Winds of Change (DxD)

Volume 7 – Chapter 16 – Part 1 – Stragglers of a Lost Kingdom*

Aaron Toole's Soliloquy

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"What's wrong!? Is that all you've got!?" I shouted at the members of [DxD], enduring the torment inflicted by selected [Electa] within my [Training Facility]. Around us, the remaining [DxD] members were engaged in various activities—some battling monsters I had conjured for their growth, while others engaged in duels to hone their skills.

Beside me, Latia voiced her concerns, her tone tinged with a hint of nervousness. "Is this okay?"

"It's fine," I reassured her. "They'll be here for the next few weeks, and a week before we leave, I'll release them so they can relax and do whatever they want. All this torture serves a purpose."

I reached out to pat Latia's head, but she swatted my hand away. To my surprise, she quickly grabbed it back and held onto it. It seemed that Latia wasn't a fan of head pats, a fact I now took note of.

"We've been in here for 5 years already. In total, we'll spend 100 years before releasing everyone, right?" Latia inquired, her curiosity evident.

"More if they can take it, but for now, since a lot of them are 'normal,' then yeah, 100 years," I confirmed, observing the bustling activity of everyone around us.

Latia shifted her focus, her gaze fixed on me. "About... the Phantasma, where are we teleporting to?"

"Straight to the Resistance's base. There's going to be a lot of us, so I asked Laeronia to expand the base before we arrive. He had already done so, but just to make sure, I asked him to make it three times larger to accommodate us," I explained, and Latia nodded in understanding.

"Then... what?" she inquired.

"What do you mean?" I responded, prompting her to provide more details.

"I know our overall goal is to defeat Phumera, dismantle her organization, and, if it happens, prevent the Outer God from awakening. But what I want to know is where we'll start," she explained, her eyes fixed on me, awaiting my response.

"Rank 7, Sekudia, serves as a spy for the Resistance. I believe he has been gradually persuading Rank 10, Radelia. I briefly encountered her before, and she, along with a few others, has a high likelihood of joining our side. That's why I chose not to eliminate them. Additionally, Caeda, Laeronia, and the rest of the Resistance will serve as our guides. Personally, I haven't delved into the history or future of that universe yet," I clarified.

"Are you going in blind, just like the rest of us?" she inquired.

"Yeah, more or less. Although, if necessary, I'll use my future sight to give us an advantage. Otherwise, I'll do what I did here. Speaking of which, shouldn't you join in? I want to ensure everyone's up to scratch before we go over there," I responded.

She regarded me with suspicion, and I averted my gaze. "You lied, didn't you? You've said two contradictory things. On one hand, you warned us that they're stronger than us and encouraged us to train so we won't get killed. On the other hand, you're now claiming you don't know anything, so we should train hard?"

"...I'm just basing it off Caeda. She herself is at the level of Ophis and Irene before they became even stronger. As far as I know, Lavinia, Suzaku, Velgrynd, Azathoth, Cúntóir, Ddraig, Albion, Apophis, and myself are the only ones who can comfortably take on all of them without worrying too much," I explained.

The statement I just made was only a half-truth. In reality, I delved into the history of the Phantasma and even glimpsed into the future. However, the nature of the future is ever-changing, and what I witnessed does not possess an immutable certainty.

This is because I, myself, am in a constant state of flux, influencing and altering the course of events. An example from recent memory involves Raynare. Initially, she wasn't destined to join any teams, but during a date with her and Penemue, she made the spontaneous decision to become part of a team.

Another deviation from the anticipated course was related to [Team Moon Rabbits]. The initial future indicated their victory, but a visit to the Shinto Pantheon a few days prior altered that outcome. I contributed to the empowerment of the gods there, inadvertently affecting the results and possibly motivating others in unexpected ways.

The omniverse is a dynamic entity, subject to perpetual change where absolutes are rare. Although I possess the ability to impose absolutes, it contradicts my usual approach. However, if circumstances demand it, I won't hesitate to assert my influence in that manner. The power I wield grants me the capacity to mold reality, a tool that remains at my disposal, albeit one I choose to use judiciously.

Latia regarded me with suspicion, a sigh escaping her lips before she gently squeezed my hand. "I'll believe you, but not entirely. In the end, it won't matter too much. With that said, before I go, there's one last thing I want to mention," she stated, and I nodded in acknowledgment. "I'm joining you and Shizuna on that date. We've already discussed it. It's after your visit with Momo to her parents, isn't it?"

"A double date then? Sure thing, I don't mind," I replied. "We're just heading to the Tiles of Dog City's base for it, after all. There's apparently more to it, a pretty cool forest to explore, so look forward to that."

Latia then rose on her tiptoes, attempting to kiss me on the cheek. However, I turned just in time, and our lips met instead. She blushed, shot me a playful glare, and then slightly ran away.


"What's up, Ddraig?" I inquired, and a vibrant green ball emerged from my chest, transforming into Ddraig's human form beside me. To my surprise, he was donned in a crimson tuxedo, a departure from his usual attire. "Nice threads. What's the special occasion?" I asked, genuinely curious.

[I'm heading out on a date. Won't be back until later, so... yeah, bye,] he announced, then promptly disappeared.

I stood there, still processing the unexpected revelation. "He's going on a date?" I mused aloud.

{Indeed.} Albion's voice resonated in my mind. {This, that, and the other; he's been discreetly meeting a dragon in the Underworld. Although I'm uncertain about the reciprocity of their feelings, she might have given him a chance.}

A grin spread across my face as I chuckled at the unexpected revelation. "Ddraig going on a date and possibly finding love? That's a twist I didn't see coming," I mused, the idea amusing me more than I anticipated.

Albion chimed in with his own observation, {He was probably influenced by you.}

I grinned at Albion. "Speaking of being influenced, I'll bet you're slyly involved with someone too, but I won't dig too deep. Good luck, Alby," I teased, smirking knowingly. He attempted to protest, but I brushed it off, choosing to leave his secrets untouched.

— ○ ● ○ —

As I descended to the first floor of my residence via the elevator, the warm sight of Sona and Reya caught my attention. Intrigued, I approached them, posing a simple inquiry, "Are you two heading somewhere?"

Sona offered an explanation, "Yes, we're off to the Underworld to join Tsubaki for a meet and greet event for her recently published novel." She then cast a discerning gaze in my direction before extending an invitation, "Would you like to come along with us?"


"M-may I come?"

"Me too!"

The unexpected voices of Raiko and Inaie chimed in from behind us.

"I see no problem with that. Tsubaki will be delighted to see you all," assured Sona. Swiftly, we readied ourselves, and before long, we found ourselves en route to Lilith.

— ○ ● ○ —

Upon our arrival in Lilith, we proceeded towards the bookshop. I found myself positioned between Sona and Raiko, with Reya and Inaie following closely behind.

"I heard from Danu and Áine that you defeated a god during the last operation. Good job," I congratulated Sona, reaching over to pat her on the head.

Sona let out a sigh and replied, "It was necessary for me to confront him, as I had instructed Rugal, Momo, and the others to focus on their assigned tasks. However, it worked in my favor because he wasn't the type of god with extensive battle experience."

Furrowing her brow, she continued, "If we were to win against Dulio-san and his team and face Indra-sama, I doubt facing him alone would be easy. I would require Saji's assistance, given that he possesses a Sacred Gear. After all, I am a devil, and a god is my natural enemy."

Raiko spoke, "That would have been the case last year, Sona. However, you need to keep in mind that you're not a 'normal' devil anymore, and you eclipse the vast majority of gods in strength."

Sona considered this, responding, "That may be the case, but combat-oriented gods like Indra-sama have a vast array of skills and abilities. When Aaron and he fought, I believe he wasn't taking it too seriously. I think he just wanted to fight someone strong to have fun."

Acknowledging her point, I chimed in, "That's true. He may have used his god armor and tools, but he wasn't utilizing everything in his arsenal. Even so, we fought and had fun, and he was fine with that outcome. However, I think he'll put everything he has into his upcoming matches since he has a chance for a rematch with me. But if he loses, I'll still entertain a rematch with him."

Inaie's question lingered in the air as we walked, her curiosity evident in the tone of her voice. "So you're still going to fight him even if he gets knocked out of the tournament?"

I nodded, sharing my reasoning. "Yeah, I'd rather keep him engaged in controlled sparring sessions. It's better than having him potentially spark a conflict with Shiva or someone else. Dealing with that would be quite annoying. I'm used to people challenging me to fights, especially Vali, so adding one more god to the list won't bother me too much," I explained, eliciting a laugh from Inaie.

Our conversation flowed as we strolled, and eventually, we arrived at the bookshop. To my surprise, a substantial line of people awaited their turn to enter. The anticipation hung in the air as readers eagerly waited outside.

"It's not surprising," remarked Sona, our guide in this literary venture. "Tsubaki is a talented writer, catering to a specific demographic that resonated with her first book. Your support with funds and advertising played a significant role, but the reviews were overwhelmingly positive."

With Sona's assurance, we approached the front of the line. She presented some form of identification, allowing us entry as she informed the staff that we were with her.

As we stepped into the venue, a lively atmosphere enveloped us. The sight of enthusiastic fans flocking to Tsubaki's table near the front was impossible to miss. They eagerly sought her autograph, pictures, and a moment to connect with their favorite author.

Tsubaki herself radiated joy amidst the hustle and bustle. Raiko, Sona, and Inaie gravitated toward her, engaging in the lively scene.

Observing from a distance, Reya questioned my decision. "Aren't you going over there?"

I shook my head. "Not at the moment. The last thing we need is the Oppai Dragon causing a commotion. I've tweaked people's perceptions of me for now, except for those who know me on a more personal level. Right now, I'm just another 'girl' with you guys, so to speak."

Upon our arrival, I swiftly activated my ability to alter people's perception. I wanted to avoid attracting unnecessary attention. Sona was already a notable figure—heiress of the Sitri clan, a member of the [Rookies Four], part of the [DxD] team, a god slayer, and recently promoted to Ultimate-class Devil. Our presence drew eyes, with some discreetly capturing the moment through their cameras.

Reya and I stood at a corner of the store watching everything happen. She stood by my side, subtly intertwining her fingers with mine. Glances from Sona's group, including Tsubaki, acknowledged our presence, and with a wave, I conveyed our intention to catch up with them shortly. They nodded in understanding and proceeded with the ongoing event.

"Shall we explore the shop in the meantime?" I suggested to Reya. She agreed, and together we turned right, entering a different area. The shelves were filled with an array of books, and Reya, in particular, showed interest, selecting a few to purchase.

"No, I'll take care of this myself, thank you very much," she asserted before I could offer to pay for them. "We make enough money on our own, Aaron, and your generous allowance covers us well. I've been saving a portion and sharing some with family members to support them," she added, shedding light on her thoughtful financial approach.

"Well, I kind of expected something like that from you guys... except for a few," I replied casually, my mind briefly recalling Valerie, Kuroka, and Ingvild as the more extravagant spenders, excluding Rias, who had toned down her purchases lately.

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked, pouting cutely. "Oh, it's the book Tsubaki-senpai authored," she added, bringing it up.

My eyes locked onto the book's cover and title, but simultaneously, I couldn't help but give it an odd look. "It's called, 'The Erotic Adventures of Pai-Pai man...?' W-wait, is Tsubaki—"

"Yes, she writes erotic novels, Aaron. You didn't know that?" Reya asked, looking at me with surprise.

"...No. She said she didn't or wouldn't write about BL and Yaoi stuff. But I didn't think she'd just write erotic novels of all things. What in God's name did I help promote?" I questioned, taking the novel from her hands and reading the summary. As I delved into the details, a mix of curiosity and bewilderment took hold, stirring my thoughts on the unexpected content I had unintentionally supported.

"Should I buy it~?" she teased, playfully taking the book from my hands. "Hmm, maybe I should~" Reya added it to her growing pile before sticking her tongue out at me and reconsidering. "We already have it in our library, so we don't need to buy it again. The other girls in our home have started to read it too. They say it resembles some of the things you do."

I swiftly reclaimed the book and speed-read through it. To my utter horror, some of the more "lewd" things I've done with the other girls were vividly written within its pages. Names, places, and certain actions were altered, but the familiarity was unmistakable.

"Y-you look nervous, Aaron. Is something wrong?" Reya asked, picking up on my unease.

"No," I replied, setting the book down. "I'll need to speak to Tsubaki about this later," I added, my tone carrying a hint of mortification.

As I contemplated the situation, a thought crossed my mind: who was responsible for divulging these intimate details? Akeno? Kuroka? Perhaps both? Or was it someone else entirely? Tsubaki shouldn't have been able to compile this information without someone discreetly feeding her details. The need for a conversation with Tsubaki weighed on me, seeking clarity on how such personal moments ended up in her writing.

As we strolled through the bookstore, a contemplative pause lingered between us.


"Come on, let's explore the rest of the store. The event with Tsubaki should take a bit longer," I suggested, guiding her away.

We swiftly approached the cash register, procured her chosen books, and ascended to the third floor, where a cozy café awaited. After acquiring some delectable treats and beverages, we settled at a nearby table. Raiko and Inaie soon joined us, having concluded their attendance at the event.

"Phew! So many people here. I didn't think Tsubaki could write all of that!" exclaimed Inaie, a playful grin lighting up her face. "Sounds a lot like the things you do, Aaron. Both Sona and Raiko noticed them too, right~?" she inquired, stealing a glance at Raiko, who sported a modest blush.

Raiko took a tentative sip of her drink, her gaze shifting between the liquid in her glass and me. "I...I don't know anything about that," she replied, her voice carrying a shy undertone.

I turned to Inaie, determined to unravel the mystery. "Inaie," I called out, prompting her attention. "We'll go on our second date if you tell me who spilled the beans to Tsubaki—"

"Akeno and Ingvild!" Inaie blurted out, not waiting for me to complete my sentence.

The revelation caught me off guard. Akeno's involvement wasn't entirely surprising, given her close relationship with Tsubaki, but Ingvild's name was unexpected. Who would have thought that she would disclose such information?

"Oh, and Gabriel! But she's sort of innocent about it, right? So Tsubaki probably used that to her advantage, maybe something about learning it for your benefit or something. You and her did do it recently," Inaie explained, shedding light on the situation with her characteristic frankness.

"I appreciate you sharing that, Inaie. Let's head back to the Shinto Pantheon in the future for our date. I'd like to meet your parents again," I said to her, and a gleam appeared in her eyes at my suggestion.

Her blush deepened, and she nodded so vigorously that the table trembled. It was evident she understood the implication behind my words. Raiko and Reya exchanged smiles, akin to witnessing a child receiving a cherished gift.

As our conversation continued for the next few minutes, our peaceful moment was abruptly shattered by a loud crash downstairs, accompanied by multiple voices shouting. Our eyes met, and we decided to investigate. I dispelled my perception-altering ability, garnering a few curious glances, which I chose to disregard.

Upon descending the stairs, a scene of chaos unfolded. A stack of Tsubaki's books lay scattered, and an individual with a comically absurd mask stood in the center, accompanied by three other devils. It appeared to be a trite and clichéd attempt at robbery.

Sona and Tsubaki directed stern glares at the "robbers," while the remaining patrons in the store scattered—some cowering, others hiding, and a few choosing to make a hurried exit.

"Put your hands—" The would-be robber was cut off before he could utter the cliché demand. I leaped from my position and descended onto his head, sending him crumpling to the ground. With a swift motion of my right arm toward his accomplices, I snapped my fingers, casting them into a deep slumber.

Summoning a magic circle, I established a connection with the Underworld police, relaying the incident details promptly. They mobilized swiftly in response to my report.

In truth, the impact of my landing proved fatal for the first assailant; his head had caved in under the force, killing him. To rectify the unintended fatality, I utilized my abilities to resurrect him, ensuring he was handed over to the authorities intact.

After completing everything, I swiftly cloaked myself in invisibility. Employing this tactic, I created the illusion of appearing on the scene spontaneously, like a hero, and promptly teleported away.

My intention was to keep the focus on Tsubaki, avoiding any undesired attention directed towards me. I allowed the commotion to unfold, letting them marvel at the recent turn of events, and ascended to the restaurant while reactivating my perception ability.

Upon returning to our seats, I remarked, "That felt like something out of a cartoon or a crime show, don't you think?"

Inaie agreed, "Yeah, it was pretty cliché! Well, if we don't include you killing the bad guys and bringing them back to life," followed by laughter.

Reya inquired, "You didn't want to take the spotlight away from Tsubaki-senpai?" I nodded in response.

"Yeah, it's her event, not mine. I kind of just showed up, did that, and left, so it's fine. The chaos below has already started to wane," I explained. During the remaining duration, we settled into our seats, engaged in conversation while patiently awaiting the conclusion of Tsubaki's small event, anticipating the moment when they would finally join us.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Great job," I commended them when Tsubaki and Sona eventually arrived. I had detected their presence earlier and took the liberty of ordering some food and drinks for them.

"Thank you, and thanks for joining us, Aaron," expressed Tsubaki as she settled beside me. Inaie, having stood up, offered her seat to Tsubaki with a smug grin directed at me.

"On a somewhat unrelated note, have Ingvild, Gabriel, and Akeno shared with you the details of our... intimate times in the bedroom? Reading the book, I noticed a lot of it felt oddly familiar," I inquired, narrowing my eyes suspiciously at her.

Tsubaki's face flushed crimson, and she began to stammer, catching Sona off guard. The [Queen] gazed at her friend with a mixture of surprise and curiosity.

" I'm sorry. A-Akeno and Ingvild provided a lot of detail, but I tried not to copy it word for word," Tsubaki stammered. "G-Gabriel-sama just told me that she felt a lot of love from it and she wanted to cuddle with you more...she d-didn't go into detail about it," she explained, her embarrassment evident.

"Ingvild? That's quite a surprise. I didn't expect her of all people to tell you such things...did you bribe them, Tsubaki?" Sona questioned, fixing her friend with an inquisitive gaze. Tsubaki, somewhat reluctantly, nodded in confirmation.

She had indeed bribed them, but the nature of the bribe remained a mystery. What could Tsubaki possibly offer to sway Akeno and Ingvild, and why did they share such intimate details?

Raiko raised an inquisitive eyebrow and asked, "What did you bribe them with?"

Tsubaki, her face still flushed with embarrassment, stammered, "I-I promised them access to my drafts and offered them a chance to be my beta readers. They seemed to find the proposition enticing..."

Raiko, seeming intrigued, pressed further, "Is your second book nearly finished?" Her tone held a hint of hesitation, and when I looked at her, she avoided making direct eye contact, her face turning crimson. "I'm just asking," she quickly added, looking away from me as if trying to downplay her curiosity.

Tsubaki stammered, "W-w-well, I'm halfway finished with it, and I've already shared my—" She proceeded to enlighten us about the forthcoming second book, detailing what readers could anticipate.

The atmosphere was charged with curiosity as everyone present seemed to be engrossed in the ongoing narrative. Despite my lack of personal interest, I continued to lend my support. And so, the remainder of our time there unfolded as a relatively tranquil and enjoyable day.

— ○ ● ○ —

The following day dawned, bringing with it a cloud of melancholy that hung over the Red Dragon of Domination. He found himself stood up on his date, and worse yet, when he went in search of his intended companion, he discovered her entwined with another dragon, engaged, well, love making.

Despite our attempts to lift his spirits, Ddraig remained unresponsive. However, we assured him of our unwavering support whenever he felt ready to share his feelings. For the time being, we decided to allow him some space to grapple with his emotions.

Albion, on the other hand, informed us that he spent most of his time within his Sacred Gear, indulging in films, anime, and games. While he appeared to be coping relatively well, the revelation must have been a profound blow to witness.

As for myself, Momo stood by my side, clad in a stunning purple sweater dress that gracefully covered her thighs, complemented by a white jacket, long black tights, and stylish brown boots. Adorning her neck was a small blue pendant—a token of affection I had gifted her just the night before.

"Are you ready?" I inquired, gently holding her hand.

"Mmm, I am. I've informed my parents that we started on our journey last night, so they should be expecting us around noon. It's close to that now, so teleporting is a viable option," explained Momo.

True to her nature as a former Student Council President candidate, she had diligently prepared for our departure.

"Momo, you're always on top of things," I grinned in response.

"If I didn't do this, what would you have done?" she asked, tilting her head curiously.

"Changing their—" She interrupted me by placing her finger on my lips.

"I expected that, so let's just go, jeez," she said, puffing her cheeks slightly.

With that, we embarked on our journey to her home, where I would have the opportunity to meet her parents.

— ○ ● ○ —

Nikko served as Momo's hometown, and the fortuitous timing allowed her parents to return for a few days, aligning all of our schedules perfectly.

This charming city, nestled north of Tokyo in Tochigi prefecture, holds its prominence with Toshogu, an impressive Shinto shrine and the final resting place of Shogun Tokugawa Ieyasu. As the founder of the Tokugawa shogunate, which governed Japan for centuries, his mausoleum stands as a testament to history. Additionally, the Futarasan shrine, with a rich history spanning over 1,200 years, adds to the cultural allure of Nikko.

Beyond its historical landmarks, Nikko boasts the breathtaking Nikko National Park, offering panoramic views of the surrounding mountains, natural hot springs, and a kaleidoscope of seasonal colors, particularly during the vibrant autumn months. This city provides an ideal setting for a brief escape from the bustling Tokyo life, featuring numerous traditional ryokans and rejuvenating hot-spring resorts.

Today, our presence in this place had a particular purpose. After we reached our destination, Momo took the lead, guiding us through the winding streets. True to her vibrant personality, she was swiftly recognized by the locals.

"Momo-chan! Are you back home for a visit?" inquired an elderly man with a face adorned with wrinkles, sporting a straw hat on his head.

"Yes, just a day visit, hopefully. It's also lovely to see you, Ogiyuma-san," Momo greeted warmly.

"Hoho, a day trip, is it?" Ogiyuma-san chuckled and then turned his attention to me. "And who might this young man be?" He noticed our intertwined hands. "Oh, oh? Your boyfriend perhaps?" he teased, grinning at us.

"I'm Jin Skyward, nice to meet you, Ogiyuma-san, and yes, I'm Momo's boyfriend," I introduced myself, extending my hand for a handshake.

Ogiyuma shook my hand with a firm grip. "Treat her right, okay!? Otherwise, the other younger men in our little town will be after your head!" he exclaimed in a jovial tone, patting my side before walking away, still chuckling.

Momo apologized with a blush, "I'm sorry about him; he's like a local legend since he did a lot of things in his youth."

I chuckled in response, shaking my head. "It's fine; he's still chipper for a man his age. Anyway, let's go and not keep your parents waiting."

She agreed, and we quickly left the area, walking up a long flight of rocky stairs until we arrived at a modern yet traditionally styled Japanese home.

Golden statues of what normal humans perceived to be Amaterasu, Hachiman, and Fūjin adorned the surroundings. Seeing them, I couldn't help but smirk; they made the deities look somewhat... well, ugly. Despite that, the craftsmanship was commendable, a skill worth boasting about.

Before us stood a three-story home, adorned with a black-tiled roof, predominantly white walls, a serene pond to the left, a flourishing garden to the right, and a pair of cars parked on the left side of the house.

"Your home is... interesting. It's a blend of normal and, well, that," I remarked, gesturing towards the conspicuous golden statues.

"It's just Dad. He knows the supernatural is real, so... But I didn't see the other two before, so maybe it's Mom? I did tell her beforehand about it, and according to Dad, she freaked out but eventually came to accept it," Momo explained.

Out of nowhere, a red dot appeared on my head, and a man's voice echoed, followed by the launch of a red pellet directly at me. Reacting swiftly, I caught it, feeling a bit bewildered, while Momo hid her face in embarrassment. Soon after, a woman's voice joined the chaotic scene, and a barrage of yellow pellets rained down upon us. Again, I managed to catch every single one.

Glancing at Momo for some guidance, I found her avoiding eye contact, so I decided to shrug it off and press on with our walk. However, the relentless shower of pellets persisted, pushing Momo to her breaking point. In a burst of anger, she couldn't hold back any longer.

"At least try to act normal on your days off too!!!!!!!!!!" she roared, her frustration echoing through the air. Miraculously, the onslaught of pellets ceased, replaced by the laughter of two unidentified individuals.

A man and a woman, dressed in very casual clothes, emerged. The older gentleman had short gray hair, blue-green eyes, a crimson Hawaiian shirt, short brown shorts, sandals, and black sunglasses. The other person, a woman with long white hair, blue-green eyes, and a yellow sundress, stood beside him. They both held plastic guns and were laughing heartily.

"So…I can assume that these are your parents?" I inquired, observing the unique couple. Momo facepalmed in embarrassment.

"Yes…yes, they are," she admitted.

"They seem like a fun bunch," I remarked, to which she shook her head and let out a tired sigh.

"Please don't encourage them," she pleaded before striding over to her eccentric parents. "I told you I was bringing Jin with me! Why are you two like this!?" she asked, sounding more exasperated than angry.

"We wanted to test him!" exclaimed her father.

"Yes, yes, we wanted to see the Middleman's reaction time! These are the best ones we own, after all!" added her mother, gesturing proudly to their plastic BB guns.

I wore a smirk as I approached them, extending my hand in a friendly greeting. "I'm Jin Skyward, or Aaron Toole. Please call me whatever you prefer. It's a pleasure to meet you both."

Momo's dad reciprocated with a smirk of his own, attempting to crush my hand in a firm handshake. However, his efforts proved futile, as the force exerted was inconsequential to me. Momo, sharp as ever, caught onto the play. I tightened my grip in response, and his expression quickly shifted from arrogance to surprise and pain.

"Ow?! Woah! What a grip!" he exclaimed, and I couldn't help but burst into laughter. Our amusement, however, was short-lived, as Momo swiftly intervened, smacking both of us on the head and shooting a stern glare our way, demanding an end to our antics.

I released his hand, and Momo's dad burst into laughter, playfully shaking his hand around. I pointed my finger at him and mended his hand. I hadn't gripped it hard enough to crush it, but it was sufficient to elicit his yelp.

"I'm Renjiro Hanakai, by the way. It's nice to meet you, Jin Toole or Aaron Skyward?" he asked, grinning at me.

"Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you, Renjiro," I replied, then shifted my gaze to Momo's mom.

She smiled warmly and introduced herself, "I'm Serika Hanakai. It's a pleasure to meet you, Jin-kun. Now then, let's come inside, okay?"

We all agreed, and together we made our way into their home.

— ○ ● ○ —

We were ushered into the kitchen and dining room area, where I found myself directed to a chair, with Renjiro taking a seat across from me. Momo and Serika busied themselves in the kitchen, bringing out various dishes one by one.

"You don't need to help, Jin. I've heard a lot about you from Momo, Sona-sama, and her family. It's in your nature to want to assist, isn't it? But today, you're a guest, so there's no need," Renjiro mentioned.

It seemed like he had accurately assessed my inclination to help, so I quietly acquiesced, observing the two as they presented a spread of delicious-looking dishes. Even the aroma wafting from the food was enticing.

As the table was set with an array of dishes, a cozy atmosphere enveloped us, a sling of comfort hanging over our gathering. Renjiro, breaking the ice, spoke up, "Before we indulge in this feast, let's address the elephant in the room." He turned his gaze towards me and continued, "Middleman, Dual Dragon Emperor, and Oppai Dragon, correct?"

"That's correct. What would you like to know?" I replied, raising my arm to reveal the [Boosted Gear], then dismissing it.

To both mine and Momo's surprise, her dad produced a [Boosted Gear] plushie and a photo of me in my [Boosted Gear] Scale Mail. With a twinkle in his eye, he asked, "Can I get your autograph?"

I sat there for a few moments, staring at him. It felt like déjà vu, reminiscent of Fusae's dad's request. I couldn't help but hope that not all parents were like this. Shigune's parents, for instance, were relatively normal, although their shared love for hearty meals rivaled Shigune's own gluttony.

"Sure thing," I responded with a smile, proceeding to autograph his belongings. My attention briefly shifted to Serika, who had her own set of items. After signing Renjiro's, I swiftly added my signature to hers.

Momo, still puzzled by their excitement, questioned, "Where did you both even get those?"

Her father beamed proudly and shared, "Once your mother discovered the supernatural, she was understandably concerned. Initially, she even contemplated pulling you out of it. However, after I provided more insights and had a Sitri household servant explain things, she reluctantly embraced it."

Renjiro shot a playful smirk at Serika, adding, "But as she delved deeper into the realm of the supernatural, she uncovered various fascinating aspects. Naturally, she stumbled upon information about Jin and his unique status. Her research extended to the Oppai Dragon, and, well, we ended up becoming avid fans. Naturally, we couldn't resist grabbing a few souvenirs along the way."

Momo placed her hands on her forehead, displaying clear signs of fatigue, even though we had just arrived. She then gazed back up at me, and I responded with a reassuring smile. Eager to avoid creating a negative impression, I decided to play along, sensing that she had grown weary of her parents' eccentricities and surrendered to the situation.

"Let's just have lunch," she mumbled wearily, beginning to eat.

"Jin-kun, Jin-kun, can you tell us about your adventures and what it's like living your life?" Serika inquired, her own plate in hand. Renjiro joined in, ready to indulge in the meal.

"It might take a while, but I don't mind," I replied. They eagerly expressed their willingness to listen, so I embarked on recounting my adventures and experiences for their attentive ears.

— ○ ● ○ —

The lunchtime chatter gradually faded, marking the end of our meal, and a peculiar atmosphere settled in. A sound of distress emerged, and to my surprise, both of Momo's parents were sobbing.

I reflected on my storytelling, wondering if I inadvertently shared something excessively sorrowful. Recounting my life's journey, I omitted certain details, especially the part about my reincarnation, deeming it unnecessary for the moment.

I did mention the demise of my parents, presenting the choice I faced in reviving them. However, I disclosed the complexities of my father's character, leading me to opt for the revival of my mother, maid, and the last person I was romantically involved with before delving into the supernatural. This revelation seemed to have stirred intense emotions, culminating in heartfelt sobs from Momo's parents.

Observing the scene, Momo had already risen from her seat, attending to her plate. Feeling the need to give them a moment, I excused myself and joined her in the kitchen. As we stood side by side, washing the dishes, Momo released an audible sigh and turned to me.

"You didn't disclose everything to them," she remarked, to which I simply nodded.

"They don't need to know the complicated details. This level of information is enough," I responded, and she leaned against me, providing comfort amid the quiet hum of daily life.

I can't recall exactly when it happened, but as we neared the end of our dishwashing, the crying we had heard behind us ceased. Upon turning around, both of Momo's parents were nowhere to be found, replaced only by a note. Moving closer, we read the hastily scribbled words, "We'll tackle the cleaning later. Don't touch anything. We just stepped out to the city for a bit. We'll be back in thirty minutes!"

Momo reassured me, "They have this habit, nothing to worry about. They'll return, but always add an extra thirty minutes or an hour to their estimated time."

With Momo's explanation, I felt more at ease as we resumed cleaning the plates in the sink, swiftly completing the task at hand.

After finishing the dishwashing task, we wandered into the living room, situated just across from the dining area and kitchen. However, Momo caught hold of my shirt sleeve, her face blushing, and hesitantly inquired, "D-do you want to come up to my bedroom...?"

I paused for a moment, then silently agreed. In the ensuing quietude, we ascended to her bedroom. Momo directed me to her bed—a space that seemed quite ordinary.

Bookshelves adorned with various books, a desk housing a laptop, dressers, scattered magazines, and a charming bed defined the room's ambiance. The atmosphere held a subtle tension, as if the room itself was privy to the unspoken exchanges between us.

Momo slid off her white jacket, her expression taking on a seductive yet dreamy quality. Acting on impulse, I pulled her closer, a smirk playing on my lips. "Today was meant to be a 'meet your parents' day, but it seems they've vanished, leaving us in the dust. What's our plan of action?" I inquired, the corners of my mouth lifting slightly.

The atmosphere between us shifted, caught between the initial intention of family introduction and the unexpected turn of events. As we stood there, the sun casting a warm glow around us, the question lingered in the air, prompting us to decide how to navigate this unexpected twist in our day.

— ○ ● ○ —

Lemon Start

— ○ ● ○ —

Momo didn't offer a verbal response, but her actions spoke volumes. She expressed her feelings through a tender kiss, enveloping me in her embrace. In return, I reciprocated the kiss, my hands finding their place on her ass, adding a sensual touch to the moment. As we descended onto her bed, our intimate connection deepened, our tongues entwining in a dance of desire.

Exploring further, my left hand ventured to her delicate breast, gently caressing it while simultaneously indulging in the softness of her right ass cheek. Breaking the kiss, a glistening strand of saliva connected our tongues momentarily.

My attention shifted to her attire, and I pulled down her sweater dress, unveiling a cute, nearly transparent bra. The unexpected sight sparked curiosity, and leaning in, I whispered, "Were you hoping something would happen today?"

A shiver ran through Momo's body as she nodded, her demeanor meek yet filled with desire. She planted light kisses on my cheek and, with a plea in her eyes, softly requested, "I was... I knew we'd be alone, and I hoped for this to happen. So, please..."

I pressed my lips against hers once more, my hands exploring the curves of her body. With a subtle snap of my fingers, Momo's attire began a gradual vanishing act, dissolving away until she stood naked before me. Blushing, she gazed up at me, her eyes a mix of anticipation and desire.

I, too, shed my garments, exposing myself to her intense scrutiny. Her gaze lingered on my erection, intensifying the crimson hue on her cheeks. Boldly, she reached over, her touch stimulating me further. Simultaneously, I reciprocated, fingers exploring the warmth between her legs. A sly smirk played on my lips as I noticed her arousal.

Raising my hand, I displayed the evidence of her heightened excitement. "Someone's already dripping, care to share?" I inquired, a mischievous glint in my eyes. Momo's face flamed even brighter, and she shook her head.

Unexpectedly, Momo skillfully used her feet to swiftly rid me of my underwear, momentarily leaving me astonished. As she beheld my fully exposed member, she entwined her legs around my lower half, fixing an intense gaze upon me.

"We... our time is limited... don't use your barrier; let's savor this moment, it's more exciting that way, right…?" she pleaded. Reaching back, she delicately seized my member, initiating a gentle caress. Leaning in closer, she whispered, "Take me, Aaron; I'm prepared."

These unexpected actions from the typically serious and diligent Momo left me thoroughly bewildered. Yet, the departure from her usual demeanor ignited an intense arousal within me, creating a conflicting but undeniably alluring experience.

Momo loosened her leg's grip, allowing me to readjust myself as I aligned my member with her entrance. Our eyes met, and she sealed our connection with a tender kiss, granting me permission to proceed. Playfully, I teased her, tracing my member along her clit and inserting the head, evoking shivers from her.

"Stop... teasing me," she pleaded, a hint of genuine frustration in her voice. With her arms around my neck, she pulled me closer. "Make love to me, Aaron," she whispered, her plea dripping with desire and vulnerability.

"Yeah," I replied, finally aligning my member at the entrance of her vagina. I took a deep breath, allowing a moment of anticipation to settle in. As I gently pushed forward, Momo emitted soft grunts, a mixture of surprise and pleasure.

Glancing back at her, I noticed her eyes wide open, and her mouth slightly agape. It dawned on me that this experience might be new for her, even if she did regularly pleasure herself. She acknowledged my gaze with a nod, encouraging me to proceed.

As I continued, I marveled at the warm and wet sensation enveloping me. The intimate connection felt both comforting and arousing, especially considering Momo's subtle reactions. However, as I delved deeper, I encountered a slight resistance, a barrier stopping me on my progress.

Once more, Momo affirmed with a nod, and I proceeded to breach her walls, ushering her into the realm of womanhood. Momo emitted a subdued grunt of discomfort, a fleeting tremor passing through her.

Despite the pain, she signaled for me to persist with a shake of her head and a hushed encouragement, "Keep going." And so, I pressed onward until I finally reached the end, the tip of my member settling at the threshold of her womb, finding a tranquil perch.

"It's... all in..." Momo whispered, her words punctuating labored breaths.

"Yeah, it is," I responded, and in that moment, we exchanged another tender kiss, sealing the shared experience. "I'm going to move, Momo," I informed her, and she responded with a joyful nod. With that, I withdrew and then thrust back in.

"Aaaahhh~" escaped her lips, and her legs tightened around me. As I intensified the motion of my hips, Momo's moans grew more audible. Her inner muscles clamped down on me, nearly halting my movements, but I persevered.

Leaning down, I seized her left breast, sucking on the nipple, while my other hand tenderly caressed its counterpart. This caused her inner grip to tighten even more. Pulling back my hips, I thrust forcefully, reaching the entrance to her womb.

"Nnnnnnghh...!? Aaah...nngh?!" she moaned, but I promptly kissed her, suppressing her moans. "Ahh... not... my boobs... they're... senstivi—aaaaaaaaahhh!?"

I pinched her nipple with my free hand and gently bit the other, provoking another intense moan. Simultaneously, I increased my pace, penetrating just deep enough to lightly graze the entrance, prompting her body to shiver even more.

"I'm scared, Aaron," she whispered, her body trembling. "It feels so intense... even more than when I used to pleasure myself," she added.

"This will be a regular thing from now on, Momo, so get ready for it," I reassured her, and she nodded eagerly as we resumed kissing. As I continued my movements, I delicately teased and caressed her nipples.

"Ah!? Ohhh! Ahh... mmh... nnnnhgk?!" Momo's body suddenly tensed, and she trembled violently.

Was that an orgasm? Observing Momo, her expression seemed more dazed than before, mouth slightly agape, tongue peeking out, with a bit of drool trailing down her face. I gave her a reassuring smile but didn't allow her much time to recover.

Pulling back again, I shoved my member back into her, slamming against her womb, provoking a reaction.

"Ohhh!? Ahh! Oooh! Nnngh...!?" she almost cried out, her vaginal walls tightening around me. It was evident she was experiencing light orgasms once more. Her gaze locked onto mine, her face now even redder than earlier.

"W-wait, Aaron, I'm still—ohh!?" she moaned, and shut her eyes.

I halted my gentle nibbling on her nipple, whispering, "No need to worry, Momo. Just relish the moment, let the pleasure wash over you, and cum as many times as you want. I'm nearing my own climax, so enjoy it fully."

Observing the girl's ecstasy heightened my arousal, especially witnessing Momo, who was a virgin just moments ago, experience orgasm. It provided a unique satisfaction. Unrelentingly, I persisted in thrusting into Momo while skillfully toying with her nipples.

"Wait... aahhh~ I-I just came. P-please wait...!" she moaned, her words conflicting with the rhythmic movement of her hips. Despite her plea, it was evident she wanted me to persist, revealing a contradiction in her desires.

She gently took hold of my cheeks, her words a soft plea, "I want both of us to cum together…please…"

I pressed my lips against hers, a nod signaling my consent. "Alright, Momo. Let's do that…let's cum together, and I'm close," I grunted, the rhythm of my hips intensifying, pleasure coursing through me. Momo and I resumed our passionate exchange, my fingers teasing her nipples, her most sensitive area, grateful for her guidance earlier.

"…Momo, I'm about to cum," I informed her, feeling her vaginal walls on me tighten.

"Let it out... let it out... Semen... give me your cum... a creampie, give me a creampie...! Nnnnghh! Aaahhh… aahhh! Nnnnnnnnnnnhhhh!?" Momo moaned.

"I'm cumming, Momo...!" I declared. With a final, powerful thrust, I released inside her. I sensed Momo reaching her peak, her body trembling, and her walls constricting around me.

I filled Momo with as much seed as possible, the excess liquid slowly trickling from our intimate connection.

"Haaa... haa... so... warm... so much... fuaaah...!" exclaimed Momo, her shivers echoing the lingering waves of pleasure.

After the initial rush of excitement subsided, I gently shifted our positions. Now, I lay on her bed, with her body resting atop mine. With a playful grin, I inquired, "So... how was it?"

Momo responded with a radiant smile, maneuvering herself higher to plant a tender kiss on my lips. "I loved it, and..." Her voice took on a seductive tone as she encircled her thighs around my still eager member. "You're still raring to go down there," she remarked.

"Well, I can go for as many rounds as possible, so..." I nonchalantly replied.

"Let's keep going for a bit longer; they won't be home for another hour," she suggested, and we indulged in that moment. Our connection deepened that day, an unexpected turn of events from meeting her parents.

— ○ ● ○ —

Lemon End

— ○ ● ○ —

Approximately an hour and fifteen minutes later, her parents returned, and we warmly welcomed them in the living room.

"Welcome back, Mom, Dad. Where did you two go?" Momo inquired, as she sat beside me on the couch. By then, we had switched on their TV and were engrossed in a random show that Momo enjoyed.

"We went out to grab some snacks and cake! Would you stay the night, sweetie?" her mom invited. Momo glanced at me, and I nodded. After all, it was Saturday, so there were no pressing concerns. "Great! Come over, let's have a bit more to eat; all that moving around got me hungry too~!"

Laughter filled the air as we joined them in the dining room, relishing a hearty meal. They urged us to share tales of our supernatural adventures, with Serika oscillating between excitement and horror at the encounters and challenges we faced.

On the whole, the remainder of the day unfolded smoothly. Though I had a desire to explore the area, we opted to spend it in their cozy home, a choice that, in itself, wasn't undesirable.

— ○ ● ○ —

The following day arrived, and naturally, Momo and I spent the night together, this time with a protective barrier in place. Presently, we found ourselves outside of her home, we decided to go home now, realizing that we had extended our stay longer than initially planned.

"Make sure to visit again, alright? But next time, I'll be expecting to meet my grandchildren!" Renjiro warmly exclaimed, his laughter filling the air. Momo blushed in response to her father's words.

"T-that won't happen for a long time, Dad! Seriously, what's gotten into you?" Momo protested, playfully hitting him as she approached.

"Hahaha! I was just kidding, Momo. Though seeing their faces before I kick the bucket would be nice, as you said, it's a distant future. Anyway, do drop by again, Jin," he said, and I shook his hand once more.

"Absolutely, perhaps on the next visit, I can take you to my home in a different dimension. I believe you'd find it enjoyable," I suggested, and both of Momo's parents enthusiastically agreed. After another round of heartfelt hugs, we set off for home.

— ○ ● ○ —

After a span of several days, I once again found myself on the brink of embarking on another date, but this time the twist was two women joining in simultaneously. Standing to my left was Latia, adorned in her customary noble attire, while on my right stood Shizuna, sporting her usual ensemble.

Since they were both sticking to their typical outfits, I opted for my familiar Middleman attire. Strangely, this choice transformed our gathering into something resembling a mission rather than a traditional date, a realization that lingered in the air.

Latia took the initiative in our conversation, stating, "I've been in communication with them. Silephia, the leader of the Dogs of Tile City, and Keqing are having a meeting, which gives you two the chance to enjoy the initial hours of our date." She directed her gaze towards me and added, "Don't give me that look, like a puppy that just got punched. I'll join you later; this was a last-minute development, okay?" Her reassurance prompted me to release a sigh, acknowledging the unforeseen change of plans.

Shizuna, also known as Zhang Mei, seized the opportunity to playfully latch onto me, commenting, "Well, I suppose I can relish a few hours of alone time with him, fufu~"

Latia responded to Shizuna's comment with an eye roll, and without further ado, we promptly departed for the village.

— ○ ● ○ —

As soon as we reached the village, Latia rose on her tiptoes, seized my tie, pulled me down and planted a surprise kiss on me. Shizuna stood there, visibly taken aback, her eyes fixed on our unexpected display of affection.

With a mischievous grin, Latia taunted, "I hope this will keep you from succumbing to loneliness in my absence." She followed it up with another kiss and added, "I'll be back soon. I'll get in touch, so in the meantime, explore the place with Shizuna. Save the forest for last, alright? I'm curious to see that spot too."

Without giving me a chance to respond, Latia sauntered away. However, in her path, she encountered Ganyu, who, I surmised, had accompanied Keqing here. Latia and Ganyu exchanged a few words, with Latia gesturing towards us. Ganyu glanced our way, nodded in acknowledgment, and made her way over to join us.

"Ah, a third wheel, perhaps?" teased Shizuna, earning herself a gentle bonk on the head from me. "Ow~" she exclaimed playfully.

"It's been a while, Jin, and it's nice to see you here, Zhang Mei," Ganyu greeted with a bow. "I'm well acquainted with this village. If you'd like, I can take you on a small tour. Since our last visit, it has undergone several improvements, thanks to both your and Lady Ningguang's financial contributions."

Shizuna interjected cheerfully, "Hey, hey, Gan-Gan. If you want to join us as a third wheel, just say so~!" Her enthusiasm prompted me to lightly karate chop the top of her head once again.

"Eh? I... um...?" Ganyu seemed perplexed by Shizuna's remark, and I took the opportunity to clarify, causing her to blush. "Oh, um, I didn't mean to—"

"If you don't mind, we'd appreciate that, Ganyu," I informed her, eliciting an even deeper blush from her.

"O-okay, i-is there any specific place you want to see?" she stammered, her cheeks still tinted with a blush.

"I'll leave it up to you since you know more about this place," I responded, and she nodded, taking the lead.

As we moved along, Shizuna enveloped my left arm, her curiosity evident as she inquired, "When did you donate money to this place?"

"We discussed it when we first came here, and It was during when all to fought off the opposing faction. In the end, I entrusted Ningguang to handle them, considering you were already part of the alliance. To cut it short, Silephia likely made improvements with the funds from Ningguang and me," I elucidated, and she nodded sagely, seemingly comprehending the intricacies.

Ganyu abruptly halted, and we followed suit. She gestured to our left, stating, "This is a new daochang that recently opened, or it's known as a dojo in Japan. The local youth have started using it, and one of the 'rebels' serves as the teacher. Please, come inside."

Upon entering the daochang, a lively scene unfolded before us. The wooden structure, seamlessly integrated into the massive tree that enveloped the village, mirrored the architectural theme prevalent in the area. Decorating the interior were numerous depictions of revered figures like the Jade Emperor, Ningguang, and Longwang.

Shizuna, with a hint of disbelief, inquired, "Pff—is that you?" Her finger pointed to the farthest corner, where a depiction of me adorned in my [Divine Dividing] armor proudly hung on the wall.

"It appears so, and isn't that... Qiao Zhen? I recall Rossweisse and Göndul fighting him back then. I didn't anticipate him being the instructor for this place," I observed, our attention drawn to the figure of Qiao Zhen at the back near the artworks. Guided by Ganyu, we proceeded toward him.

As we approached, he observed our group along with other students present, their eyes mostly fixated on the two ladies accompanying me. Strangely, this attention brought me a sense of relief, although Shizuna, dissatisfied, decided to express her displeasure with a subtle pinch of my cheek.

"Haha, my bad. Don't stress about it too much," I reassured her, offering a comforting rub on her head, which seemed to lift her spirits. Upon reaching Qiao Zhen, I greeted him, "It's been a while. I see you're doing well."

"Yes, I am. I'd like to apologize for what transpired a few months back," he responded, bowing in a display of remorse.

"It's water under the bridge now, so no need to worry. But I am curious—how did you secure this job?" I inquired, scanning our surroundings for answers.

"I spent some time engaged in community service in Nanzendu. After completing my service, I had the opportunity to take up a job. The Dragon King Longwang and the Jade Emperor, Yuhuang Shangdi, recommended this role to me. Unfortunately, our former leader, Lei Wen, is still behind bars due to his lack of cooperation," he explained.

"Is that so? Is he imprisoned here or in Jiaochun?" I inquired.

Rather than Qiao Zhen responding, it was Ganyu who stepped in. "He's currently in the underground prisons of Jiaochun, the capital city of our alliance. The others received lighter sentences and community service. As of now, all of them have completed their terms and are pursuing their own paths, except for Lei Wen."

Before our conversation could progress, a resounding bang echoed, drawing our attention to a robust man marching toward us, his face etched with annoyance.

"I heard she's here!!" he bellowed, fixing a stern gaze on us. "Zhang Mei!!!" he roared, charging in our direction and halting abruptly in front of Shizuna.

Caught off guard, I scanned the faces around me, only to find nods and sighs of resignation. Qiao Zhen took it upon himself to shed light on the situation. "Tianlong Kangyun. He's supposedly a descendant of a powerful dragon in our realm. He used to boast about it incessantly until he crossed paths with Zhang Mei. She promptly gave him a sound beating, and now he's harbored a grudge ever since."

"Fufufu! Kangyun, of all places, you choose today to show up!? I'm here on a date, so let's keep this brief!" Shizuna exclaimed, releasing my arm and casting a smug look in his direction.

The man named Kangyun glanced at me, scoffing, "The Middleman? He doesn't deserve someone as foolish as you. But that's beside the point; I'm prepared today, so brace yourself for defeat! Especially in front of your dat—"

Before he could finish, Shizuna swiftly delivered an uppercut to his chin, sending him soaring into the ceiling. With a crash, he burst through it, disappearing into the distance.

With a triumphant expression, Shizuna spun around and declared, "And that's another win for me! Victory!" Accompanying her words, she flashed a peace sign before once again embracing my arm.

Ganyu chimed in, sighing, "...And that's usually how it concludes. But he'll return soon—once he wakes up, that is," she corrected herself.

As I prepared to respond, a younger teenager approached us, swiftly grabbing my wrist. I met his gaze and he inquired, "Can you teach us for a few hours? No, a few minutes would be fine!"

"A few minutes!!" the others exclaimed in unison behind him. I turned to find them oddly arranged in a lineup, sitting cross-legged.

Uncertain about how to react, I glanced at Ganyu, who offered a reassuring smile, while Shizuna simply shrugged her shoulders.

Qiao Zhen, taking the lead, finally spoke up, "If the Middleman doesn't mind, we'd love to take up some of his time, okay?" He then turned to me, his expression carrying a hint of guilt, as if asking for my indulgence in humoring their request.

I let out a sigh, and Shizuna released her grip on my arm. "Okay, you lot," I declared, "I'm about to take you through the wringer for the next few minutes. No complaints, got it!?" My words echoed, met with a unanimous "yes, sir" from the group.

— ○ ● ○ —

After a few minutes, they all found themselves sprawled on the ground, utterly exhausted. In the preceding five minutes, I had challenged them to come at me, one by one at first, but eventually, they collectively decided to launch a group attack. To avoid causing harm, I refrained from responding with excessive force, yet a few of them ended up propelled against the wall, momentarily immobilized.

Surveying the aftermath, I inquired, "I think that's sufficient for now, right?" My gaze fell on Qiao Zhen, who nodded in agreement.

"Yes, they seem thoroughly spent. Thank you for indulging them," he expressed, then walked over to attend to his pupils.

"We should be on our way then. Apologies for the intrusion into your daochang," I conveyed, and we swiftly departed. Reflecting on the unexpected duration of our stay, I commented, "We lingered there longer than anticipated, but it wasn't too bad. So, Ganyu-sama, where to next?"

A giggle escaped her lips, and Ganyu, in a playful manner, poked her cheek. "How about we grab some lunch? It's going to be a bit before Lady Latia and Lady Keqing join us. I already asked Lady Latia to pick up some food, considering it'll take them some time."

"Hmm... alright, sure, lead the way to a spot, Ganyu," I responded, and she nodded in agreement. As we strolled away, I cast a glance at Shizuna, whispering, "Latia lied to us," prompting a laugh from her.

— ○ ● ○ —

Ganyu led us to a quaint restaurant nestled in the western part of the village. Despite its modest size and sparse occupancy, we decided to venture in. As we entered, an elderly couple warmly greeted us.

"Well, well, if it isn't little miss Ganyu! Are you here to...?" the old lady began, her words trailing off as she noticed our group. "My, oh my, if it isn't the Middleman! Finally gracing our establishment, isn't he?" she chuckled to herself.

"We'll need to whip up the best dishes for him then; he's a fellow chef, after all," the old man chimed in before disappearing into the depths of their kitchen.

Approaching the counter, we initiated our orders. Given our unfamiliarity with the menu, both Ganyu and the old lady graciously enlightened us about the culinary offerings, a gesture we genuinely appreciated.

Upon placing our orders, we made our way to a nearby table, settling into the chairs. Ganyu, our well-informed companion, shared insights with a nod toward a couple across the room. "That's Mr. and Mrs. Haolan. Zhenyun is the husband, and Qianyu is the wife. They've recently relocated and transformed this once-abandoned dwelling into a bustling restaurant. Despite their brief stint here, they've already gained popularity among the neighboring homes and shops. Usually, this place is more bustling, but it appears we've arrived before or after the rush hour."

As Ganyu's words lingered, Shizuna and Ganyu delved into conversation, and I took a moment to absorb the atmosphere. I closed my eyes, allowing the history of this locale to unfold in my mind. It became evident that this place held significant meaning for someone Latia was currently engaged with.

I pondered the intricacies of how a property so steeped in history could change hands so readily. It begged the question: how could that person part with this place? Surely, the decision wasn't made lightly; there had to be a tale of reluctance and tough choices beneath the surface.

At last, our meal arrived, and it was Zhenyun and Qianyu who presented it to us.

"I'm eager to hear your opinion on our food, Middleman. Please, feel free to share!" Zhenyun expressed, and I nodded in agreement.

With chopsticks in hand, I scooped up a portion of the food, tasting it with thoughtful consideration. After a few moments of chewing, I swallowed, relishing the intricate flavors that danced on my palate. After some contemplation, I arrived at a verdict.

Glancing up at Zhenyun and Qianyu, I remarked, "It's really delicious. Is this Char Siu? It seems different from the usual ones found in city restaurants. Is it your unique recipe?"

"He's well informed too! Indeed, it's our special recipe for Char Siu. I'm pleased the Middleman appreciates it!" Zhenyun exclaimed, a hint of laughter accompanying his words.

Char Siu, a delectable Cantonese roast meat, goes by the name "Char Siu" in Cantonese and "Cha Shao" in Mandarin. Crafting this culinary delight involves marinating pork in a luscious sweet BBQ sauce, followed by the transformative process of roasting.

Over time, the signature flavor of Char Siu found in noodle shops and roast meat havens across various Chinatowns globally has evolved into a distinctive sweetness. However, in contemporary culinary landscapes, some establishments tend to cut corners, compromising on the rich tapestry of spices that once defined this dish.

A stellar Char Siu recipe, in its true essence, boasts a nuanced flavor profile—a harmonious interplay of salty and sweet, with a subtle spiciness that complements the pork. This perfect balance allows the dish to shine, whether paired with a humble serving of steamed rice or accompanied by delicately blanched choy sum.

While diverse cuts of pork can serve as the canvas for creating Char Siu, ranging from lean, boneless pork loin to more succulent options, it's the generously marbled cuts like pork shoulder or pork butt that truly elevate the experience of relishing authentic Chinese BBQ pork Char Siu.

I indulged in the array of dishes presented before us—spring rolls, succulent peeking roast duck, and flavorful kung pao chicken. Not one to withhold my thoughts, I shared my opinions on each, contributing to the ongoing culinary conversation. At their request, I pinpointed areas for improvement, and with a nod, we were granted solitude to savor the remainder of our meal.

Amid the dining experience, Shizuna, her mouth brimming with food, remarked, "They're very chipper for their age." Meanwhile, Ganyu, seated across from us, had opted for a more vegetarian selection. A regular patron, she reveled in the couple's familiarity with her preferences, savoring each bite with evident contentment.

The conversation veered into the realm of the supernatural as Ganyu enlightened us about the restaurant owners' vibrant past. "Yes, they were quite active in the supernatural world before they decided to retire. In terms of the devil's ranking system, they should be at the peak of Middle-class, which isn't bad for normal humans, right?" she inquired, prompting me to express my agreement with a thoughtful nod.

"Yeah, not bad at all. Were they perhaps mercenaries?" I inquired.

Ganyu nodded, offering an explanation, "Yes, they were. Though their focus leaned heavily towards capture and retrieval assignments, avoiding the darker side of their trade. Nevertheless, with the nature of the profession, one can't entirely escape the inevitability, don't you think?"

"More or less," I concurred. "There's always the occasional encounter with a rogue group that necessitates defeating or, in some cases, killing," I added as we delved into our meal, the conversation flowing over the next few minutes.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Make sure to come back again, alright!?" Zhenyun bellowed, his pat on my back carrying a robust energy.

"We'd love to host you again, little Jin," Qianyu chimed in, gently squeezing my arm with a warm smile.

"If the opportunity arises, I'll return, perhaps with an even larger group. Thank you for the delightful food and hospitality," I responded, and with that, we bid farewell to the restaurant.

As we stepped out, the bustling streets greeted us, but our exit was promptly interrupted.

"I'm sorry for the wait. Did you just finish having lunch?" Latia inquired, appearing before us, accompanied by a visibly annoyed and stressed Keqing.

Latia approached me, enveloping me in a profound hug. Stress lingered in the air, though she concealed it well. After our embrace, Keqing cast a discerning look my way, sighing.

"It's been a while, Jin. You seem well. We'll take our leave and let you three enjoy your date. Oh, and if you find the time, come visit our realm again; there are a few individuals eager to meet you," Keqing conveyed before giving me a swift once-over and teleporting away with Ganyu.

"Sure? She didn't exactly give me a moment to respond," I mumbled, feeling a bit caught off guard.

Latia, attempting to shed light on the situation, began, "She's just stressed; we had a few... conflicting opinions about various matters. But in the end, we managed to find a middle ground. However, Keqing will still need to inform Ningguang, and I'll have to pass this along to you later, along with my uncle who will, in turn, inform the rest of the alliance." She explained this while enveloping me in another reassuring hug, joined by Shizuna from behind.

"I see, alright then. Let's table that discussion for later, shall we?" I suggested.

"Time for the forest!" Shizuna exclaimed enthusiastically from behind, and with that, we embarked on an awkward waddle, still entangled in our peculiar sandwich hug.

— ○ ● ○ —

Embarking on our journey towards the expansive hills nestled at the rear of the village, our eyes beheld familiar scenes, punctuated by intriguing new additions. It was evident that the village was gradually rejuvenating, manifesting signs of life through the emergence of fresh establishments. Our path unfolded with glimpses of stores and even a quaint park, contributing to the overall revival.

Shizuna shared a revelation, "I've only returned to this place a few times, and I haven't explored those areas Ganyu took us too earlier. So, this is all quite new to me."

Latia, walking alongside us, directed a query at Shizuna, "You didn't delve much into this place?"

As we strolled through a substantial gate demarcating the village from the surrounding forest, the imposing hills above formed a natural canopy, shielding us from the sun and potential rainfall.

"No, I was mainly assigned to keep an eye on their leaders and oversee matters concerning the prisons and things like that. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, so they didn't burden me with anything too complicated," Shizuna confessed, punctuating her admission with a self-deprecating chuckle.

As we arrived at the entrance of the forest, a palpable sense of peculiarity lingered in the air, catching our attention. Latia and Shizuna turned their gazes toward me, awaiting an explanation. I gestured towards the rear of the woodland.

"Over there, you'll find some sort of pond with two figures by it. That's our intended destination," I clarified, piquing their curiosity.

"Silephia and Keqing mentioned that there used to be a house in that area, but it was abandoned just a month before they assumed control of this place," Latia added, sharing a tidbit of information about the history of the mysterious locale.

Shizuna narrowed her eyes, methodically surveying our surroundings. "I don't sense anything else that's threatening—just a few supernatural animals here and there, mostly harmless to us," she remarked, and I nodded in concurrence.

"Yeah, you're right. I'd also like to mention that there are other smaller points of interest we can explore before reaching our final destination. Let's take advantage of that opportunity," I suggested, and they all nodded in agreement. However, Latia, with a soft chuckle, injected an unexpected twist into the conversation, leaving us puzzled.

"I've heard from others that your dates can be either normal or strange. I believe ours falls on the stranger side, doesn't it?" Latia inquired, edging closer to me. She gently took hold of my hand, intertwining our fingers.

"Don't leave me out from this lovey-dovey act!" Shizuna exclaimed, enveloping my other arm in a warm hug while clasping my hand. "Let's go!!"

And with that spirited declaration, we ventured into the forest, our excitement palpable as we anticipated the hidden mysteries that awaited us.

— ○ ● ○ —

After an uninterrupted stroll and lively conversation lasting a good five minutes, we stumbled upon what could only be deemed our first "landmark." And what greeted us took a peculiar form.

Shizuna, perplexed, tilted her head in confusion. "A fountain? Of a deer peeing?" She squinted her eyes at the oddity and shook her head in disbelief. "I don't get it. This place was supposed to be a farming village grappling with poverty. How did this weird thing end up here?" Her confusion deepened.

Latia, displaying a blend of curiosity and mischief, approached the enigmatic fountain. She scrutinized it for a few seconds before deciding to take matters into her own hands, quite literally.

With a swift punch to the deer statue's nether regions, Shizuna's confusion escalated into utter bewilderment. As her protests began to echo, a resounding crack filled the air, and the deer statue crumbled, revealing an alive deer youkai. The creature, now frothing at the mouth, collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

"Eeeeeeehhhh?! It was a person?! Why did they do that!?" Shizuna inquired, her confusion deepening even more.

Latia, reacting swiftly, raised her ring and examined the man. Summoning a magic circle, she delved into a rapid investigation. After a brief moment, she nodded, revealing her findings, "He's a criminal—a deer youkai who's been evading capture for several weeks. It appears he sought refuge here for a few months before making his next move. However, our untimely interruption forced him into a rash and foolish decision..."

I acknowledged with a nod, then proceeded to approach the unconscious deer youkai. Raising my hand, a Shadow Soldier materialized instantly. Instructing it, I said, "Take it back to the village authorities. Inform them of the incident and identify this youkai. If they express doubt, present them with this piece of paper and this item." I handed the Shadow Soldier both the specified items, ensuring a clear account of the recent events.

The Shadow Soldier affirmed its understanding with a swift nod, seizing the unconscious deer youkai before departing on its mission. The unexpected encounter with the unconscious youkai wasn't part of my initial expectations upon entering this locale. However, perhaps the unforeseen occurrence injected a dose of excitement into our time here, adding an unexpected twist to the unfolding events.

"Alright, let's hit the road. I just hope our journey here doesn't turn into a parade of even stranger things," I remarked, a wry smile playing on my lips.

"That's what makes it exciting! I'm all for it!" Shizuna exclaimed, her enthusiasm evident as she energetically tugged both me and Latia away from our current location.

— ○ ● ○ —

"Someone is definitely fucking with me," I voiced my suspicion, the words hanging in the air. Ajuka raised his hand, standing alongside Mealeanis, engrossed in examining the ancient ruins scattered across the forest. Our journey, halfway to its culmination, took an unexpected pause as we stumbled upon these two, leisurely absorbed in the exploration of the dilapidated structures.

"Uncle? What brings you here?" Latia queried, mirroring my bewilderment.

"Fufu, we planned to investigate a certain pond in this vicinity today. Rumors circulated through our connections hinting at ancient secrets concealed within," Ajuka elucidated as he approached us. "So, is this the chosen locale for your date, Jin?"

I responded with a shrug, injecting a touch of nonchalance, "Well, what can I say? I strive to keep things interesting." My words elicited laughter from both Ajuka and me, creating a moment of shared amusement amidst the mysterious surroundings.

"So, did you discover anything?" I inquired as we rendezvoused with Mealeanis and him amidst the ancient ruins.

"Unfortunately, nothing has surfaced here so far. Where are you headed?" he inquired.

"To that particular spot you mentioned. Earlier, we sensed two distinct presences there, so we wanted to go there and check it out. Well, that location was our initial destination too, but we opted for a detour through here," I elucidated, and he nodded in comprehension.

"Oh, shall we venture there together?" he proposed. I had no objections, so we promptly set off in that direction. Regrettably, we had to traverse past other "landmarks" I had been eager to explore, but such is life.

We arrived at an area that diverged starkly from the rest of the forest; it felt almost like stepping into a sub-realm of sorts. However, it wasn't, and this was merely...

"This resembles less of a pond and more of a mini lake," observed Shizuna, and the rest of us tacitly concurred.

In the heart of this vast expanse, a substantial floating landmass held its ground, adorned with a colossal tree that dominated its center. On this ethereal platform, rocks, lily pads, lotus flowers, and a myriad of insects and animals created a harmonious scenery.

Encircling this surreal spectacle was an abyss, its depths hidden from our view, and beyond that, an expanse of water extended indefinitely. Miniature waterfalls adorned the perimeter, complemented by dense, impenetrable thickets, shrouding this sanctuary.

Yet, amid this mesmerizing scenery, two figures stood resolute on the floating landmass. One possessed long silver tresses, multicolored horns crowning her head, and piercing purple eyes. Cloaked in a pristine white dress and barefoot, she emanated a familiar aura. Beside her stood another figure...

"Hmm? Faythe? What brings you to this place? Wasn't your post in the Dimensional Gap, helping Antares?" I inquired, recognizing the other figure as Faythe, the dragon forged by Antares. Memories flashed back to our encounter during the date at the North Pole with Rias. "And is that... the Azure Dragon, Qinglong?" I added.

"Yes, she reached out to powerful dragons using—" Faythe began to explain when Qinglong suddenly materialized in front of me.

Extending her hands, she gently cradled my cheeks, a gesture laden with affection. "Thank you for aiding the Kushihashi clan and Seiryuu."

"No problem, but can you let go of my face?" I queried, and she promptly released her hold, giving my head a pat before gracefully touching down on the ground and taking a step back. Faythe also joined our gathering.

"So, what's the reason for reaching out to you? I assume something dragon-related was used to contact you?" I inquired, seeking clarification on the mysterious summons.

"In reality, her intention was to reach out to you, but fate led her to me instead. She attempted to inquire with Seiryuu, but alas, contacting him proved futile. It appears he's on the verge of assuming leadership in the clan," elucidated Faythe.

"I understand..." So, the wheels are set in motion now, five years down the line. Even though this isn't precisely the original universe anymore.

"What brings you to this place, Aaron-sama?" Faythe inquired, her gaze encompassing me and my companions.

I proceeded to share the purpose of our visit and the presence of Ajuka, posing the question, "Is there some ancient contraption hidden within these surroundings?"

Faythe directed her gaze towards Qinglong, and to our astonishment, she signaled agreement with a nod. Qinglong, in response, clarified, "It's nothing groundbreaking if that's what you're anticipating." She went on to elucidate, "Thousands of years ago, the rulers of this specific land acknowledged the existence of the supernatural. However, despite their awareness, they were comparatively weak. Rather than honing their skills through training, they chose a different path—they crafted devices designed to combat the supernatural, akin to Sacred Gears."

With a contemplative glance back at the suspended platform, Qinglong continued, "But, alas, it proved futile as these creations were insufficient to overcome the supernatural forces. They incorporated Fulu, Taoist seals, intertwining these ancient symbols with their contraptions to forge the weapons. Regrettably, the Fulu they utilized were relatively weak, undermining the effectiveness of these tools. If you were to use the platform in the center to access the miniature realm they created for this specific purpose, you might uncover what you seek."

Upon hearing her revelation, I instinctively lifted my right arm, snapping my fingers to dispel the subtle illusion magic that concealed the heart of the pond. It was a charming scene, adorned with lily pads, lotus flowers, rocks, and bamboos, but with the click of my fingers, the enchantment dissolved, revealing a floating platform in its place.

"Is that what you were standing on earlier?" I inquired of Qinglong, who affirmed with a nod. Glancing at my companions, we swiftly traversed the distance, now accompanied by Qinglong and Faythe.

Once the entirety of our group stood upon the platform, a peculiar sensation enveloped us, and in an instant, we found ourselves transported to a new location.

— ○ ● ○ —

Latia Astaroth's Soliloquy

— ○ ● ○ —

The location we found ourselves in after the teleportation caught me off guard. It was remarkably bright, far brighter than I ever imagined an underground base could be. Right before me stood an enormous triple-floor lotus flower, radiant in golden hues with its apex shining brilliantly. The surrounding area boasted towering walls and additional structures gracing the metallic petals of this colossal blossom.

The path ahead was adorned with pink metallic lotus flowers and their leaves, alongside a flowing stream of silver metallic liquid, resembling an ordinary river. Despite the serene appearance, distant figures caught my attention. As I tried to reach out to them, an inexplicable sensation enveloped our group. A shiver ran down my spine, and to my amazement, everyone else, except Aaron, took an instinctive step back, a collective shiver of terror coursing through us.

In a protective stance, Aaron boldly stepped forward, shielding us with his right arm. An invisible barrier materialized, deflecting an unseen pink force relentlessly assaulting it. Aaron's steadfast defense stood as our only protection against the invisible menace.

"Jin... what is this?" my uncle Ajuka inquired, a hint of uncertainty lacing his words.

Aaron remained silent, his eyes briefly illuminating before he narrowed his eyes, scrutinizing everything before us. Finally, he sighed and spoke, "Maybe I became too complacent after sealing off universal travel following my evolution. I didn't thoroughly inspect everything around our world, but... these individuals are affiliated with the Phantasma."

The revelation left us stunned. The Phantasma? This group? Weren't they supposed to be the human base for crafting those items?!

Aaron pressed on, "It predates all of that. I can sense traces of Nyarlathotep's influence in this place. After delving into the history just now, it appears that following the humans' defeat in this part of China, this belligerent faction of the Phantasma was transported here by her."

"They drew inspiration from the human world and crafted various elements in this realm. Nyarlathotep also tweaked the way time flows here, creating an isolated pocket where more than 100,000 years have unfolded for them, and this is what they crafted in that time," he explained.

Turning his gaze back to us, he continued, "However, their attempts to establish a connection with the Phantasma failed because I, too, blocked that avenue for them. Consequently, this meant they would been stranded here. They might not be aware of my interference, but they understand that only a powerful force, akin to Nyarlathotep's caliber, could enact such a blockade."

Aaron then directed our attention to a small magic circle, and from it emerged a weathered, diminutive base. "This is what the base resembled before their modifications—an initial structure that they expanded and transformed into its current state. It's quite impressive, isn't it? Almost reminiscent of something you'd find in a futuristic sci-fi show," he remarked, a faint frown marring his expression.

"What's truly remarkable is that only about six of them are 'alive,' while the rest are mechanical entities they've engineered. Nevertheless, collectively, these mechanical beings number around 2.7 billion," he explained, a tone of admiration lacing his words. "Remarkably, these mechanical entities boast god-class power. Compare them to combat-oriented gods, each possessing a unique set of skills, strengths, and abilities."

His gaze swept over my uncle, Mealeanis-san, Faythe-san, Qinglong-san, Shizuna, and me before returning to the front. "Latia, Faythe and perhaps Ajuka and Qinglong can handle the living beings, considering they're on the Dragon God-class level. The last two, the 'leaders,' are particularly formidable."

A chuckle escaped him as he continued, "I never anticipated we'd confront a motley crew of them before officially venturing into their universe. But I suppose this can serve as a warm-up. I'll elevate everyone's potential here and imbue a more powerful tattoo, ensuring our safe passage from this ordeal. I intend to engage in conversation with those two leaders and discern their motives. Can I entrust the task of dealing with the remaining 2.7 billion-strong army to you all?" he queried.

"I'll leave some help here for you guys too," he declared, and from his being emerged two radiant orbs of light, materializing into the formidable figures of Albion and Ddraig. In addition, Apophis slithered forth from the shadows, accompanied by two Shadow Soldiers, Igris and Bellion.

"Those two are at the very top, so I'm going there immediately. I'll take out as much as I can on my way, so good luck," he announced before vanishing with a sonic boom, leaving destruction in his wake. The structures before us crumbled, and distant figures exploded as a result of his swift departure.

A formidable shockwave resonated from a towering structure, and Bellion conveyed, "My Liege has eradicated 1.5 billion of those mechanical cretins. Only 1.2 billion remain. Igris and I will eliminate 500,000 each, leaving the remaining 200,000 for the rest of you."

[Finally, I get to blow off some steam,] Ddraig hissed before disappearing. His tone carried an edge of irritation more pronounced than usual. Albion, with a sigh and a shake of his head, followed suit, fading into the unseen.

Finally, Igris directed his attention to us and calmly declared, "Cúntóir will shortly appear and help you navigate the structure and realm." With that, he vanished alongside Bellion.

True to his word, Cúntóir materialized before us, offering a respectful bow. "Hello, it's been a while," she greeted, conjuring several floating white screens. "I will stay here and help you navigate the structure. Aaron has weakened it, so any fighting inside will inevitably disrupt the surroundings. Feel free to unleash your powers without reservations."

With a snap of her fingers, white translucent transceivers materialized on our right ears. "Please proceed, and exercise caution. These entities are still powerful and will provide those heading to the Phantasma and Evie with insight into the challenges they might encounter."

Letting out a sigh, my gaze shifted towards my uncle, Mealeanis-san, and Shizuna. "Should we team up in pairs or venture solo?" I queried.

"It would be prudent to pair up initially, getting a feel for the situation before striking out alone. It might take a bit longer, but I believe it's a safer approach," my uncle suggested. "No issues with that, Cúntóir?"

Cúntóir nodded and affirmed, "Yes, that's fine. Playing it safe is no problem."

My uncle then directed the plan, "I'll team up with Mealeanis, Faythe with Qinglong and Latia can partner with Zhang Mei. Is that agreeable to everyone?"

"I don't mind at all! I'm ready for action! This tattoo seems way cooler than the usual ones we get!" Shizuna exclaimed, punctuating her words with energetic stretches. She briefly displayed the tattoo on her arm, a radiant silvery-white glow emanating from it.

"Alright, we'll get on our way," he declared before promptly teleporting away, accompanied by Mealeanis.

Faythe and Qinglong departed in hushed tones, their expressions reflecting a resolute determination to conclude this mission and return to the comfort of home.

While Faythe's resolve was evident, there was a subtle contemplation in Qinglong's demeanor, suggesting a possible desire to engage in a conversation with Aaron. Perhaps she had something on her mind that she wished to share with him?

"Time to move, Shizuna. I never anticipated getting into a scuffle today, but I suppose it's to be expected when Aaron's in the picture," I remarked, and Shizuna chuckled at my side.

"True, anything is fair game when we're with him," she added with a grin, and together, we initiated our teleportation, leaving the current location behind.

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