Worst Stories Ever

Six: Truth of the Schizo.

“I-is that Miss Milly? T-the one who a-a-attacked you?!” Jack asked, sweat forming down his face. 

“Is she a f-friend? O-or a foe…?” Jack added, looking forward at the fighting. Jimmithey looked to the side, looking down at his trembling friend. 

“I have no idea… We just have to see who wins this fight now!” Jimmithey responded, turning back to watch the fight between the Furry and the hero.

At the same time, Milly pulled a grenade from her vest, tossing it straight at the MANWOLF.

But he was prepared, catching the grenade and throwing it back at her near instantly. She then pulled out her shotgun and shot it, which blew up the grenade before it could hit her!

The Führer pushed through the explosion, forcing his claw straight towards Milly. She jumped back, landing on a piece of rubble. She kicked forward, punching the beast straight in the face, breaking his jaw!

“WHOREE!!!” The Führer screamed out, clenching his bleeding jaw. But as he did this, it healed instantly!

He used this as a chance to bite her straight in the neck, sucking out a ton of her blood!

“A--aaaa!!” Milly cried out as her energy was being pulled out, losing her strength. The Führer loosened his bite and punched her straight in the gut. She nearly fell over and lost consciousness, using all of her strength to stand.

“You are a bitch. Milly. But your blood is delectable… It reminds me of the King’s… So delicious… I must have another taste!” The Führer roared out as he grabbed her neck, biting straight into it again! But as he did this, Milly pulled a knife from her sleeve and shanked it straight into the Furry Führer’s neck!

“K-KA-!!” The Führer screamed out as he felt the sharp blade go deep into his neck, poking out from the other side. He began losing strength, letting go of Milly’s neck and falling onto his knees. The Führer began to suffocate on his own blood, eventually falling over and nearly dying.

“I know you aren’t dead yet, Führer. But your stupid self should've known that a sneak attack was what killed your King.” She said, looking down at his body.

Milly stood over the Führer’s body and crouched down, pulling out a massive machete. She began to break his limbs and cut him up into a plastic trash bag she was holding. She did this incredibly fast, leaving behind a puddle of blood and guts.

She began walking towards Jimmithey and Jack, the wounds from her fight healing up. Jimmithey was still a bit scared of Milly, remembering what she did to him when King Cuck kidnapped them. But then, she threw a bottle onto his hands. 

“It’s an energy drink. Helps get your energy flowing around so you can heal faster.” Milly explained, holding her hand out so Jimmithey could stand up. He reluctantly took it, standing up next to her and Jack.

“Miss Milly. Why are you helping us out? Especially after you attacked me last time.” Jimmithey asked, opening up the bottle. She sighed and looked at the rubble around herself.

“Listen. We don’t have time for this, so I’m going to explain quickly. After I killed the Cuck, I had gone a bit manic. I saw you as him, so I wanted to kill you. I apologize, truly. But, both of you need to come with me, now. No time to waste.” Milly said as she began to turn around, pulling out her car keys.

“Hey wait! I guess I forgive you, but what the hell is even going on here?!” Jimmithey yelled as he stood in place, looking at Milly’s back. She turned back towards him and got up incredibly close to his face.

“Listen. I’ll explain as we go. But if we stay here, more of those Dildo ships will come after us. I have a place where we can hide and think of a plan. Now come on.” Milly said, grabbing Jimmihtey by the hand.

He sighed, having no choice but to follow. But they stopped when they heard a shout from behind them.

“W-what the fuck dude!?! H-how can we trust her?! What the hell just fucking happ-” Jack began to scream, pointing at the bloody spot where the Führer used to be. Jimmithey turned, walking closer to Jack.

“J-jack! We have to go man. If we stay here, freaking out, we’ll just die!” Jimmithey yelled, grabbing Jack’s shoulder. But despite that, Jack pushed Jimmithey back and began to freak out.

“Dude, our, like, shit… Our whole motherfucking school just fucking blew up! For all we know, everyone is like, fucking dead! I don’t know what the fucking hell is happening, or why they want YOU, but I don’t know if I can stick around man! This is too insane for me! I just wanna go home! Shit! I-” 

“Fuck up. We’re going.” Milly said, grabbing Jack’s chubby body and pulling him away. She threw him into the nearby open car door, closing it behind. Jack landed on the side, noticing something squishy under his body. 

“Ouch.. W-what the fuck?! SHIT!” Jack screamed as he saw that he was lying on the bag where the Furry Führer’s body was. Milly got in the front seat, turning on the car. Jimmithey sat on the seat next to her, looking back at Jack.

“Oh shit… Was that necessary Ms. Milly?” Jimmithey asked as he saw Jack slowly put on his seatbelt, the Führer’s blood on his clothing. She began driving out of the rubble, reaching a nearby street. 

“Look around, both of you. This isn’t a joke, this is war. More of these ships are flying around the city, looking for Jimmithey. An entire fleet. Evacuations have just started, and more people will die. Unless we work together, and unless we keep you safe.” Milly responded, rolling the car windows down. 

They looked outside, seeing cars and rubble lined up across the streets. In the sky, two more massive dildo ships flew around. Milly sped up, reaching the main highway and leaving the city behind.

“So we’re just going to leave those ships to create more and more destruction?!” Jimmithey asked as he looked around. 

“They’ll return to the main ship after a bit. It seems they’ve been sent to look for you only. This isn’t their main attack.” She responded vaguely.

“Miss Milly, can you please explain all of this? Why the hell do they want me and my schizo powers? How do they even know about my powers? Who are they?!” Jimmithey asked as the car began going off road, reaching a dirt path.

“Okay, I’ll tell you two a little bit now. The King Cuck is back, despite me killing him almost half a year ago. And he is back stronger, with more resources and soldiers under him. His goals are the same, for he wants to transform this world into a World of Cucks.” Milly began, as the car reached deeper into the forest.

“If you haven’t heard, there has been an increase in kidnappings across the nation as of recently. These are all cucks, men who enjoy their wives getting fucked in front of them. Instead of keeping their fetish behind closed doors, they have changed. And they have all enlisted under King Cuck’s army, swayed by his influence. And he’s done this in the five months since the incident.” She said, pulling out her phone. It showed the statistics of increased kidnappings of adult men.

“This d-doesn't seem real…” Jack mumbled as he stared at the phone screen.

“That’s not all. He also has generals, commanders who work within his army. They are degenerates who have sworn allegiance to the King Cuck. The Furry Führer back there is one of them.”

“That still doesn’t explain what I have to do with this shit.” Jimmithey commented, looking back at the bloody bag that was now the Führer.

“Jimmithey, for the past few months I have been studying all of this nonsense. About Cucks, about magical girls. And mostly, about your Conceptual Cognitive Augmentation Energy. And I’ve learned that it’s the most powerful energy in this world, more powerful than nuclear or solar energy.” Milly responded, the car reaching the grassy road.

“‘Conceptual Cognitive Augmentation Energy?’ Do you mean my schizo abilities?” Jimmithey asked, turning to look at her. To Jimmithey, it sounded like a bunch of confusing jargon. To Milly on the other hand, his name for his powers sounded strange.

“It’s the technical name for it, provided by researchers. I guess schizo powers is the colloquial name for it. I’ll refer to it as that to simplify this explanation.” Milly answered, continuing to drive forward. 

“Your Schizo powers allow you to bring what’s not real, your imagination, into reality. With this, King Cuck’s dream of a world of Cucks could really become a reality. That’s why they want your energy. And they’re going to suck all of it out of you until you die.”

“What the fuck… I’m just a normal guy…! I have nothing to do with all of this crazy nonsense! E-even with my powers! Why?!” Jimmithey muttered as he sat back on his seat, looking at the ceiling. 

“I’m sorry Jimmithey, but you’re not normal… Get that out of your head for now, or you’ll just sit and pity yourself all day. None of us are normal...” Milly responded, looking Jimmithey in the eyes.

Jimmithey looked away from her, rejecting what she said. He couldn’t accept it, that he was anything like Myusel or the King Cuck. He was normal, a good normal person just like everyone else. With or without his weird schizo powers.

They eventually drove into an open field, revealing an abandoned hospital. Milly parked, opening the side door and taking the bag holding the Führer. Jack and Jimmithey eventually followed in, seeing the damp and dirty abandoned grounds.

Milly threw the body bag onto a table and laid the bits out. He was slowly regenerating, still unconscious. They then all sat down around the table, Milly pulling out her phone on the side.

“Ms Milly… What the hell even is this thing?” Jimmithey asked as he pointed at the Führer’s massive furry cock. Milly put down her phone and looked at the other two.

“He’s a furry, a guy who dresses up and pretends to be an animal. That’s what they call their fursona, wearing fursuits to become them. Specifically a wolf or werewolf in his case. He was a famous one, who used to be an astronaut. But he went missing after a meteorite hit a space station he was staying in. And now he’s returned as a freak under the King Cuck.” Milly answered, crossing her arms.  

“Why is his dick so b-big, dude…” Jack asked, still shaking from earlier. 

“I think it’s an alien dick that fused with it.” Milly laughed out as she looked back at her phone. This pissed Jimmithey off, causing him to stand up.

“So Milly, are we just going to sit on our asses, joke around and do nothing while they cause more destruction and search for us?!” Jimmithey yelled, his chair sliding backwards. 

He remembered that he still didn’t know if his mom was alive, or if Jack’s parents were fine at all. They could be getting killed at that second, and it rubbed Jimmithey off the wrong way for Milly to be acting like that.

“I-I-I agree dude. You’re talking about a fucking c-c-cuck trying to take over the world and we’re sitting here, giggling!!” Jack added, standing up right next to Jimmithey. Milly looked up at them and put her phone onto the table.

“Okay, I’m sorry but you all need to calm down. I’m calling one of my allies, a degenerate detective. He’s the one who taught me everything I’ve learned as of recently, and we’re supposed to meet up here to discuss our plans. But he isn't picking up his calls…” Milly responded as she crossed her arms, staring at the two of them. 

“‘Degenerate detective?’ This shit is a joke. I can’t stay here and wait while people get hurt. If the King Cuck and his assholes want to come for me, then I’ll bring the fight to them. But no more of this waiting nonsense. Let’s go Jack.” Jimmithey yelled, slamming his chair in. But as he got up, he noticed that Jack was still standing there, his legs trembling.

“Wait j-jimmithey… I may be a b-bitch for saying this, but I think w-we should wait and listen to her… You couldn’t beat the furry guy on your own, so who knows what the other guys could do to us… They killed everyone at our school, and that was with just one ship in their fleet, a-a-apparently. This is serious, and we need all the help w-we can get!” Jack said, grabbing Jimmithey’s shoulder. Jimmithey knew he was right, so he nodded and looked back at his friend.

“Fine, I’m sorry Jack. We’ll stay with you, Milly.” Jimmithey responded, sitting back down in his seat. Milly nodded, pulling up her phone and continuing to call.

“Yeah Jimmithey. Don’t get scared now. We’re not little kids. This is your problem, and you gotta deal with it. You can’t just run away everytime things get tough. Face your issues and become the best you can be.” Jack said in a deep voice. 

“What the hell? What goofy anime did you get that from dude?” Jimmithey asked jokingly, startled by the weird advice he gave.

“Fuck you dude!” Jack responded while laughing, sitting back in his seat. They were both calmed down, accepting of their situation. But Milly, on the other hand, jumped up in her seat in excitement.

“H-he’s calling! Finally!” Milly yelled, quickly answering and putting the phone on speaker. Jimmithey and Jack came closer to listen, trying to ignore the Führer’s animal-like stench.

But when she did pick up, they heard nothing but static. Milly put up the volume, but still only heard static. That was until they heard a small moaning noise coming from the phone.

“M-milly……… H-help…..Upstairs…………..Hospital………………………….”

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