YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 111: Presents

Cling Cling Cling

Soft and gentle chimes echoed throughout the silent air, accompanied by the mild creaking of the door and the regular clacking of footsteps. A soft cacophony of noises greeted two figures as they stepped foot outside once again.

A couple of days have passed since the founding festival, and with the efforts made by the kingdom, repairs have started and the people have been compensated. It was lucky that there were no casualties amongst the citizens and only the properties needed to be paid.

While the populace was in great panic during the attack, they quickly recovered after hearing that everything was over. Some were skeptical, but after seeing the mess of dead beasts outside the western gates, those doubts were quickly erased.

Rather than be scared and blame the kingdom's incapabilities, the opposite happened. The populace felt rather safe knowing that the kingdom had the ability to defend against such a large-scale attack. It was the difference in mentality between people of Earth and Merusia.

"Grey, was that all we needed to buy?" [Yuna]

"Yeah, there shouldn't be any more we're missing." [Grey]

Currently, Grey and Yuna have spent the whole day shopping for souvenirs they are going to bring home to Galderia. They have already bought food, sweets, a few accessories, and even cooking utensils for Selia and Gerd's use.

As one would expect, after their powerful demonstration a couple of days before, they once again needed to wear cloaks to hide their identities. Although it was quite a tiring situation, they couldn't do anything about it.

Grey and Yuna are only waiting for the transaction regarding the materials to be processed. It was only a couple more days away as hundreds of capable hands were already at site, dismantling the beasts with the best of their abilities. Not to mention the few hundred more who are handling the data and statistics.

If all is done and finished, they would then bid the royal capital farewell and return to Galderia. While their days in the royal capital were fun, they also wanted to go back to their daily lives where they didn't have to wear cloaks.

"Elise, how about here?" [Elaine]

A familiar voice rang inside Grey and Yuna's ears as two beautiful figures came into view, looking at the shop windows they passed by. They were still wearing their uniforms as they had just been dismissed from their classes.

Those two figures were none other than the cousins Elise and Elaine, whose heads were looking in all directions as if they were searching for something. It was already late in the afternoon yet neither of them had gone home nor looked like they were planning to do so anytime soon.

"Are you two out shopping, too?" [Yuna]

""Eeekkk!!"" [Elise and Elaine]

Before they could even notice, Yuna had already appeared behind their backs. As soon her voice suddenly resounded in their ears, both Elise and Elaine jolted as they experienced quite the shock. They felt like their hearts jumped out of their chests.

"Y-Yuna?!" [Elaine]

"Geez! Don't scare us like that!" [Elise]

"Sorry, sorry, I wasn't trying to surprise you." [Yuna]

Elize and Elaine retorted as they tried to calm themselves down. Their hearts even raced a little bit from how much surprise they felt from hearing Yuna's voice all of the sudden. They also noticed Grey following behind Yuna as they breathed in and out.

"So... Back to my question. Are you shopping right now?" [Yuna]

"Yeah, we're trying to find a good present." [Elise]

"A present? For whom?" [Grey]

"For Liz, of course. You do know it's her birthday tomorrow, right?" [Elise]

""Eh?"" [Grey and Yuna]

Silence filled the air with Elise's revelations. Neither Grey nor Yuna were aware or informed of that fact. Even though they have been with Eliza many times already, it was their first time hearing about it.

Elise and Elaine were also stupefied by Grey and Yuna's reactions. With how much the two doted on her like their own little sister, they had already assumed they knew. Who would've thought that their expectations were very far from the truth.

It was only natural. After all, even when Grey did have "Judgement" and could "Appraisal" with, the status screen only showed one's age, and not their birthdays. No one would blame them for not knowing.

"Wait, tomorrow?! As in tomorrow tomorrow?" [Grey]

"Yes, it's tomorrow. How many tomorrows do you think there are?" [Elise]

Panic was quickly painted on Grey and Yuna's faces as they locked eyes with one another. They thought they had already done shopping, but now that they knew of such a fact, they were far from over.

"What are we waiting for?! Let's look for a present, quick!" [Yuna]

Yuna on the lead, the group of four rushed into every store in search of a good present for tomorrow's birthday girl. They didn't even care about other people. They only wanted to find the best present with the limited time they have left.

Boutiques, cafes, appliance stores, and many more. The four of them entered every establishment they could think of in order to buy a gift. They put themselves inside Eliza's shoes and thought of what they would like.

It was especially difficult since Eliza was not a very needy child. No matter what they will give, she will be genuinely happy and treasure it for the rest of her life. That fact made it hard for them to choose what present to buy.

The sun had set and the stores had started to close. The time to shop for gifts was over. Elise settles with a beautiful set of magic pens and a diary, while Elaine decided a hair accessory. As for Grey and Yuna...

"We couldn't find anything good at all,.." [Yuna]

"What bad luck..." [Grey]

Even after they searched countless stores, no product clicked with them, and so, they weren't able to buy anything. If anything, they only spent the time loitering around without accomplishing anything.

Both of them felt depressed as the day had already ended. While they could just go over the shopping district once again in the morning and early afternoon the next day, they don't think they would still find a present for Eliza.

"Sorry, we couldn't help you pick anything." [Elaine]

"No, it's alright. I think we'll just have to bake her a delicious cake or two. I just hope Liz likes it." [Grey]

With the day over, that thought was the only thing which sprouted inside Grey's mind. After all, baking a cake requires work. While it might not last long, it will still prove that they put effort into making Eliza happy.

Meanwhile, as Grey and Elaine were talking to one another, Elise was looking at the present she bought with lonely eyes. There was a mild smile on her face, but it was one which didn't spell happiness.

"Elise, are you okay?" [Yuna]

"Ah, Yuna... No, it's nothing. I'm just thinking about how much I'll miss Liz when she goes back to Moterno..." [Elise]

Elise replied in a small voice, twirling around the pen as she gazed upon them with a saddened expression about her. It wasn't only her, everybody else also shared the same sentiment.

Now that the founding festival is over, Eliza will return to their territory in a few days' time. The next time she'll meet her would be after a few months' time, maybe even longer, depending on her mother's schedule. It was not only Eliza, but her father as well. She felt lonely while thinking of such.

Elaine and Yuna gave Elise a tight hug, trying to make her feel better. On the other hand, Grey just stood there motionlessly. From Elise's words, he had thought of the perfect gift. One which will take a lot of materials, time, and effort, but will be completely worth it in the end.

"Yuna... Elaine... It's... getting hard to breathe..." [Elise]

Elise said as she tapped the two's arms whilst trying to grasp for air to breathe. The hug, which was meant to cheer her up, has started to become dangerous as it became tighter.

Elise was currently sandwiched between Elaine and Yuna's bosoms. While not as big as Vanessa's, combined, they pack quite the force. It made the one Elise, who was sandwiched between them, feel a little conflicted.

"Ah, sorry!" [Yuna]

"Elise, are you okay?!" [Elaine]

Realizing what was happening, Elaine and Yuna quickly released Elise. The latter, after being released, quickly grasped for air, all the while looking at certain areas on the two's bodies and then looked at her own. She felt so defeated that she forgot she was even feeling lonely.

Elaine and Yuna, who had no idea what was going on with Elise's mind, looked at the latter with confusion as they slightly tilted their heads. If one looked closely, one could see little tears forming in the corners of Elise's eyes as she looked at her chest area.

Defeated, Elise slowly walked with her present in hand, trying not to think of the assets Elaine and Yuna possessed that she didn't. It was only then that she once again realized how unfair and cruel the world was.

With their shopping finished, everyone headed back to the noble's district. Along the way. They talked about Grey and Yuna's exploits a couple of days ago. Elise and Elaine were especially curious about their rumored fight along the western gates.

"Then, we'll be parting ways here." [Elise]

"See you tomorrow!" [Elaine]

"Un! See you~!" [Yuna]

After walking several minutes, the group had finally entered the noble district. Several more steps after, it was time to go their separate ways. They waved their hands goodbye as they saw one another off.

As per usual, Grey and Yuna headed to the Aldridge residence, which they will be staying at for a couple more days. They were happily greeted by the guards as they headed inside the mansion.

"Big Sis Yuna, Big Bro Grey, you're back!" [Galvin]

"Welcome home, you two." [Veronica]

The first one to greet them as soon as they opened the door was none other than Galvin who quickly rushed towards them, giving them his tightest embrace. Veronica was right behind him. As for Elnart, he was still taking up lessons with his father as the teacher.

"Good evening, Missus Veronica. Sorry we're late. We met some friends along the way." [Grey]

"Fufufu, no need to explain yourselves. Not like there would be anyone to harm you anyway." [Veronica]

Veronica laughed softly as he led the two to the dining hall. They already had theirs and reserved a few dishes for Grey and Yuna to enjoy. They were all dishes made by Martin with great skill and passion.

"Oh, right... Missus Veronica, tomorrow evening, could we borrow the children for a little bit?" [Grey]

"Art and Vin...? Hmm... As long as you don't go home too late, then sure, why not? Are you perhaps attending an event of some sort?" [Veronica]

"No, no, there's no such thing. It's Liz's birthday tomorrow. I think she'll be happy if Galvin and Elnart attend it." [Grey]

"Ohh~ Lady Eleanora's youngest daughter... Should I also prepare a present...? Would accessories suffice?" [Veronica]

Veronica mumbled to herself as she thought of a present for the young lady. Unlike Grey and Yuna, she was able to quickly pick one. It was a skill she honed after participating in countless social events.

While parents would normally worry about leaving their children in two youth's care, worry was the last thing in Veronica's mind. After all, the ones she was leaving the children to were the kingdom's heroes who could even slay garudas. If anything, she was worried for those who tried to do anything funny against them.

Having settled everything, Veronica headed towards where Cedric and Elandt were, while Grey and Yuna headed to the dining hall to eat dinner. Galvin tagged along with them and told them about his day while they were eating.

After dinner, Grey and Yuna cleaned themselves before heading back to their own bedroom. And like a doting boyfriend would do, Grey helped dry Yuna's hair with a little bit of magic.

"Yuna, I don't think I'll be sleeping together tonight." [Grey]

"Eh? Why...?" [Yuna]

Even when her hair had not finished drying, Yuna turned around as soon as she heard Grey's words. Why her words were calm, he expressions begged to differ. She had entered spoiled mode and wanted to cuddle with Grey until she fell asleep.

"Well, I've thought of a present for Liz. I'm thinking of making it inside my 'Sanctuary'. I need to use my forge so that's why." [Grey]

"Uuu... I see... But I also want to give Liz a present..." [Yuna]

"Don't worry, I've also thought of that. Look here." [Grey]

Grey, using his right hand to dry Yuna's hair, opened the drawer nearby and took out a pen and a piece of paper from it. He then wrote down a list of things before handing it to Yuna.

After receiving the note, Yuna quickly scanned its contents and her eyes quickly lit up like the morning sun during sunrise. The reason was simple. It was because Grey's notes involved food.

"It's the recipe for a chocolate cake. Can you handle it?" [Grey]

"Un! Leave it to me! I'll make the best chocolate cake you'll ever taste!" [Yuna]

Yuna declared proudly as she raised her closed fist towards the ceiling with a very excited face and enthusiastic smile. It made Grey chuckle, seeing her switch from dejected to excited in a matter of seconds.

The sparkles in Yuna's eyes even rivaled the shine of the bedroom lights. She has started to think about the things she wants to do when she makes the cake. Ideas about the design and size had already started to pop up one after another.

Although Grey thought she was really adorable when she was fired up, deep inside his heart, he was a little worried what Yuna might do. It wasn't entirely impossible that she goes over the top and makes a cake which could feed thousands of people.

"Yuna, I know you're excited, but don't go too overboard, alright? Just make enough for everyone to enjoy." [Grey]

"A-Ah, Un! I'll keep that in mind!" [Yuna]

"Alright.... Then see you when I'm finished. Bye." [Grey]

As he finished drying Yuna's hair, Grey gently brushed it upwards to give a light kiss on her forehead. Afterwards, he opened up "Sanctuary" and waved his hand lightly before heading inside.

Yuna, seeing Grey off, gently touched the spot where Grey kissed her. It has only been a couple of seconds since Grey had gone away, yet she already felt lonely as she stared at the empty space Grey had disappeared into.

The quiet night soon came and the stars awoke. As Yuna lay down the bed, she felt a sense of loneliness brew inside her heart, seeking Grey's warmth which she had grown accustomed to. Despite that, a smile was blooming on her face as she thought of how hardworking he was.

"Good luck, Grey" [Yuna]

Three words drifted quietly in the air as Yuna's consciousness slowly faded into the darkness. A certain melody played inside her mind as her heart beat in a melodious rhythm. She had gone to dreamland.

Meanwhile, in a subspace between dimensions, a separate area where Grey grows his crops, his "Sanctuary", a similar rhythmic sound resounded throughout the air as Grey hammered the metals time after time.

The crackling of the fire, the whistling of the wind, the rustling of the leaves, and the clanging reverberations as the metals hit one another became music in the air as the lights of a million stars shone above him.


A clear sound reverberated in the air as sparks flew to all directions. Suddenly, it was silent. Grey had stopped hammering and looked at the metalwork in front of him for a hot second before shaking his head lightly.

"No. This won't do." [Grey]

Without any hesitation, Grey threw the piece of metal he was working on a burning hot furnace, melting the metal slowly. It was a furnace which generated heat thousands of degrees celcius.

It wasn't the only one. Grey would throw more and more metals into the furnace, melting them. He would then shape them back into ingots and reuse them for another trial. Grey didn't want to waste a single precious material.

The cycle of hammering, failing, and melting metalworks continued for hours. Even when the sun had risen, Grey didn't stop and continued on his work. Inside of him, the passion for blacksmithing burnt ever so brightly.


Flap Flap Flap

The curtains danced along the balcony as the gentle breeze carried them along. It was already afternoon and the shadows had started to grow. The time for Eliza's birthday party was drawing close.

Inside a certain room, Yuna was sitting behind a desk, writing a few notes from time to time. She had already finished baking the chocolate cake Grey had asked her to and was about to prepare herself for the party.

"Ah, Grey!" [Yuna]

"Y-Yes?!" [Grey]

The tired Grey was quickly woken up to his senses as he heard Yuna's sharp cry. He had just exited his "Sanctuary" after several hours of work, only to be greeted by a sudden voice. It was quite the alarm.

Thankfully, Yuna wasn't dressing up or anything of the sort, otherwise, the scene wouldn't be as pretty as it is now. A certain person might be blasted outside the window, and that certain person would be none other than Grey.

"Are you done with making the present?" [Yuna]

"Yeahwaahhh~ I'm done.." [Grey]

A lengthy yawn came out of Grey's mouth as he replied to Yuna. It was one brought about by a sleepless night and more than 16 hours of work without rest, just so he could create the present he had in mind.

Being an S-ranker, Grey could just resist the urge of sleepiness and force himself awake for several days straight. But as a person, it was only natural for him to yearn for it. He had already grown used to sleeping more than 8 hours a day and isn't planning to stop any time soon.

A worried expression brewed on Yuna's face as she saw Grey yawn repeatedly from time to time. Before Grey could even notice, Yuna had already grabbed his wrist and dragged him to the bed.

"Eh? Wa-Wait!" [Grey]

"Just shut up and lay down!" [Yuna]

"Y-Yes ma'am!" [Grey]

Grey tried to fight back, but he was powerless against Yuna's words. In the end, he gave up on resisting, and in a sharp turn of events, he was made to lie down and have his head resting on Yuna's lap. In simpler terms, a lap pillow.

While Yuna acted confidently, Grey easily noticed her cheeks getting rosier by the moment. She had acted out of impulse and pure concern, but now that she had actually done it, she couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

"I know you worked really hard, so let me at least do this, okay?" [Yuna]

"Haah... Not like I can win against you anyways..." [Grey]

"Fufufu!" [Yuna]

Yuna's giggles resounded like music in Grey's ears as he looked at her. Normally, it was him giving her a pillow using his arms, but now, the situation had been reversed. That is not to say that he hated it.

Comforted by the softness and warmth of Yuna's lap and struck relentlessly by his tiredness, Grey quickly fell to sleep. His ears were filled with music and serenity as Yuna hummed to the tune of the silent wind.

Grey deep in sleep, Yuna gently lowered her head, brushing her hair away as gently as she could so as to not wake up the former. Her soft lips touched Grey's cheeks as she gave him a soft and gentle kiss.

"Sleep tight, Grey." [Yuna]


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