YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 112: Eliza’s Birthday!

"Make sure to remember and give these presents to Liz, okay?" [Veronica]

"Umm!" [Galvin]

To his mother's words, Galvin answered very enthusiastically. By his side, his older brother, Elnart, just nodded quietly as he held on to the presents their mother was referring to.

A few hours had passed since Grey slept. Although it was only for a couple of hours, it was the best sleep Grey had gotten for a very long time. It was one which restored his energy to the max. He felt like he could work continuously for days to come.

The extreme fatigue that Grey felt was burdening him had been completely washed away as if it was never even there to begin with. It was nothing short of a miracle. The miraculous power of a girlfriend's lap pillow, or so Grey thought.

After waking up, Grey, along with Yuna, quickly fixed themselves and dressed up for the occasion. Not only them, Elnart and Galvinhad also done their best and wore formal attires which looked adorable for their small figures.

With the sky starting to turn amber, it was time to attend Eliza's little birthday party. The most excited one was of course none other than Galvin who couldn't contain his excitement any longer.

While Cedric and Veronica could not attend the party, Galvin and Elnart could. The presents Veronica had prepared were to be given by Galvin and Elnart, hence Galvin's excitement. He was looking forward to giving the present he had to Eliza whom he looked up to as an older sister.

'"Now, now, say goodbye to your parents. It's time to head to the party," [Yuna]

"Um! Bye~!" [Galvin]

"See you later, Mother, Father." [Elnart]

"Yes, yes, see you later. Have fun at the party~!" [Veronica]

As Veronica and Cedric waved their hands goodbye, they saw their children slowly disappear beyond the horizon. Both were wearing smiles on their faces as they headed back inside the mansion together.

Excitement evident on his face, Galvin skipped along the streets as they headed tk the Landevar residence. He was very energetic that Yuna had to hold one of his hands just to make sure he wouldn't just wander anywhere.

It didn't take long before Grey, Yuna, and the children arrived at the Landevar mansion. The venue of the party was the spacious banquet hall in which the attendees were already mingling with one another.

There weren't many people to be seen. Only a few close acquaintances, the servant, and some figures Grey and Yuna didn't expect to show up. It was Julius and Amelia who had been invited by Elise when they were at the academy.

As one would expect, the servants acted somewhat stiff with their present. After all, they were the second prince and a duke's daughter. Thankfully, Elise and Elaine were there to become a bridge for them and the other attendees.

"Elder Brother Grey, Elder Sister Yuna! Elnart and Galvin, too!" [Eliza]

Eliza quickly rushed to them as soon as she saw them. She was wearing a beautiful pink dress and looked like a proper lady for once. Though, because of how energetic she was, Grey and Yuna couldn't think of her as a lady at all.

"Are we late?" [Grey]

"No, not at all! You arrived just in time! The banquet is just about to start!" [Eliza]

Music filled the hall as Eliza said those words. One after another, chefs went inside the hall and food was quickly displayed on the large serving tables by the side of the hall. Needless to say, every dish served was high-class.

Of course, as the food was served, Fritz was there to facilitate them, watching out for any small error he could spot. Thankfully, there was none. Eliza's birthday went on smoothly as planned.

As Grey and Yuna brought chocolate cakes with them, the first thing on Grey's agenda was to find a place to display Yuna's chocolate cake. After all, it would just be super strange if they also brought a table of their own just to display the cake.

"Oh, Grey. Do you want something from me?" [Fritz]

"Well... Me and Yuna made a little something for Eliza. Can we place it here, or should I wait until you're finished?" [Grey]

"No, you can do it now. Just put it on the space over there, by the side." [Fritz]

"Alright, thanks." [Grey]

Following Fritz's words, Grey headed to the right end of the table and opened his "Inventory". In just the blink of an eye, a large, dark cake appeared out of thin air, successfully becoming the center of attention.

While cakes are not uncommon in Merusia, it was the first time people had seen one which had the same color as what Grey had just brought out. Its dark and smooth texture was strangely appealing to their eyes.

"Grey, is this the cake you mentioned yesterday?" [Elaine]

"It sure is. Yuna made it." [Grey]

"Waaah~! Yuna you're amazing! Can I have a bite?" [Elaine]

"Me too!" [Eliza]

"Girls, save the dessert for later. There are still many events to be done. You don't want your stomachs hurting when you dance, now, do you?" [Fritz]

Elaine and Eliza's eagerness was quickly shot down by Fritz. Elise, who had just arrived also wanted to have a taste, but like what happened to the others before her, she was also shot down by her father without even putting up a fight.

Well, even when they were shot down, not one of them became dejected. Instead, all three of them became more positive as they looked forward to what kind of dessert it was as they already knew it was going to be delicious.

As a sweet and harmonious melody resounded in the air. Many of the attendees took the floor and started dancing. Julius and Amelia, who were a power couple, quickly took the stage with their magnificent dancing skills.

"Liz, do you want to dance with me?" [Yuna]

"Un! I'd love to!" [Eliza]

Meanwhile, the birthday girl danced with Yuna and the others. But rather than a formal dance, it was only a casual and playful one where they enjoyed their times together with bright smiles blooming on their faces.

After Eliza danced with Yuna, she then danced with her older sister, Elise, then Elaine, and so on and so forth. She even had the chance to dance with the similarly playful and energetic Galvin. The two of them became the highlights of the show as their "dance" outshone the others.

Everyone who saw the two children dancing couldn't help but laugh warmly as they enjoyed the lovely sight. Such pure innocence was enough to heal everyone's souls and fill them with warmth and joy.

"May I have the pleasure to have you on the dance floor, Milady?" [Grey]

Grey said playfully as he bowed his head to Yuna, all the while offering his hand to her. Yuna couldn't help but giggle at Grey's actions as she accepted the former's hands in an equally playful manner.

"Then, I'll be in your care, Sir Grey." [Yuna]

"I am honored." [Grey]

The music slowed down. A few moments later, it stopped. Yet not even a minute has passed, it played once again, albeit sounding differently. It was another song. It was the cue for Grey and Yuna to enter the dance floor, their hands tightly linked with one another.

There were no words needed to be said. As soon as they entered the dance floor, all eyes fell towards them. Just like how the moon dominated the night sky, they became the center of attention.

Like streams gently flowing down the high mountains, Grey and Yuna's dance flowed seamlessly as they matched the rhythm of the song. Their hearts were synced with one another as they tackled the beats together.

Everyone was in awe as they watched them perform their dance. They completely outshone everyone else as if they belonged to a different world. It was neither their physical beauty nor their prestige which garnered the attention of everyone. They were just simply elegant together. A perfect match, so to say.

As the music ended, claps echoed from the crowd as Grey and Yuna bowed their heads to one another. They have been in their own world that they didn't notice the crowd watching them. They were a little embarrassed by it.

"You weren't this good the last time I saw you." [Julius]

"Well, you know what they say. Practice makes perfect." [Grey]

"Tsk. Show off," [Julius]

With the music changing from time to time, the party continued and the hall was filled with smiles and happy faces. Everyone had the chance to dance with one another and when they weren't dancing, they simply enjoyed other people's company as they merrily chatted with them.

When the time for dinner arrived, the attendees politely lined up the serving tables. The girls in particular were especially enthusiastic as they ate while looking forward to the chocolate cake they had seen for the first time.

"Mmm~! So delicious!" [Elaine]

"As expected of Grey and Yuna! So tasty!" [Elise]

The atmosphere became even livelier when it was time for desserts. First, it was only the girls who lined up after it, but after seeing their bright expression, more followed suit to satisfy their curiosity.

The moment they took a bite of the chocolate cake, their faces brightened up instantly. Though they were merely curious at first, after having a taste, that curiosity quickly turned to happiness. They have gotten a taste of one of the best cakes they ever had.

"Elder Sister Yuna, I want seconds!" [Eliza]

"Hey, Grey, what the heck is this?!" [Julius]

Two people amongst the crowd stood out the most. One was the birthday girl who had taken quite a liking to the chocolate cake, while the other was the second prince, who, rather than just merely liking it, had quickly become obsessed with it.

It went without saying that the cake was quickly finished, like a piece of meat dropped in a lake of carnivorous piranhas. Thankfully, Yuna had prepared beforehand and made two more cakes for everyone to enjoy.

Time passed and it was time to give gifts. The parents, Eleanora and Fritz, gave theirs first. It was a matching dress and necklace which was perfect for Eliza. Following them were Elise and Elaine, and so on and so forth.

"Elder Sister Liz, here! Present!" [Galvin]

"Fufufu, thank you, Galvin! Elnart!" [Eliza]

"Um!" [Galvin]

When it was Galvin and Elnart's turn to hand over their present, Galvin energetically rushed to the front and presented it to Eliza with a big smile on his face. He looked forward to how Eliza would react to their present.

Eliza slowly opened the present, unveiling its contents. What was inside were two smaller boxes. One box contained a sandal, while the other one contained a variety of vibrant and colorful ribbons Eliza could use in many situations.

"Do you like it?" [Galvin]

"Un! I love it! It's very beautiful!" [Eliza]

"Yaay~!" [Galvin]

Galvin's smile beamed even brighter as soon as he heard Eliza's words. Although it was technically his parent's present, his young mind didn't really consider such a fact and just celebrated his successful gift giving.

"Elder Sister Eliza, Mother and Father also wanted to extend their congratulations. They said they wish for you another healthy and happy year." [Elnart]

"Un! Then please tell them thank you and I hope them the best, too. I will surely treasure these!" [Eliza]

"Y-Yes!" [Elnart]

Elnart was caught off guard by Eliza's head pat that he became startled for a second. She was just imitating what Grey and Yuna usually does when they praise her and acted like an older sister.

"Here, Liz, it's my birthday gift for you," [Amelia]

After Galvin and Elnart, Amelia stepped up next and gave Eliza the present she picked for her. Although it was contained in quite the sizable box, it was also quite light, making Eliza curious what was inside.

When Eliza opened the present, what greeted her was a soft and fluffy object. It was a teddy bear about the same size as the one Eliza won in the carnival, the only difference was its color. It had a light bluish hue rather than brown.

"With this, you'll have a match for the teddy bear you won from before." [Amelia]

"Thank you so much, Elder Sister Amelia!" [Eliza]

Showing her gratitude, Eliza gave Amelia a warm embrace and the latter only giggled while she was doing so. It has only been a few days since they've met yet they have already become so close.

"Looks like it's my turn next." [Julius]

The next one to give their present was Julius. As he walked over to Eliza, he was wearing a smug and confident smile on his face. But rather than a smile, what loomed over Eliza's face was shock as she opened the present.

What was contained inside was not one would expect from a present. It was a tiara heavily riddled with precious gemstones. While it was indeed beautiful, it was not something someone of Eliza's standing could handle. Even the parents, Eleanora and Fritz, were quite shocked.

After all, a tiara was something only those of royal or high noble blood could usually wear. As for its price, it easily cost hundreds of thousands of kiels, enough to buy a large house or two.

It was only then that everyone, other than Amelia, realized one thing about the second Prince. It was that he sucked at giving out presents. The fact that he looked so confident despite handing out such an absurd gift just proved the fact even more.

"What do you think? Pretty neat, isn't it?" [Julius]

"Your Highness, let's have a little talk, shall we?" [Amelia]

"Eh?" [Julius]

A dangerous smile plastered on her face, Amelia grabbed one of Julius' shoulders and dragged him far away from the crowd. While the people could not hear them, it was obvious that Julius was getting a scolding.

After Julius, no more people gave out absurd presents. They were all pretty normal like dresses, simple accessories, toys, and of course, sweets. All of which were given with sincerity in their hearts.

Eliza's face bloomed brightly every time someone gave them their gift. Eliza was so happy that she couldn't help but shed tears, tears of happiness that is. It was one of the happiest days of her life.

The lively party continued once more, and the hall was filled with smiles and happy faces once again. The food was delicious, the music was fantastic, and most importantly, the birthday girl was smiling. There was nothing more to wish for.

"I really enjoyed the party. Once again, happy birthday, Liz." [Julius]

"Congratulations, Liz! Grow up big and healthy, alright?" [Amelia]

"Un!" [Eliza]

But like anything else, the party had come to an end. The attendees slowly headed back home and the servants started to clean up the place. Nevertheless, it was a happy experience.

"Psst. Liz, come here." [Yuna]

Yuna called out to the young girl, leading her back to the banquet hall. It was now much quieter with only a few people present. Other than the servants, the only people present were Fritz and Eleanora who also didn't know what was going on.

Elnart and Galvin had both fallen asleep after a long day. They were in the parlor, sleeping on the sofa. They are having a short nap before Grey and Yuna take them back to the Aldridge mansion.

"Here... It's our present for you." [Yuna]

Said Yuna as she handed Eliza a peculiar item, just a little larger than her open palm. While it was a strange object for those who Grew up in Merusia, to people who had lived on modern-day Earth, it was a familiar one.

The object Yuna handed Eliza was a small cellphone modeled after keypad phones. It had 12 buttons, 10 for the numbers 0 to 9, and the other two for answering and ending calls.

With his knowledge from his previous life and the ones given by God, Grey made it overnight. He used three mana crystals and condensed them into small cells. One served as the ID number of the phone, the other served as a communicator, and the third one served as a battery.

The ID crystal was engraved with dozens of runes so that it will stay at the same mana frequency. In contrast, the communicator crystal would switch frequencies depending on the inputted number. It is also responsible for converting words into mana and vice versa.

The battery crystal was also special. It was enchanted to draw mana from the atmosphere and so, there was no need to charge it. While it can only be used for calls, it was a perfect product for it.

Grey had spent countless trials condensing and carving runes into the mana crystals. Every time he failed, the mana would also burst out and cause quite the explosion. It was one of the most frustrating tasks Grey had ever done.

Thankfully, he possessed the "Divine Mind". It was because of it that he was able to remember his failures and adjust his strategies little by little. After he was finished, he just unitized his ability and created similar copies.

If there was one thing Grey was worried about, it was that it be used for military purposes. Thankfully, making them was very complicated. Even Grey was only able to make it because of the knowledge and skills he possessed, something no other person had.

『Grey, we're ready.』 [Yuna]

『Roger that!』 [Grey]

Away from Yuna, Grey was in another room with Elise and Elaine to try out the phones. After all, it wasn't just for Eliza. It was also a gift for the others so that they could talk to their loved ones far away whenever they wanted to.

Grey had greatly considered whether he should really make them over and over again, but in the end, he just decided to not over think it and prioritize Eliza's happiness. He just wanted what's best for her.

Ring Ring Ring

"Wa-Wa-Wa-Wa! I-It's ringing!" [Eliza]

"It's okay Liz, just press this button." [Yuna]

With Yuna's lead, Eliza pressed the answer button. There was a short silence for a while, but then...

「Hello...?」 [Elise]

"E-Elder Sister?!" [Eliza]

「Huh?! Liz?! Wh-What's going on?! Why can I hear Liz's voice in this thing?!」 [Elise]

"I-I can hear your voice too!" [Eliza]

... Elise's voice came ringing soon after. It wasn't just Eliza, Fritz, Eleanora, and Yuna too, who were also surprised. While Grey had already explained it to Yuna, she was still amazed by it.

It was only natural. While there were rare communication crystals present in Merusia, they were much larger and required enormous amounts of mana. It was their first time seeing one so compact and light that even a child can bring it anywhere they wanted to.

「G-Grey, what's going on?!」 [Elise]

「Didn't you say you were going to miss Liz? With this, you would be able to hear each other's voices anytime.」 [Grey]

Grey's voice resounded on both sides as he explained his cause. Silence befell the room as soon as everyone heard his reasoning. That silence was only broken when a teardrop hit the floor. It was Eliza who was crying.

"Thank you... Thank you very much, Elder Brother Grey, Elder Sister Yuna... I... I'll surely treasure it..." [Eliza]

The tears didn't stop flowing. The more time passed, the more tears trickled down Eliza's face as she expressed her heartfelt gratitude. It wasn't only Eliza. Elise who was on the other side of the phone was now also in tears, only a little quieter than her little sister.

Although Grey felt very tired both mentally and physically after making the phones, he felt like it was all worth it. Not only did he make Eliza and the others happy, he also received a lap pillow from Yuna. It was yet another happy day.


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