "Go... go help everyone!" Her words were filled with encouragement, and she clung to me with a warmth that fueled my resolve.

An overwhelming surge hit me deep in my chest—my heart. It was like an unexpected warmth bubbling up inside. Unable to resist, I reciprocated the hug with equal fervor. The connection, the shared emotion, was palpable.

Abruptly, the tranquility of the moment was disrupted as my room's door swung open, ushering in more people. My mouth, acting independently of my brain, uttered words before I could even process them.

"If this is what having children feels like, count me in for a big family in the future," I blurted out, a quiet revelation escaping my lips. "I want to keep them safe, and see them grow up into well-rounded people."

My gaze shifted to Vivi, and I pressed a gentle kiss to the top of her head. "The same goes for you, my little Vivi." She looked up at me, a mixture of giggles and a radiant smile dancing in her face.

"I-I'm going to be the first one to get pregnant!" exclaimed Lavinia from behind me.

When I turned around, I discovered more people joining the scene. All eyes were fixed on Lavinia, a collective surprise evident, and the female magician trembled slightly in her place.

"T-there's no guarantee of that, Lavinia," Artemis muttered, expressing a note of skepticism.

"I'll make sure of it!" Lavinia declared with unwavering determination.

"Not so fast, nya! I'll be first!" chimed in Kuroka from behind them.

"No, me!" shouted Akeno, adding to the lively discussion.

And so, a bit of chaos ensued, leaving Vivi, who I held close, utterly perplexed by the sudden change in the atmosphere. I couldn't help but chuckle at the unfolding scene, finding amusement in the spirited banter surrounding an unexpected topic.

— ○ ● ○ —

And thus, the day arrived for our departure. Each member of our group took the time to bid their temporary farewells to their families the day or night before our journey commenced. In the heart of my [Training Facility], a select few accompanied us to witness our departure.

"Make sure you kick their asses, alright?" Azazel chimed in with a hearty laugh, waving us off.

"We are committed to ensuring the well-being of this universe, Aaron-sama," declared Elyscia, flanked by the nodding figures of Antares and Lianne.

"We'll continue with our ongoing projects, Jin. The execution of the moon base plans should progress seamlessly with the assistance of your subordinates," Ajuka conveyed, and I acknowledged his words with a nod.

"Good luck with the rest, and make sure to get those upgrades for the tournament done; otherwise, the watchers will throw a fit," I advised, eliciting smirks from some of them.

"Uuuuuuu, Ria-tan, Jin-tan are leaving!" cried Sirzechs enthusiastically. "I'll make sure to keep up the Oppai Dragon series!"

"Th-thanks," I responded with a slightly awkward smile. Rias, who stood beside me, blushed and hid her face in embarrassment.

After a round of farewells from everyone, including an especially emotional one with Vali and his family, I raised my right arm, conjuring a colossal teleportation circle above us.

"We'll see you guys in a few months, then. Stay safe!" I shouted, the words carrying across the farewell. In an instant, all of us were drawn into the swirling portal, leaving behind the Draconic Deus and venturing into the universe of the Crepuscule Phantasma.

— ○ ● ○ —

This marks the end of the FIRST part of the DXD Arc, the DXD Arc will resume as the last arc of Volume 8. From here on out, it will be the Phantasma Arc. After that, it will be the Evie Etoulde Arc, and then Volume 7 will come to a close.

— ○ ● ○ —

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