YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 315: Fame and Challengers

"Oh! Your Highness, how has your day been?"

"Your Highness, would you like some cream buns? They're freshly baked!"

"Your Highnesses, I'm looking forward to your matches today!"

The day had just begun, but the day was already busy and the streets were already lively. The people waved their hands and smiles surfaced on their faces, the sound of the horses' footsteps echoing in the air as they passed by the streets.

Grey, Yuna, and Lisandra are on their way to the colosseum, and the people greeted them left and right as they passed. Many of them were faces they have seen back on the colosseums whilst they fought. Their popularity was rising by the moment.

The Princess was already as popular as she was, but with Grey and Yuna by her side, the streets clamored even louder. Some were even offering them treats and snacks for free, eyes shining with expectancy and enthusiasm.

"Wow~! You two sure are popular~!" [Lisandra]

"Stop it, Lisa. You of all people is the last person I want to hear that from. This should die down soon enough... A week or two perhaps." [Grey]

"Fufufu! I wonder about that... The people here are quite the lively and rowdy ones. Should we make a bet, Grey? How about it?" [Lisandra]

Asked Lisandra, a bright smile showing on her face, one full of pride and confidence. She was trying to tease Grey, and it was unfortunate... For her, that is. Grey was not one who would back down when bets and teasing are involved.

"Sure, and if I lose, I'll make you sweets for a whole week in addition to the frozen hot chocolate I'm making for you every time you finish your training." [Grey]

"Really?! No take backs, okay?! You must keep your word!" [Lisandra]

"I will... In exchange, we will increase the intensity of your training if you lose. I will take over from Yuna, and be your sparring partner." [Grey]

Fear struck Lisandra's heart like a lightning bolt falling from the skies, Yuna's words about how much harsher Grey was when it came to training echoing inside her mind whilst a cold shiver ran down her spine, making her jolt and shudder.

The sweets were tempting and she was fine with hard work, but if she increased her training load right now, she would surely break. If anything, Yuna was the amazing one to have survived training with Grey for years. She was another breed.

"O... On second note, let's not start betting now... It's unbefitting of Royally to partake in such crude and vulgar activities." [Lisandra]

"Oh? Is that so... But I'm sure just once is alright, isn't it? It's just a little bet between friends. There should be nothing wrong with that." [Grey]

"Th-That's true, but... Mother will scold me if she finds out... Let's just forget about this, okay? Maybe next time? Or the time after that...?" [Lisandra]

The Princess was making excuses as she went, trying to avoid the topic as much as possible. She was confident that she'll win, but on the off chance that Grey does, she would be in a much more difficult predicament. It would be over for her.

Meanwhile, whilst the two were talking about their bet, Yuna was giggling to herself by their side. She had always competed with Grey when it came to teasing, and it was only rarely that she won. Seeing Lisandra lose was quite refreshing.

"Fufufu! You'll get used to it, Lisa. Cheer up!" [Yuna]

"O-Okay...? Thanks... I guess...?" [Lisandra]

Their journey continued and they met several more friendly faces along the way. They received more free treats and some even requested their autographs. The morning had just started yet they were already quite exhausted.

Exhaustion which only grew the moment they arrived at the Colosseum. It has only been a couple days since they took some days off, yet the colosseum already looked quite a bit different, or rather... The atmosphere was very different.

"Wha... What the hell is this...?" [Grey]

For once, there were a lot of people lining up towards the colosseum, both civilians and swordsmen alike. People whose eyes lit up immediately as soon as they spotted the trio walking towards the reception. They were mostly excited.

"That's them, right? They really are young, as I've heard."

"Hooh~ To think that young lass was the one who defeated Jackson... Interesting..."

"Kukuku! What magnificent youth! You will be perfect for my debut!"

They were totally staring at them, the swordsmen especially eager as they smiled. Their fighting spirits were all over the place, eyes burning with determination. Some were even on another level, possessing sickness which couldn't be cured.

The trip continued inside and there was an even longer line to be seen, all counters filled to the brim with eager swordsmen. The receptionists were busy bees buzzing here and there to fulfill their desires, smiling even though they were tired.

"A-Ah! Your Highnesses! Good morning! Are you here to fight today?"

The receptionist asked and all ears were on them. They didn't even pretend to not be listening, shamelessly eavesdropping on the conversation. There was no need to ask any more. With how enthusiastic people were, trouble was sure to come.

"Well, yeahー" [Grey]

"Ohh! Did you hear that?! They're going to fight again today!"

"Great! Looks like we are going to see something interesting again today!"

"Oi! No cutting in lines, you bastards! I'll be the one to fight Their Highnesses first!"

"Dream on! I already sent a challenge letter many days ago! I'm going first!"

The hall descended into chaos, excited crowds clamoring and making a ruckus to the point their voices could barely be heard anymore. Everyone was full of excitement, people rushing in even more as the rumors spread around like wildfire.

Grey couldn't even finish his word and all sort of twisted gossip had already rang out towards the open streets. They don't even dare to imagine what they were on about, knowing it will only lead to more headaches for them. It was pandemonium.

"Hohoho! The money is pouring in! The money is pouring in!" [Hansen]

And in that pandemonium, one person stood out like a sore thumb, laughing like a maniac as he watched the customers pour in. There were literal money signs in his eyes, acting like how any merchant would. He was the Administrator of the colosseum.

One way or another, with the power of Lisandra's privilege, they managed to squeeze themselves through and sign up for today's battles. And with that finished, they then headed straight towards their waiting room to seek refuge.

Click Clack Creakkkk

"Haah... That was tiring, wasn'tー Eh?" [Lisandra]

They opened the door, and what awaited them was a surprise. It wasn't a present nor a renovation to their room, rather, there was a person waiting in there. A person who shouldn't have been there, was right before their eyes.

"How do you do, Your Highnesses? It's been quite some time, hasn't it?" [Hansen]

He was just at the lobby when they left, and now he was in front of them. Grey had already checked his status screen again, but there were no teleportation abilities to be seen nor does he have any item capable of such. He was a bundle of mystery.

"I had the honor of seeing your familiars the other day, Your Highnesses and I dare say that they are quite gorgeous." [Hansen]

"Yes, that they are. They are our pride." [Grey]

"Hohoho! I did hear about your familiars from your various tales, but to think they really were dragons... and there were nine of them too... Color me impressed, Your Highnesses, you really did." [Hansen]

Having been fighting in the Nalter colosseum for more than a week already, they have already familiarized themselves with one another and the Administrator has been taking good care of them. He was one who knows how to take care of talents.

Well, other than taking care of them, he was also the one who briefed them about their upcoming duels and arranged their fights against strong opponents. He was a true merchant who knew how to earn money without cutting any corners.

"Anyway, that's enough chit chat for now. The reason why I'm here is to resent these to you, Your Highnesses." [Hansen]

"Hm...? These are..." [Yuna]

"These are challenge letters, Your Highness." [Hansen]

There wasn't just one or two, but a whole box full of challenge letters addressed to them. They didn't even know where the box came from, but such wasn't important at the moment. The sheer amount of letters was terrifying.

Challenges... It is a concept where a gladiator can send a challenge letter towards another gladiator for a duel. The match is no different from normal duels, the only difference is that points would be wagered on the line, greatly affecting the rankings.

Challenge letters are usually sent to those who are within the top 100 rankings. A technique which will surely boost one's standing as a gladiator if ever they were to win. A high-risk, high-reward strategy many gladiators utilize.

However, gladiators are not obligated to accept challenges. The only downside of denying a challenge would be when the challenger's reputation was high in which they might receive a backlash from the populace. It was simple yet complicated.

"Good luck, you two." [Lisandra]

Grey and Yuna didn't even want to look at the box. Just a single glance and they could tell there were more than a hundred challenge letters, of which, they must accept quite a few to appease the crowd. It would be troublesome otherwise.

"Uuu... Why are there so many... We aren't even in the rankings... Why are they challenging us..." [Yuna]

"Actually, you are in the rankings, Your Highness." [Hansen]

"Eh?" [Yuna]

Not only Grey and Yuna, but even Lisandra was in shock. They have been so busy the past couple days that they haven't had time to hear the news, but to think they already climbed up to the top 20. They were quite surprised.

"Like I said, you are already in the top rankings. Lady Yuna is ranked 18th and Lord Grey is ranked 19th. In all my years here in Avalon, it's my first time seeing someone climb up the ranks at such haste. Truly impressive, Your Highnesses." [Hansen]

The administrator wore a bright and satisfied smile on his face, clearly proud that such great and young talents came from the Nalter Colosseum. He could only look forward to the future where the two's popularity will continue to rise.

Of course, the same couldn't be said for Grey and Yuna. The more the stared at the letters, the more their heads ached. If only backing out wasn't so troublesome, they would have gone back already and holed themselves up to laze around.

"Then, Your Highnesses, which letters would you like to accept?" [Hansen]

There was no use grumbling and complaining. Grey and Yuna then dug up the box of trouble, selecting the relatively strong opponents and picking out those who are worthy and interesting enough. They might as well make it interesting while they're at it.

And just as they dug inside the box, the Administrator came back with not just one but two whole boxes, both full of challenge letters. They wanted to cry but they couldn't. Grey and Yuna just kept pushing through, silence looming over them.

Time passed and the hardships were finally dealt with. In the end, Grey and Yuna selected a dozen challengers each, all were at least D-rank gladiators, possessing both strength and experience, both admirable.

"#1768-558, Lord Grey, and #1757-992, Miss Cecil, please enter the stage!"

"Haah... Let's just get these over with..." [Grey]

Their names were soon called, and the first to come up the stage was Grey. The moment sunlight graced his face, the crowd clamored with a cacophony of cheers, many chanting his name over and over again.

The opponent soon made his entrance and the audience welcomed her all the same. She was another C-ranker who was also ranked 41, popular for her unusual style and the use of plant magic. The Colosseum's "Poison Ivy".

"It's a pleasure to finally see you, Your Highness. I will be in your care." [Cecil]

"The feeling is mutual." [Grey]

Both fighters positioned themselves on the opposite sides of the stage, readying to unsheathe their swords at any given moment. The announcers gave his introductions and the crowd cheered even louder. Lively as usual.

"Let the duel... Begin!"

The announcer's voice thundered across the colosseum and two resounding booms followed soon after, two figures darting like lightning bolts as they rushed towards one another. Both their eyes were unfazed by the violent winds, both determined to win.

Grey unsheathed her sword and a blood red glint glowed in the stage, flames roared from his palms covering his sword like a dragon coiling over a tower. It was fierce and deadly, burning brighter and hotter until it turned black.

⟨⟨Cleaving Crescent!⟩⟩ [Cecil]

Cecil waved her sword, a massive blade of mana rushing out of her sword. It clashed with Grey's, and black flames devoured the whole stage, splashing like the wages as the sparks flew out, never extinguishing despite flying out.

"W-What....?!" [Cecil]

But such was not all the flames did. With the power of "Hellfire", the heat the black flames exuded was more than a couple thousand degrees celsius. The moment her sword came in contact with Grey's, it melted into a pool of lava until there was nothing left but the hilt and a molten blade.

Cecil was surprised, but Grey didn't pause a single moment. She managed to react to his approach but it was already far too late. Grey was already in front of her, dazzling and terrifying black flames running ablaze on both his sword and his hands.

The Grim Reaper extended his arm towards her, a curtain of black flames paving the way for him. Cecil closed her eyes from fear, heart quivering as she prepared herself for the worst, yet... no pain nor sting rushed in her veins.

"It's over, Miss Cecil." [Grey]

"Eh...?" [Cecil]

A gentle voice rang in her eyes and she opened her eyes. A beautiful figure greeted her, the gentle rays of the sun shining behind him and his blade less than an inch away from her neck. She sighed as she accepted her defeat.

The audience was in shock, silence blanketing the whole colosseum as the winds continued to whistle. Even the announcer was frozen and speechless, his mind still lagging about what just happened and hands trembling a little.

"Th... The victor is His Highness! Victory to Gladiator Grey!!"

"What was that?! Did you see what just happened!"

"It was so fast! It hasn't even been 10 seconds!"

"Amazing! Looks like His Highness is starting to get serious!"

Cheers and applause stirred in the colosseum, many on standing ovations as they yelled to the top of their lungs. Unlike Grey's usual style of stalling, him aggressively charging towards the enemy also had a charm on it. It was quite exciting.

The ovation continued, a chaotic symphony playing in the air. Both sides shook their hands and soon made their exit. As he exited the arena, what welcomed Grey back was the sweet and cheerful smile on her fiancée, and the princess by her side.

"And here I thought you would take your sweet time again. To think you'll end it in a single clash... Unbelievable." [Lisandra]

"Fufufu! You did great, Grey!" [Yuna]

"Thanks, and... Good luck. It's your turn next." [Grey]

"#1768-557, Lady Yuna, and #1760-881, Sir Kramer, please enter the stage."

Just as Grey ended his statement, the announcer's words rang out all throughout the Nalter Colosseum. With Grey's match as the appetizer, the audience are now looking forward to Yuan's match, loud cheers creating yet another pandemonium.

Of course, the person herself was just as excited. She tapped the sword by her side, readying herself to enter the arena. With her entrance, the cheers and chants only boomed louder, ringing all the way to the heavens above.

『Right, Grey... How long did your match last again?』 [Yuna]

『Hmm... Roughly 5.84 seconds, I guess... Why do you ask?』 [Grey]

『Fufufu! Nothing to worry about... I just thought it would be nice to end my match in less than 5 seconds. Don't you think so too?』 [Yuna]

『Getting competitive now, aren't we?』 [Grey]

『Teehee! I don't know what you mean~!』 [Yuna]

Or so she says, but the tone in her voice begged to differ. The moment she went up the stage, her warm and cheerful smile was no more, only a cold glint emanating in her eyes left, a calm demeanor painted on her face.

The opponent also climbed up the stage, looking quite lean compared to her previous opponents. He was a knight of Graystone, a crest engraved on his chestplate, his stride filled with grace and composure as he faced Yuna.

"I look forward to learning from you, Your Highness." [Kramer]

"Fufufu! We'll see about that, Sir Kramer." [Yuna]

She was smiling, yet there was not a tinge of warmth in her words. She is not the cute and energetic little bunny she usually is, but rather, a ferocious predator only waiting to jab her fangs on the helpless prey before her.

"Let the duel.... Begin!"

The fight started soon after, the crowd's eyes glued to the match. Kramer didn't waste a single fraction of a second and drew his blades from his scabbard, brandishing it just as swiftly creating waves upon waves of blades.

⟨⟨Bladed Gale!⟩⟩ [Kramer]

The blades swept across the stage, leaving not a single spot unturned as the violent gusts continued to blow. He slashed and he slashed, the blades getting faster and faster each and every time, all rushing towards Yuna mercilessly.

Fast as lightning, the blades were, driving Yuna into a corner. It wasn't lo b before she was hitー or at least she was supposed to. But when the blades made contact, her figure suddenly vanished into thin mist, nowhere to be seen.

It wasn't just Kramer, but the crowd was puzzled as well. However, it wasn't long before an answer revealed itself before them, a bright glint reflecting on Kramer's eyes as he looked over his shoulders.

"I see... So it's my loss, huh... How disappointing..." [Kramer]

"Fufufu! You did well, Sir Kramer. I'm sure anyone else would have been in trouble if faced with such a magnificent attack." [Yuna]

"Haha. Then I guess I'll take that as a compliment, Your Highness." [Kramer]

It happened all too fast, Kramer not even sensing her presence. All he knew was that there was a blade now pointed towards his neck, his life already in forfeit if they were in a real battlefield. What terrible fate it was.

"Her Highness, Gladiator Yuna had come out victorious! She has won yet again!"

The crowd was abuzz at Yuna's win, not a single one of them knowing what just happened. All they saw was that Yuna vanished into nothingness only to reappear behind Kramer's back with her blade pointed towards his beck.

Even then, it did not quell the excitement of the crowd. Rather, they are now even more enthusiastic as they tried to discuss what just unfolded before their very eyes, all exchanging theories as if there was no tomorrow.

『Grey, how much time was that?』 [Yuna]

『4.12 seconds... You really do keep surprising people, huh..."』 [Grey]

『Fufufu! I was just keeping my promise. Now it's your turn to keep yours. I want some chocolate chip cookies this time around." [Yuna]

『Hey, now... I don't remember us agreeing on anything...』 [Grey]

The young lady giggled softly to herself at her fiancée's reaction, heading back to the stage with a bright smile on her face. It hasn't even been 3 minutes yet two matches were already settled. The crowd couldn't contain their excitement anymore.

The sands of time continued to trickle down the hourglass and the matches continued to unfold. Grey and Yuna danced to their own tunes, crushing gladiator after gladiator in all but a single attack, the crowd cheering frantically for the two of them.

"Your Highness, let's have a good match!"

"I won't be going down easily, Your Highness! I assure you that much!"

"I shall prove my worth as a knight! Prepare yourself!"

"Kukuku! My time has finally come! Time for darkness to rule the world!"

They all said different words at the beginning but Grey and Yuna's crushing spree continued without a hitch, crushing all opponents before the ten second mark was even reached. Two monsters who are matched for one another.

Hell, there was even a point when the enemy didn't even last a single second, their blades broken in half as a silver streak fell from the heavens. All that was left was surrender, people raising their hands in defeat.

More and more people were drawn in until the colosseum was filled to the brim, all cheering loudly every time Grey and Yuna's names resounded in the air. Their fame was through the roof and into the sky, soaring higher and higher as time went by.

"The winner is Her Highness yet again! Lady Yuna has ended the match in less than 5 seconds! Truly spectacular!"

A day where many spells were broken and many swords were cut in half, one which will be remembered and sung for generations to come. A day to be remembered as the "Day of Ruin" in the years to pass, but... That's another story for another day.


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